Albanian Experts predicting a Greater Albania by 2013

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Our friend has gone the same way as Mussolini did.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Venom
      • Sep 2008
      • 445

      So this is the go:

      Albanians started a war in Kosovo, where thousands upon thousands of them got killed and were it not for NATO bombing Serbia, there was a chance millions of Albanians would of lost their lives.

      A similar thing happened in Macedonia where the Macedonians were forced to sign that stupid agreement.

      Now, one day, for whatever reason, NATO will no longer back Albania and the Albanians. This is pretty much guaranteed.

      So what do the Albanians think will happen to them very soon after that time? What do they think will happen to Kosovo, Tetovo, and even the country Albania? After all the trouble they have caused, what do they think will happen?

      And if they think they could ever win a war against Macedonia or Serbia or anyone really, let us remind them of the tens of thousands of dead Albanians once again, and once again talk about the potential millions that would have been killed.

      That is, if they don't kill each other first, of have their government-organised ponzi schemes drive them into poverty first.
      S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Originally posted by TBA
        We will take back our lands.
        They were never yours to begin with you deluded racist. An Albanian serbophile, lol, the irony in all of that goes way beyond the head of a stupid maggot like yourself.
        Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz
        Where's SoM and his army of admins?
        DCH, do you have a problem? If not, put the dummy back in your mouth and cease your childish behaviour. Now. I don't need a immature teen trying to be smartass on every second post, and I am starting to get sick of it really quick. Make good use of your time here.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • Frank
          • Mar 2010
          • 687

          Ok now, There is no such thing as "greater albania", there is an "ethnic albania" , which is the Real Albania, where albanians live and have lived all their lives since the Illyrians.
          I am sure you probably will still read this and it took less then a second for the mob at to react like a bunch of primates

          you are deluded, ignorant and stupid

          You either should be smarter for your age or just a teenage Internet Warrior who has a lot of living to do

          When you label Macedonians fyromian can you explain just what that means I guess not you are banned
          and dont be so resentful of Slavs, Albanian Cultural development should give the Slavs its due worth as much as 19C German bueracts for creating the Illyrian myth, Bosnians have more right and Serbs to being Ilyrian descendants then the modern Albanians

          We actually value our Independence and aint gonna let some newcomers who developed a literacy no further back then the 16C
          take our land. If anything it is the unification of Macedonia which will bring Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian and Serbian discord into check.

          Just how do Albanians think they can dissolve the Ohrid FE and change the rules after the IC spent so much energy ramming it down Macedonia's behind

          And you surely aint gonna get far with being AK-47 war lords any more either what America will come to your aid magically or you will use the persecuted minority card again all will not happen they are wasted ideas
          Last edited by Frank; 11-02-2010, 06:40 PM.


          • Onur
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2389

            Actually, what happened in Kosovo is not that different than Iraq.

            It`s obvious that US supported the havoc in Kosovo, so they can interfere and then penetrate into the Balkans. I believe Kosovo currently pretty much like northern Iraq, an illegal state in a state. US got Albanians in there like the Kurds in Iraq. It`s also ironic that you can see similar scenes in Kosovo and northern Iraq like both Albanians and Kurds waving US flags in the streets.

            Did you know that USA constructed the worlds largest and most high tech military base in Kosovo, right after they settled in there?;

            YouTube - Bondsteel Camp: Kosovo Independence. American Game Behind It
            The camp occupies 955 acres (3.86 km2) of land. To construct the base, two hills were flattened and the valley between them was filled. Camp Bondsteel has many facilities on base for use by the soldiers and civilian employees who live and work there, and can hold up to 7,000 soldiers which makes it the largest US base in the Balkans.

            So, we can say that USA occupied Kosovo like they did in Iraq and they do similar things in there;

            ‘Smaller Version of Guantanamo” in Kosovo

            The EC’s human rights commissioner called the prison within the U.S. base in Kosovo ‘a smaller version of Guantanamo’.

            JANUARY 31 2009


            Kosovo’s dirty secret: the background to Germany’s Secret Service affair

            The arrest of three German secret service agents in Kosovo exposes the sort of society that has been developed with German and American support in this former part of Yugoslavia—one mired in corruption, organised crime and secret service plots.

