SDS offering big $$$ to anyone willing to jump ship to allow them to form government. Money is not a problem, I wonder how/why that my be the case. Here's a hint, it may be related to the title of this thread.
Have to hand it to the likes of Apasiev who openly state there is no price for which they can be bought.
Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia
Originally posted by Karposh View PostI don’t know if this photo is real or fake.........
Below is another from that same encounter, one with Zaev and Soros' son and lastly a photo of Soros and the PM of Albania.
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I don't see him as anything more than an opportunist. Create unrest and then capitalise on it. Simple stuff when you are sitting on billions.
I saw he was directly funding the legal organisation defending Black Lesbians Matter. (And he funds them also). At 90 years of age, I would be funding something like head transplants. But maybe he knows something we peasants don't.
Macedonia has no chance against demons like this.
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Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
The George Soros world-wide agenda is quite simple really and easily explained in one or two sentences. It’s not some conspiracy theory or some well-guarded secret. It’s plain to see and a fact. Basically, he is a liberal visionary that is committed to progressive ideals around the world through his “Open Society Foundations”. He is commonly described as the “US’s most politically influential philanthropists” but, in reality, he is the devil in disguise. His idea of the “open society,” seeks to guarantee and protect rational exchange, while closed societies, according to Soros, force people to submit to authority, whether that authority is religious, political or economic. In other words, nation states and religious societies are a contraction to his “open societies” and in direct opposition to what he stands for. He despises their very existence and is on a mission to dismantle and transform all such states and societies. That is why countries like Russia are so despised by liberal democracies around the world and a thorn in the side for the likes of Soros and for like-minded liberals like himself. On the hand, conservative governments tend to be more sympathetic to Russia as the Republicans seem to be.
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Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIs this Soros conspiring against himself here?
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Is this Soros conspiring against himself here?
Cascading conspiracies!
Sadly, all of it way too close to the bone for comfort.
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An interesting opinion piece from a couple of years ago.
Who’s been meddling in Macedonia? Not only who you think
Greece and Macedonia were pressured by the US, NATO and the EU to sign a deal that most people in both countries reject. And yet, according to the narrative adopted by western media it was solely Russia who “meddled”, “orchestrated”, “agressed”. Evidence on the ground shows a much more mixed and disturbing reality.
14 December 2018, OPINION By Nikolas Leontopoulos
For more than a quarter of a century the Macedonia name issue has been arguably one of the most incomprehensible (and – yes! – boring) issues in Europe. Until suddenly it turned into a plot combining characters from le Carré Cold War novels with a House of Cards script: Local politicians tangle with foreign ambassadors; street protesters collude with foreign oligarchs; hackers antagonise foreign spies. Greece and Macedonia had become the latest battlefield of the new Cold War between the West and Russia. Some of the world’s best media rushed on the crime scene to cover it. And yet, as this piece will try to demonstrate, to a large extent there was one-sidedeness in answering the main question: Who made the mess? But first, an as-short-as-possible explainer to the issue itself. The name dispute between Greece and Macedonia is summarily dismissed by outsiders as “sentimental”. But for the two parties involved it triggers existential fears. Macedonia, a new and tiny country, claimed that the name and identity are a matter of self-determination. Without them acting as a cementing glue, the fragile state might fall apart, given also that a quarter of its population is an Albanian ethnic minority. Greece on the other side argued that the name Macedonia and the Macedonian identity foment territorial pretensions over the northern Greek province of Macedonia and that some of these pretensions are implied in the country’s constitution. For more than 25 years, the two neighbours failed to reach an agreement. But despite the stalemate, Athens and Skopje had learnt to cope with the status-quo while at the same time enjoying an ever-growing economic relationship. Greece was content that “official” entities such as the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations recognised the country only by its institutional name “FYROM” (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Macedonia was content that over 130 countries recognised the name “Macedonia” and that was also the name used by all media (save the Greek ones).
It’s all about Russia
Around 2016 things abruptly changed. This time it was the outsiders that urgently wanted the issue to be resolved. What had changed? The West wanted to add Macedonia as one more member in its military alliance, NATO. But for this to happen the neighbours needed first to resolve the name issue. According to the Western narrative, this would help contain Russia’s interference and aggression in the region. According to the Russian narrative, this was yet another aggressive step taken by the West to encircle Russia, breaking promises made at the end of the Cold War that NATO would not expand eastwards. The Macedonian issue became just another episode in the new Cold War between Russia and the West. George Soros, the controversial American hedge fund billionaire turned philanthropist* set the record straight in a New York Times op-ed: Solving the Macedonia dispute is all about broader geopolitics and Russia. It’s about making the Balkan states, as Soros wrote, “less susceptible to influence — economic, diplomatic or military — from Beijing, Ankara or Moscow.”
A deal against the will of the people in both countries
Following pressure to both sides from the West and after months of secret name negotiations, Greece and Macedonia reached a final agreement. The two PMs brought to their peoples and their parliaments (until that moment kept in the absolute dark) an agreement that suited perfectly the geopolitical objectives of the US, the EU and NATO but was extremely unpopular with… their own people. (According to the latest poll in Greece, the Prespa Agreement is supported by a meagre 17% against the 65% who reject it. In Macedonia, the unpopularity of the agreement was proven by the failure of the referendum despite the promise that was attached to it: Voting “Yes” in the referendum would be the ticket for FYROM’s entry in NATO and eventually to the EU.) In June 2018the agreement was signed by PM Zaev and Tsipras at the lake of Prespa. According to the Prespa Agreement, Greece would be obliged to accept the existence of a “Macedonian” nationality and a “Macedonian” language. Last but not least, Greece, a full member of NATO, would agree not to veto Northern Macedonia’s entry in the military alliance. Macedonia from its side would be obliged to change its name to Northern Macedonia and delete from its constitution all irredentist references. There was however a caveat: For the Prespa Agreement to be valid, it had to be adopted first by a referendum in Macedonia.
50 shades of meddling
The referendum was scheduled for September and in the months preceding it, Macedonia became the theatre for the new Cold War. But here’s another oddity, this time not Balkan: The western media, especially the Anglo-Saxon, were rife with allegations about Russia “meddling” (Reuters), “interfering” (Wall Street Journal), exercising “influence through corruption” (Foreign Policy), “funding violence” (Times of London), “orchestrating to wreck” (The Telegraph) and “slapping” (Washington Post). Yet the same media, while claiming they are independent, as opposed to Russia’s propagandist state media, stood silent when it came to the West’s (US, EU, NATO) role in the conflict. There was Russia meddling, no doubt about it. In July 2018, a few weeks after the signing of the Prespa Agreement, Greece, historically much more reluctant than its European counterparts to take strong steps against Moscow, expelled two Russian diplomats. Athens accused Moscow of attempts “to bribe state officials” and to “interfere in its internal affairs”. The Russian efforts, according to the Financial Times , were focused on bribing “local government officials, Orthodox clergymen, and members of cultural associations and far-right groups” at the north of the country in order to bolster opposition against the name agreement.
“US spycraft” against Ivan, the oligarch
A few days later, on July 17, more evidence of Russia meddling surfaced. Ivan Savvidis, a Russian businessman of Greek origin with rapidly-growing financial interests in Greece’s economy (ports, media and football) was accused of covertly channeling payments of 300,000 to 350,000 euros to opponents of the name agreement. The Savvidis story was first revealed by OCCRP, an investigative reporting outlet. (Trying to undermine the credibility of the scoop, detractors of the Prespa Agreement have pointed to the fact that OCCRP receives state funding by the US.) Several months later a new story about Savvidis’ actions, this time inside Greece, broke in the New York Times. As it turns out the “irrefutable” evidence upon which Greece based its decision to expel the Russians was the product of “US spycraft”. It consisted of “intercepted communications” by the US in Greece that showed that Mr. Savvidis “was working as Russia’s conduit”. It was also based on “financial data” collected by American agencies that showed Savvidis “had been paying the protesters”. According to the NYT, the Americans “turned over the intercepts” to the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras who responded by making a rare break with Moscow.
Savvidis vs Soros, the symmetry
In the eyes of the West, Savvidis’ soft power initiatives in the region have turned him into an agent of, as the New York Times put it, “Russian subversion”.
