Judge blocks 14-year-old girl's arranged marriage

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  • Дени
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    How do the girls feel about it Deni?
    The youngest of the girls (she was 18 when she first arrived in early 2009) was most concerned that her now-husband was unattractive for her preferences. She didn't seem to truly understand what was done to her. She is, however, unhappy and powerless. Apparently it's a common practice in Korca, and her mother was given away to her father much in the same way.

    I asked her why she hasn't gone back to Korca if she isn't happy. She told me her father would kill her and I didn't get the impression she meant it figuratively!

    I even got to see pictures of her village and home, and it was primitive in comparison to Bukovo.

    I was only briefly introduced to the other two (who were in their late 20s, if I remember correctly).

    You know, I often protested: my neighbors would then say, "what does she expect? She just arrived and has barely learned the language! A marriage needs to be built".
    Last edited by Дени; 01-18-2011, 08:50 AM.

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  • Risto the Great
    How do the girls feel about it Deni?

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  • Дени
    Originally posted by Blagojce View Post
    Good point Prolet.

    I would also like to add the Macedonian contingent of men returning from Albania after only a few days with a wife half their age. Some villages in Bitola which were once entirely Macedonian, now have at least 10 or so Albanian women there, and there is no sign of men changing destinations for wives. Must be the new fashion in Macedonia, especially the south.
    Yes, this is sadly true.

    I've met three such young Albanian girls in Bukovo. From what I can tell, there's a group working in the Bitola area who can bring you a girl for something like €150. What's worse, their families across the border approve of it.

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  • Prolet
    Julie, I told you i agreed with you, im just stating that its not illegal if the parents agree and sign the papers.

    I would never allow something like that if it were up to me.

    Blagojce, I watched this show on Croatian Television and so many Serbs and Monte Negrans are getting wives from Albania. They are saying they are doing this because the wives in Albania are more loyal and traditional where as the women in their villages are not domakinki anymore.

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  • julie
    Prolet I said I am not commenting on arranged marriages
    If you guys think there is nothing wrong with a 14 year old baby girl entering into bullshit like this there is something seriously wrong with you

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  • Blagojce
    Originally posted by Prolet View Post
    Julie, Legally if a child is under 18 they can only get married if their parents give them permission. Which means in this case if her parents agreed to this marriage then no laws were broken even though its very stupid and i agree with everybody here.

    As for arranged marriages, it happens all the time here in Australia in General. How many people get married here with Strojnici? How many husbands and wives have come from Macedonia to marry people here?? Surly everybody here knows at least one couple from Australia with a Balkan Decent thats brought over a husband or a wife from Stari Kraj or Serbia,Bosnia,Albania,Croatia,Greece etc
    Good point Prolet.

    I would also like to add the Macedonian contingent of men returning from Albania after only a few days with a wife half their age. Some villages in Bitola which were once entirely Macedonian, now have at least 10 or so Albanian women there, and there is no sign of men changing destinations for wives. Must be the new fashion in Macedonia, especially the south.

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  • Prolet
    Julie, Legally if a child is under 18 they can only get married if their parents give them permission. Which means in this case if her parents agreed to this marriage then no laws were broken even though its very stupid and i agree with everybody here.

    As for arranged marriages, it happens all the time here in Australia in General. How many people get married here with Strojnici? How many husbands and wives have come from Macedonia to marry people here?? Surly everybody here knows at least one couple from Australia with a Balkan Decent thats brought over a husband or a wife from Stari Kraj or Serbia,Bosnia,Albania,Croatia,Greece etc

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  • julie
    Prolet, I am not even going to comment on the arranged marriage part of this, it disgusts me to see the exploitation of innocent young children

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  • Prolet
    Julie, It was a bit strange how that Indian guy says that only 1% of the arranged marriages in India end in divorce while in Australia its 40%

    Blagojche, You got nothing to worry here is the today tonight link, i watched it myself.

    http://au.todaytonight.yahoo.com/video# (Click on Arranged Marriages)

    XRVOL, It was something to do with gangs or a fight of some sort, i didnt get a chance to hear it all.

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  • julie
    I think its disgusting this is 2010, and 14 years old is a baby in my eyes, the parents regardless of race or ethnicity or religion should be locked up, they are pimping out their baby to pedophile. Well done to the Australian authorities for stepping in and standing by child protection laws.

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  • Blagojce
    Originally posted by Mastika View Post
    I was listening to Today Tonight this evening, and they used the words "Macedonian Muslims", so I am not sure if they are Torbeshi or Albanci. I guess its not really for us to peruse into this anyway, there is a reason why they have protected this girls identity. Sad story.
    Could you possibly explain what was mentioned in the story for those of us who missed out? I tried looking for the story on their website but to no avail.

    Did they show any of the family members too?

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  • Buktop
    Originally posted by Mastika View Post
    I was listening to Today Tonight this evening, and they used the words "Macedonian Muslims", so I am not sure if they are Torbeshi or Albanci. I guess its not really for us to peruse into this anyway, there is a reason why they have protected this girls identity. Sad story.
    I agree, this is not something that we should be propagating as a statement towards Muslims or minorities of Macedonia. If they decide to come forward with the identity, then so be it, but until then, speculation should be limited.

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  • Mastika
    Originally posted by Buktop View Post
    They could be Romi or Torbeshi as well. I also know Turks from Ohrid who still practice arranged marriage.
    I was listening to Today Tonight this evening, and they used the words "Macedonian Muslims", so I am not sure if they are Torbeshi or Albanci. I guess its not really for us to peruse into this anyway, there is a reason why they have protected this girls identity. Sad story.

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  • julie
    LMAO, you guys are cheeky buggers

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  • Buktop
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    How much for a non UMD member?
    depends on how much "luggage" your packing

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