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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Two police officers were nearly lynched in Struga on Monday

    Two police officers were nearly lynched by a mob in Struga on Monday afternoon. Local police has downplayed the incident,...


    Two police officers were nearly lynched by a mob in Struga on Monday afternoon. Local police has downplayed the incident, issuing just a vague press report, saying that three men aged 29 to 38 were arrested for obstructing police officials from carrying out their duties.

    Eyewitnesses say that the two police officers were set upon by a dozen men, who were punching them and knocked them to the ground. One of the officers was able to radio for back-up which prompted the mob to stop its attack. Otherwise, the two could have easily ended up with serious injuries or worse, witnesses say. None of the citizens who happened to be walking down the road at the edge of the city dared intervene during the incident.


    Полицајците од Струга кои вчера во центарот на градот биле нападнати се во стабилна состојба. Двајцата полицајци биле нападнати од група од десетина напаѓачи. Извори од Струга тврдат дека додека полицајците биле тепани од групата, дел од набљудувачите повикувале на нивно убиство, а ниту еден од присутните граѓани не се обидел да ги спаси или да ги смири напаѓачите.

    МВР во своето официјално соопштение денеска вели дека полицајците биле нападнати откако биле опколени од голема група граѓани.

    На 29.07.2019 година околу 17 часот, на улицата „Ристо Крле“ во Струга нарушен е јавниот ред и мир со напад врз службено лице при вршење службени дејства. Притоа, приведени се А.К.(38), Д.К.(35), двајцата од струшкото село Џепин како и Л.Б.(29) од Струга. По целосно документирање на случајот, против нив ќе биде поднесена соодветна пријава”, соопшти денеска портпаролот на СВР Охрид, Стефан Димоски.

    Инцидентот се случува откако последниве две години имаше неколку сериозни напади врз полицајци.

    Според изворите полицајците вчера во Струга спасиле жива глава само затоа што еден од нападнатите успеал да повика полициско засилување пред да биде турнат на земја.


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      New Terminator movie is out
      Horror vacations for a family of spanish tourists as they get attacked by an Albanian restaurant owner in Vlore, southern Albania. Guests at a restaurant in...

      Assault of Spaniards in Albania: Albanian restaurateur filmed in bizarre attack on Spanish tourists

      The man climbed on top of the Spaniards’ vehicle and smashed in the windshield for reasons that remain unclear. The country’s prime minister has apologized for the incident

      The man climbed on top of the Spaniards’ vehicle and smashed in the windshield for reasons that remain unclear. The country’s prime minister has apologized for the incident

      Spanish businessman Eugenio Galdón and his family became the victims of an assault by a restaurant owner while they were on vacation in Albania. The founder of the telecoms company ONO was forced to flee from the proprietor of the business in the south of the country, after he attacked Galdón and one of his children. They tried to leave in their vehicle but were stunned to see the man jump onto the hood of the car and smash the windshield. The assailant managed to stay put as the car drove for several kilometers.

      The incident took place on August 15 in Porto Palermo, a popular area with tourists. Video of what happened has been broadcast by an Albanian television station, and shows not only the man trying to break through the windshield, but also the moment when he tries to open the driver’s door. At that moment, the family, accompanied by a guide and a driver, manages to make their escape.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Volino residents detained for waiving the Kutlesh Star flag


        Real drama took place Sunday afternoon outside the Ohrid police station where several people from the municipality of Debrca were...

        Real drama took place Sunday afternoon outside the Ohrid police station where several people from the municipality of Debrca were detained.

        According to Alfa, the people were residents of the Volino village from the municipality of Debrca, who were taken to the Ohrid police station for chanting against the “Prespa” name of the country and for waving the Kutlesh Star flag.

        On the other hand, according to the Ministry of Interior, which confirmed the incident, the reason for the Volino incidents is the refereeing of the football match. Namely, after a referee’s decision, a group of dissatisfied fans from the decision began to fight. The police responded, and several people were arrested.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15659

          Unhappy football fans.

          Imagine what people would do if someone changed your country name and then had the final say on what you are allowed to say about your own history!
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Big Mike posts video on Instagram of his visit to Macedonia, meets with Zaev, Filipce, Hari Kostov



            US entrepreneur who produces marijuana for medical and recreational use, also known as Big Mike, posted a video on his Instagram account of his visit to Macedonia. He has been impressed by his recent visit to Macedonia, where he sees great potential for the medical cannabis business.

