Originally posted by The LION will ROAR
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Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Dejan View PostAbout time the Macedonian government stood up for itself. Bravo!МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.
Greek Government Bashes Germany, asks for WW2 money
Thursday, 18 February 2010
You know you are in financial trouble when you go back to WW2 and ask Germany for 'war damages'. As irony would have it, Greece is asking for 'war money' from the country which essentially created Greece in 1835.
Greek opposition lawmakers said on Thursday that Germans should pay reparations for their World War Two occupation of Greece before criticising the country over its yawning fiscal deficits.
"How does Germany have the cheek to denounce us over our finances when it has still not paid compensation for Greece's war victims?" Margaritis Tzimas, of the main opposition New Democracy party, told parliament.
"There are still Greeks weeping for their lost brothers," the conservative lawmaker said during a debate on a bill to clean up the country's discredited statistical service. This type of silly rhetoric will only further frustrate the Germans who have poured billions into Greece for the past 20 years.
to help Athens could threaten the euro.
Merkel's stance is backed by opinion polls showing that a vast majority of Germans oppose a bailout, and Germany's biggest selling daily Bild has lambasted Greece as a nation of lazy cheats who should be "thrown out of the euro on their ear".
But Greek lawmakers from three left-wing and conservative opposition parties said Germans had no right to claim the moral high ground.
Six deputies from the small Left Coalition party urged the government to press Berlin over the reparations issue and blamed German banks and politicians for Greece's crisis.
"By their statements, German politicians and German financial institutions play a leading role in a wretched game of profiteering at the expense of the Greek people," they said in a written question to the government.
Responding to criticism that Greece fiddled its figures to get into the euro in 2001, communist MP Nikos Papaconstantinou asserted that Germany was not above using such tricks itself.
"As if we didn't know that Germany inflated the value of its gold reserves to get into the euro," he said.
In 1960, Germany paid Greece about 115 million deutschemarks to compensate victims of Nazi persecution. However, some Greek pressure groups say this did not cover civilian victims of reprisals and a forced occupation loan.
Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou refrained from joining the attack on Germany.
"We all have our criticism as to how public opinion in one or the other country perceives the Greek problem," he said during the debate.
He added that New Democracy, which is allied with Merkel's Christian Democrats in the European People's Party, should have addressed any criticism to Germany while it was in government until last October.The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
Originally posted by The LION will ROAR View PostGreek Government Bashes Germany, asks for WW2 money
Thursday, 18 February 2010
You know you are in financial trouble when you go back to WW2 and ask Germany for 'war damages'. As irony would have it, Greece is asking for 'war money' from the country which essentially created Greece in 1835.
Greek opposition lawmakers said on Thursday that Germans should pay reparations for their World War Two occupation of Greece before criticising the country over its yawning fiscal deficits.
"How does Germany have the cheek to denounce us over our finances when it has still not paid compensation for Greece's war victims?" Margaritis Tzimas, of the main opposition New Democracy party, told parliament.
"There are still Greeks weeping for their lost brothers," the conservative lawmaker said during a debate on a bill to clean up the country's discredited statistical service. This type of silly rhetoric will only further frustrate the Germans who have poured billions into Greece for the past 20 years.
to help Athens could threaten the euro.
Merkel's stance is backed by opinion polls showing that a vast majority of Germans oppose a bailout, and Germany's biggest selling daily Bild has lambasted Greece as a nation of lazy cheats who should be "thrown out of the euro on their ear".
But Greek lawmakers from three left-wing and conservative opposition parties said Germans had no right to claim the moral high ground.
Six deputies from the small Left Coalition party urged the government to press Berlin over the reparations issue and blamed German banks and politicians for Greece's crisis.
"By their statements, German politicians and German financial institutions play a leading role in a wretched game of profiteering at the expense of the Greek people," they said in a written question to the government.
Responding to criticism that Greece fiddled its figures to get into the euro in 2001, communist MP Nikos Papaconstantinou asserted that Germany was not above using such tricks itself.
"As if we didn't know that Germany inflated the value of its gold reserves to get into the euro," he said.
In 1960, Germany paid Greece about 115 million deutschemarks to compensate victims of Nazi persecution. However, some Greek pressure groups say this did not cover civilian victims of reprisals and a forced occupation loan.
Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou refrained from joining the attack on Germany.
"We all have our criticism as to how public opinion in one or the other country perceives the Greek problem," he said during the debate.
He added that New Democracy, which is allied with Merkel's Christian Democrats in the European People's Party, should have addressed any criticism to Germany while it was in government until last October.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
Партиска контрола на СДСМ врз Вест, Утрински и Дневник!
