Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

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  • Bratot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2855

    Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

    Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

    In a speech in Potsdam, she said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work.

    Mrs Merkel's comments come amid recent outpourings of strong anti-immigrant feeling from mainstream politicians.

    A recent survey showed that more than 30% of Germans believed Germany was "overrun by foreigners".

    The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for the social benefits.

    Foreign workers Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country... We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality.

    "And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."
    In her speech, the chancellor specifically referred to recent comments by German President Christian Wulff who said that Islam was "part of Germany" like Christianity and Judaism.

    Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says, calling on immigrants to learn German to integrate.

    I saw Indigen post and I think this has to be found in this section as well.

    What do you think of this, what example should we follow?

    The French or the German?
    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot
  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Interesting to her Merkel say these things.
    I would suggest "mufticulturalism" is what Germany fears.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • DirtyCodingHabitz
      • Sep 2010
      • 835

      What do you think of this, what example should we follow?

      The French or the German?
      either way, they are waking up and finally seeing that they are getting overrunned by non-Germans/French and non-Christians.

      A recent survey showed that more than 30% of Germans believed Germany was "overrun by foreigners".
      That so called "30% survey" isn't accurate, it is way higher.

      I would suggest "mufticulturalism" is what Germany fears.
      Same goes for UK, Netherlands and the rest of the western European countries. And its more like Islamification and colonization.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        Whats more interesting is while these Germans and French trying to impose multiculturalism to the countries like Macedonia and Turkey by using so-called EU values, they either brand foreigners in their countries as enemy and a threat or expel them outside their borders.

        Germany says everyone in their country should be educated in German language and if someone would immigrate to Germany, they should know German language or they should be under 12 years of age. French government even expel people outside.

        But at the same time, they are trying to impose us to be multicultural state. Whats your opinion on this?


        • DirtyCodingHabitz
          • Sep 2010
          • 835

          Whats more interesting is while these Germans and French trying to impose multiculturalism to the countries like Macedonia and Turkey by using so-called EU values, they either brand foreigners in their countries as enemy and a threat or expel them outside their borders.
          I don't get these French and Germans. First they use to say that Multiculturalism is best for everyone in their countries and now they say it fails. But I'm guessing that the right-wing politicians are kicking in and the native Germans are worried about their future.

          French government even expel people outside.
          Don't bother with France, they always get away with their crimes.

          But at the same time, they are trying to impose us to be multicultural state.
          It's their idea to mix the Balkan countries as much as possible so there's no ethnic majorities and no more wars. But this backfires everywhere. It's just a matter of time until the native people have had enough and start a revolution.


          • Blagojce
            • Mar 2010
            • 232

            Lets not forget how Macedonia was treated by these Western Europeans during the 2001 conflict.

            They will get whats coming to them. Hopefully the fall of those countries happens soon.

            Great video!

            YouTube - Muslim Demographics


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              Originally posted by Onur View Post
              Whats more interesting is while these Germans and French trying to impose multiculturalism to the countries like Macedonia and Turkey by using so-called EU values, they either brand foreigners in their countries as enemy and a threat or expel them outside their borders.

              Germany says everyone in their country should be educated in German language and if someone would immigrate to Germany, they should know German language or they should be under 12 years of age. French government even expel people outside.

