Bulgarian nation decreases
Demographic data show that Bulgarian nation disappears. This is what social physiologist Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency. According to him the word “catastrophe” is the most accurate description to the situation in the state. “Usually are used euphemistic phrases such as “crisis”, “collapse” etc. but they sound as there is any hope for things to get better. Word “catastrophe” means destruction in Greek, finalization to a certain extent, dramatic and very tragically event that happens”, Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said.
The European Union is searching for a place where to deport all Roma people and Bulgaria gives vantage conditions for that. This is what social psychologist Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency.
“As it could be seen from the latter actions of [Nikolas] Sarkozy the EU has interest to deport gypsies on other place. And we could see that he sends them like the echelons in the 60s to the relevant places for deportation. And where does he send them? He sends them to Bulgaria. The EU is searching for a place to deport all gypsies and Bulgaria gives suitable environment for that. Bulgarian population is lessening, it will disappear and then here there would be only gypsies and Turks, he said.
If a few years ago there was a demographic crisis, now the Bulgarian nation faces a demographic catastrophe, VMRO Chairman Krasimir Karakachanov said at a press conference, while presenting the book Demographic Catastrophe, FOCUS News Agency reports. The rates at which the demographic catastrophe is developing heralds something unpleasant – Bulgarians will become an aging minority, he said.
He thinks the labor force in Bulgaria undoubtedly decreases.
“Right now 2 million Bulgarians support the other 5 million. The statistics of the National Statistical Institute and UN are tragic. The UN says that in 2050 Bulgarians will be below 5 million. The Bulgarian nation has the lowest birth rate and one of the highest mortality rates. Bulgaria lacks a state social policy that would assist the young working families. The idea is to engage the public opinion and eventually make the governing politicians in Bulgaria work out a long-term and result-oriented demographic policy,” said Karakachanov.
Demographic data show that Bulgarian nation disappears. This is what social physiologist Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency. According to him the word “catastrophe” is the most accurate description to the situation in the state. “Usually are used euphemistic phrases such as “crisis”, “collapse” etc. but they sound as there is any hope for things to get better. Word “catastrophe” means destruction in Greek, finalization to a certain extent, dramatic and very tragically event that happens”, Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said.
The European Union is searching for a place where to deport all Roma people and Bulgaria gives vantage conditions for that. This is what social psychologist Prof. Dr. Petar Ivanov said in an interview for FOCUS News Agency.
“As it could be seen from the latter actions of [Nikolas] Sarkozy the EU has interest to deport gypsies on other place. And we could see that he sends them like the echelons in the 60s to the relevant places for deportation. And where does he send them? He sends them to Bulgaria. The EU is searching for a place to deport all gypsies and Bulgaria gives suitable environment for that. Bulgarian population is lessening, it will disappear and then here there would be only gypsies and Turks, he said.
If a few years ago there was a demographic crisis, now the Bulgarian nation faces a demographic catastrophe, VMRO Chairman Krasimir Karakachanov said at a press conference, while presenting the book Demographic Catastrophe, FOCUS News Agency reports. The rates at which the demographic catastrophe is developing heralds something unpleasant – Bulgarians will become an aging minority, he said.
He thinks the labor force in Bulgaria undoubtedly decreases.
“Right now 2 million Bulgarians support the other 5 million. The statistics of the National Statistical Institute and UN are tragic. The UN says that in 2050 Bulgarians will be below 5 million. The Bulgarian nation has the lowest birth rate and one of the highest mortality rates. Bulgaria lacks a state social policy that would assist the young working families. The idea is to engage the public opinion and eventually make the governing politicians in Bulgaria work out a long-term and result-oriented demographic policy,” said Karakachanov.
Thats why they are trying to lure christian Gagauzes and Macedonians to get Bulgarian passports for some time.
According to UN figures, Bulgar population will be less than the total population of Turks and Gypsys by 2050 with this low rate of births and high rate of mortality among them. And this is even after they expelled 350.000 Turks to Turkey in 1989.
AFAIK, there are 1.1 million Turks there atm and less than 6.5 million Bulgars. While Turkish people have quite normal population increase, Bulgar population decreases every year and they cannot reverse this. Also young Bulgars keeps migrating into western european countries to do their dirty jobs.