Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    Over 30 pages of observations have been submitted by the Bulgarian Commission for textbook analysis, which was established within the framework of the agreement on good neighborly relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Ekaterina Zaharieva says, on their side were serious observations in the history curriculum in Macedonia. There are also remarks from the Macedonian side, but according to the signed agreement on good neighborhood, the commissions do not have the mandate to change textbooks, but only to make recommendations. So far, the Macedonian and Bulgarian Commission had two meetings, and the third should be held by the end of this month. Similar commissions have been established between Macedonia and Greece.

    "For Bulgaria, it is important, as soon as possible, to agree on the marking of common historical events and personalities. History textbooks were exchanged between the two commissions. At the second meeting, the Bulgarian commission reviewed the textbooks for the sixth and seventh grade of the Republic of Macedonia and received over 30 pages of observations. Our commission registered serious observations in the curriculum," said Ekaterina Zaharieva, MFA Bulgaria.


    • Liberator of Makedonija
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2014
      • 1597

      Originally posted by vicsinad View Post

      Over 30 pages of observations have been submitted by the Bulgarian Commission for textbook analysis, which was established within the framework of the agreement on good neighborly relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Ekaterina Zaharieva says, on their side were serious observations in the history curriculum in Macedonia. There are also remarks from the Macedonian side, but according to the signed agreement on good neighborhood, the commissions do not have the mandate to change textbooks, but only to make recommendations. So far, the Macedonian and Bulgarian Commission had two meetings, and the third should be held by the end of this month. Similar commissions have been established between Macedonia and Greece.

      "For Bulgaria, it is important, as soon as possible, to agree on the marking of common historical events and personalities. History textbooks were exchanged between the two commissions. At the second meeting, the Bulgarian commission reviewed the textbooks for the sixth and seventh grade of the Republic of Macedonia and received over 30 pages of observations. Our commission registered serious observations in the curriculum," said Ekaterina Zaharieva, MFA Bulgaria.
      Can't wait to hear what they complain about
      I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


      • Phoenix
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 4671

        Originally posted by vicsinad View Post

        Over 30 pages of observations have been submitted by the Bulgarian Commission for textbook analysis, which was established within the framework of the agreement on good neighborly relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Ekaterina Zaharieva says, on their side were serious observations in the history curriculum in Macedonia. There are also remarks from the Macedonian side, but according to the signed agreement on good neighborhood, the commissions do not have the mandate to change textbooks, but only to make recommendations. So far, the Macedonian and Bulgarian Commission had two meetings, and the third should be held by the end of this month. Similar commissions have been established between Macedonia and Greece.

        "For Bulgaria, it is important, as soon as possible, to agree on the marking of common historical events and personalities. History textbooks were exchanged between the two commissions. At the second meeting, the Bulgarian commission reviewed the textbooks for the sixth and seventh grade of the Republic of Macedonia and received over 30 pages of observations. Our commission registered serious observations in the curriculum," said Ekaterina Zaharieva, MFA Bulgaria.
        The process will be further convoluted once the greeks begin their own historical audit on Macedonias books...there's no fucken chance in hell that any of this can end well for the Macedonian side...

        Zaev has skinned Macedonia and sold its soul.


        • Vangelovski
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 8533

          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
          Zaev has skinned Macedonia and sold its soul.
          Every Macedonian in that country is just as responsible as Zaev. The only satisfaction I get from all of this is knowing they'll never get into the EU or NATO. All they'll be left with is their own butt hurt.
          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Вчера во изјава за Канал 5, шефот на македонскиот тим Драган Ѓоргев рече дека забелешките се главно за содржините од средниот век – Самуиловата држава и просветителите Св. Кирил и Методиј.

            The head of the Macedonian team Dragan Gjorgev said that the remarks were mainly about the contents of the Middle Ages - Samuil's state and Sts. Cyril and Methodius.

            Бугарија доставила над 30 страници со забелешки за учебниците по историја во Македонија. На одгов...
            Last edited by Carlin; 11-11-2018, 09:18 PM.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              I made a mistake posting a couple of unrelated articles in this thread - I have removed them.
              Last edited by Carlin; 11-11-2018, 09:20 PM.


              • vicsinad
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 2337

                Supposedly, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister says it will take time to clean Macedonians minds of the lie that Macedonians exist.

                Ќе треба да помине време за се избришат трагите од „перењето мозоци“ од страна на бивша Југославија дека постојат Македонци, истакна бугарската министерката за надворешни работи, Екатерина Захариева.