              But at the same time, they are trying to impose us to be multicultural state. Whats your opinion on this?
              Good question Onur. These EU countries France and Germany are so hypocritical.
              I agree, the countries national language should be primarily the language taught in schools etc What bothers me is the way they are dictating to Republic of Macedonia, that we should allow Albania to be taught as a national language in schools and universities etc.
              I vehemently disagree with this.
              In Australia we have over 200 different minority groups registered. English is the national language and taught in schools and universities. Learning other languages is encouraged , however, it is only one lesson taught if a child picks it, it is not compulsory to have a second language here.
              We have Macedonian taught at Sunday schools for children that want to receive formal acknowledgment and qualifications in this as a subject that is acknowledged through our State Education Department, and they offer funding for this.
              It irks me that countries like Germany and France try to enforce the Albanian minority in RoM, should have their own schools and universities. Most of these Albanians are refuges when US tried to destabilise the region. As has been pointed out by DCH, they try and mix the Balkans to avoid any form of sovereignty .
              The EU is the most hypocritical club. Germany is not promoting multiculturalism for herself and the native French are the most arrogant species of shit in this world. (apologies to Macedonians living in France ).
              There is a thread I cant remember where he where there was a case of a Roma, living in France since he was 3 years old and being deployed to Romania, not knowing the language or anyone, no money, no job or prospects as an 18 year old. He was one of those they kicked out of france. I find this abhorrent and disgusting
              Last edited by julie; 10-17-2010, 08:18 AM.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Ah the wonders of multiculturialism…the greate social experiment.

                The first clue to answer the question of multiculturalism is the Tower of Bable.
                God made all the people there speak different languages so they could not communicate with each other so they could not cooperate together agaist Him. Lets put the God part and the working againt Him to one side for the purpose of this discussion so as not to cloud the issue. The important part of the Tower of Babble is the need to communicate in order to get along and do stuff. Not being able to communicate is the first division. Actually the first point is respect but I’m starting with language and working back for a moment because it is easier to explain the point of respect.

                Just about all of us have travelled to places we do not understand the local language or met people who did not understand ours so I think I can assume we all understand how difficult it is to do anything if we cannot communicate with someone so we can call the need to communicate point made.

                The second question is are we transient or more permanent because if we are mearly transient we could be passing through a number of lands and a number of languages. We all have at least heard of people who can master a number of languages but we also realise they are the exception and most of us can only learn two or three so if we are transient the need to learn a language doesn’t outway the difficulty to learn a new language whereas is we are going to be permanent then the need is greater and we therefore need to make a greater effort to learn the language. As we said earlier language leads to communication which leads to the multitude of opertunities to do things. This is true but not the whole picture.

                Having grown up in Australia I was able to see many daily examples how the local Australians struggled to communicate with foreigners. The usuall point to things speak slowly and learn a few basic words. Some of this can be accounted to need like shopkeepers wanting to make a sale but many other istances can only be attributed to kindness or respect. It is this respect that gets put into question when the new person doesn’t make an effort to learn the local language. Like any job where to people are working on something if one person is doing most or all of the work they will feel disrespected by the other not making an effort. Likewise the local person feels disrespected if the new person doesn’t make an effort to learn the language.

                It may seem incomprehensible that a new person would not want to learn the local language afterall didn’t we just say it makes doing a lot of things much easier and who wouldn’t want to make their life easier. It just doesn’t make sense. I am sure the architects of multiculturalism never imagined the possibility that a new person would not want to learn the local language and never factored it into their thinking.

                Not so long ago there was a segment on Australian TV where some Asian resturants were cought out discriminating against any no Asian. Not the usual discrimination that you might think like not being able to work there but actually refusing non Asians to eat at there resturants by claiming the the free tables were booked out and they were full. Ofcourse this line of argument isn’t going to work for long because people will just say can I make a booking for another time. They relented but you can imagine as a diner paying good money to have a pleasant evening you are unlikely to return to a resturant where you are made to feel unwelcome and we are back to an all Asian restaurant. Further the attitude of some of the other people interviewed made the point clearer. One person I think a supplier of theirs basically told the journalist and camera crew to f off. He had an interpreter a younger kid explain to the crew they could do what they wanted afterall isn’t Australia a free country. When asked wouldn’t it be easier for him if he learned English he really didn’t hold back say why would he want to speak their f ing language. He had everything he needed in his own language. All his friends were Chinese. They had their own farm to work on where only chinese work. For entertainment there were a multitude of returants and bars where only Asians go. There are Asian newspapers TV videos to hire. Asians worked at the bank he went to and he always demanded to speak with them. His local post office was owned…we have private franchises of the post office…by Asians and the supermaket and other shops were owned by Asians. In facted he added just about any product he wanted fro jewellery to electrical goods and clothing he could buy from an Asian owned business so why would he want to learn our f ing language. isn’t it funny how the first words people learn are usually the sware words.

