Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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  • Odi Zvezdo
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 63

    Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
    We had the following sentence missing at the end of the press release, just added it:

    Macedonian Paralympians, wear 'Macedonia' on your jerseys and do not wait for permission to use your own country's name.

    We've been calling for Macedonian Olympians to do the same. We all have to keep up the pressure.
    I understand this initiative is great...however as the old saying goes...we're flogging a dead horse...Macedonians will never do it, they'll wear a Serbian Jersey that's clearly marked Serbia before we present ourselves in pride and actually call ourselves Macedonians...

    Where is the national pride in our people?

    Has anyone in the Republic Of Macedonia interpreted the country's name "the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"? It actually means there was a republic in the Former Yugoslavia and it was called Macedonia...and what's it called now? You might as well have a question mark in replace of the acronym because it holds the same value of the current name of the country!!!!

    Might as well just carve the country up as it was back in 1913..let the Albanians have Western Macedonia, give Greece Southern Macedonia (at least those Macedonians can actually recognise themselves as Macedonians then) and give the rest to Bulgaria!!!!

    The diaspora should stop trying so hard for these goat herders if they're not willing to at least attempt to do something about it!!!!

    If you wish to ban me after this have my full permission to do so!!!!! But that's my take!!!


    • Vangelovski
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 8532

      Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
      We had the following sentence missing at the end of the press release, just added it:

      Macedonian Paralympians, wear 'Macedonia' on your jerseys and do not wait for permission to use your own country's name.

      We've been calling for Macedonian Olympians to do the same. We all have to keep up the pressure.
      MHRMI, I hope I didn't come across as critical towards you - I respect the work that you do, the passion you have and the time and energy you put in. My comments were aimed at 'the' people in 'that' country. As time goes by, I see more and more distance between us and the clowns in that country. We're definitely not the same and one of us are imposters - I'm just not sure who are the genuine Macedonians and who are the imposters anymore.
      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


      • MHRMI
        • Dec 2009
        • 132

        Not at all. And thanks for the kind words. We've been calling for Macedonian athletes to use Macedonia's name on their uniforms and to refuse to walk in behind any letter except "M" in the Opening Ceremony. It would have been great to see a Macedonian athlete (or celebrity, executive or anybody high-profile...) take a public stand in support of Macedonia. Other ethnic groups do it, God forbid Macedonians do.


        • MHRMI
          • Dec 2009
          • 132

          25th Anniversary Macedonia's Independence, MHRMI Demands Respect for Macedonia's Name

          25th Anniversary of Macedonia's Independence – MHRMI Demands Respect for Macedonia's Name

          Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

          TORONTO, September 8, 2016 – Macedonian Human Rights Movement International would like to congratulate the Republic of Macedonia on the 25th year of its independence - and condemn its various governments for 25 years of ludicrous controversy and negotiations of our age-old name.

          MHRMI reiterates its demand that Macedonia immediately end the name negotiations and calls on all Macedonian political parties to unequivocally denounce the name negotiations and any participation in them.

          MHRMI consistently meets with Western governments and the reason they give for calling on Macedonia to change its name is because Macedonia continues to negotiate its name. Macedonia, end the name negotiations now. This would solve the so-called “name dispute”. Our Name Is Macedonia. The world has already recognized it, demand that they respect it.

          Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign
          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is dedicated to pursuing all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.


          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,

          25-годишнина од македонската независност – ММДЧП бара почит за македонското име

          Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права и' ја честита на Република Македонија 25-годишнината од нејзината независност. И притоа ги осудува сите влади во изминатите 25 години за апсурданите и контраверзни преговори за нашето вековно име.

          ММДЧП го повторува своето барање Македонија веднаш да стави крај на преговорите за името и ги повикува сите македонски политички партии недвосмислено да најават дека се откажуваат од преговорите за името и од било какво учество во тие преговори.

          ММДЧП постојано се се сретнува со претставници на влади од западните држави и според нив, причина што тие бараат Македонија да го смени своето име е токму фактот што Македонија продолжува да преговара за името. Македонијо, стави крај на тие преговори за своето име. Само на тој начин ќе се реши овој т.н.„спор за името“. Нашето име е Македонија. Светот веќе го прифати тоа име и барајте истото да го почитуваат.

          Кампања: Нашето име е Македонија
          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is dedicated to pursuing all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.


          Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации:,,, [email protected],,1-416-850-7125


          • MHRMI
            • Dec 2009
            • 132

            Macedonia Negotiates, So the Negotiations Continue…

            Macedonia Negotiates, So the Negotiations Continue…

            MHRMI - Sept.12, 2016

            Which comes first, the chicken or the egg? It doesn’t matter. Why are the nonsensical Macedonia name negotiations still happening? Is it because Macedonia continues to negotiate its own name or because the United States is forcing it to? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that the most ridiculous, artificially created dispute in UN history must end – 25 years ago. But for the sake of being diplomatic, like Macedonia says that it’s being by agreeing (at gunpoint) to negotiate its own name, let’s accept the end of the name negotiations now and all move on.

            The UN, with US insistence, refers to the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” to appease Greece and its, admitted, campaign to wipe Macedonia off the map. The US forces Macedonia to “agree” to negotiate so the argument is made that the negotiations will continue because Macedonia continues to negotiate. Chicken or egg. I still don’t know which came first, but Macedonia’s the chicken for sure.

            Macedonia must stand up for itself, end the negotiations, and the so-called name dispute will be over. It must expose that it is Greece that is trying to appropriate Macedonia’s name, not the other way around. Macedonian history is just that, Macedonian. Alexander the Great was Macedonian and called “King of Macedonia” for a reason. “Ancient Greece” never existed as an entity or an idea and was a Western creation, like the modern Greek state in 1830. Macedonia was partitioned in 1913 among Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece with a portion going to Albania in 1919. Greece instituted a well-known policy of eradication of Macedonian culture and didn’t even use the term “Macedonia” until 1988. When the Republic of Macedonia built a majestic statue of Alexander the Great in Skopje, it followed the United States’ instructions and named it “Warrior on a Horse”. Warrior on a Horse Senior would have been proud if his son’s actual name were on it.

            The vast majority of the world, the United States included, recognizes Macedonia using its proper name. So, in bilateral relations between the US and Macedonia, for example, there is no reference to “FYROM” or “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Simply Macedonia or Republic of Macedonia. So why the US hypocrisy? To appease the great World Power, Greece. When trying to prove that the US is a “friend of Macedonia”, they point to American bilateral recognition of Macedonia’s name. When trying to prove the that it’s an ally of Greece, they point to “only American bilateral recognition of Macedonia’s name”. As usual, the United States tries to have things both ways, only to satisfy its own interests, and ends up making a huge mess. But unlike other foreign policy disasters, this one, for now, has the chance to be cleaned up. So to end this debacle that never should have started, we need one of the following:
            1. Macedonia to stop negotiating its own name.
            2. The United States, or any other Western country, to denounce the name negotiations as an attack on Macedonia’s most basic of human rights.

            While we’re waiting for common sense to awaken, any number of the following would be a great wake-up call:
            1. Any international institution, like the IOC and FIFA, to respect and use Macedonia’s proper name and not point to the UN as an excuse to keep using “FYROM”.
            2. International human rights organizations to denounce the name negotiations. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, please explain your inactivity.
            3. We see celebrities of various ethnic backgrounds standing up for causes that are important, not only to their communities, but to human rights in general. High-profile Macedonians have been silent. Why? The “it’s too political” argument doesn’t work. Advocating human rights is not political. In today’s world, sad but true, such an endorsement would go a long way towards resolving this ridiculous issue.

            So let’s hope that the Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games were the last time that we see Macedonian athletes entering the Olympic Opening Ceremonies behind whichever letter translates to “F” for “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” in the local language. And for the further sake of their dignity let’s hope we never have to watch another Macedonian athlete line up for a 100m sprint with a blank jersey, while his/her competitors proudly display the names of their respective countries on theirs. Let’s add a fourth point to the above, Macedonian athletes should take it upon themselves to wear Macedonia’s name, but they’re also afraid of the supposed consequences. Like country, like citizen.

            Bill Nicholov, President
            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15658

              It's called FYROM. Macedonians have actively presented themselves as FYROMians for over 2 decades. If Macedonians in Macedonia want help, they need to meet their friends half way by demanding basic levels of respect for their identity.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • MHRMI
                • Dec 2009
                • 132

                MHRMI Demands the Return of Original Macedonian Names in Greece

                MHRMI Demands the Return of Original Macedonian Names in Greece

                TORONTO, Sept 14, 2016 - The Council of Europe, in its claim that it protects minority rights, guarantees “the use of one’s personal name...and topographical names in the minority language.” Why then, are Macedonians still forced to use Greek-imposed names, not allowed to name their children using Macedonian names, and not permitted to use the original, Macedonian names of cities and villages?