                Бугарија е првата земја во светот која ја признава Република Македонија под нејзиното уставно име. Сакам експлицитно да истакнам дека ставот на Бугарија бил исклучително принципиелен и непроменлив од сите Влади досега. По говорот на омраза од македонска страна поставивме услов да се постигне Договор за добрососедство за започнување на преговори за членство на Македонија во ЕУ и НАТО. Нашата примарна цел е да спречиме искривување на историските настани, а не да создаваме омраза меѓу двете земји, изјави министерот за надворешни работи Екатерина Захариева на денешниот пратеничка расправа, откако министерката беше запрашана дали Бугарија е премногу мека во односите кон Македонија.

                Според Захариева непродуктивно е да се создава впечаток дека е променета политиката во врска со Македонија. Таа ја опиша како „тактичен потег” изјавата дека името „Северна Македонија” претставува опасност од територијални претензии кон Бугарија, за потоа да изјави дека името е прифатливо.

                Министерката за надворешни работи рече и дека заедничката Комисија за историски прашања веќе имала три седници и се вршел притисок од македонска страна за одредени историски прашања, но и дека Бугарија нема никакви комплекси по ова прашање и дека луѓето треба да ја знаат вистината.

                Бугарија требала да помисли на прифаќање на името на Македонија уште во 1992 година, доколку се сметало дека ова ќе е проблем. Но, мислам дека тоа не беше грешка, туку знак за добрососедски и пријателски однос. Треба да помине време за да се избришат трагите од „перењето на мозоците“ од страна на бивша Југославија дека постојат Македонци, заклучи Захариева.


                • Phoenix
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4671

                  Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                  Supposedly, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister says it will take time to clean Macedonians minds of the lie that Macedonians exist.

                  The vultures are circling the's starting to get really ugly...all of our enemies were to some degree held at arms length until now.

                  With Zaev in charge they have seen an unique opportunity to move in for a quick kill...

                  Zaev has unleashed something that probably will never be able to be contained ever again...he is the quintessential poster boy for the path of least resistance movement.


                  • vicsinad
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2011
                    • 2337

                    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                    The vultures are circling the's starting to get really ugly...all of our enemies were to some degree held at arms length until now.

                    With Zaev in charge they have seen an unique opportunity to move in for a quick kill...

                    Zaev has unleashed something that probably will never be able to be contained ever again...he is the quintessential poster boy for the path of least resistance movement.
                    And the history books will note that the Macedonians didn't even try to resist or stick up for themselves.


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                      And the history books will note that the Macedonians didn't even try to resist or stick up for themselves.
                      the history books will not even note Macedonia
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Gocka
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 2306

                        Sure they will.

                        They just won't be referring to me and you.

                        Our struggles will be totally omitted from history, Macedonia will go to the winner.

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        the history books will not even note Macedonia


                        • vicsinad
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2011
                          • 2337

                          Karakachanov, BG's Defense Minister, picks up the anti-Macedonian rhetoric. He says Macedonian is not a legitimate language and that Macedonian land is Bulgarian.

                          Вицепремиерот и бугарски министер за одбрана, Красимир Каракачанов, го советува премиерот на Македонија, Зоран Заев да не ја злоупотребува темата за македонскиот јазик, за да не се прости неговата земја со можноста за членство во ЕУ и НАТО, соопшти денеска прес-центарот на бугарското ВМРО-БНД.

                          Реакцијата доаѓа по повод изјавата на Зоран Заев пред парламентот на Македонија, во кое наведува дека Преспански договор со Грција признава постоење на македонски јазик и дека никој нема право да го оспори тоа.

                          Но, Каракачанов нагласува дека „преспанскиот“ не создавал „вештачки права“.

                          -Mакедонскиот јазик кој не е признаен од никого како официјален јазик, да се смета за легитимен на територијата на целата Северна Македонија, вели Каракачанов.

                          Како што пренесуваат бугарски медиуми, лидерот на ВМРО-БНД вели дека „ Заев утре може да да побара целосно идентичениот бугарски дијалект да биде изучуван како официјален странски јазик и кај нас, што е недозволиво и провокација“.

                          Каракачанов уште додава дека работата на бугарско-македонската комисија за историски прашања оди во насока која не е во корист на историската вистина, бидејќи македонските претставници во неа сакаат да „потврдат лажна историска верзија”.

                          -Македонските земји се бугарски и тоа е историски факт, вели Каракачанов и додава дека „нема да прифатам луѓе со нејасни ставови и со обратно читање на историјата да влезат во НАТО и ЕУ, на грбот и за сметка на Бугарија и на историската правда, уште помалку, кои тајно воведуваат македонски јазик.

                          Во партиското соопштени Каракачанов се заканува дека ако биде допуштен макар и еден невистинит историски факт или макар еден историски факт да биде заменет, ќе побара Бугарија да не ја поддржи кандидатурата на Македонија за НАТО и ЕУ.