The analogy with George Soros is worth noting.
Soros and Savvidis are different figures and of a different calibre. However the way they are perceived by their detractors presents an intriguing symmetry: A foreign billionaire and philanthropist who is accused of using his wealth to provoke unrest, influence elections and destabilise democracies. Even the allegations are symmetrical: both were accused by successive prime ministers of Macedonia of financially supporting the protests against them: First, it was PM Gruevski who in 2015-2017 repeatedly accused Soros of funding protests in collusion with the US in order to foment regime change. And now it was the turn of PM Zaev to make an almost identical allegation but against the “other” side, against Savvidis as a businessman “sympathetic to the Russian cause”. (There is one difference though: Soros’s funding via his Open Society Foundation is seemingly transparent as opposed to the rather opaque structure of the “Ivan Savvidis Charitable Foundation” – dead link referred to from his personal webpage.) Nevertheless, the parallel between Savvidis and Soros begs the question of double standards: If one is a well-intentioned benefactor (both are philanthropists), then how can the other one be a dark force agent of a foreign power? — and vice versa.
How the West fares
The allegations about Savvidis’ actions and Russian meddling seem plausible, albeit with a grain of salt, given that all evidence is sourced back to western intelligence services – whose record regarding accuracy of information is far from impeccable. But how has the West fared in regards to its own measure of meddling? For a start, we know by their own admission that US agencies have been conducting (illegal) intercepts in an allied country (Greece) against foreign nationals, and then passed on this “intelligence” to achieve the expulsion of diplomats of a third country (Russia).
“American diplomacy has played a lead role”
The US doesn’t hide its own meddling. In his August 2018 testimony before the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Wess Mitchell, US Assistant Secretary of State, said that “American diplomacy has played a lead role in resolving the Greece-Macedonia name dispute” (pdf of Mitchell’s testimony). Mitchell’s testimony reads like a hard-core relic of Cold War tactics: To face Russia in an effective way, Mitchell says,“US diplomacy must be backed by military power that is second to none and fully integrated with our allies and all of our instruments of power.” Mitchell said that the State Department takes the Russia threat very seriously “countering it in both overt and covert form.” An indication of this: “all 49 US missions located in Europe and Eurasia are required to develop, coordinate, and execute tailored action plans for rebuffing Russian influence operations in their host countries”.
The price tag
It is hard to attach a price tag next to this commitment but according to the New York Times the US Congress has allocated $8 million specifically for Macedonia “to fight Russian disinformation campaigns”. Additionally, the US provided Macedonia with an extra $2 million to “promote the rule of law” in the country. (PM Zaev has recently said that the amount the US government has spent to promote democracy in the country is more than $1.75 billion!)
From Kiev to Athens
Mitchell’s testimony was celebrated on Twitter by US ambassador in Athens, Geoffrey Pyatt, who according to the New York Times had been instrumental in the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Greece. When Pyatt talks about playing “a lead role” in other countries’ affairs, he knows what he’s talking about: Before moving to Athens, Pyatt was the US ambassador in Ukraine. In an intercepted telephone conversation from 2014 (almost certainly leaked by Russian secret services) Pyatt is heard in an exchange with Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State, on moving top Ukrainian politicians of the opposition inside and outside the Kiev government as if they were “pieces” on a chessboard. (Full transcript by BBC here).
British PR agencies to “infiltrate and divide”
A fragment of what this “covert form” of action in Macedonia might consist of was revealed in a groundbreaking investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. It revealed that British PR agencies were hired by the “Yes” camp (which was supported by the Macedonian government and by the US, EU, NATO alliance) to influence voters in “under the radar” operations and to create misleading social media accounts to “infiltrate and divide the opposition”. One of the British firms was funded by the Foreign Office for its work there. And yet, despite the Bureau being considered a credible and independent investigative outlet, its scoop about concrete actions by the West to meddle in Macedonia’s politics had no traction in Western media.
A Parade of Statesmen
There was also “overt” action. In the weeks preceding the referendum, Macedonia witnessed an unprecedented parade of some of the most powerful people in the West: On 6/9 NATO’s chief Stoltenberg, on 7/9 Austria’s Chancellor Kurz (Austria holds the EU Presidency), on 8/9 Germany’s Chancellor Merkel, on 9/9 US Senator Johnson, on 13/9 EU High Representative Mogherini and US Assistant Secretary of State Mitchell, on 17/9 US Defense Secretary Mattis, on 18/9 EU Commissioner Hahn, all visited Skopje to bolster the “Yes” vote. It was a typical carrot and stick approach: The Western statesmen and women alternated praise and promises with veiled threats and ultimatums.
So who won the referendum?
The first impression in the referendum of 30 September that the “Yes” vote had won was just an illusion. The opposition had called its supporters to boycott the referendum. The turnout (37%) fell far short of the 50% required by the country’s constitution for the referendum to be declared valid. The opposition celebrated while some pundits estimated it was time to bury the deal. And yet a significant part of the western press had a different perception of reality. According to a tweet by the Financial Times “voters overwhelmingly” supported PM Zaev’s proposal, backed by a long article that failed to refer to the constitutional threshold. Readers were left with the impression that the “Yes” vote won. No, said columnist Simon Tisdall in the Guardian: Neither the Yes nor the No won because the result of the referendum “is another victory for Russia” and “Western leaders […] were outmanoeuvred by Moscow”. This editorial line is deeply problematic. Voters are infantilised. Either they vote as we wish (in this case, as NATO wishes) or – if they vote differently – then this must be happening because they were brainwashed by Moscow or Russians hacked the election. This line of thinking becomes a worrying pattern, from Trump’s election to Brexit, to the French and Italian elections (suspicions of Kremlin ties to Le Pen and Salvini) — and now to Macedonia.
Fact-checking Russia’s “dirty tricks”
So what has been the impact of Russia’s “dirty tricks” (e.g. fake news factories, propaganda Facebook groups) in the Macedonian referendum? The West’s suspicions about Russia’s meddling are reinforced by a true, yet not so relevant story: In 2016, it was reported that a “fake news factory” was operating from a tiny Macedonian village, Veles, where students had been fabricating fake news stories in the US presidential race, favouring candidate Trump. Yet there are two “buts” in that story: According to Bloomberg there was never an established link between that fake news factory and Russia interests. Even those who hyped the Veles fake news story as a factor in the US election concede that there was no trace of fake news factory (Russian or not) sprawling in the Prespa Agreement affair. Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab), a NATO-affiliated project that tracks disinformation across Europe, concluded that stories by Russian state-funded media “pushing one-sided narratives” ahead of the September 30 referendum had generated nothing but “low traction” in the country. Vladimir Petreski, a researcher working for DFRLab, told Bloomberg that “there has been no explosion of new fake-news websites as there was during the 2016 US election.” The same lack of any indication of (Russian or other) foul play applies to Facebook groups. Petreski from DFRLab again: “The main Facebook group for the boycott has fewer than 11,000 followers — not many for a country with a million Facebook accounts.”
An offer they can’t refuse
The referendum’s fiasco meant that the Prespa Agreement had either to be buried or to have it adopted by the Skopje parliament where the government lacked the required two-third majority to pass the deal. The conservative opposition remained equivocally against it. And eight crucial MP votes were missing. A senior Greek politician said: “Now it’s up to the embassies to raise their game…” A new round of pressure started but this time the gloves were off. On October 8, EU-Commissioner for European Enlargement Johannes Hahn appeared optimistic in an interview to Austrian newspaper Kurier (interview in German) because “only eight or nine opposition votes are needed. […] So, how to secure the votes? I believe in the combination of the Balkan and rational approach,” Hahn told the Kurier.
The US are “disappointed”
On October 10, according to a source from the European People Party, EPP President Joseph Daul had a phone conversation with Hristijan Mickoski, leader of the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE that had governed the country from 2004 to 2016). Daul warned him in an “undiplomatic manner” that if VMRO didn’t vote in favour of the Prespa Agreement, the party “would bear full responsibility for the consequences”. On October 16, Assistant Secretary of State Wess Mitchell, in a letter published by the embassy of the US in Skopje, wrote to the leader of the opposition in Macedonia that the US “have been disappointed with the positions of VMRO-DPMNE’s leadership”. Finally, on October 19, the parliament was summoned to vote. The government froze the procedure for ten hours as it struggled to find the eight missing votes. And then, late at night, a miracle happened: Eight (not nine or ten or eleven) MPs changed their mind, despite their party line, and voted in favour of the deal.
