Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15659

    Pathetic opportunism riding on the coat tails of the recent USA affront to and attack on the Macedonian identity. I can't believe the EU is still even a thing!

    I don't see anything about the other *Bulgarians* in Greece who are treated even worse.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • MHRMI
      • Dec 2009
      • 132

      MHRMI Applauds Macedonians for Defending Macedonia, Condemning Tirana Platform

      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International applauds Macedonians, from all political parties, for coming together in defence of Macedonia and condemning the Tirana Platform – which was aimed at the creation of Greater Albania at the expense of Macedonia’s territorial integrity. President Ivanov’s denial of a mandate to Zoran Zaev, despite Western pressure and interference, is a signal that Macedonian politicians are finally acting in Macedonia’s national interests – thanks to Macedonians speaking out, en masse.

      Since the Republic of Macedonia’s inception, MHRMI has repeatedly called for and demanded that its government, regardless of which party is in power, condemn foreign interference, reject political partisanship and to stand up for Macedonia’s national interests first, just as every other country does. Therefore, MHRMI has denounced anti-Macedonian actions by both major political parties. Whichever civil and domestic issues Macedonians see as pros and cons from either party are up to Macedonian citizens only, not Western governments, or even Macedonians living outside the country. However, when it comes to Macedonia and Macedonians’ national and human rights interests, MHRMI vehemently defends and advocates for them.

      Macedonians have shown that they will no longer tolerate that a war criminal, with foreign assistance, can come this close to determining the fate of an entire country. Macedonians will not tolerate that less than 20% of a country’s population – with allegiance to two neighbouring countries – can hold 80% of a country’s people hostage. Macedonians will not tolerate any politician who succumbs to these anti-Macedonian demands.

      As can be seen recently by the European Parliament, US Embassy, and European Union’s recent announcements regarding Macedonia – or to be precise “this country” as the EU’s Federica Mogherini says – they are blatantly intervening in Macedonia’s internal affairs and no longer denying it. The EU is now threatening Macedonia with delayed EU membership unless it accepts the coalition supporting the Tirana platform. But they forget to mention that EU membership might only occur if Macedonia changes its name to appease the Western-backed oppressor, Greece. Let’s not forget the European Parliament-backed Bulgaria, with their racist resolution claiming that the oppressed Macedonian minority in Albania is “Bulgarian”.

      MHRMI repeats its more than two-decade long policies and calls for Macedonia to:
      • Immediately and permanently withdraw from the UN-sponsored negotiations aimed at changing Macedonia’s name;
      • Reject all foreign interference in Macedonia’s internal affairs;
      • Expel Ambassador Baily and all other foreign diplomats who support the US Embassy’s actions;
      • Convict all Albanian war criminals who were granted amnesty from prosecution from the 2001 war;
      • Declare the 1995 Interim Accord null and void and, therefore, return to using the original Macedonian flag;
      • Advocate for human rights for oppressed Macedonians in all regions of partitioned Macedonia (Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo and Serbia) and implementation of the same rights for Macedonians as guaranteed to Albanians in the Ohrid Framework Agreement and;
      • Proactively and vehemently promote the truth about Macedonia. We have international recognition. Demand respect.

      These declarations are consistent with every other country’s actions in defending itself. We have seen how the US responds to attacks to its democracy. The double-standard for Macedonia ends now.


      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


      • MHRMI
        • Dec 2009
        • 132

        MHRMI Meets with US State Dept – Calls For Condemnation of Tirana Platform...

        MHRMI Meets With US State Department – Calls For Condemnation of Tirana Platform, End to US Foreign Interference

        (March 16, 2017) - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International President, Bill Nicholov, met again with relevant US State Department officials and reiterated MHRMI’s call for the United States to condemn the Tirana Platform, instead of condoning and advocating for it. MHRMI called for Ambassador Jess Baily to be immediately removed from his post as US Ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia, Deputy Assistant Secretary Hoyt Brian Yee to retract his call for a mandate to be given to the anti-Macedonian coalition and for President Trump’s overdue Macedonia policy to be implemented immediately.

        Nicholov expressed indignation that the United States would actively support a coalition whose goal is to change Macedonia’s name, identity, flag, anthem and threaten Macedonia’s territorial integrity. He highlighted the irony of the US outrage over Russian meddling in the recent US Presidential election, considering that the core US foreign policy for the past seven decades is just that – foreign interventionism. He called for the US State Department and US Embassy in Macedonia in particular, to take direction from the new Trump administration – one that pledged to end US foreign interference.