Документите со кои ВЕЧЕР располага, велат дека не било така како што јавноста била известена: дека германската корпорација ВАЦ дошла, и ги купила весниците и печатницата, што нели - беше поздравено во јавноста.
Документите го велат следното:
Сопственик на МЕДИА ПРИНТ не е германски ВАЦ. Според регистарските документи, фирмата МЕДИА ПРИНТ Скопје (ЕМБС:5807913) е во приватна сопственост, основана од фирмите КРУГ ДООЕЛ Скопје (оснивачки капитал 1.237 евра), од Графички центар (оснивачки капитал 775 евра) и фирмата ОГЛЕДАЛО Скопје (основачки капитал 487 евра).
Како што се гледа, германски ВАЦ го нема никаде меѓу основачите.
Се на се, големиот МЕДИА ПРИНТ има основачки капитал од дури 2.500 евра! Тоа е големата инвестиција на Бодо Хомбах во Македонија!
Фирмата ОГЛЕДАЛО (ЕМБС 5412684), која е соосновач на МЕДИА ПРИНТ, е сопственост на неколку субјекти, од кои ниту еден не е германски ВАЦ. Имено, за сопственици на МЕДИА ПРИНТ се наведени: нам непознато лице Дончо Мирчев, основач со капитал од само 100 евра! По него, соосновачи се и сегашниот главен уредник на Вест Горан Михајловски кој се потрошил, и во МЕДИА ПРИНТ вложил дури 150 евра (9.300 денари основачки капитал!). По него, соосновач на ОГЛЕДАЛО е компанијата ФЕРШПЕД, со значително поголем удел, влог од дури 23.300 денари, или помалку од 390 евра. Најпосле, соосновач е и ОСТ Холдинг од Виена, со влог од 116.650 денари или околу 1.900 евра.
Се на се, инвестицијата во ОГЛЕДАЛО е вкупно 2.550 евра!
Greece broadens process to language and passports, name process unpredictable - analyst
Washington, February 25 (MIA) - It is difficult to foresee what will happen in the name negotiations due to the broadened range of requirements by Greece, claims Sally McNamara, Senior Policy Analyst in European Affairs at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation.
"If it was just about the name issue, maybe we could see the end. However, the Greeks have broadened the problem to the language, passports and all kinds of things. Pressure must be put on Greece, so that they stop acting as if they want to solve the dispute", says McNamara in an interview with Voice of America in Macedonian Language.
According to her, Greece is currently under EU pressure due to its economic woes, which is another reason why Athens should close the name problem, in the interest of regional security.
"I think it is time someone stepped in and told Greece 'now you are in a situation needing European assistance due to the domestic economic situation and the mounting pressure'. Greece is currently supported by Europe and should lend a hand to others. Negotiations can resume with Macedonia as part of NATO. The row between the two countries is not unsolvable", assesses the analyst.
McNamara says it is time Greece acted with more responsibility towards Macedonia.
"They have blocked Macedonia's EU perspective too. You cannot hold the entire world hostage because of a dispute regarding an issue, which can be bilaterally settled, with Macedonia in the Alliance", she adds.
The Heritage Foundation analyst believes that the impasse could be overcome if someone from Washington or Berlin told Athens 'we help you, help us too', because this is an issue of regional security, NATO as a whole, not only Greece.
"It is also a matter of Macedonians sharing membership expenditures, but not enjoying the benefits. They take part in Afghanistan and the Balkans, something they will continue to do in the future", concludes McNamara.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
German Humor enrages Greece
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Greece's Foreign Ministry has called the German Ambassador in Athens for discussion after an article in German magazine Focus hurt Greek's feelings.
Interestingly enough, the Greeks don't seem to mind the negative write up in the magazine, rather concentrate on Focus' magazine cover where a what appears to be half naked Venus (the goddess of Love) sculpture wrapped in blue and white flag gives the finger. The German magazine devoted its weekly magazine to Greece, with the title "The Liars in the Euro Family"
Greek parliament members speaking to Athens media claimed the Germans must be careful what they say about their country because the Balkan nation is one of the top buyers of German weaponry. Though word has gotten out of German manufacturer (HDW) that Greece is the last country they would sell weapons because they still haven't collected money for the submarines they shipped few years ago.
Western humor and freedom of speech remains a thorn issue for inter state tensions. Recently several European countries and Germany in particular have been on the offensive against Athens due to their debt problems.