“Blackmail and bribes”
What had happened? We will probably never know. Some of the country’s top political figures spoke openly of “blackmail” and “bribes”. (So did Russia, unable to hide its bitterness at the outcome). Out of eight MPs who switched sides at the very last moment: Three were released from house arrest prior to the vote. The government dismissed rumours that it would trade-off the votes of another two MPs by providing them amnesty from charges they are facing. But as this article went online, on December 13, the government pushed forward with a selective amnesty law, thus making it more likely that an under-the-table bargaining of the votes had indeed taken place. And what about the remaining three MPs? Igor Janushev, secretary general of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party, claimed that three MPs had been offered bribes of between 250,000 and 2 million euros. One of the party’s vice-presidents, Mitko Jancev, was dismissed “for organising a group to pressurise, blackmail, threaten and bribe VMRO DPMNE legislators”.
“A great day for democracy”
Both the US and the EU, so vocal against violations of the rule of law in Hungary, remained silent in this case or even celebratory of the process. (“A great day for democracy in Skopje,” tweeted Commissioner Hahn.) Johannes Hahn @JHahnEU - A great day for #democracy in #Skopje 🇲🇰! I congratulate all those who decided to walk on along the #EU path. I expect that the free choice of all MPs is fully respected, especially of those who crossed the aisle tonight. We need statesmanship, not party-games. Allegations by VMRO officials about the MPs being bribed can be routinely dismissed given that VMRO has lost its credibility after years of corrupt governing. Its former leader and Macedonia’s former PM Nikola Gruevski was recently granted asylum by Viktor Orban’s Hungary to avoid imprisonment in Macedonia. However what seems to be forgotten is that “corrupt” and “nationalist” Gruevski was for years the West’s politician of choice in Macedonia, hailed as a pro-European reformer, a staunch euroatlantic ally, and the man who “solved” North Europe’s migration “problem” by shutting the Balkan route — all that before geopolitics changed the tide…
“Unfinished business”
The Atlantic Council, a NATO-affiliated think tank, has been quite present in the Macedonian issue. Resuscitating a Cold War vocabulary 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, in an event about Macedonia on October 22, Damon Wilson, the Atlantic Council’s vice president said: “The free world is facing a pretty serious challenge from an alternative model,” of growing authoritarianism. A key to pushing back against this threat is “resolving the unfinished business,” Wilson argued, and there is clearly “unfinished business in southeastern Europe.” Matched with Russia’s similarly belligerent statements and given the legacy of both camps conducting “business” in the neighbourhood, this is is a bad omen for what comes next.
*Disclaimer: Investigate Europe is partially funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of all members of Investigate Europe.
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Balkan Conspiracy Theories Come to Capitol Hill
A group of GOP senators is spreading false allegations from a shadowy organization and supporting the region’s corrupt and undemocratic forces.
A group of GOP senators is spreading false allegations from a shadowy organization and supporting the region’s corrupt and undemocratic forces.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is mulling how to respond to a letter delivered March 14 by six senators urging him to investigate the activities of U.S. embassies, USAID missions, and diplomatic outposts working to support democracy around the world.
Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), the lead signatory, and his fellow senators unquestioningly spread false allegations made in a pamphlet distributed to Congress by a Macedonian group, Stop Operation Soros, which was set up by Cvetin Chilimanov, the editor of Macedonia’s state news service and a former employee of the president’s office. The letter focuses on the efforts of two career U.S. ambassadors to support democracy in Macedonia and Albania, implying that their missions meddled in local party politics to “invigorate the political left.” It alleges that the Foundation Open Society Macedonia and the Open Society Foundation for Albania, which are supported by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, acted as middlemen in this endeavor.
Tillerson should ignore the letter, because there’s nothing to investigate. In addition to being littered with inaccuracies about the foundations’ work, the senators echo Kremlin talking points and support the agenda of corrupt and undemocratic elements in the region.
I know this because I am the director of the Open Society Initiative for Europe, which Soros founded. I am also Macedonian. In 2015, my country was thrown into political crisis after an opposition party published a series of intercepted audio conversations. One appeared to show then-Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski encouraging election officials to invalidate ballots cast against his party. Other recordings revealed rampant corruption and a mass surveillance program targeting 20,000 people. In response, hundreds of thousands of protesters against the government took to the streets across Macedonia in 2015 and 2016 and a special prosecutor launched an investigation against Gruevski, who was encouraged to step down by the European Union. Elections late last year left no party with enough seats to form a new government; Gruevski remains the most powerful force in a divided Macedonia.
Faced with a potential prison sentence, Gruevski is unwilling to admit responsibility for the crime and the political crisis caused by the ongoing investigation. Admonished by the EU and eager to shift the blame, he appears to be taking his lines from Moscow. He has parroted Kremlin propaganda that labels critical voices as enemies of the people. Soros, who co-funds independent organizations with other private donors and the EU, has become a convenient scapegoat.
It has been widely understood in the U.S. Congress that support for civil society organizations around the globe was not a partisan affair. Since the days of President Ronald Reagan, both parties have overwhelmingly supported work to help countries transition from communism to democracy. Yet in their letter, the senators ask Tillerson to shut down democracy promotion that is “disrespecting national sovereignty.” Such an interpretation assumes that governments are sacrosanct and sovereign, not the voters who elect them, and that a healthy civil society undermines a country’s development.
In pushing these claims, the senators have unwittingly ushered Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian narrative straight into the Capitol.In pushing these claims, the senators have unwittingly ushered Russian President Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian narrative straight into the Capitol. In wording akin to Russian state media’s depiction of the crisis in Ukraine, which branded all popular dissent as fomented by the West, the letter accuses USAID of destabilizing Albania, a former communist state turned NATO ally, by pushing for justice reform there. They offer no proof to substantiate their claim beyond USAID funding the work of the Open Society Foundation for Albania, and even this is incorrect.
Contrary to the allegations leveled in the letter by unnamed “respected leaders from Albania,” the Open Society Foundation for Albania has never accepted or administered USAID funding. It did not create the Strategic Document for Albanian Judicial Reform as the letter claims; Albania’s multiparty parliamentary commission for judicial reform did. The foundation supported the process by funding the commission and its technical support team, but had no input in the document. The senators appear to have fallen victim to a political exercise to discredit the judicial reform process and the prime minister — ironic given their concerns about stability in the country.
Perhaps most alarming is that the senators’ letter equates pushing a “progressive agenda” with promoting “a political agenda.” They seem to forget that progress — in rule of law, democracy, and respect for human rights — is a human ideal enshrined in international law by governments from across the political spectrum. The senators argue that critical debate and reform aimed at realizing that ideal have had a “destabilizing effect” in the region.
History demonstrates that they’re wrong. It’s no coincidence that the most prosperous countries in the world (think of Germany or the Netherlands, not to mention the United States) play host to vibrant and diverse policy debates. Airing and addressing public concerns creates long-term stability, and suppressing them only feeds frustration and increases the likelihood of unrest.
It is not surprising that the senators have heard from entrenched leaders who view critical civil society as subversive. Politicians don’t like to be criticized. But the investigation they call for would target the work of pro-democracy organizations like the International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, National Endowment for Democracy, U.S. Institute of Peace, and countless others around the world, based on what appear to be the comments of a few self-interested politicians in two countries. Agreeing to such an investigation would mark a dangerous departure from decades of American policy promoting democracy and human rights abroad, practiced by both Republican and Democratic administrations. It would mark the abandonment of the understanding that U.S. interests are best served by relationships with stable, peaceful countries that share the same democratic values.
The letter also ignores the fact that much of the foundations’ work is designed to support government institutions. Tillerson should take stock of this before he makes his decision. Since Soros founded the Open Society Foundations in 1979, our work has helped improve the lives of millions of people around the world.Since Soros founded the Open Society Foundations in 1979, our work has helped improve the lives of millions of people around the world.