                The use of dual place names has become commonplace, and encouraged, in the European Union, but not in EU member-state Greece. Macedonian Human Rights Movement International demands the return of the original Macedonian names of people and toponyms in Greece. Furthermore, we demand that the Council of Europe explain its inactivity on the issue of Greece's discrimination against Macedonians, and Greece's refusal to ratify the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities or the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. However, ratifying these conventions, as Bulgaria has, has not made any difference in protecting the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria as the Council of Europe refuses to enforce its own conventions. Note that MHRMI uses the word “demand” because one should not have to ask for basic human rights and the end to discrimination based on one's ethnic origin.

                As an additional insult to anyone who dares to be Macedonian in the European Union, the CoE refers to the Republic of Macedonia as the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Ironically, Macedonia has ratified and implements the FCNM, yet can't get recognition of its own name or minority with the European Union. Yet, the CoE continues to refer to itself as “...the continent’s leading human rights organisation."


                Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


                • Liberator of Makedonija
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 1597

                  I know local Macedonians have taken it upon themselves to establish bilingual signs. Namely in Lerin and the surrounding region.
                  I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                  • Niko777
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 1895

                    I like this press release but it seems kind of vague/lacking background information. You guys should have quoted the original Greek law from the 1920s which had changed the village names, or mention how Albania did the same thing but they reversed the law and restored the Macedonian names of its villages.


                    • MHRMI
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 132

                      Greece – The Republic of Irrelevance

                      Greece – The Republic of Irrelevance

                      MHRMI (Sept.29,2016) - There is a misconception among some that Macedonia and Greece must agree to a new name for Macedonia in order to end the so-called name dispute. Greece has been successful in giving the impression that their opinion matters. What the oppressor, Greece, thinks is irrelevant. The country that is trying to wipe Macedonia off the map has no say in deciding what another country is named. Considering that Greece’s ambitions are so transparent, and even admitted by a former Greek prime minister, it’s shocking that the United Nations even gave it a second thought, much less 25 years of making Macedonia jump through hoops, run in a virtual hamster wheel of endless violations of its basic human rights, all with the goal of allowing one nation, for the first time in history, to name another.

                      Greece has absolutely no claim to anything Macedonian. It used to deny Macedonia’s existence, tried, and continues to try to eradicate the existence of the Macedonian nation, culture and language. Macedonia was partitioned in 1913 among Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and later Albania and either had to, or still has to, fight off assimilation attempts by each of these countries. Greece, and Bulgaria for that matter, are trying to appropriate Macedonia’s name, not the other way around. There are different issues altogether with Albania and Serbia...

                      But it comes down to this. No nation has the right to name another. Self-determination and self-identification are what matters. Add to the fact that Macedonia has always been known as such going back to ancient history, so this isn’t really breaking news for anybody. Macedonia didn’t just decide to call itself by this name. The West’s romanticizing of Greece is what has led to their indulgence of Greece’s blatant xenophobia towards Macedonia.

                      Furthermore, Greece didn’t have an issue with the Republic of Macedonia when it was part of Yugoslavia. Since independence, the two countries have, albeit tumultuously at times, conducted business, trade, etc. as any countries would, and with no “agreement” on a name. For example, the 1995 Interim Accord refers to the “Party of the First Part” and “Party of the Second Part”. So, as Macedonia is forced to use the ridiculous acronym “FYROM” for “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, it could, and should, call Greece the “Former Ottoman Colony of Greece” or “The Republic of Misguided Superiority Complex” and business wouldn’t change between the two countries. Macedonia could even follow the FOCOGians example and put stickers on cars visiting from Greece saying that Macedonia doesn’t recognize The Artist Formerly Known as Greece.

                      Even if one were to indulge Greece’s claim that the name of the Republic of Macedonia creates confusion with the province of Macedonia (that Greece annexed in 1913), the word “Republic” indicates statehood. Case closed. Adding “Northern”, “Slavic”, “Democratic” or any of Greece’s other ridiculous suggestions as a prefix does not provide clarity as it claims, but only serves to fulfil Greece’s goal of denying the existence of Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

                      So who will step up and end this nonsensical dispute? Macedonia, the UN, EU, US? Going once, going twice...

                      Bill Nicholov, President
                      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

                      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125, [email protected],,,,


                      • DraganOfStip
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 1253

                        The imposed name issue and why it's absurd explained in just a few paragraphs.
                        Couldn't have elaborated it better myself.
                        ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                        ― George Orwell


                        • VMRO
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1462

                          Great write up MHRMI
                          Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                          Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                          • Amphipolis
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 1328

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B]There is a misconception among some that Macedonia and Greece must agree to a new name for Macedonia in order to end the so-called name dispute. Greece has been successful in giving the impression that their opinion matters. What the oppressor, Greece, thinks is irrelevant. The country that is trying to wipe Macedonia off the map has no say in deciding what another country is named. Considering that Greece’s ambitions are so transparent, and even admitted by a former Greek prime minister, it’s shocking that the United Nations even gave it a second thought, much less 25 years of making Macedonia jump through hoops, run in a virtual hamster wheel of endless violations of its basic human rights, all with the goal of allowing one nation, for the first time in history, to name another.
                            It’s not a misconception. A bilateral problem usually ends when the two parts make an agreement. Greece can’t name another country (unless it first conquers it). Greece’s opinion matters only if you depend on it, so there’s always the alternative of following a path “without Greece”. Greece’s only ambition is that you’re not named Macedonia. There are no territorial claims or other hidden ambitions.

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B] Greece has absolutely no claim to anything Macedonian. It used to deny Macedonia’s existence, tried, and continues to try to eradicate the existence of the Macedonian nation, culture and language. Macedonia was partitioned in 1913 among Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and later Albania and either had to, or still has to, fight off assimilation attempts by each of these countries. Greece, and Bulgaria for that matter, are trying to appropriate Macedonia’s name, not the other way around. There are different issues altogether with Albania and Serbia...
                            Greece obviously never denied Macedonia’s existence. We deny the existence of a Macedonian nation and language and more precisely we deny that this nation/language should use the name of Macedonia or is related to Ancient Macedonia. Other than that, I do admit that Bulgarians, Slavs, Turks and even Serbs and others have been a part of Macedonian History and they do have logical territorial claims. They have either lived in it as people or have controlled as states, kingdoms and empires smaller or bigger parts of this territory for shorter or longer intervals (whole centuries).

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B] But it comes down to this. No nation has the right to name another. Self-determination and self-identification are what matters. Add to the fact that Macedonia has always been known as such going back to ancient history, so this isn’t really breaking news for anybody. Macedonia didn’t just decide to call itself by this name. The West’s romanticizing of Greece is what has led to their indulgence of Greece’s blatant xenophobia towards Macedonia.
                            Macedonia has certainly always been known as such, this is something we agree at. What we don’t accept is that YOU are Macedonia. According to us WE are Macedonia, in geographical and historical terms.

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B] Furthermore, Greece didn’t have an issue with the Republic of Macedonia when it was part of Yugoslavia. Since independence, the two countries have, albeit tumultuously at times, conducted business, trade, etc. as any countries would, and with no “agreement” on a name. For example, the 1995 Interim Accord refers to the “Party of the First Part” and “Party of the Second Part”. So, as Macedonia is forced to use the ridiculous acronym “FYROM” for “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, it could, and should, call Greece the “Former Ottoman Colony of Greece” or “The Republic of Misguided Superiority Complex” and business wouldn’t change between the two countries. Macedonia could even follow the FOCOGians example and put stickers on cars visiting from Greece saying that Macedonia doesn’t recognize The Artist Formerly Known as Greece.
                            Greece DID have a problem with the name of (Yugoslavian) Republic of Macedonia and even bigger problems with the officially declared intentions of Yugoslavia to annex Greek Macedonia. The relations were indeed normalized after the 50s and the name issue was tolerated mostly under the argument that (Yugoslavian) Macedonia was an internal affair, a name of a district of another country.

                            By the way, Greece was never an Ottoman “colony”. Yet, while you’re just being humorous, you could indeed use measure for measure and say you don’t recognize Greece with its name. I’m not kidding. It would be the same logic (Greece’s logic).

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B] Even if one were to indulge Greece’s claim that the name of the Republic of Macedonia creates confusion with the province of Macedonia (that Greece annexed in 1913), the word “Republic” indicates statehood. Case closed. Adding “Northern”, “Slavic”, “Democratic” or any of Greece’s other ridiculous suggestions as a prefix does not provide clarity as it claims, but only serves to fulfil Greece’s goal of denying the existence of Macedonia and the Macedonian people.
                            Confusion or correctness are existing issues, but they’re only small part of the problem, a problem we see as one of appropriation of name and history of Macedonia.