            Big Mike in Skopje met with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, Health Minister Venko Filipce, Mayor of Centar municipality Sasa Bogdanovic, as well as businessmen, including the head of Komercijalna Banka Hari Kostov.

            The public learned about the meetings from his Instagram photos.

            On Instagram, Big Mike also posted a video of the meetings and his visit to Skopje.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15659

              I wonder if Zaev merely offered his own personal stash.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Liberator of Makedonija
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2014
                • 1597

                Macedonian language centre to be opened in Postol?

                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                • Karposh
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 863

                  Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                  Macedonian language centre to be opened in Postol?

                  A Macedonian Language Centre in Pella...I think Hellas would sooner freeze over before that ever happens. Then again, it was only a couple of decades ago that I thought there was no chance Macedonians could ever sing and dance to Macedonian songs in Greece but here we are...


                  • Liberator of Makedonija
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 1597

                    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                    A Macedonian Language Centre in Pella...I think Hellas would sooner freeze over before that ever happens. Then again, it was only a couple of decades ago that I thought there was no chance Macedonians could ever sing and dance to Macedonian songs in Greece but here we are...
                    Would a language centre in Postol be anything more than symbolic? I think I heard there still is a minority in that region but a centre in Lerin sounds more practical these days.
                    I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                    • Karposh
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 863

                      Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                      Would a language centre in Postol be anything more than symbolic? I think I heard there still is a minority in that region but a centre in Lerin sounds more practical these days.
                      My understanding is that the Postol demographic ratio is roughly 50/50 - Macedonian/Pontian.


                      • Karposh
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 863

                        More on the Macedonians of the Pella district. The following YouTube video is an example of Macedonians enjoying themselves at the annual Chichigaz village festival (a predominantly ethnic Macedonian village in the Pella municipality). The Greek name for this village is Stavrodromi. There are many such examples on YouTube of Macedonians singing and dancing proudly to Macedonian songs in the Pella district including the regional capital itself, Pella/Postol.

                        #Velat_ne_nema #Μακεδονικό_Μεράκι #Σταυροδρόμι_Πέλλας


                        • Liberator of Makedonija
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 1597

                          Wasn't aware the community there was still so large.
                          I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                          • maco2envy
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 288

                            Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                            Macedonian language centre to be opened in Postol?

                            'Krste Misirkov' does not sound like a government organisation thus it's not bound by the Prespa agreement as was claimed by Greeks in the EU parliament - to the best of my knowledge.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Incident between Macedonian and Albanian school kids in Saraj

                              An inter-ethnic incident occurred in Saraj, west of Skopje today, when Macedonian pupils were attacked by Albanian kids. Parents whose...


                              An inter-ethnic incident occurred in Saraj, west of Skopje today, when Macedonian pupils were attacked by Albanian kids.

                              Parents whose children attend the Kole Nedelkovski school, say that their kids went for a field trip to Albanian majority Saraj, only to be attacked by kids from another local school.

                              One child was slapped without provocation, and another punched in the eye, and was bruised and bloodied, said a parent through the social media.

                              Principal Svetlana Maslarevska confirmed that there was an incident which happened during a football match. The police was called in to escort the children out of Saraj.


                              • Karposh
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 863

                                Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                                Incident between Macedonian and Albanian school kids in Saraj

                                An inter-ethnic incident occurred in Saraj, west of Skopje today, when Macedonian pupils were attacked by Albanian kids. Parents whose...


                                An inter-ethnic incident occurred in Saraj, west of Skopje today, when Macedonian pupils were attacked by Albanian kids.

                                Parents whose children attend the Kole Nedelkovski school, say that their kids went for a field trip to Albanian majority Saraj, only to be attacked by kids from another local school.

                                One child was slapped without provocation, and another punched in the eye, and was bruised and bloodied, said a parent through the social media.

                                Principal Svetlana Maslarevska confirmed that there was an incident which happened during a football match. The police was called in to escort the children out of Saraj.
                                This sounds like hate-speech to me Carlin. I'm sure it was just a simple and innocent school yard disagreement, that's all.