        Nicholov reiterated MHRMI’s call for the US to denounce the name negotiations – as it will prove actual US support of Macedonia’s sovereignty – as opposed to its current efforts to undermine it. This would remove the overarching issue that has led to regional instability since the Republic of Macedonia’s independence in 1991.

        Further highlighted was the need for the US to denounce anti-Macedonian statements, actions and blackmail by the EU, European Parliament and Macedonia’s neighbours, in particular, the bizarre European Parliament resolution that claimed the Macedonian minority in Albania as “Bulgarian”, the proclamation by EU High Chief Federica Mogherini that EU admission talks for “this country” would be stalled unless the anti-Macedonian coalition is given a mandate to govern. The irony is that Macedonia has been prevented from entering NATO and the EU until it changes its name to appease Greece, the EU member-state that has the backing of the European Union in denying the existence of the Macedonian nation.

        Nicholov expressed outrage that the Macedonian minority throughout the Balkans not only does not enjoy the human rights “guaranteed” by the European Union, but that it frequently has to defend itself from attacks against its ethnic origin by the European Union itself, including the refusal by High Chief Mogherini and EU states to call Macedonia by its name. Nicholov called for the annual State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices to include all instances of human rights abuses against Macedonians in Balkan countries as this information is continuously provided to them by MHRMI. He further reiterated that pro-Greek, anti-Macedonian terms such as “Slavic groups” must not be used to describe Macedonians as this is a term used by Greece to negate Macedonians’ ethnic origin.

        Moreover, Nicholov called on the same rights that are guaranteed to the Albanian minority by the Ohrid Framework Agreement to be implemented for the Macedonian minority in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo and Serbia.

        The double-standard for Macedonia and Macedonians must end now. MHRMI expects the US to uphold its declarations of democracy and human rights and ensure that this finally occurs.


        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


        • MHRMI
          • Dec 2009
          • 132

          MHRMI Meets w/ Global Affairs Canada, Calls for Retraction of Macedonia Statement

          MHRMI Meets with Global Affairs Canada – Calls on Foreign Minister to Retract Macedonia Statement, Support Macedonia’s Sovereignty

          (April 20, 2017) - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International President, Bill Nicholov, continued his ongoing meetings with senior officials from Global Affairs Canada and called for Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, to immediately retract her contradictory statement on Macedonia, and show support for Macedonia’s struggle against foreign interference.

          In a statement issued about Ukraine, Minister Freeland said, “Canada is unwavering in its support to Ukraine, both in helping to preserve and protect Ukraine's sovereignty, and in providing assistance to Ukraine to implement key reforms.” An identical statement could have been issued about Macedonia, but Minister Freeland chose to undermine Macedonia’s sovereignty by calling for a mandate to be given to a coalition whose public goal is to change Macedonia’s name, identity, flag, anthem and coat of arms, and which threatens Macedonia’s territorial integrity. In addition to campaigning on this platform, the anti-Macedonia coalition recently formally presented it in parliament. Macedonians have been protesting, en masse, against this platform and in defence of their country.

          To indulge Minister Freeland’s apparent reason for this statement, to be “…in compliance with the constitution”, the Macedonian constitution clearly states that a mandate cannot be given to a coalition that threatens the “unitary character of Macedonia”. Understandably so. To ignore the foreign interference, turmoil and mass protests in Macedonia shows a complete lack of judgement on Minister Freeland’s part and, at best, shows that she is out of touch with the current situation and, at worst, is complicit in supporting foreign interventionism in Macedonia.

          The United States, some European Union countries, and sadly, Canada, have turned the Macedonian people’s defence of their country and ethnic origin into a “left vs. right” issue. This is not a matter of political ideology, but a non-partisan defence against a US-backed platform, drafted in Albania under Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama’s “guidance”, aimed at redefining Macedonians’ ethnicity and sovereignty. Canada used to stand up against such attacks, now it participates in them. Minister Freeland’s remarks go against Canada’s long-standing policy against foreign interventionism, and is an affront to Canadian values of self-determination and human rights.

          MHRMI called for Minister Freeland to explain her reasons for issuing this statement, and to announce when a retraction can be expected. Staying silent on this issue is not an option, especially when her statement is fueling ethnic tensions in Macedonia. This is not the Canada that we know.

          --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


          • MHRMI
            • Dec 2009
            • 132

            MHRMI Published in The Hill: Why is Trump Allowing Obama/Hillary Macedonia Policy...

            Why is Donald Trump Allowing the Obama/Hillary Macedonia Policy to Wreak Havoc?

            Trump must take action in Macedonia to fix damage done by Obama and Clinton

            (April 26, 2017) - President Trump is doing something very un-Trumpesque. And it’s concerning. He’s allowing an Obama/Hillary administration policy to remain in place instead of implementing his own. The GOP has done well to launch a Congressional investigation into the continued wrongdoing of government employees, based on the previous administration’s policy direction, but they have not implemented their own policy. Why? It would put a swift end to the turmoil that has gripped an entire nation.

            That nation is Macedonia. And their nationality is Macedonian. The US State Department and US Embassy in Macedonia are continuing to follow the Obama/Hillary left wing, George Soros-funded policy of meddling in Macedonia’s internal affairs, and it has wreaked havoc and perpetuated attacks on Macedonians’ ethnic origin and Macedonia’s sovereignty. Left-wing European Union countries have joined the United States and Soros-funded NGOs and have called for a governing mandate to be given to a coalition that adopted Greater Albania demands, lost the recent election, and whose platform is aimed at changing Macedonia’s name, identity, flag, anthem and coat of arms, and which threatens Macedonia’s territorial integrity. These countries have chosen to ignore the collateral damage in pursuit of their ultimate goal of having a left-wing puppet government in power.

            In mass, non-partisan protests occurring throughout the country, Macedonians are united against the aptly-named Tirana Platform and in defence of their country. This platform was drafted in a foreign country – Albania, no less – and under the “guidance” of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama. Foreign interventionism defined. Rama recently suggested that Kosovo and Albania would unify if the European Union rejects Albania’s EU membership. Regional instability defined.

            The foreign interventionist policy executed by the US left and right over the past seven decades has resulted in an American-initiated international mess. President Trump (and Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul for that matter) had it correct, that the US must end its meddling in foreign countries. This is not a left or right issue for Macedonians as people on the left (myself included), centre and right are defending our country and our very existence, just as any other nation would. To discuss political partisanship as the overarching goal in this issue is akin to discussing what our favourite colour is.

            The State Department takes direction from its boss, the President. For whichever reason you choose, President Trump, be it to fulfill a campaign promise, to end the wasting of millions of US taxpayers’ dollars trying to implement a Soros-run government in Macedonia (Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit to this end), to allow democracy and constitutional law to be upheld in Macedonia, to follow the basic fundamentals of human rights and decency and end the attempts at denationalization of an age-old nationality, or to end an Obama/Hillary policy and implement your own, because you are the President, is up to you. But, it must be done. Immediately.

            Bill Nicholov, President
            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

            --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


            • Magistra
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2011
              • 3

              Why is Trump folding on his promise? Easy answer: he is a charlatan, and New Yorkers, like myself, have known him for many, many, many years. He is a billionaire, a real estate tycoon, and he does the bidding of bigPharma and the military industrial complex. Simply put, he is another puppet for the global-megalithic-leviathan-corporate-donors, and $$$ continues flowing into his pockets, his dynasty's pockets, the Clinton Dynasty pockets, the Obama pockets, the Paul Ryan pockets, the Nancy Pelosi pockets...and it is draining all of us dry, bleeding us to anemia. They are corporate vampires, and they are a part of the World Vampires. Your article here is excellent, and it is heart wrenching for ALL of us. You are correct: this is not about Left-Center-Right or Republican, Democrat or Green, or Traditional or whatever the labels confine us to. This is about Integrity of Life, Respect for Thought, Unity for Peace, A Call for Non-Interventionism. I do not know WHO can lead us into that direction, although I did vote Green in my country this past November. I did not get hypnotized by the propaganda mantra of "vote for the lesser evil' because both candidates are corrupt. Peace. Da zivee Makedonija i Makedoncite nasekade.
              Last edited by Magistra; 05-08-2017, 08:13 PM.


              • MHRMI
                • Dec 2009
                • 132

                MHRMI Calls on Macedonia's Caretaker Government to Deny Appointments by SDSM/DUI...

                MHRMI Calls on Macedonia's Caretaker Government to Deny Appointments by the SDSM/DUI Coalition, Announce Date for New Elections

                (May 15, 2017) - As per Macedonia’s constitution, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on Macedonia’s caretaker government to deny a mandate to the SDSM/DUI coalition, reject their current takeover of Parliament, and immediately announce a date for new elections – one free of outside interference. This is all within the caretaker government’s power and guaranteed by the Macedonian constitution.

                The Western-backed coalition cannot be allowed to govern based on an anti-constitutional, anti-Macedonia platform. It cannot be rewarded for the illegal appointment of its Speaker – which contravened all parliamentary rules including lacking a sufficient number of votes to pass – thus rendering it unconstitutional. It cannot be rewarded for denationalizing Macedonia and threatening to change our name, identity, flag, anthem and coat of arms, all in the name of the Tirana Platform’s demands – drafted in Albania under the “guidance” of Albania’s Prime Minister. The US and EU have interfered in Macedonia’s internal affairs and are now blatant about it. Foreign governments cannot be permitted to govern another country.

                Since Macedonia’s independence, MHRMI has condemned both major Macedonian political parties for allowing the West to dictate its internal policies, and the West itself for attempting to control Macedonia for its own benefit. MHRMI rejects any notion that this is a left vs. right, or SDSM vs. VMRO issue. This is about Macedonian national and human rights. Looking at all of our statements about the Macedonia name dispute, it would appear that we are anti-VMRO, while current statements appear that we are anti-SDSM. No on both counts. We are against any, and all, parties that do not act in the best interests of Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

                MHRMI reiterates its call for Macedonia’s caretaker government to expel US Ambassador Baily and anyone who is interfering with Macedonia’s internal affairs. We reiterate our call for Macedonia to stop seeking “approval” from the United States and European Union, when these very countries and institutions are the ones undermining Macedonia’s sovereignty and viability as an independent state. We reiterate our call for the illegally-elected Speaker, Talat Xhaferi, and all others who were granted amnesty from war-crimes prosecution, to be immediately put on trial for the atrocities they committed. MHRMI reiterates its calls for the Trump administration to immediately implement its Macedonia policy – one that ends foreign interventionism – which would instantly end meddling and the crisis created by the US State Department and US Embassy in Macedonia.

                MHRMI demands from the West and Western media to cover the Macedonia crisis fairly and, instead of questioning Macedonia and the Macedonian people’s legitimacy, to defend and support our right to exist – as Macedonia and Macedonians. Be it laziness, naivety or complicity, the Western media reports on protests that are deemed to be pro-West, while refusing or inaccurately reporting on the Macedonia crisis and the unparalleled, non-partisan mass protests. Common sense dictates that an ethnic group will defend itself against attacks threatening its very existence. In this case, it is Macedonians defending themselves against attacks by our “traditional” oppressors and sadly, now, the United States and Western Europe. Common sense and responsible journalism would compel the Western media to cover the truth about the Macedonia crisis.

                Macedonia’s caretaker government holds all the power to end this crisis. MHRMI is calling on you to act now, and without reservation.


                Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


                • Amphipolis
                  • Aug 2014
                  • 1328

                  Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                  (May 15, 2017) - As per Macedonia’s constitution, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International calls on Macedonia’s caretaker government to deny a mandate to the SDSM/DUI coalition, reject their current takeover of Parliament, and immediately announce a date for new elections – one free of outside interference. This is all within the caretaker government’s power and guaranteed by the Macedonian constitution.
                  Giving or denying a mandate, as far as I understand, is not the job of the caretaker government, but of the President. What is YOUR job exactly? Since you're about to take a public position on a crisis of democratic procedures, shouldn't you have studied the procedures before? The new MPs were just elected; they did not take over the Parliament.

                  Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                  The Western-backed coalition cannot be allowed to govern based on an anti-constitutional, anti-Macedonia platform. It cannot be rewarded for the illegal appointment of its Speaker – which contravened all parliamentary rules including lacking a sufficient number of votes to pass – thus rendering it unconstitutional.
                  That doesn't seem like an honest description of what happened. We agree that the election of the new speaker was irregular, sneaky and inappropriate in every way. BUT

                  ... why didn't this happen the regular way? I know there are many tricks in parliamentary procedures, but how on earth has the previous majority (now a minority) managed to postpone or obstruct the election for the record interval of 5 months?!? That's really beyond belief since this election usually takes place at the first week and is the first thing so that a newly elected Parliament operates.

                  Just, HOW DID THEY DO IT? Did they steal and hide the keys of the parliament? Did they keep on saying “We’ll do it tomorrow”? Does anybody know or has something to say about it? You have made hundreds of posts but nobody notices the elephant in the room.


                  • Karposh
                    • Aug 2015
                    • 863

                    Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                    Giving or denying a mandate, as far as I understand, is not the job of the caretaker government, but of the President. What is YOUR job exactly? Since you're about to take a public position on a crisis of democratic procedures, shouldn't you have studied the procedures before? The new MPs were just elected; they did not take over the Parliament.
                    I'd say that this is more a crisis of national significance than it is a crisis of democratic procedures. Any potential government of Macedonia that doesn't act in the best interest of the Macedonian people automatically becomes unconstitutional. I know nothing about parliamentary democratic procedures but when the dignity of Macedonians is clearly being trodden on then democratic procedures can go and get fucked. The recent storming of the Macedonian parliament was a waste of time. The only way many of those traitors should have left the parliament was in body bags in my opinion and new elections called immediately.

                    And please everyone, spare me the comparisons of which Macedonian party has jumped into bed more with the Albanians over the years. I think most people are smart enough to know and agree that they're all just as bad but it has stop at some point doesn't it? So why not stop it now? Should the country just give up now and simply say "well, the other mob were just as why should things be different now?"


                    • MHRMI
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 132

                      Nimetz to MHRMI “Off the record - If I were Macedonian, I wouldn't negotiate my name"

                      UN Envoy Nimetz to MHRMI: “Off the record – If I were Macedonian, I would not negotiate my name”

                      Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

                      (June 26, 2017) - UN Special Envoy Matthew Nimetz told Macedonian Human Rights Movement International representatives: “Off the record – If I were Macedonian, I would not negotiate my name”. The first mediator for the name dispute, Robin O’Neil, has come out repeatedly against the name negotiations and has implored Macedonia to stop negotiating. Although Nimetz said that his comments were “off the record”, MHRMI asked him why he wouldn’t make his feelings public, resign and denounce the name negotiations as an attack on Macedonia’s most basic of rights as Robin O’Neil did. As we have seen with the tremendous amount of pressure on Macedonia to change its name to appease its oppressor, Greece, we have decided to make Matthew Nimetz’s feelings public on his behalf.

                      Further, when MHRMI President, Bill Nicholov, asked Nimetz what he thinks the outcome would be if Macedonia withdraws from the name negotiations, Nimetz said “Nothing. I don’t believe that there would be any consequences.” The sentiment was reiterated, exactly, by the US State Department when Nicholov asked the same question. Moreover, the State Department said that they believe that there is no solution to the name dispute and that ending the negotiations would be logical.

                      MHRMI reiterates its demand that all Macedonian political parties and politicians denounce the name negotiations and put an immediate end to them. As has been painfully evident by Prime Minister Zaev’s recent statements in Bulgaria, he is willing to sell out Macedonia’s age-old name, ethnic origin and identity all to appease the European Union, NATO and the United States. VMRO, you had the chance to end the so-called “name dispute” while in government but chose not to. Denounce the name negotiations immediately. Prime Minister Zaev, you cannot negotiate what isn’t yours. Act in Macedonia’s best interest for once and end the negotiations.

                      As MHRMI’s Our Name Is Macedonia campaign says “Who Gave You the Right to Negotiate My Name?” Demand respect for Macedonia. Now.

                      --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,

                      Претставникот на ОН Нимиц до ММДЧП: „Неофицијално - ако бев Македонец, не би преговарал за моето име"

                      Специјалниот претставник на ОН, Метју Нимиц, им го изјавил на претставниците на Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права следново: „Неофицијално - ако бев Македонец, не би преговарал за моето име". Првиот медијатор за спорот за името, Робин О'Нил, повеќепати нагласи дека е против преговорите за името и ја замоли Македонија да ги прекине тие преговари. Иако Нимиц напомена дека неговите коментари се „неофицијални", ММДЧП го праша зошто и јавно не ги искаже своите чувства, да поднесе оставка и да се откаже од преговорите за името кои што всушност претставуваат, како што рече Робин О'Нил, напад врз најосновните права на Македонија. Како што можевме да го видиме огромниот притисок врз Македонија да го смени името, со цел да се смири угнетувачот Грција, ние одлучивме, во име на Метју Нимиц, јавно да да ги објавиме неговите чувства.

