Greece backs Jordan bid for advanced EU status

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  • The LION will ROAR
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3231

    Greece backs Jordan bid for advanced EU status

    Greece backs Jordan bid for advanced EU status

    Jordan (Amman) – Jordan Prime Minister Samir Rifai on Sunday discussed with visiting Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas ways to bolster Jordanian-Greek ties in addition to latest developments in peacemaking efforts in the Middle East.

    Rifai briefed the Greek minister on Jordan's efforts to enhance the national economy and increase its competitiveness. Droutsas said his country supports Jordan's bid for an advanced status with the European Union and conveyed a letter from Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou with an invitation for Rifai to visit Athens to strengthen relations.

    Speaking at a joint press conference with Droutsas after the two men signed a memo for political cooperation between their ministries, Judeh said that the discussion focused on ways and means to forge closer ties between Jordan and Greece in various fields.

    He added that the talks also touched on efforts underway to create common ground for resumption of direct Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations to bring about an independent Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and within a comprehensive regional peace.

    Judeh also warned that unilateral Israeli measures and continuation of settlement construction on occupied Palestinian territory is a major obstacle to resuming negotiations, stressing that the world is unanimous that settlement activity is illegal and illegitimate and would torpedo peacemaking efforts.

    The Greek Minister said that His Majesty King Abdullah's efforts are of vital importance to achieving peace and stability in the Middle East and the world.

    Droutsas, who is on a regional tour, added that he began his trip in Jordan because of the historically good relations between Amman and Athens and due to Jordan's status as a key regional player.

    One day flirting with Israel, the next going on date with Jordan... :
    Desperate times bring desperate measures
    Politic is prostitution indeed but Greece is acting very desperate
    The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
  • Prolet
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 5241

    Drousas wont be visiting Syria, as he said that he'll boycott them because they recognized our name.
    МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


    • Daskalot
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 4345

      Originally posted by Prolet View Post
      Drousas wont be visiting Syria, as he said that he'll boycott them because they recognized our name.
      Will he also be boycotting the United States of America?
      Macedonian Truth Organisation


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        Daskale, Thats exactly my point, if we look at it that way Jordan has recognized us too.

        This is some sort of punishment the Greek Government is dishing out to Syria for recognizing us, they will use similar tactics to those countries who will continue to recognize us.

        They want to put as much pressure as possible for us to get scared and to change our name, but when more countries are recognizing us its becoming alot more difficult for the Greek Administration.
        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • julie
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 3869

          interesting strategy by them . What are the relations between jordan and turkey ?
          "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Lonely Greece is looking for friends in the Middle East, lol.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              well soldier we know they really are muslim turks in denial anyway lol
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Perhaps Greece thinks the Jordanians are Muslim Hellenes in denial
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • julie
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 3869

                  good to see the greeks embracing their muslim brothers
                  "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev

