Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
    Great attitude. What did you expect them to achieve, an overnight change of policy by the government? They have increased awareness in Macedonia about the true sentiment of the Macedonian Diaspora as a result the ad campaign, which is something that hadn't been done for a while.
    Spot on SOM.

    Increasing awareness was the whole aim and people are kidding them selves if they thought this campaign would automaticly change the governments policy overnight. I still believe Gruevski has no intention in changing the name and he is only playing his diplomacy cards which politicians must do. da ne se pulime kako ne razbrani divi narod, grcite na kje si kazat rogojte. (or you could be a kim jong il and give the world the bird)

    This campaign would ither,

    A) Put him more at ease with his convictions towards non changing of the name knowing that Macedonians around the world are against name change.

    B) (if he is weak and has potential to buckle) this campaign just tightens the noose around his neck and rocks the chair he is standing on a bit more. So he will think twice.

    This message will not only be directed towards Gruevski, but the message is also towards any future government and Macedonian sell outs in the public.
    Last edited by Bill77; 08-06-2010, 09:27 PM.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      OziMak, can you speak Macedonian? Are you really from Australia?
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Prolet
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2009
        • 5241

        I agree SOM

        I think this has thrown down the gauntlet and told the Government that nobody has the right to change our biblical name. The fact that Gjorgjija Atanasovski has pushed very hard for our name is also a good thing, this was never going to change opinions overnight however it does show where we stand in the Diaspora.

        Did anybody notice how for the very first time a committee from the Diaspora is being formed by Vasil Naumov with Mitko Jovanov being the President.

        МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


        • Grotius
          • Dec 2009
          • 136

          this ad campaign seems to have stimulated a discussion in the RoM regarding the so-called "name negotiations", indeed, it has put it front and centre in the political discourse. I'd say that the campaign has therefore been successful so far. let the discussion evolve.

          as for those idiotic media reactions, people in the RoM aren't stupid, they know who controls which media, hopefully their cynicism will backfire. i also find it interesting that these imbeciles want to dismiss opinions from the Macedonian diaspora, their own people, because we "don't live there", but at the same time are prepared to submit themselves to the whim of politicians and opinion from outside the RoM that has no concern for our historical plight, or even our contemporary rights.

          it is also interesting to see who has signed up to the campaign, we see organisations from the RoM as well as from the Aegean part of Macedonia.

          well done to all those involved.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15659

            Clearly the Diaspora has been noticed in relation to this issue. More than ever before I would imagine. It needs to continue.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Currency Trader
              • Sep 2009
              • 172

              Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
              The printed ads appeared in Dnevnik and Utrinski Vesnik. More to come.
              1. Can you tell us for how long this campaign will run? For ads, will it be on every daily issue, or is it x-number of days per week?
              2. Is it only in two papers?
              3. How about bus stations?
              4. What is the cost for a billboard ad? (roughly speaking, given the size and position)
              Last edited by Currency Trader; 08-08-2010, 05:33 AM.


              • Bill77
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 4545

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                Clearly the Diaspora has been noticed in relation to this issue. More than ever before I would imagine. It needs to continue.
                Most importantly, I'm sure the EU would hear about it . I don't think till now they took the diaspora to consideration. This now would send alarm bells ringing in there ears and they have a larger problem now at hand. Hopefully they show more respect now.


                • Currency Trader
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 172

                  Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                  Clearly the Diaspora has been noticed in relation to this issue. More than ever before I would imagine. It needs to continue.
                  1. It strengthens and broadens the core base of Macedonians.
                  2. It educates the masses about their human rights as Macedonians.
                  3. Sends a message to all domestic politicians.
                  4. Sends a message to the Geek government that the Macedonian people will never yield to anti-christian/democratic behaviour.


                  • fyrOM
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 2180

                    SoM This post is in response to your prompting me via other threads to reply to your questions in this thread.

                    Oh I see. I did see the first post Great attitude ect. As the objectives of the adds were already clearly stated I assumed it was a rhetorical question as I cannot explain the objectives any better then as stated in the adds. Further in a post prior to this I already outline the stereotypes and their reasons for being and how all sides need to put there sentiments aside and look at the more important issue of our collective identity. The implication being once the identity issue has been sorted if we still want to bitch at each other we can all do it to our hearts content. I really felt I didn’t have anything more of significance to add. If this was your query I hope I have replied satisfactorily as I really don’t know what else I can say.

                    I did miss your second post for some reason. If this post is your enquiry I am baffled by your questions and what I could have done to lead you to think otherwise. I don’t have Cyrillic characters on my computer so ke upotrebuvam latinski bukvi da ti pisuvam po makedonski za da se uveris deka znam makedonski da zboruvam.