            Speculation has since been rife about the background to the case, but it is doubtful whether it will ever be clarified. Kosovo is a jungle of rival secret services. In this regard, it resembles Berlin before the fall of the Wall. The US, Germany, Britain, Italy and France all have considerable intelligence operations in the country, which work both with and against one another. Moreover, in this country of just 2.1 million inhabitants, some 15,000 NATO soldiers and 1,500 UN police officers are stationed, as well as 400 judges, police officers and security officers belonging to the UN’s EULEX mission.

            In addition, the country has a government and state apparatus that are notoriously corrupt and are closely linked with organised crime. According to a report by the Berlin Institute for European Policy, produced last year on behalf of the German army, drugs, human trafficking and arms smuggling, theft, robbery and car crime are the only increasing and profitable sectors of the country’s economy. Conservative estimates put the annual monetary turnover of the mafia at approximately €550 million. This represents a quarter of the country’s gross domestic product, which is artificially inflated by enormous international transfers. Kosovo has become a “poly-criminal multifunctional region,” with Kosovo playing an important role, particularly as a transit country for Afghan heroin.

            It is interesting that the report by the Berlin Institute for European Policy also refers to substantial tensions between German and American bodies. “The German report is particular critical of the role of the US, which had obstructed European investigations and which had been opened up to political extortion by the existence of secret CIA detention centres in the grounds of Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo,” writes Weltwoche. “Doubts are growing about the American methods and also as a result of the ‘serious’ description of a high-ranking German UN police officer that the main task of UNMIK’s second in command, American Steve Schook, is ‘to get drunk with Ramush Haradinaj once a week’.”

            These tensions have obviously grown considerably, with several articles suggesting that the CIA could have played a role in the arrest of the three BND agents.

            December 1, 2008


            Originally posted by TBA View Post
            Ok now, There is no such thing as "greater albania", there is an "ethnic albania" , which is the Real Albania, where albanians live and have lived all their lives since the Illyrians.

            This is the real map :
            May i ask, who will provide you these lands? USA? I suppose you don't consider that Albania will declare war against ROM, Greece, Serbia at the same time and get these lands? So you expect your uncle Sam will give you these lands like the Kurds does in Iraq?;

            Someone should open these people`s eyes and tell them that it is the USA who creates this tension among people by manipulating religious and nationalistic issues but i am sure that as long as we have ultra-nationalistic people like Albanians or like the Serbs with their stupid orthodox brotherhood and anti-muslim ideas, USA can reach his goal. I am sure the yankees were laughing in Pentagon while Serbs and Bosnians killing each other in Bosnia and when you Albanians or Kurds draws maps like this.

            As long as you believe in these maps, only pain and death awaits your people cuz uncle Sam will dump your people in thrash as soon as his business is done there and you will be alone there since this is not the USA`s homeland but it is yours and you are destined to live with your neighbors.
            Last edited by Onur; 11-02-2010, 06:27 PM.


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              Onur, well said. Albanians will be used as cannon fodder and ammunition, that is all the scum are worth
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • DirtyCodingHabitz
                • Sep 2010
                • 835

                DCH, do you have a problem? If not, put the dummy back in your mouth and cease your childish behaviour. Now. I don't need a immature teen trying to be smartass on every second post, and I am starting to get sick of it really quick. Make good use of your time here.
                I don't understand what I said wrong. Plus you're always negative towards me.

                I just said where's SoM and his admins and you had to write a negative comment.


                • Daniel the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 1084

                  Originally posted by TBA View Post
                  LOL I just got here cuz I saw the albanian if u didn't know..

                  Ok now, There is no such thing as "greater albania", there is an "ethnic albania" , which is the Real Albania, where albanians live and have lived all their lives since the Illyrians.

                  And yea, it will happen one day, "ethnic albania" is wanted by 99.9% of the albanian people, and with god willing it will happen.

                  Plz tell me : Why not? Why should I have at the border my own self? My own nation in the border?

                  And why do you people include religion everywhere? Do you not know that Albanianism is our religion? And that Orthodox and Catholics make up about 50% of Albania?

                  Diber is 100% albanian and was always, why should they not be Albania when historicaly and 100 years ago they were in Albania?

                  Are these the Albanians (descendent's of the ancient illyrians) he is referring to?