The Foundation Open Society Macedonia’s support was vital to the country’s survival in its early years. Blockaded by its neighbors after declaring independence in 1991 during the breakup of Yugoslavia, the foundation helped keep Macedonia’s health care system alive, bringing medicine, lab equipment, ambulances, and sanitary supplies to 45 hospitals and clinics across the country. In 1994, it paid 50 percent of the costs for 40 massive airfreight flights to Slovenia so that Macedonian farmers could get their fresh produce to a European market.
To date, the Foundation Open Society Macedonia spent $171,500 more than the Macedonian government to provide the country’s poorest people with free legal aid. These projects offer legal assistance to any person or organization refused access to information about government activities, such as spending on a local infrastructure project. The foundation has provided free legal advice to 100 victims of domestic abuse. It even helped the government by paying for a new digital records system for the national health care system and funded the country’s justice ministry website.
The Foundation Open Society Macedonia has helped train more than 2,000 instructors to use interactive teaching methodologies and paid for refurbishing and equipping amphitheaters, hallways, toilets, multimedia libraries, and classrooms at eight teacher training faculties at four state universities. During the economic crisis from 2009 to 2011, it used emergency funds to disburse $1.9 million to organizations teaching farmers and small-business men financial management so they could keep their businesses afloat.
The Open Society Foundation for Albania has spent more than $57 million building 275 schools and kindergartens across the country. Seventy percent of its population has benefited from these schools, and children are still educated in them. Open Society’s internet program opened up Albania to the outside world, setting up the country’s first internet antenna in 1997 and helping to deliver free online services to libraries, universities, and NGOs.
The Open Society Foundations pride themselves on being transparent and nonpartisan. We advance human rights and fundamental freedoms for the long term, irrespective of the political leaders of the day. If leaders with authoritarian tendencies cut off support to the brave NGOs that question them, activists would be left increasingly exposed to harassment, intimidation, and violence. The world would become less stable.
The secretary of state should think long and hard about standing behind America’s international political commitments. Abandoning them would mean taking his country, and the world, in a different and far darker direction.
Photo credit: ROBERT ATANASOVSKI/AFP/Getty Images
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A 2014 FOSM internal document that surfaced via DCLeaks last year offers a small window on Soros entities as U.S. Government pick pockets: Metamorphosis, a foundation spun off by FOSM staff in 1999, and funded by the Soros Mother Ship, is listed as receiving funds from three USG funding streams, USAID, the U.S. Embassy, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
What exactly does this group do? God only knows. Its website loftily reports, “Metamorphosis mission is to contribute to the development of democracy and increase the quality of life through innovative use and sharing of knowledge. Our guiding values are openness, equality and freedom.” So they do whatever they want with our money, and it must have been a success, since Metamorphosis is one of the four local groups, including FOSM, that received a $9.5 million earmark from USAID last year.
“Ten years ago, USAID was a normal organization supporting schools and water supply systems,” observed the MP visiting Washington, D.C. “Under Obama’s ideological programs, it became the super crack of the Left.”
It’s all a rich joke on the American taxpayer: as we transferred millions to Soros’ destructive projects abroad, he stiffed the U.S. Treasury: It was widely reported in 2015 that George Soros owed the Internal Revenue Service approximately $6.7 billion and there’s no evidence he ever settled the debt.
Judicial Watch submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the State Department last month to scrutinize collusion between Soros, USAID, and the U.S. Embassy: The document lists 29 organizations, Soros clones, that have implemented Soros/USG strategy.
Politics of Mobilization
Not surprisingly, mobilization and protest became the opposition’s modus operandi in the spring of 2015, when Zoren Zaev, SDSM’s leader, produced phone recordings that allegedly revealed VMRO corruption — the governing party denied wrongdoing and called the tapes dubious. The well-trained activists came out to the streets.
Protests were replete with photogenic moments, designed to go viral, such as a seasoned NGO professional applying her lipstick, using a police shield as a mirror. Opposition claimed 100,000 demonstrators while state sources reported more like 10,000.
Meanwhile, in the midst of the wiretapping scandal came evidence that radical elements of the Albanian minority are a constant threat: extremists from neighboring Kosovo clashed with Macedonian security forces in a northern town, leaving eight officers and 14 civilians dead — the first fatalities due to ethnic violence in Macedonia in 14 years.
Last March, the Macedonian government boldly closed its border to prevent the tsunami of economic migrants and refugees surging from Greece toward Western Europe, allowing restricted numbers to enter. Open borders is one of George Soros’ most keenly felt priorities. How did his Team respond? Activism! With an admixture of violence and vandalism.
Ostensibly protesting pardons extended to 56 politicians by VMRO President Gjorge Ivanov, which he soon retracted, the socialist party and its well-trained “Soros Army” (as some professionally printed T-shirts actually declared) employed paint guns, slingshots with paint-filled balloons, and eggs to denigrate, albeit colorfully, public buildings and monuments.
The fertilized grassroots also broke into the president’s office, vandalized property, and burned office furniture. Three policemen were injured.
Filip Stojanovski, Metamorphosis’ program director and main man, maintains a Twitter profile pic (@razvigor) obscured by bright paint splats — an overt reference to his glory days during last summer’s “Colorful Revolution,” as it is known.
“I heard Soros and SDSM activists chanting, ‘No Justice, No Peace,’ which isn’t even a meaningful slogan in Skopje,” recalled Cvetin Chilimanov. “The transfer of tactics from U.S. Left-wing groups funded by Soros to Macedonia is striking.”
Simultaneously, the government had to defend its southern border with Greece, while diverting security forces 100 miles away from Skopje, to defend property against political agitators.
The traveling MP remembers, “It was a nightmare. The Soros army threw rocks at police guarding VMRO headquarters. Meanwhile, they were handing scissors out on the border to help people cut fences. Chaos.”
Information Service editor Chilimanov considers last summer’s melee to signal George Soros’ deepest objectives: “By controlling Macedonia, he can open or close the flow of migrants. The far Left Greek government has accepted no end of migrants. [Soros is close to the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras.] It was our government that stopped the flow so his grand objective is to control this situation.”
External Intervention
In an excellent account of Macedonia’s political situation over the last two years, “Macedonia’s Crisis isn’t Going Away,” in this month’s issue of the American Interest, Chris Deliso, an American journalist and author who lives with his family in Skopje, writes, “Since 2015 in particular, active U.S. diplomacy has not only failed to resolve Macedonia’s political crisis, but it has in fact prolonged it, with every initiative (both covert and overt) having backfired in some way.”
Having helped position SDSM for a return to power, as a result of investments in its media and civil society infrastructure, the U.S. began shaping the process of creating the next government.
Deliso thinks the U.S. Government “could have just sat this one out.” In light of its extensive investments in the NGO superstructure, which is an investment in the SDSM party, there’s no way the State Department was going to stay on the sidelines.
Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, became prominently involved last summer in political negotiations toward parliamentary elections, ostensibly a neutral diplomatic role. She was clearly stirring the pot, though, announcing as she left in July, “Today, I met and talked with civil activists and journalists and encouraged them to continue with the work they are doing.”
Rescheduled from April to June to December, parliamentary elections were finally held on December 11, yielding a slight two-seat majority for VMRO over SDSM, 51-49. To form a governing majority 61 seats are necessary, so VMRO turned to its 2011-2016 partner, the Albanian Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), with ten seats. But DUI turned its back on its old VMRO ally, looking outside the country’s borders for guidance.
VMRO was to be frozen out of the election it had just narrowly won.
A new actor came onstage: Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, leader of the Socialist Party of Albania — so close to George Soros, he attended the billionaire’s third wedding, in 2013. Rama and his Foreign Minister gathered Macedonia’s three largest Albanian political parties, which together have 18 seats, forging a new alliance, outlined in the so-called Tirana Platform. It’s a provocation from top to bottom, calling for Albanian as an official language at all levels of government (“full linguistic equality”), alluding to ethnic “nation building” as a legitimate goal, and calling for basic matters of national identity to be renegotiated including the country’s name, coat of arms, anthem, and flag.
