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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Kosovo special police injure 20 people in Serb enclave/VIDEO


    Members of the Kosovo special police, "Rosu," on Friday used batons and tear gas against citizens in the Serb enclave of Strpce, south of the Ibar River.


    Locals attempted to stop an excavator used in building a contested mini-hydro power plant in their community.

    20 people have been injured, Serbia's public broadcaster RTS is reporting.

    The protest to protect the rivers of the Sar Mountain has been ongoing for two months now, but the excavator started digging today, escorted by special police.

    A peaceful protest was being held today in Obereke, where both local and special police were present.

    Yesterday locals managed to turn the excavator back without incidents.


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      Rama and Thaci discussing removal of the Albanian-Kosovo border as well as joining the Presevo Valley to Kosovo

      Рама и Тачи за бришење на албанско-косовската граница и припојување на Прешевската Долина кон Косово

      Косовскиот претседател Хашим Тачи, кој престојува во Тирана каде ќе учествува на состанокот на лидерите на земјите во Процесот Брдо-Бриони,што ќе се одржи утре во Тирана, попладнево оствари средба со албанскиот премиер Еди Рама.

      Косовскиот претседател Хашим Тачи, кој престојува во Тирана каде ќе учествува на состанокот на лидерите на земјите во Процесот Брдо-Бриони,што ќе се одржи утре во Тирана, попладнево оствари средба со албанскиот премиер Еди Рама.

      На својот Фејсбук профил, Тачи напиша дека со премиерот Рама зборувале за потребата од целосно отворање на косовско-албанската граница и создавање „еден албански простор без граници, под евроатлантскиот чадор“.

      Исто така, зборувале и за „корегирање на историските неправди“ и припојување на Прешевската Долина кон Косово.

      -Имав средба со премиерот на Република Албанија, Еди Рама, разговаравме, меѓу другото, за потребата од целосно отворање на косовско-албанската граница и создавање албански простор без граници, под евроатлантскиот чадор. На оваа средба ја покренавме потребата да ги корегираме историските неправди со обединување на албанскиот фактор околу сензибилизирање на правото за припојување на Прешево, Медвеѓа и Бујановац со територијата на Република Косово, напиша Тачи.

      Тачи претходно се сретна со албанскиот претседател Илир Мета, а според медумите ќе се сретне и со високата претставничка за надворешна и безбедносна политика на ЕУ, Федерика Могерини.
      Last edited by Carlin; 05-08-2019, 10:35 PM.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        "Remove border between Kosovo and Albania without delay"

        Kosovo President Hashim Thaci wrote on Facebook on Friday that the border between Albania and self-proclaimed Kosovo must be removed once and for all.


        Thaci wrote that he had "just crossed the border crossing of Morina, which unjustly divides Kosovo and Albania."

        "This border was set outside the will of Kosovo and Albania. Borders are relics of the past and must be removed once and for all. Kosovo and Albania should have freedom of movement and goods flow in accordance with European standards. Institution of Kosovo and Albania should make this decision without delay!," said Thaci.


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
          "Remove border between Kosovo and Albania without delay"

          Kosovo President Hashim Thaci wrote on Facebook on Friday that the border between Albania and self-proclaimed Kosovo must be removed once and for all.


          Thaci wrote that he had "just crossed the border crossing of Morina, which unjustly divides Kosovo and Albania."

          "This border was set outside the will of Kosovo and Albania. Borders are relics of the past and must be removed once and for all. Kosovo and Albania should have freedom of movement and goods flow in accordance with European standards. Institution of Kosovo and Albania should make this decision without delay!," said Thaci.
          So European the way they started a war to break away from a sovereign state all because they didn't like the ethnicity and religion of the state they lived in.

          If they want to be so European why don;t they open all their borders including the one with Serbia. If its absurd to have a border between Albania and Kosovo, then surely its even more absurd to have a border between Kosovo and the country is was historically a part of?


          • Phoenix
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 4671

            Originally posted by Gocka View Post
            So European the way they started a war to break away from a sovereign state all because they didn't like the ethnicity and religion of the state they lived in.

            If they want to be so European why don;t they open all their borders including the one with Serbia. If its absurd to have a border between Albania and Kosovo, then surely its even more absurd to have a border between Kosovo and the country is was historically a part of?
            They cried that they were treated like second class citizens under the Serbs and in Macedonia as well, they bemoaned the lack of inclusiveness of their culture in both societies and when they now have control of Kosovo and are an integral part of the decision making process in Macedonia, their values are hardly European, inclusive or tolerant...


            • Karposh
              • Aug 2015
              • 863

              And now for the news everyone's been waiting for with bated breaths. North Macedonia has proudly taken 8th position in the final Eurovision 2019 results, with the song "Proud" by Tamara Todevska, ahead of Australia, who finished on 9th position. BTW, The Netherlands took out 1st position.