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            [B] So who will step up and end this nonsensical dispute? Macedonia, the UN, EU, US? Going once, going twice...
                            From my point of view, that should be Greece. Greece should make a step, the obvious step of withdrawal that is already foreseen in the Interim Accord. “This Interim Accord shall remain in force until superseded by a definitive agreement, provided that after seven years [i.e. in 2002] either Party may withdraw from this Interim Accord by a written notice, which shall take effect 12 months after its delivery to the other Party”.


                            • DraganOfStip
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 1253

                              Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                              It’s not a misconception. A bilateral problem usually ends when the two parts make an agreement. Greece can’t name another country (unless it first conquers it). Greece’s opinion matters only if you depend on it, so there’s always the alternative of following a path “without Greece”. Greece’s only ambition is that you’re not named Macedonia. There are no territorial claims or other hidden ambitions.
                              The sole word BIlateral problem implies it is a problem of two nations.
                              That is however wrong since Macedonia (nor the rest of the world for that matter) doesn't have any problem at all, it is Greece that has a problem.
                              Subsequently,Macedonia and Greece don't have a bilateral problem,you can say that Greece has an unilateral problem and it's using it's position in the world to bully and hold Macedonia hostage because of it.
                              Greece obviously never denied Macedonia’s existence. We deny the existence of a Macedonian nation and language and more precisely we deny that this nation/language should use the name of Macedonia or is related to Ancient Macedonia. Other than that, I do admit that Bulgarians, Slavs, Turks and even Serbs and others have been a part of Macedonian History and they do have logical territorial claims. They have either lived in it as people or have controlled as states, kingdoms and empires smaller or bigger parts of this territory for shorter or longer intervals (whole centuries).
                              Since by definition you are also inclusive in "we", the above statements can and should get you banned.
                              Other than that,Greece too has been ruled for longer or shorter periods in history by other nations.
                              By that logic,does that mean these nations have the right to lay claims to Greece's territory today?
                              Macedonia has certainly always been known as such, this is something we agree at. What we don’t accept is that YOU are Macedonia. According to us WE are Macedonia, in geographical and historical terms.
                              Just because most of the territory of the ancient Macedonian kingdom is in Greece TODAY (it wasn't before 1912),it doesn't give you the copyright and trademark of Macedonia per se.
                              According to us WE are Macedonia,it is written in our constitution.Try reading it.
                              From my point of view, that should be Greece. Greece should make a step, the obvious step of withdrawal that is already foreseen in the Interim Accord. “This Interim Accord shall remain in force until superseded by a definitive agreement, provided that after seven years [i.e. in 2002] either Party may withdraw from this Interim Accord by a written notice, which shall take effect 12 months after its delivery to the other Party”.
                              From our point of view, any negotiations and the continuation of them are pointless and futile.
                              No government of our country can change our constitutional name without facing the wrath of the people,and the people will never accept any other name.
                              We have always been and will be known as Macedonians,whether Greece likes it or not.
                              And we're here to stay.The sooner you and your people come at peace with this,the better.
                              Last edited by DraganOfStip; 10-03-2016, 04:27 PM.
                              ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                              ― George Orwell


                              • vicsinad
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2011
                                • 2337

                                Originally posted by DraganOfStip View Post
                                The sole word BIlateral problem implies it is a problem of two nations.
                                That is however wrong since Macedonia (nor the rest of the world for that matter) doesn't have any problem at all,it is Greece that has a problem.
                                Subsequently,Macedonia and Greece don't have a bilateral problem,you can say that Greece has an unilateral problem and it's using it's position in the world to bully and hold Macedonia hostage because of it.

                                Since by definition "you" is also inclusive in "we", the above statements can and should get you banned.
                                Other than that,Greece too has been ruled for longer or shorter periods in history by other nations.
                                By that logic,does that mean these nations have the right to lay claims to Greece's territory today?

                                Just because most of the territory of the ancient Macedonian kingdom is in Greece TODAY (it wasn't before 1912),it doesn't give you the copyright and trademark of Macedonia per se.
                                According to us WE are Macedonia,it is written in our constitution.Try reading it.

                                From our point of view, any negotiations and the continuation of them are pointless and futile.
                                No government of our country can change our constitutional name without facing the wrath of the people,and the people will never accept any other name.
                                We have always been and will be known as Macedonians,whether Greece likes it or not.
                                And we're here to stay.The sooner you and your people come at peace with this,the better.
                                Well said.