SDSM leader Zoran Zaev adopted the Tirana Platform and obtained support — and 18 seats — from the three Albanian parties on February 25, declaring that he expected President Ivanov to give him the mandate that would make him Prime Minister. But on March 1, the president clapped back, denying Zaev a mandate because “his program advocates the destruction of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence.”[29]
Hence…daily rallies and organized strolls, around the country, featuring the signs of a lively, proud nation: Macedonia’s yellow sunburst on a red field, boys and girls in traditional costumes, a Robert Putnam-ian assortment of old-school NGOs such as handball leagues, dance troupes, and scouts.
Jason Miko, an American businessman who spends extensive time in Macedonia, highlighted that the Tirana Platform is “just an ethnic platform, with nothing about creating jobs” in a country where exclusive focus on ethnicity has led to war.
“This is what’s happening,” Miko said. “Low-level State Department bureaucrats are calling the shots because the President hasn’t been able to fill key jobs on the seventh floor. There is no oversight. They are telling the U.S. Ambassador to pressure Ivanov to give the mandate to Zaev.”
He continued, “In my opinion, this directly contradicts what President Trump said in his Inaugural address, that we want to let other nations put their own interests first. Instead, in Macedonia, we have an activist ambassador, Jess Baily, working with and funding the Soros organizations saying that no, you don’t have a right to put your own interests first.”
“What we really need from Washington is an adult in the Administration to stand up and say, ‘No, the Macedonians are going through their process, they know their constitution, and let the Macedonians take their process forward. That is what we really need from some senior official in Washington, DC.”
Since average people are shut out of process for now, they’ve displacing Soros activists in the street.
“Whats most important about these very calm gatherings is, they are regular people, from old to young,” observed Chris Deliso. “This is a simple, conservative society of people who know who they are. They don’t like to be looked down as second class Europeans.”
The author continued, “Something had to change and the Tirana Platform has galvanized people who were cynical until now about the value of their own preferences in their own country.”
Deliso says the political funding he has witnessed “just alienated one side of the country — the majority — and emboldened the other side to become more irresponsible. I’ve talked to people who work at USAID and always argued, either give equal funding to both sides or give no funding at all. Obviously, they haven’t listened.”
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Macedonia to George Soros and USAID: Go Away
Small but mighty Macedonia is the mouse that roared this year, declaring war on George Soros, 86, and his U.S. Government handmaidens, who, incredibly, have
Small but mighty Macedonia is the mouse that roared this year, declaring war on George Soros, 86, and his U.S. Government handmaidens, who, incredibly, have financed a left-wing agenda to divide the nation and bring a socialist-Muslim coalition to power.
It was the kind of Obama Administration manipulation that was so routine that it passed unnoticed in 2012, when USAID/Skopje selected Soros’ Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM) to manage $2.5 million in taxpayer dollars earmarked for oxymoronic “democracy building,” an amount increased to $4.8 million two years later.
As we speak, and yes, I mean currently, Macedonia’s Open Society Foundation is a USAID partner recruiting candidates for “Youth Engagement Support (YES) grants” — concept papers were due five days after Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. It’s some part of a $9.5 million, five-year “civic engagement” boondoggle kicked off last year, which surely would be squelched if the Tillerson State Department were running on all cylinders.
Collusion between the Hungarian-American billionaire and the U.S. against Macedonia’s national interest is outlined on the website,, launched in late January by journalists in Skopje, the capital city and, incidentally, birthplace of Mother Teresa.
Over the last three weeks, inspired by the Trump Revolution, tens of thousands of Macedonians have held peaceful rallies for national unity, an end to chaos-creating Soros/USAID largess, and the removal of the U.S. Ambassador. One of the most common posters is a black and white, “No Soros Government.”
Macedonia’s plight has caught the attention of Capitol Hill: six Republican House members wrote to U.S. Ambassador Jess Baily on January 17, quizzing him about “disturbing reports” that the U.S. Mission “actively intervened” in domestic politics to promote “parties, media, and civil society groups of the center left.” They followed up with the Government Accountability Office, requesting an investigation. Last week, six Republican Senators directed a similar letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Unfortunately, conservative Members of Parliament from Macedonia have trouble finding Administration interlocutors to listen to their complaints — though several have flown to D.C. over the last three weeks to brief anyone who will listen. (USAID, they consider an utterly lost cause.)
Paging Mr. Trump
“Soros was Clinton and Clinton was Soros in the Balkans,” explained an agitated Macedonian MP, member of the Christian democratic VMRO-DPMNE party (commonly known as VMRO, pronounced VOOM-row), cooling his heels last week in a Dupont Circle cafe.
“Soros was Obama and Obama was Soros,” added the MP, who asked not to be named.
He fanned a stack of papers on the table before me, eager to make two well-documented points: First, Macedonia, the only nation to escape Yugoslavia without war, has been led by VMRO’s pro-growth, low-tax, family-values government for the last 11 years.
Macedonia is currently ranked #10 in the World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business” standings, higher than any other Central or Eastern European country — and just two places below the U.S. Five years ago, the Financial Times lauded VMRO for introducing a 10% flat tax on personal and corporate taxes, the lowest in Europe.
Besides being fiscally conservative, the nation of 2.1 million is socially conservative. Macedonia is the only European country where restrictions on abortion have tightened. Since 2013, a waiting period and personal counseling is required when a woman seeks abortion; the government runs a multimedia public service campaign, “Choose Life!”
“We became a Soros target because we’re a conservative nation,” the politician ruefully observed.
Wordy but historical, VMRO-DPMNE refers to the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO) an 1893 movement for autonomy within the Ottoman Empire, updated in 1990 as Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (DPMNE), when the center-right party was founded in newly independent Macedonia.
Second, the MP’s file demonstrates, rather than applauding Macedonia’s progress — or at least, leaving it alone — U.S.-funded programs have provoked Saul Alinsky-style violence and ethnic division, inspiring a political crisis since 2015 as well as the empowerment of VMRO’s only political rival, the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), a socialist party led by Zoran Zaev, who has close ties to the Soros network extending beyond his homeland.
“It’s still going on, despite the new Administration!” the clean-cut, 40-something, MP exclaimed, waving a copy of the Soros/USAID YES grants Request for Proposals in my face.
“Awaiting Hillary Clinton’s coronation, they extended this fusion between Soros and the U.S. Government through 2021!”
Inviting me to consider what it means to pour $6-$7 million, Soros’ estimated annual budget for Macedonia, into a country of some two million people, the distraught man attracted attention from neighboring tables when he bellowed, “They are destroying my country!”
Hoping my new friend was exaggerating, I contacted several smart, reasonable, conservative analysts in Macedonia and a few in the U.S. who travel there frequently. All agree: Not only has the U.S. played negative, counterproductive games in Macedonia, they report our foreign policy has destabilized the country and promoted Islamic extremism.
U.S. goals are so unsavory to the majority Orthodox population that many are beginning to look toward Russia as a more sympathetic — not to mention Christian — ally.
Non-Electoral Tactics for Gaining Power
A fascinating 1995 New Yorker article describes how, and why, Soros jumped into newly independent Macedonia with both feet.
Unconvinced by Bulgarians who say there’s no such thing as a Macedonian ethnic group (Macedonians and Bulgarians speak virtually the same language; Macedonia was controlled by Bulgaria intermittently from the tenth century until 1918) and resentful of the Greek government’s efforts to snuff out the tiny country over its name (Athens imagines Macedonia has territorial designs on its northern region, known as Macedonia), Soros was enamored with the country’s first post-Communist president, Kiro Gligorov, a top boss under Marshall Josip Broz Tito, who competently staked out the country’s independent course.
With a sizable Albanian minority of some 25% of the population (at least, that was the percentage in 2002 when the last census was taken), Soros considered Macedonia a valuable example of a viable multiethnic nation in a region where ethnicity has been Hellishly weaponized. The foundation’s early programs concentrated on inter-ethnic relations and media development, then broadened to include Soros passions such as LGBT activism and “sex worker” rights, minority views with little popular support in a country where the majority is quietly devoted to the Macedonian Orthodox Church, an unloved stepchild, still claimed by the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Soros’ preferred policies had zero traction as long as VMRO held power. Having controlled the unicameral legislative branch 1992-1998 and 2002-2006, the socialists lost consecutive parliamentary elections to VMRO in 2006 and 2008. It won seats in 2011 after provoking a parliamentary crisis that brought early elections. SDSM saw the advantage of using bullying tactics to gain power and turned to its friends in the burgeoning civil society world for a longer-term strategy.