                The problem is respect. It breaks down when the other person firstly may not like the look of you but also if they see weekness or incompetence in their adoptive country. Many Australians go to work pay their bills and live. It is incomprehensible to some why you would not do anything and everything to better yourself. Your are either stupid or lazy or incompetent or gutless or a combination of these factors. Whichever it is you are seen as weak and not deserving of respect and therein begins the downfall. In his opinion you should start a business work hard and pay as little tax you could get away with. When asked could that mean none he said ofcourse if you can. The important thing was to make money as much as you can and as fast as you can and you should have the brains to know how to do that anything less and you are an idiot so f off.

                An isolated case maybe or a sign of what is going on in the background. In a different report undercover people went into many Asian stores to buy electrical goods. In haggling for the price the discounts offered to non Asians were tiny in comparison to Asian shoppers.

                I could go on but I think this piece is long enough.

                You might remember in a different thread I wrote about human nature and an experiment of people holding their breath underwater for a loved one and the for others. The conclusion of the experiment is that it is within our nature to help and feel closest to the ones we feel best represent our genes. Have a look at some animal documentaries and then ask yourself why should humans be any different.

                Well I said haha.


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  The germans & french government all fear their society will disintergrate by having all these multi ethnic people.They either expel them & not accept them or they impose new rules & regulations such as the muslem people living in france.It's all getting out of control & in stark contrast to what they have made macedonia do.Macedonia is a striking example of what they should be doing as they long time ago advocated for macedonia to give ethnic people their human rights only they forgot to do it themselves,Classic example of greece not recognizing the minorities at all.If macedonia didn't listen to these
                  countries in the first place & really stuck to it's guns of creating a macedonian homeland for the macedonians.Instead you have the crazy continuous situation of eg albanians wanting rights over & above the macedonian citizens & all sort of crazy secessionist rules.The albanians do not regard themselves as macedonian citizens& really want a country within a country.I'm sure these people would be expelled in countries like germany & france as they would not be tolerated.But macedonia serves to show these people that it's a shining beacon to the world that macedonia tolerates shows that multicultural existence does work but at what cost ??.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • Onur
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 2389

                    Originally posted by George S. View Post
                    The germans & french government all fear their society will disintergrate by having all these multi ethnic people.

                    Do you really believe thats the case?

                    Do you really believe that the Turks gonna cause disintegration of Germany? or few 100 gypsies gonna cause havoc in France?

                    This is just their excuse, nothing more.

                    They are doing this because of their intolerance towards others than themselves. You have to be assimilated to be able to live among them in their countries, otherwise you wont be tolerated in any way. This is deep in their culture. You can see that when you read European history. Do you know that how many times Jews lived through an holocaust in Europe? expulsion of Jews at 13th century England, 15th century Spain and more...

                    Did you know that during the times of the Black Death at 14th century Europe, Europeans believed that the reason of the plague were the presence of Jews among them and Pope requested for all Jews to be expelled out from Europe and they believed that it was the only way to end the epidemic...

                    Now if they really think that few 100 gypsy gonna cause disintegration of France then i would say that nothing changed in their philosophy since 14th century.


                    • fyrOM
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 2180

                      Gul: Turkey to Germany to integrate and learn the German language

                      Совеста на Македонија

                      October 16, 2010, 14:48

                      President of Turkey Abdullah Gul told his compatriots living in Germany to integrate and learn to speak German.

                      "When a man does not speak the language of the country where he lives, it is of no benefit to anyone - not for him, neither the state nor society. So when I say that every opportunity should be taught German language and to speak freely .. It should start from kindergarten, he adds, "Gul said the newspaper Deutsche Zeitung.

                      Around 2.5 million Turks live in Germany. Currently run a heated debate about the difficulties of integracijata.