                    Ne mie jasno od kade ti poteknuva prasajneto a I sto namera imas so prasajneto pribidejki imam upotrebeno makedonski vo drugi posts vo drugi threads.

                    Si mislam pribidejki mojata upotreba vo poranesnite threads sto ti spomnav bese kratko i mozda ti ostana misla deka ovaj slabo razbira makedonski I mozda e od druga nacia. Ako toa ti bese mislata togas mislam deka segasniot razgovor e dovolno dolg da ti daj dovolna prilika da ocenis dal znam da sboruvam po makedonski. A I mi dojduva na misla aka sakas da vidis podolg text pa da ocenis od koj kraj od makedonia potekniva mojot soj.

                    Se cudam pojke so vtoroto prasine pribidejki mozam samo da bidam od makedonia ili od diasporiata. Ako kako po prvoto prasine mislese nedovolno mozam da zboruvam makedonski treba uste pojke da tie mislata deka sum od diasporiata pribidejki ne e cudno deca od diasporiata poslabo da razbiraat makedonski.

                    Ako tie mislata deka sum od diasporiata ama mozda ne od avstralia togas ne znam kako mozam zadovolno da ti go dokasam toa.

                    Samo edno nesto mi teknuva zosto imas trgnato po ovie misli I toa e mojata upotreba vo drug thread zborot JAFA. Mozda zborot te natera da mislis da ne sum turcin ili albanec ili nesto po tie lini ili deka e pisano so pecatni bukvi da ne e skrateno za nesto I prvata bukva J te tera da mislis da ne e za Jugoslavia.

                    Ako slucajno e toj sbor pricinata togas mozam da ti kazamje skrateno e za Just Anouther Fing Aussie a term originating from the UK. Jankovska being from the UK may be able to confirm this for you otherwise I have no idea what you want me to say.

                    I hope I have been able to satisfactorily confirm to you I have an adequate use of the Macedonia language and am a Macedonian. In previous threads I have occasionally mentioned Australian things so I hope you can accept I am from Australia.


                    • AMHRC
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 919

                      Originally posted by Currency Trader View Post
                      1. Can you tell us for how long this campaign will run? For ads, will it be on every daily issue, or is it x-number of days per week?
                      2. Is it only in two papers?
                      3. How about bus stations?
                      4. What is the cost for a billboard ad? (roughly speaking, given the size and position)
                      Currency Trader,

                      Firstly, thanks again for pledging to support the campaign.

                      We don't want to put specific limits on the length of the campaign just yet, as it has only just begun. We are hoping to continue with it until it grows into a significant internal to Macedonia, movement, that has some impact on government policy. Though of course we may not succeed in achieving this, it is our hope and therefore the campaign should continue, at least until the end of this year.

                      As you know, we began with a press conference and followed that up with an all day conference, where it was demonstrated that the Macedonian diaspora is a very relevant stake holder in the name issue. At this conference several leading Macedonian intellectuals from RoM, condemned the name talks. We are planning to stage another conference with new faces, very soon. The aim being to develop the view that many responsible people in RoM, contrary to the view propagated by certain media outlets in RoM, are in fact opposed to the "name talks".

                      Some people in the diaspora seemed to have expected this campaign to perform the miracle of ending the talks overnight. We always considered that a very unlikely occurrence; our aim is simply to put the issue of ending the talks back on the agenda inside Macedonia. This is because a very unhealthy situation has developed, whereby many in RoM have come to view the name talks as a 'natural' part of life, when in fact they are very far from that!

                      We have no plans for bus stations, though we are intending very soon, to organise the distribution of hundreds of thousands of flyers in RoM.

                      The newspaper advertisements appear on set days and have now appeared in all the major newspapers.

                      We are also planning to very soon begin television advertisements.

                      As for costs, we would prefer not to talk about them on a public a public forum; they vary and are subject to negotiation. If you do want to talk in more detail about the figures, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

                      Finally, if others on this forum are interested in donating financial support to this campaign, we would very much appreciate it. The campaign will continue for some time yet.


                      Last edited by AMHRC; 08-09-2010, 10:57 PM.


                      • Vangelovski
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 8532

                        These links don't seem to be working for me - is anyone else having trouble?
                        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                        • AMHRC
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 919


                          It doesn't seem to have transferred properly to this thread - we took it from the thread started by Mango, which is down below on this first page of general discussions. Travel down there and I think you will find that the link will work for you.



                          PS Admin's, could you please try to fix the link up so that it works in this thread too? Unfortunately, I am hopeless when it comes to such matters.
                          Last edited by AMHRC; 08-09-2010, 10:30 PM.


                          • Currency Trader
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 172

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            Currency Trader,

                            Firstly, thanks again for pledging to support the campaign.