As the New Yorker’s prescient reporter, Connie Bruck, observed over 20 years ago, “[T]he problem with Soros is the extremity of his views — his tendency to beatify one side and demonize the other — and the way in which that’s reflected in his activism.”
Macedonian Information Agency editor, Cvetin Chilimanov, age 38, watched as FOSM beatified SDSM and demonized VMRO.
“The Soros foundation has always been partisan but it became completely supportive of the Social Democrat party over the last four or five years,” Chilimanov explained. “Very openly, to the point that about 50 groups funded by Soros meet regularly with SDSM representatives; they call it a coalition between party and citizens, to organize joint protests, coordinate talking points, and coordinate joint positions of attack on the conservatives.”
“It’s been a five-year campaign to bring down the conservative government,” Chilimanov summarized, a timeline that coincides with USAID’s 2012 cooperative agreement with FOSM to foment “civic activism,” “fertilizing grassroots actions,” and “greater CSO [civil society organization] mobilization,” to use USAID’s somewhat ominous boilerplate.[10] To provide guidance, FOSM translated Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” a manual teaching social change through conflict, Chilimanov confirmed.
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A great read indeed.
Like I had stated earlier - Grujo is our Don Quijote and Soros is his windmill.
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GOP Takes Up Russia-Aligned Attack On Soros
In depth look at the whole Soros argument..
This type of of in depth analysis on situations is what balkan media is severely lacking!
GOP Takes Up Russia-Aligned Attack On Soros
[I]How Russian propaganda on the Balkans found its way onto congressional letterhead.
A group of congressional Republicans is teaming up with Russia-backed politicians in Eastern Europe with the shared goal of stopping a common enemy: billionaire financier George Soros.
Led by Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, the conservative lawmakers have signed on to a volley of letters accusing Soros of using his philanthropic spending to project his liberal sensibilities onto European politics. As Lee and other senators put it in a March 14 letter to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Soros’ Open Society Foundations are trying “to push a progressive agenda and invigorate the political left.”
It’s an accusation that’s being fomented and championed by Moscow.
Soros, who survived the Nazi occupation of his native Hungary and fled after World War II when it was under Soviet control, has been long a bête noire of the Kremlin, which sees his funding for civil society groups in former Soviet satellite states as part of a plot to install pro-Western governments.
For years, those complaints had generally fallen on deaf ears in Washington.
While Republicans have long regarded Soros as a mortal enemy when it comes to domestic politics (where he has spent tens of millions of dollars backing Democratic candidates and liberal causes), their politics were more aligned on the international stage. Soros’ efforts to boost democracy and root out corruption in former Eastern Bloc countries dovetailed with traditional Republican foreign policy objectives.
But things may have started changing after Donald Trump’s stunning victory in a presidential campaign during which he emphasized nationalist themes. Politicians with nationalist constituencies in several former Eastern Bloc states have become increasingly aggressive in seeking international support for their crusade against Soros, and they seem to have found at least some takers in the GOP.
The particular focus of the letters from Lee, Smith and their cohort is spending by Soros’ foundations in Macedonia, a former socialist republic in the throes of a two-year political crisis, and to a lesser extent in its neighbor to the west, Albania. In the former Communist country, which has struggled with allegations of corruption, one letter expressed concerns that “Soros-backed organizations” are pushing reforms “ultimately aimed to give the Prime Minister and left-of-center government full control over judiciary power.”
The letters, which ask the State Department and the Government Accountability Office for information about U.S. foreign aid funding for Soros groups in the Balkans, came after lobbying from the right-wing party clinging to power in Macedonia, VMRO-DPMNE.
Chris Stone, president of the Open Society Foundations, suggested that autocratic regimes see Trump’s rise as giving them carte blanche to resist reforms, and to dismiss those proposing them.
“Authoritarians, branded today as ‘illiberals,’ have long opposed George Soros and the vision of an open society, but they have been emboldened by Trump's victory to go even further,” Stone told POLITICO.
So far, the Republican lobbying against Soros’ efforts in Macedonia has not resulted in much. But the involvement of several high-profile Republicans, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, is raising eyebrows within the U.S. foreign policy community, who see the baleful influence of Moscow making inroads on Capitol Hill.
Russia is trying to exploit the crisis in Macedonia to sow distrust of the U.S. and pull the right-wing party into its orbit, regional analysts say. And the Republican lawmakers’ concern — that the U.S. is, in the words of Lee’s letter to Tillerson, “fomenting political unrest, disrespecting national sovereignty and civil society” — handed Moscow a major propaganda coup, they warn.
Russia’s state-controlled English-language websites rushed to trumpet Lee’s and Smith’s letters, holding them up as proof that the U.S. is guilty of exactly what it accuses Russia of doing in 2016 — interfering in another country’s politics.
“Senators ask Tillerson to probe US ‘fomenting unrest’ in other countries,” RT blared.
Sputnik News reported on Lee’s letter under the headline “Tables Turned: Have Obama and Soros Hacked Foreign Elections?”
The claims have been echoed in right-wing U.S. outlets, from the conspiracy website Infowars to Fox News.
“It’s straight from the Russian playbook — the idea that some American NGO is fomenting the demonstrations is like ascribing to the CIA mystical powers that don’t exist,” said a policy analyst with knowledge of the Balkans. “The Russians have been using all tactics at their disposal, and it’s a very inexpensive way to stir the pot.”
The Macedonian politicians and an allied group known as Stop Operation Soros deny any direct Russian role in their efforts. But they acknowledge that Moscow has taken an interest. One of the founders of Stop Operation Soros, Cvetin Chilimanov, noticed a virtual army of bots and trolls posting about mass demonstrations against Soros that never actually happened.
“I’m not naïve,” said Chilimanov, who granted several interviews with RT and Sputnik News. “I understand they would be happy to use this.”
Macedonia, a small and ethnically diverse former socialist republic that seceded from Yugoslavia in 1991, became a new front in the geostrategic power games in Congress when a member of parliament from the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party named Vladimir Gjorcev brought the Soros issue to the attention of Smith, according to Aleksandar Nikoloski, a party spokesman. Gjorcev and Smith know each other from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a regional security forum, and bonded over shared commitments to traditional values, such as opposition to gay marriage and abortion. Gjorcev routinely meets with Smith when he visits Washington, as he has three times in 2017.
Smith has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s international development efforts, which he accused of seeking to spread liberal ideology. Gjorcev’s case against Soros also resonates with Republicans who see the megadonor as a boogeyman, some of whom have recently accused him, without evidence, of bankrolling anti-Trump protests.
“The whole ‘George Soros is the root of all evils’ story has great appeal to some folks,” a former Senate Republican aide said.
Smith and five other Republicans first sent a letter on Jan. 17 to the U.S. ambassador to Macedonia, Jess Baily, accusing him of favoring the left-wing party. Unsatisfied with the State Department’s Feb. 6 response, the lawmakers asked the Government Accountability Office on Feb. 24 to investigate USAID funding for Soros’ Open Society Foundations. The lawmakers say USAID is funding a “progressive agenda” in the Balkans through Soros’ foundation and accuse the ambassador of “actively intervening in the party politics of Macedonia … favoring left-leaning political groups over others.”
Those complaints appear to be drawn from a document prepared by Stop Operation Soros that was distributed to members of Congress, including Senator Lee, in January. The 38-page dossier contains a number of implausible claims, including that USAID and Soros are aiming for “complete control over the media … with the final goal of establishing complete control over the country for Soros [sic] own benefit and implementation of radical policies.”
Smith’s office didn’t answer requests for comment, but he expanded on his concerns during a recent radio interview with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, a Christian conservative pressure group. “We’re not supposed to be taking sides,” Smith said. “There needs to be a top-to-bottom review at the State Department to ensure this kind of aggressive partisanship doesn’t take place.”