But as our MINA analyst Gorazd Velkovski says, EU has a hidden agenda and are using the Balkan nation's debt problem for much more sinister plans. More on that later.The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
Concept design of Bitola-Lerin railroad completed
Thursday, 04 March 2010
Concept design for construction of the Corridor X section from Bitola to Lerin has been completed, announced the Macedonian Ministry of Transport. The project was devised by the state-owned company Macedonian Railways, and the next step is the choice of a consultant who will conduct necessary surveys and the main construction project.
"A tender for preparation of necessary documents is expected to be invited in June, whereas the mentioned railroad section Bitola-Lerin will be completed in 2014.
We applied for means from EU pre-accession funds (IPA) in order to obtain financial means necessary for the project," informed the Ministry. Moreover, this is an international railroad which will be some 20 km long.
I hope this goes thru...so we can have more contact with our brothers and sisters...The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
It would be one of the most significant unifying initiatives we will have seen in 100 years.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Its really important i agree. The Greek side shut it down in the mid 90s, i think there are still tracks there however nobody knows if the tracks are maintained because they havnt been used in so long.МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.
The EU is against the creation of new states in the Balkans
Prague, March 10 (Reuters) - European Union would not accept the creation of new states in the Balkans, said the expansion evrokemsarot Stefan Fillet, stressing that Brussels is preparing a new approach to Bosnia and Herzegovina, whose objective is firmly connected with the EU.
In a statement to Radio Free Europe, Fillet stressed that the EU now are preparing for a scenario for the division of BiH, but that focus can help the country to avoid division.
- We can do much to set this country on a stable basis, noted Fillet.
He stressed that the EU is not prepared to accept an increase in the number of states in the Balkans that does to avoid such a possibility.
According to him, the key to the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an extension of Dayton.
- The key is the constitutional changes. It is crucial to get to the closing theme for the Office of the High Representative through constitutional changes to pave the way towards creating a stable and effective governance in the country, which tends to support, if not all, the majority (of people), said fillets, adding that if it came to be followed by "strong vkotvuvanje BiH in the EU" through the process of association.
Европската унија нема да прифати создавање нови држави на Балканот, изјави еврокемсарот за проширување Штефан Филе, нагласувајќи дека Брисел подготвува нов пристап за Босна и Херцеговина, чија цел е „цврсто поврзување
Unless its the Albanians. Then the EU would make room no dought about it.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873
Kacin: Brussels to find way for Macedonia’s start of EU accession talks with Iceland
The name dispute is a bilateral issue that should not have an effect on Macedonia’s Euro-integration. This is also the official stance of Brussels, which should provide assistance in finding a solution, followed by the beginning of Union accession negotiations, Slovenian Member of European Parliament (MEP) Jelko Kacin told Nacedonian media.
Kacin was asked to comment on the statement of Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule at the Western Balkan Summit at Brdo-pri-Kranju, saying that bilateral disputes should not influence the Euro-integration process.
“This is Brussels’ official position and we keep reiterating this in all EU institutions. Greece’s blockade on Macedonia is a bilateral row, which prevents Macedonia from obtaining a date, but we are seeking for solutions”, states Kacin.
The Slovenian MEP announced he would send a letter to Commissioner Fule and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in an attempt to settle the issue.
“We should use the opportunity of Iceland’s accession talks date so that both countries start negotiations”, added Kacin.
According to him, it is in the region’s interest that another Western Balkan country began EU accession talks as soon as possible, which is good for all neighbors, including Greece, taking into consideration its deep political, social and economic crisis, but also in EU’s benefit.
Pertaining to EU having a plan B if the name row is not settled soon, MEP Kacin said reserve plans must always exist, with the main message being dynamics in the process.
Commenting the absence of Serbian President Boris Tadic from the Slovenia conference, he assessed the Western Balkan region is not held hostage by Serbia.
“If we are referring to hostages, then Belgrade holds itself hostage”, said Kacin, who is the EP Rapporteur for Serbia.
He stressed EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy’s failure to attend the summit was poor judgment, whereas the absence of Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, whose country currently holds the EU Presidency, “is related to the country’s focus on June’s Western Balkan summit in Sarajevo”.
Bilateral disputes should not influence the Euro-integration process. Did they just realise this. I have heard this many times before and yet they still get the vaseline out for the Greeks.
I apreiciate the Slovenians Great support, But all this talk is the same shit music played over and over again. There is nothing new. Greece will block again and Brussels will advise a settlement on the name issue must happen. That has been Brussels official position and always will be.http://www.macedoniantruth.org/forum/showthread.php?p=120873#post120873