                      Исто така, кога претседателот на ММДЧП, Бил Николов, го праша Нимиц, какви се неговите очекувања доколку Македонија се повлече од преговорите за името, тој одговори: „Ништо. Не верувам дека би имало било какви последици". Потполно идентичен одговор добивме и од претставниците на американскиот Стејт департмент кога Николов го постави истото прашање. И згора на тоа, од Стејт департментот рекоа дека според нив решение за спорот за името нема и дека прекинот на преговорите би била логична одлука.

                      ММДЧП уште еднаш го повторува своето барање до сите политички партии и политичари од Македонија да ги осудат преговорите за името и веднаш да ги прекинат. Болно одекнаа неодамнешните изјави на премиерот Заев во Бугарија кои што значат дека тој е подготвен да го продаде вековното име, етничкото потекло и идентитетот на Македонија, само за да ги задоволи Европската унија, НАТО и САД. ВМРО, вие имавте шанса да го прекинете таканаречениот "спор за името" додека бевте на власт, но одлучивте да не го направите тоа. Откажете се од преговорите за името веднаш. Премиеру Заев, не можете да преговарате за нешто што не е ваше. Дејствувајте барем еднаш во интерес на Македонија и напуштете ги преговорите.

                      Како што кампањата на ММДЧП „Нашето име е Македонија" вели "Кој ти го даде право да преговараш за моето име?" Барајте почит за Македонија. Сега и веднаш.

                      ---Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15659

                        There goes his all expenses paid holiday to Greece.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • MHRMI
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 132

                          My Ethnicity is Under Attack

                          My Ethnicity is Under Attack

                          by Bill Nicholov, President, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

                          (August 21, 2017) - Don Lemon and other journalists have been asking if ignoring racism means you're racist. Well, when a US presidential candidate was racist again my people, questioned our legitimacy as an ethnic group, demanded that my country change its name and identity to appease our oppressors, and led a coup that overthrew my country's government, all in the name of achieving the United States' misguided – and racist – foreign policy, there was no way that I would ever ignore racism. So I repeatedly called Hillary Clinton out.

                          I never ignore racism – against anybody. And this is why, as the president of a human rights group, I defend ALL ethnic groups against hate. So when Donald Trump (he doesn't deserve to be called President) unleashes yet another attack against a minority group, I will defend them as I always do. Yet, the double-standard astounds when my ethnic group is begging for any kind of support to defend our existence and to prevent escalated attacks on my people – but to
                          no avail. The many op-eds that I've had published in The Hill detail the painful and lonely plight of the Macedonian people. There is a rush to defend any group against hate, and I wholeheartedly agree and participate in their defence. Correction, I should have said “almost any group”, because Macedonians are not being defended. We want a semblance of outrage on our behalf in the face of mounting attacks against our ethnicity and independence.

                          There have been times, in the past, where we would be defended. But not now - because US foreign policy dictates it. The United States has decided that, although it recognizes Macedonia using its proper name, it would be easier for Macedonia to succumb to our traditional oppressors' demands (Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and Serbia) and change our name, identity and, soon enough, the borders of our country. Macedonia was already partitioned in 1913, and it's happening again. And don't talk to me about Russian meddling until we address the elephant and donkey in the room - mass US foreign interference continuing to wreak global

                          The GOP has actually expressed outrage and launched a Congressional
                          investigation into US State Department meddling in Macedonia (continuing the Obama administration's Macedonia policy), but they've done nothing beyond that. "Shocking" that the American people have no confidence in Congress because they literally can't get anything accomplished, not even muttering the one word that needs to be told to the State Department - STOP. The Macedonia debacle would be
                          over. It's that simple.

                          Back to Mr. Lemon's very important question – how someone could possibly ignore racism and still vote for Trump. But this assumes that Hillary Clinton was the obvious, moral choice. If you were Macedonian, what would you do? But let's put the Macedonian aspect to this aside for a moment (everybody else has). The “main stream media” actually has this one right – Trump's words in the face of increasing racism are repulsive. But I would take it one step further – he needs to be called out for clearly BEING a racist. Not enough pundits are answering the question "Is Donald Trump racist?" truthfully and I'm hearing the sentence "I don't know what's in his heart" way too much...

                          This leads to a crucial point about the main stream media's new nickname ”Fake News". Sadly and shockingly, Trump actually has something right, although not for the ridiculous reasons that he claims. Western media is completely flawed and blatantly biased. It should have been illegal for Fox News to use its former slogan "Fair and Balanced", but for all of the left-wing media's complaints, their self-righteousness and immorality is utterly disgusting. Why? Because, be it for laziness, naivety, or complicity, Western coverage of the Macedonian crisis has completely aided our oppressors.