The State Department denies any such favoritism. Baily, a career Foreign Service officer, said his role in the country, which has involved helping to mediate Macedonia’s political crisis, was neither unusual nor biased.
“We were invited and welcomed by the parties to [mediate],” Baily said in an interview with POLITICO. “Political crises have usually been resolved with a fairly significant involvement from Europe and the United States.”
According to the State Department, USAID provided just three grants to Foundation Open Society-Macedonia over the past 15 years, primarily for education initiatives involving the country’s ethnic Roma population. “Funding for Foundation Open Society-Macedonia for the Civil Society Project represents just 8 percent of our total assistance over the past five years,” said USAID Mission Director for Macedonia Jim Stein. “There’s a lot of exaggeration and distortion in that document.”
A Feb. 9 letter from the State Department to Lee pushed back against the accusation in greater detail, defending the U.S.-EU mediation efforts and noting the growing concerns about Macedonia’s deteriorating political climate.
For its part, the Open Society Foundations says it has been working with independent organizations that support “good governance, human rights and accountability” in Macedonia since the early 1990s, and has partnered with the U.S. government to administer grants to such groups under presidents of both parties.
The dispute comes amid a deepening political crisis in Macedonia, following the release of wiretapped conversations that showed government officials abusing their power, while other revelations showed the illegal wiretapping of journalists and political opponents of the government. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Nikola Gruevski, resigned as prime minister last January amid pressure from the U.S. and the European Union, but his party remains the largest faction in the parliament. In December, Gruevski blamed Soros for the ongoing unrest and called for a process of “de-Soros-ization.”
Officially, VMRO-DPMNE is pro-Western, but Gruevski has welcomed Russian support in response to what he perceives as the U.S. Embassy siding with the left-wing opposition. On Feb. 1, he met with the Russian ambassador to Macedonia, who alluded to unnamed forces “spreading instability and uncertainty in the country”—presumably a reference to Soros. The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement a day later warning about “continuing foreign influence in Macedonia under pseudo-democratic slogans,” and expressed support for VMRO-DPMNE. Russia recently added personnel to its embassy in Macedonia.
“Gruevski’s strategy is to bring Russia around on his side, figuring that the Americans will be on the side of the Social Democrats,” said Daniel Serwer, a regional expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. “He says, ‘We’re not Russophiles,’ but what he’s doing is looking for support wherever he can get it.”
“It’s kind of a broader indication of an attack on think tanks, nonprofits and civil society in Macedonia,” said Sarah Bedenbaugh, associate director of the European Union and Special Initiatives at the Atlantic Council.
Taking their cue from Gruevski, Chilimanov and two other right-wing media personalities formed Stop Operation Soros in January, receiving extensive coverage in Russian media. Chilimanov was a member of VMRO-DPMNE until 1999, when he became a journalist. At one point he was a correspondent based in Washington, but is now an English-language news editor at the state-controlled Macedonian Information Agency.
Chilimanov said the group, which he described as a shoestring operation with no significant expenses and no outside funding, has no affiliation or coordination with VMRO-DPMNE. “I’ve been going on about this for a long time, but I guess now the moment is also good in U.S. for people to get involved,” he said.
Around the same time Chilimanov sent his dossier, Macedonia’s defense minister, Zoran Jolevski, visited Washington for Trump’s inauguration and met with senators including Lee, Cruz and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, who also signed Lee’s letter to Tillerson. (Chilimanov also met with John McCain, who did not sign the letter.)
A spokesman for Lee said the senator sent a mid-January letter to Baily and the March letter to Tillerson based on “personal briefings from Macedonian leaders” and information received from Stop Operation Soros. He declined to say who wrote the letter. The other senators’ offices referred questions to Lee.
Besides the congressional letters, in February, the conservative activist group Judicial Watch sought records under the Freedom of Information Act about U.S. funding for Soros’ activities in Macedonia, citing “high-level sources in Macedonia and the U.S.” The organization’s president, Tom Fitton, declined to say who brought the issue to his attention.
Nikoloski, the VMRO-DPMNE spokesman, disavowed all external efforts to exploit Macedonia’s political crisis. “We have a problem with one foundation and one person, and it’s not good that it’s being abused in a strategic game that Russia is playing or someone else is playing,” he said.
But the anti-Soros movement already extends beyond Macedonia. In a nationally televised address in February, Viktor Orbán, the pro-Russian far-right leader of Hungary, blamed Soros for allegedly meddling in his country’s domestic politics. “Large-bodied predators are swimming here in the waters. This is the trans-border empire of George Soros, with tons of money and international heavy artillery," Orban said. “It is causing trouble ... that they are trying secretly and with foreign money to influence Hungarian politics.”
And last weekend, far-right leaders convened in Budapest to launch their own chapter of Stop Operation Soros.
The event featured Nick Griffin, the former leader of the British National Party, who has said it’s now “Russia’s turn” to lead the world; the right-wing religious group Knights Templar International; Macedonian journalist Ljupcho Zlatev; and several Hungarian politicians from the far right, which has drifted toward Russia.
One of them, Imre Téglásy, head of the pro-life Alfa Alliance, in his remarks noted the presence of a Russian camera crew and praised Vladimir Putin’s regime.
“I would like to express my respect my dear friends to Russia,” he said. “God save Russia, which has returned to its national and traditional roots. God save the U.S., which under the leadership of President Trump may return to its original, God-respecting American values.”
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I've seen some video of these protests. My favorite is the "Trump is our hero" posters that a few people have been holding up.
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‘Patriotic’ NGOs Crowd out Macedonian Civil Society clutch of new ‘patriotic’ NGOs, whose proclaimed goals are the protection of Macedonia’s integrity and unitary character, is changing the shape of civil society - in line with the ruling party’s wishes.
‘Patriotic’ NGOs Crowd out Macedonian Civil Society
A clutch of new ‘patriotic’ NGOs, whose proclaimed goals are the protection of Macedonia’s integrity and unitary character, is changing the shape of civil society - in line with the ruling party’s wishes.
In the space of only a few days, three new patriotic civic associations have been added to Macedonia’s national registry of organizations, “Lavovi”, [Lions], from Bitola, “Metodija Patce” from Ohrid and the “Nepokor” [“Unbowed”] association from Struga.
“Metodija Patce”, for example, besides standing for the preservation and affirmation of the legacy of Ottoman-era Macedonian revolutionary Metodija Patce, writes in its statute that it stands for “the complete continuity of Macedonia’s history” from the time of Alexander the Great to the medieval king Samoil and so forth.
The association also stands for affirming and honoring persons tried in communist times for their VMRO ideals, referring to the Ottoman-era clandestine organization, the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, or VMRO.
The emblem of the association, which has already been promoted on social networks, contains the historic VMRO slogan, “Freedom or Death”, alongside an intercrossed rifle and a spear, a hand grenade and a human skull.
Social networks on which this emblem was published are abundant with comments like “Death or freedom for the damned enemies and freaks [among the] Macedonian people”.
Links lead right to the ruling party:
The emergence of a clutch of new “patriotic” NGOs comes directly after the former Prime Minister and leader of today’s VMRO DPMNE party, Nikola Gruevski, in December called for a fight to “de-Soros-ize” Macedonia, referring to liberal, centrist organizations actually or allegedly funded by US billionaire financier George Soros.
The party, which has been in power since 2016, now also bitterly opposes the announced formation of an opposition-led coalition government under the Social Democrats, SDSM.
It says that if the SDSM comes to power, it would spell disaster for Macedonia, owing to the opposition’s alleged acceptance of a package of ethnic Albanian demands known as the “Albanian Platform”.
The Struga-based “Nepokor” was formed by Ivica Tomovski, Rade Sajnoski, Antonio Meckaroski, Nikola Pentidis and Bojan Blazeski.
Most of this group, as far as information on social networks suggests, are members of the “Union of Young Forces” of the VMRO DPMNE party from the same town.
Even before their association was added to the central registry, all five founders had posted the emblem on their Facebook profiles.
It, too, is reminiscent of the historic VMRO emblem, containing its trademark crossed revolver and dagger, with a slogan, “Always for Struga, Always for Macedonia”.