              What I found particularly interesting was how Tamara spoke of "North Macedonia" in all her interviews with various European journalists at Tel Aviv instead of simply Macedonia. It seems like the transition is now complete...Just like Bruce Jenner's transition into Caitlyn Jenner.


              • Phoenix
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 4671

                Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                And now for the news everyone's been waiting for with bated breaths. North Macedonia has proudly taken 8th position in the final Eurovision 2019 results, with the song "Proud" by Tamara Todevska, ahead of Australia, who finished on 9th position. BTW, The Netherlands took out 1st position.

                What I found particularly interesting was how Tamara spoke of "North Macedonia" in all her interviews with various European journalists at Tel Aviv instead of simply Macedonia. It seems like the transition is now complete...Just like Bruce Jenner's transition into Caitlyn Jenner.
                She was pictured all over twitter with the national undertakers, Zaev and Dimitrov, she's become their darling and won't be biting the hand that feeds anytime was really funny reading Zaev trying to reach out to the Macedonian diaspora to vote for her...some of the replies to Zaev's tweet were quite hilarious...

                Clearly she's not a 'PROUD' ironic that she claimed the song was about empowerment...sadly she missed her own point...sold her arse instead...


                • Karposh
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 863

                  Here's a quote in a well known Macedonian newspaper:

                  За новинарката Снежана Лупевска Созен, Македонците од дијаспората се криви зошто Тамара не победила на Евровизија, и побара на дијаспората да и се забрани да гласа на избори.
                  Translation: As far as the journalist Snezhana Lupevska Sozen is concerned, the Macedonian diaspora is to blame for Tamara not winning the Eurovision song contest and so she has called for the diaspora to be banned from voting in Macedonian elections.

                  Apparently, according to Snezhana, we were too cheap to pick up the phone and vote for Tamara and that's the real reason she didn't win.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    If only the diaspora could claim credit for her loss, it would be a badge of honour. In any case, those two treacherous morons are no longer Macedonians.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Karposh
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 863

                      I swear, nothing makes sense anymore. Wile Macedonia's entertainment and political elite are promoting "North Macedonia" around Europe and the world, for that old poof, Boy George, it's just Macedonia.

                      This is what he wrote on his Twitter after watching Tamara's performance:
                      "Macedonia so far for me"


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Talk of resetting Balkan borders risks backlash


                        Albanian officials are not very convincing when they denounce talk about a Greater Albania as Serbian and Russian propaganda designed to cultivate fear of Albania.

                        Albanian officials are not very convincing when they denounce talk about a Greater Albania as Serbian and Russian propaganda designed to cultivate fear of Albania.

                        The facts speak for themselves. A recent Facebook post by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci naturally stirred controversy. Thaci said that, during a recent meeting, he and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama discussed “the necessity of the full opening of the Kosovo-Albanian border and creation of an Albanian area without borders, under the Euro-Atlantic umbrella.” This area, he added, should include areas in southern Serbia with an ethnic Albanian majority.

                        Albanians have for years systematically pursued a policy of “national unification” with the aim of creating what is usually referred to as a “Natural Albania” (essentially another way of saying Greater Albania, to dampen reactions from neighboring countries and strong geopolitical players). Albania and Kosovo already have a common curriculum as well as joint embassies and diplomatic missions. In 2014, the Albanian government scrapped work permits for ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and the Presevo Valley in Serbia. A few days ago, the measure was extended to ethnic Albanians in North Macedonia and Montenegro.

                        For the time being, the plan appears to be the creation of an Albanian Schengen, as it were, with the abolition of borders between the two countries. They are pushing it step by step, risking a backlash from non-ethnic Albanian populations. The American proposal for a land swap between Kosovo and Serbia facilitates their plans for a single Albanian territory as it foresees the unification of the Presevo Valley, where the population is mostly ethnic Albanian, with Kosovo – a huge step toward uniting ethnic Albanians across the Balkan peninsula.

                        The Serbian leadership reacted to Thaci’s remarks. However – as comments by President Aleksandar Vucic and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic demonstrate – it is not opposed to the idea of a territory exchange. This is because a border change in Kosovo would make it easier for Bosnian Serbs to unite with Serbia, which will in the meantime have re-established control over the majority ethnic-Serb area of Kosovo to the north of the River Ibar.

                        In that way, a Greater Serbia would emerge along with a Greater Albania. Two outstanding historical disputes in the Balkans, the Albanian and the Serbian issue, would have been settled, but at the risk of a wider border domino effect. The Germans are naturally concerned.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          North Macedonia To Hold First Gay-Pride Parade Next Month

                          The North Macedonian capital is set to host on June 29 what activists have described as the Balkan country's first gay-pride parade.