                          • Carlin
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 3332

                            Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                            Karakachanov, BG's Defense Minister, picks up the anti-Macedonian rhetoric. He says Macedonian is not a legitimate language and that Macedonian land is Bulgarian.

                            Karakachanov also stated that the name North Macedonia includes the current territories of Bulgaria. He also issued the following threat: No NATO and EU membership for Macedonia if it does not recognize common history with Bulgaria until 1944.

                            Ова му порача министерот за одбрана на Бугарија Красимир Каракачанов на премиерот Зоран Заев прен...

                            Last edited by Carlin; 12-08-2018, 09:30 AM.


                            • Niko777
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 1895

                              Karakachanov Slams Zaev

                              Another Agreement in Jeopardy?

                              Here is what Krasimir Karakachanov (Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister) posted on his Facebook profile today:

                              Mr. Zaev, do not abuse the subject of Macedonian language. This could cost you membership in the EU and NATO!

                              Compromises with the history of Bulgaria we will not allow.

                              We are witnessing another provocative statement by Zoran Zaev before the Macedonian parliament, in which he conjures up the suggestion that the treaty with Greece, known as the Prespa Treaty, identifies the existence of Macedonian language and that no one has the right to contradict it.

                              As the leader of VMRO-BND and Deputy Prime Minister of National Security, I strongly oppose this statement. The reading of an intergovernmental treaty can only be based on the rights and obligations that it gives rise to. In this case, the document does not give rise to the rights attributed artificially by Zaev, namely the Macedonian language, which is not recognized by anyone as an official language, to be considered as legitimate in the whole of Northern Macedonia.

                              Northern Macedonia is a geographical name that includes current lands from Bulgaria. Mr. Zaev, with this breadth tomorrow, can ask also, for a completely identical Bulgarian dialect to be studied as an "official foreign language" in Bulgaria too. This is unacceptable. This is a provocation.

                              Parallel to this manipulation, I would like to emphasize that the work of the Bulgarian-Macedonian Committee on Historical Issues goes in a direction that is definitely not in favor of the historical truth. It is quite right and in the interest of Bulgaria and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva noted that she does not see any progress in her work. Those of people like Litovsky and Karov, imposed by Macedonia, are in opposition to reality. Even more disturbing is the fact that a year and a half after the signing of the Neighborhood Treaty between Bulgaria and Macedonia, we have been given a list of textbooks from the Macedonian side, which allegedly contain "nationalist", "authoritarian " etc. suggestions that, along with making requests to Macedonia as "the unspoiled Bulgarian lands," were against the interests of Macedonian society. The biggest encroachment on the Skopje side is the assault on the stories of Khan Kubrat, Tsar Samuil, the Miladinov Brothers, and so on, which are claimed to be historical.

                              I firmly will not allow such aggressive and blatant behavior on the part of the Macedonian representatives, and I am increasingly convinced that in this form, especially with the rough manipulations imposed by the defendant, the Commission in question will not defend the Bulgarian interests.

                              That is why I want to emphasize again that the Macedonian lands are Bulgarian and this is a historical fact. From the Liberation until 1944, unending battles took place on all fronts, diplomatic and military, precisely because they were proven Bulgarian territories. The conspiracies of the Comintern finally divide them from our land, leaving one nation on the territory of two states. A careful reading of Balkan history points to that. That is exactly what makes me, as historian and chairman of VMRO-BND, to believe that the current work of the Commission and the claims of its Macedonian members want to validate a fake historical version. This is unacceptable.

                              I do not owe political honesty to anyone because Macedonia is my cause. That is why I declare formally that I will not accept people with vague views and, with a reader of history, to sneak into NATO and the EU on the back and at the expense of Bulgaria and historical justice, even less by introducing the Macedonian language behind.

                              Moreover, I stress once again that if even a single untrue historical fact is allowed, if even one historical fact is replaced, I will ask for the firm position on the part of the state, Macedonia's bid for NATO and the EU not to be supported. This is our right. The current government, in the face of GERB and United Patriots, has proved its firmness and consistency in defending the Bulgarian interest, and for me the replacement of history to the detriment of Bulgaria is an attack on our country. This is a grossly overpowering 1300-year-old memory of our Homeland, and the memory of our ancestors who gave their lives for freedom, including the territories of today's Macedonia.

                              That is why as President of VMRO-BND and Deputy Prime Minister for Public Order and Security, I will ask that if the Commission does not come up with a clear and categorical view that the history of today's Macedonia is common to that of the Republic of Bulgaria until 1944, an Annex to the Neighborhood Treaty be added, in which official authorities on the other side of the border recognize this. If they refuse - they will not get our support for NATO and the EU.

                              Compromise of history will not be allowed!


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                Macedonia, nobody wants you. Get to work and improve yourself. Be better in every way. You have no need for any of these institutions.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