Like their lookalikes from Ohrid, this association states that it stands for the affirmation of persons who were neglected or abused by the old Yugoslav communist regime as well as those who were tried by the communist regime for their fidelity to the ideals of VMRO.
The statute of the third association, “Lavovi” from Bitola, which was added to the central registry on Monday, says it stands for “the preservation of the territorial integrity, unity and unitary character of Macedonia, the preservation of Macedonia’s national integrity, of Macedonian genes from antiquity to modern days, of the national linguistic, cultural, religious and traditional Macedonian hallmarks and characteristics”.
This association states also that it will stand for the protection of the rights of the “defenders” - meaning the police and army veterans from the 2001 conflict with ethnic Albanian rebels - the preservation of the gains made from the NOB [the National Liberation Fight during WW2], as well as for the creation of strong Macedonian lobby aimed at protecting Macedonian interests.
One of the founders and its president is Petar Hristovski, a former police employee from Bitola and now an employee in a private security agency.
“We are a purely civic association, a patriotic association. We have no connection with any political party. I was long time ago a member of a party but I am now outside politics,” Hristovski told BIRN.
In addition to these three associations, on Monday the public was also stirred by the reported statement of an alleged trade union of the now disbanded police rapid deployment unit, called the Lions, which was formed in the 2001 conflict and disbanded shortly afterwards.
This statement, shared on social networks, calls on President Gjorge Ivanov to demand an apology from the Albanian Ambassador to Macedonia for Tirana’s alleged “interference in [Macedonia’s] internal affairs” and for him to publicly denounce the so-called “Tirana Platform’”.
This statement also demands that the ethnic Albanian parties in Macedonia “give up the utopian idea of a greater Albania”.
“We send a message to the politicians that we will prevent a fratricidal war and the dissolution of the country for political goals and interests,” the statement of the so-called “trade union of the Lions” said.
It remains unclear how a police unit that was disbanded shortly after the 2001 conflict now has a trade union, or who is running it.
The “Albanian platform” contained a list of demands agreed by Macedonia’s Albanian parties and announced after the December 11 early elections as a condition of their support for any future government.
When Gruevski’s party initially negotiated a new possible alliance with the Albanian parties, the platform was barely mentioned as a problematic issue.
But, after Gruevski failed to forge a new government, his party suddenly accused its rivals in the SDSM of giving in to Albanian demands and of endangering the country’s national interests.
The Macedonian President then blocked the formation of opposition-led government on the same grounds.
Enough of Soros-funded associations:
Macedonian news portal Nova TV reported in early March that two other associations, the “National Front”, from Prilep, and the “Macedonian Heritage – Todor Aleksandrov” foundation, were also formed.
The authorized representative of the Prilep association, BIRN has found out, is Jane Cento, while the representative of the foundation is Dijana Trntalovska.
Apart from Trntalovska who is a member of VMRO DPMNE, one of the founders of the foundation is the history professor Violeta Ackovska, a firm supporter of the ruling party and a participant in the recent street protests against the formation of an opposition-led government.
“We have had enough of only associations financed by [George] Soros which are destroying our country. We need Macedonian associations who will work for the affirmation and protection of the name, tradition and Macedonian history,” Ackovska recently told a pro-government TV station.
Talking about the motives, she recalled the Civic Movement for the Defence of Macedonia, GDOM, which was formed in 2015 to echo the stands of the VMRO DPMNE party immediately after the eruption of the illegal surveillance scandal.
Ackovska insisted then that the GDOM was “a non-formal association” like the current “red and yellow initiative” that is currently staging protests against the formation of new opposition-led government.
Another founder is Bosko Nelkoski, who when he headed the National Agency for European Education Programmes and Mobility, was investigated for wrongdoing over the distribution of EU youth funds in Macedonia.
His name caught the spotlight in 2010 after the daily Nova Makedonija wrote that, when heading the National Agency, he awarded EU cash to a project run by an NGO from Struga that he had previously managed.
The newspaper said officials from the agency who managed the European funds, along with their relatives and associates, were involved in the suspicious distribution of money to NGOs.
After these reports, the European Commission investigated whether Nelkoski had awarded funds to associations run by relatives and associates and suspended the award of funds by the Macedonian agency for two years.
Nelkoski then had to resign but is now resuming his career in the “Macedonian Heritage – Todor Aleksandrov” foundation.
Another founder is Lazar Popovski, a former employee in the National Youth and Sports Agency who since the start of this year has worked for Macedonian Telecom.
Just like Gruevski predicted late last year, when he promised to drive out the influence of Soros from the NGO world in Macedonia, “patriotic” associations have started to multiply and crowd them out.
The movement organizing daily street protests against the SDSM was launched also just one day after Gruevski on February 26 said that the country was “under attack, only the people can protect it”.
“Those who plan to sit at home in their slippers and watch TV believing that someone else will do their job to protect the country, are deluded,” he warned.
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Six Republican senators are demanding a State Department review of US taxpayer money being spent on meddling in foreign countries’ politics via NGOs run by billionaire George Soros, citing Macedonia and Albania as the most recent examples.
Senators ask Tillerson to probe US 'fomenting unrest' in other countries
Six Republican senators are demanding a State Department review of US taxpayer money being spent on meddling in foreign countries’ politics via NGOs run by billionaire George Soros, citing Macedonia and Albania as the most recent examples.
In a letter sent to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday, the lawmakers express concern over reports that US foreign aid has been channeled to support “left-leaning parties” and the “progressive agenda” in places like Albania and Macedonia. The two Balkans countries are just “timely examples,” with reports of similar US meddling coming from Africa and Latin America as well, the senators wrote.
The letter was signed by Senators Mike Lee (R-Utah), James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), David Perdue (R-Georgia) and Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana).
"This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the US government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles,”said Lee, adding that “this behavior is unacceptable and must be halted immediately.”
As examples of US interference, the senators cite the situation in Macedonia, a landlocked Balkans country once a part of Yugoslavia and currently in the throes of a political crisis featuring a restless ethnic Albanian minority.
“We have received credible reports that, over the past few years, the US Mission there has actively intervened in the party politics of Macedonia, as well as in the shaping of its media environment and civil society, often favoring left-leaning political groups over others,” the letter says. “We find these reports discouraging and, if true, highly problematic.”
Macedonia currently has a caretaker government, as no party has being able to form a majority coalition following the December 2016 election. Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE) is accusing the US of pushing an alliance between Zoran Zaev’s Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) and the ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration (BDI).
Earlier this month, President Gjorge Ivanov vetoed the proposed coalition between Zaev and ethnic Albanian parties, on grounds that it could potentially “destroy” the country. As a condition of their participation in the government, Albanians are insisting on a seven-point platform – co-written by governments in Albania and Kosovo – that includes a demand to make Albanian an official language in Macedonia.
‘Macedonia not a country – sorry’ US Congressman says it should be partitioned by neighbors such as Kosovo &Bulgaria
— RT (@RT_com) February 9, 2017
US meddling in Albania “appears to follow a pattern of alarming activity in this volatile region,” the senators wrote, pointing to Soros organizations in that country promoting specific reforms ahead of the June 18 general election, which the opposition is threatening to boycott as unfair. Such activity is even more concerning “in light of international reports of increasing government corruption in Albania and the renewed power of drug trafficking and organized criminal groups in the country,” the letter said.
Back in 2011, Soros himself wrote about unrest in Albania to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying, “My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.”
The new Trump administration should seize the moment “to review how our tax dollars are being utilized in order to halt activities that are fomenting political unrest, disrespecting national sovereignty and civil society, and ultimately undermining our attempts to build beneficial international relationships,” says the letter.
The six senators are asking for an investigation that would review “all funds associated with promoting democracy and governance and review the programs, accounts, and multiplicity of US entities involved in such activities.”
Soros’s Open Society Foundation, along with USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy, have been accused of fomenting “color revolutions” from Serbia in 2000 to Ukraine in 2014, in order to install in power governments friendly to Washington.
Senators' letter to Secretary of State Tillerson Republican senators requesting a probe into use of US taxpayer funds to intervene in party politics of countries like Macedonia and Albania, via George Soros's foundation and other groups.Last edited by Redsun; 03-16-2017, 05:30 AM.
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