                          The North Macedonian capital is set to host on June 29 what activists have described as the Balkan country's first gay-pride parade.

                          The event will be "a form of protest for affirmation, support, and protection of human rights" of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, Antonio Mihajlov of the National Network Against Homophobia and Transphobia (NNHT) told a press conference in Skopje on May 20.

                          Mihajlov said that the gathering in downtown Skopje will be open for all to attend, regardless of nationality, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

                          Irena Cvetkovic, who is among the organizers, said that police officers and NNHT members will monitor the march to make all participants feel safe.

                          North Macedonia came under fire over gay rights during the rule of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party, which was ousted in 2017.

                          The country's first-ever Gay Pride Week, which was held in June 2013 to raise awareness about gay-rights issues, was severely disrupted by an attack on an LGBT center in Skopje.


                          • Carlin
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 3332

                            UNESCO raises alarm over lake Ohrid


                            UNESCO recommends that the region of lake Ohrid is declared an endangered world heritage site. The proposal is contained in a report which will be put to vote in June in Baku.

                            Ohrid is Macedonia’s main tourist destination and the UNESCO designation as part of the world heritage is taken as a serious challenge to preserve its natural and cultural beauty. But, listing it as endangered emphasizes that Ohrid is being badly mismanaged.

                            A series of fires were reported this year, in a clear attempt to destroy the patches of reeds which serve an important environmental role, to make way for commercial development of the shoreline. Unlawful construction is rampant, including by top local officials, and even the new Mayor is reportedly preparing to develop a large commercial project close to the shore.

                            And in the old city, protests took place yesterday to stop the construction of a large mosque minaret which will dominate over the old bazaar. Desperate for votes from the Albanian Muslim community, the Zoran Zaev Government gave the go-ahead for the construction, which local residents say will damage Ohrid’s position as one of the most important Orthodox Christian pilgrimage sites.


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545


                              "Palevski charged after airing wiretaps of SDSM officials"

                              Criminal charges were filed against anti-Government activist Ljupco Palevski and three others, over the airing of several illegally wiretapped phone conversations in the city of Prilep in early April.

                              Palevski, a businessman and former high ranked SDSM official who broke with the party accusing it of undermining Macedonian national interests, held a small rally in Prilep where, over loudspeakers, he played several conversations of SDSM officials.

                              The charges are being filed as more leaks appeared online, including the high impact one in which top SDSM member of Parliament Pavle Bogoevski is heard ordering drugs from his dealer. Another had former President and SDSM leader Branko Crvenkovski discussing a corrupt business deal involving current Public Administration Minister Damjan Mancevski. It is unclear whether these recordings were released through Palevski or someone else.

                              SDSM took control over Macedonia using a political and propaganda campaign in which they released thousands of illegally recorded wiretaps, recorded by intelligence agents loyal to the party. SDSM insisted that the tapes are used as evidence against VMRO-DPMNE officials, but now that they are in charge of the country, any calls for accountability based on new wiretaps are quickly dismissed.

                              Last edited by Bill77; 05-22-2019, 07:17 AM.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                It appears that almost the entire leadership of SDSM, all vice-presidents, secretaries ... have been dismissed.

                                The initial unofficial information is that the six vice-presidents of SDSM have been dismissed, along with the party's general secretary.

                                Former vice-presidents of the party were Frosina Remenski, Muhamed Zekiri, Petre Shilegov, Damjan Mancevski, Oliver Spasovski and Blagoj Bocvarski.

                                Централниот одбор на СДСМ ги разреши денеска сите 6 потпретседатели на партијата, заедно со генералниот секретар, Александар Кирацовски, кој е заменет од Љупчо Николовски, актуелниот министер за земјоделство.

                                СДСМ го смени речиси целото раководство, оставки на 6-те потпретседатели а разрешен е и генералниот секретар Кирацовски

                                Централниот одбор на СДСМ ги разреши денеска сите 6 потпретседатели на партијата, заедно со генералниот секретар, Александар Кирацовски, кој е заменет од Љупчо Николовски, актуелниот министер за земјоделство.

                                Досегашни потпретседатели на партијата беа Фросина Ременски, Мухамед Зекири, Петре Шилегов, Дамјан Манчевски, Оливер Спасовски и Благој Бочварски. Сите тие поднеле оставки на своите функции.

                                За министерски смени вечерва не се разговарало и најавената реконструкција на владата ќе биде тема на нов состанок, откако претходно ќе се расправа на Извршниот одбор на СДСМ, пред се затоа што во игра е и замена на ресори меѓу коалициските партнери во владата.
                                Last edited by Carlin; 05-26-2019, 02:48 PM.