                          When two-month long, unparalleled mass protests in support of Macedonia's independence and against US and Albanian foreign interference were completely ignored, yet a comparatively tiny Serbian pro-Western protest was widely covered, it begs the question "why"? Because the US was installing a puppet government in Macedonia that it can control better. A 200-person protest in Macedonia about a municipal issue received coverage in the Western media, but protests by hundreds of thousands of Macedonians, in a country of two million,
                          got no coverage. This would be akin to 50 million Americans protesting in defence of their country, territorial integrity and ethnic identity, but
                          receiving no media coverage. This media policy is deliberate and deplorable.

                          The denationalization of Macedonia is occurring on a daily basis, and is
                          celebrated by its architect, the US State Department and its European Union allies, but if this happened to any other ethnic group, the outrage would be immediate in DEFENCE of this group. Not in Macedonians' case. The powerful European countries that have come to Macedonia's defence are dismissed and ignored, because it doesn't suit US policy. I've met with multiple newsroom editors and asked this very question. The answer - across the board - was that the vast majority of Western media outlets get their news from one source - the "big boys" on the news-wire. An admission of guilt leading to the destruction of an entire country. I've met with various Western governments and heads of state
                          and got the same answer about the "big-boys", but with more diplomatic terminology. The "big-boys" in their case was, not only the Western media but, more importantly, the United States. There never should be any doubt that the US is the world's puppet master.

                          So, Western media, don't act better. Be better. Don't claim to be a moral authority when you discriminate against an entire ethnic group. Make sure that you're not a reason for anybody to use you as an example of a double standard. When you express – obviously justified – outrage at Trump's latest vile act, do not fall into that category with your actions. As I've said in one of my op-eds, "If you, inexplicably don't understand why something is racist - if the affected ethnic group says it's racist – it is."

                          I wrote that line defending Indigenous groups, rightfully, being offended at the names Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians. Toronto Blue Jays broadcaster, Jerry Howarth, made the decision a few years ago to never use these despicable nicknames in his broadcasts. And it made me proud, as a human rights activist and a Canadian-Macedonian. I do wish that the ethnic groups that I defend would come to the defence of my ethnic group once in a while, but no, I do not expect it. Because it's just "easier" to ignore a blatant human rights violation if it's not well-known. God forbid one looks into it or just re-reads my quote
                          above. Be it for laziness, naivety or complicity, here it is again - "If you,
                          inexplicably don't understand why something is racist - if the affected ethnic group says it's racist - it is."

                          Bill Nicholov, President
                          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
                          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is dedicated to pursuing all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.


                          • Phoenix
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4671

                            ...nice work and brutally honest.

                            It's a stretch to expect others to back our cause when groups like UMD are going out of their way to kiss American arse, performing the sole role of white noise generators, masking all other voices in the process.
                            That's when the message gets nullified and all focus is lost.


                            • MHRMI
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 132

                              Candian Broadcasting Corp defends its anti-Macedonian policy

                              MHRMI President Bill Nicholov filed a complaint to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation about their anti-Macedonia coverage, in particular a highly offensive article by Don Murray. The CBC Ombudsman issued her anti-Macedonian ruling, claiming that "no policies were violated". If Macedonians were a more well-known ethnic group, they would have ruled in our favour. We are the only ethnic group that has to deal with constant attacks on our ethnic origin.

                              TELL CBC TO RETRACT & APOLOGIZE NOW. Email [email protected], share this on Facebook, post on CBC pages and join us on Twitter, where the media and politicians will take notice. Ask them what THEY would do if THEIR ethnic origin was negated. Tell them to put themselves in OUR shoes.

                              MHRMI will be taking further action. OUR NAME IS MACEDONIA.

                              CBC "ruling":

                              --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,
                              Attached Files


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15659

                                I understand that you and the Macedonia Human Rights Movement International want everyone to call Macedonia Macedonia and that all negotiations over the name should be “immediately denounced [as] nonsensical.” That is your view and you have every right to it. Others hold different views, including Macedonia’s Social Democratic government which says it’s committed to negotiating and, of course, the Greek government.
                                The real problem is the fact that different groups of FYROMIANS have been voted in and running Macedonia for well over 20 years now. They all accept FYROM as a name and have gone to great lengths to insist on it and all the baggage that comes with it.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