                  And these must be the scum that are claiming our land, what pathetic people they are.


                  • DirtyCodingHabitz
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 835

                    Originally posted by daniel the great View Post
                    Are these the Albanians (descendent's of the ancient illyrians) he is referring to?

                    And these must be the scum that are claiming our land, what pathetic people they are.
                    Either that's a blood bath or organized brainwashing club. These are the types that serbia and Makedonija have to deal with.

                    They look like turks to me. They could be turks from the Ottoman times but as generations past now they think that they are pure illyrians because they live in Albania or they have been Albanianized.

                    I know a mixed turkish, boznian, albanian and Macedonian village and the shiptars are forcing them to learn albanian and to speak albanian at home. Which is exactly what they are doing right now to many villages, they even voted to be albanians in the census when they aren't even albanian.

                    I think the Albanians are creating an artificial nation just like greeks have been doing.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                      I don't understand what I said wrong. Plus you're always negative towards me.

                      I just said where's SoM and his admins and you had to write a negative comment.
                      Don't insult my intelligence, you were trying to be a smartass when you wrote SoM and "his army of admins". Premnogu se prepavas, ama nema da ti kazvam sekoi den da zastanis.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                        I don't understand what I said wrong. Plus you're always negative towards me.

                        I just said where's SoM and his admins and you had to write a negative comment.
                        Don't insult my intelligence, you were trying to be a smartass when you wrote SoM and "his army of admins". Premnogu se prepavas, ama nema da ti kazvam sekoi den da zastanis. You will end this game soon or find someone else to irritate, or I will end it for you.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Pelister
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2742

                          If the Albanians bring another war, the same thing will happen to them that happened to hundreds of Albanians that attacked the Macedonian village of Radushe. They tried to keep a lid on that in the news, but the story eventually got out. It was the Macedonian village victory, that brought on the U.S IMPOSED NO FLY ZONE, over our territory. One day - one day, the U.S military base at Camp Bond Steel won't be there anymore; NATO won't be important to this part of the world anymore. We just have to be patient, and the 500or 600 Albanian political leaders that had occupied a village in the Skopje region, and 'escaped' with the help of the U.S, won't be so lucky next time.


                          • DirtyCodingHabitz
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 835

                            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                            Don't insult my intelligence, you were trying to be a smartass when you wrote SoM and "his army of admins". Premnogu se prepavas, ama nema da ti kazvam sekoi den da zastanis. You will end this game soon or find someone else to irritate, or I will end it for you.
                            No one is insulting your intelligence. Even when I started from my first posts you started being negative towards me because I said maknews and A1 post the best news. How was I suppose to know that you created this forum because maknews had issues and didn't want to solve them? How was I suppose to know that A1 was publishing crap? (far as I understood malenka's message about maknews and the admins).

                            Even if I joke around sometimes and you don't really like it, just don't reply to me with a negative comment.


                            • Prolet
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 5241

                              Onur, How could we not know about Bondsteel its massive, its in Uroshevac i've been past there especially at night time where you cant miss it from any city even from the other side of Shar Planina. I know people who worked there, you can buy anything there even a snow board, i know that when people go inside the base they have to hand in their mobile phones.

                              Serbian President Tadic recently built a major army base near the Bujanovac region, there is no way they can do anything there unless USA decides to do something themselves but lets not forget that USA is building an even bigger Embassy in Belgrade thats going to be huge, its going to cost them over $100 million so i cant see them doing anything like they did in the late 90s.

                              The American Economy now is dropping at high levels, the country is politically unstable and now after Iraq and Afghanistan i cant see how they can afford another war in the Balkans. The EU is also in a major crisis, they can bairly afford to keep troops in Afghanistan, Holland pulled its troops out and the UK is cutting its defense spending by a massive 12% which has never happened before.
                              МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                              • Daniel the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 1084

                                Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
                                Even if I joke around sometimes and you don't really like it, just don't reply to me with a negative comment.

                                DCH, SOM has the right to say what he wants, he is one of the leaders of this Organisation and if he sees comments that are inappropriate he and the other admins must firmly reply to them, i hope if i was to say something stupid they would tell me to shut up, that's how you learn.
                                Last edited by Daniel the Great; 11-03-2010, 02:22 AM.