                            We don't want to put specific limits on the length of the campaign just yet, as it has only just begun. We are hoping to continue with it until it grows into a significant internal to Macedonia, movement, that has some impact on government policy. Though of course we may not succeed in achieving this, it is our hope and therefore the campaign should continue, at least until the end of this year. .
                            Your approach and strategy is reasonable. It always takes time to build a strong foundation.

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            As you know, we began with a press conference and followed that up with an all day conference, where it was demonstrated that the Macedonian diaspora is a very relevant stake holder in the name issue. At this conference several leading Macedonian intellectuals from RoM, condemned the name talks. We are planning to stage another conference with new faces, very soon. The aim being to develop the view that many responsible people in RoM, contrary to the view propagated by certain media outlets in RoM, are in fact opposed to the "name talks".
                            Its a smart move to include domestic intellectuals in this grassrot movement. That way you limit the perception of "we" (diaspora) vs "them" (domestic Macedonians). Try also to include in these conferances people from various age groups, in-particular the up-and coming generation of intellectuals, as well as female thinkers. I noted that there were quite a few female journalists in the audience. Not sure how many there are in the government, but its a wise move to include both genders.

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            Some people in the diaspora seemed to have expected this campaign to perform the miracle of ending the talks overnight. We always considered that a very unlikely occurrence; our aim is simply to put the issue of ending the talks back on the agenda inside Macedonia. This is because a very unhealthy situation has developed, whereby many in RoM have come to view the name talks as a 'natural' part of life, when in fact they are very far from that!
                            Macedonians are a bit naive due to complex history. Nonetheless, as you say, miracles do not happen overnight. And Mr Gruevski will not come out the next day and say "we will end the talks", that would be politically amatuerish - Your point of the current situation is also correct. The risk of a similar situation as the Cyprus talks. Greece do not want change, they just want to prolong the talks in hope that the other side capitulates.

                            Its important that you also highlight what the country has achieved so far in these past 10 years, because it will show that Macedonians themselves can decide their own future and development. Just like other countries have done.

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            We have no plans for bus stations, though we are intending very soon, to organise the distribution of hundreds of thousands of flyers in RoM.

                            The newspaper advertisements appear on set days and have now appeared in all the major newspapers.

                            We are also planning to very soon begin television advertisements.

                            OK - thanks for the additional information.

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            As for costs, we would prefer not to talk about them on a public a public forum; they vary and are subject to negotiation. If you do want to talk in more detail about the figures, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

                            Finally, if others on this forum are interested in donating financial support to this campaign, we would very much appreciate it. The campaign will continue for some time yet.



                            Thanks for your detailed response.


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              Originally posted by OziMak View Post
                              So much for the adds.

                              Macedonian Government doesn't consider possibility for abandoning name negotiations with Greece

                              Skopje, 5 August 2010 (MIA) - Macedonian Government will not break off the negotiations with Greece on settling the name row, as suggested by the diaspora, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told reporters on Thursday.
                              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                              Great attitude. What did you expect them to achieve, an overnight change of policy by the government?
                              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                              OziMak, can you speak Macedonian? Are you really from Australia?
                              The problem with reading to much into something.

                              When I first saw your questions my first response was Yeah ofcourse I am Macedonian and in Australia. What else.
                              It seemed like stating the too obvious and it had to be something and I started reading more into it than I probably needed to.
                              The more I though about it the more I became perplexed and started reviewing all my recent posts for what strange thing could I have said to prompt such a question and hence the response you received.

                              Although just to have a chuckle for both of us

                              Learning Macedonian.
                              People who are not ethnically Macedonian can an do learn Macedonian. Usually their family is from Macedonia although others choose to learn Macedonian because via marriage to a partner who speaks Macedonian ethnic or not or for any work related matter if work deals with Macedonia.

                              Being from Australia.
                              Speaking English or using the local colloquialism or referring to local places only shows a familiarity with these things. Eg movie stars who have come to Australia for a brief stint speak English and for fun have learned an aussie word or three and have even tried their hand at speaking with an aussie accent and knowing a few local sites only shows some familiarity.
                              An IP address would be more confirmation of my physical location but secure server services can rout my IP to be from anywhere.

                              Sadly it is difficult to be certain of a persons location or background from behind a computer screen. Yes we have all heard the police can do it somehow but I don’t know how.

                              So I don’t know anyway of proving I am Macedonian nor from Australia short of providing verifiable details which would identify me. I understand this is not a requirement of this site and nor would I want to.

                              Could I suggest taking people on face value until they say something to make you think otherwise.

                              I feel silly wasting this much space in this thread and even over thought making this post.
                              Ah the problems with reading too much into something. Both mine and yours. za dgabe or badialaI’m betraying myself that I am Macedonia.

