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  • DedoAleko
    • Jun 2009
    • 969

    Sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon in Makedonia

    google translate:

    Archaeological Museum will be opened on Saturday, and the public will be able to visit on Sunday.

    The archaeological museum in Skopje, set 15 wax figures of celebrities who have left a mark in Macedonian history and past, such as Philip II, Alexander III, Perseus, Justinian, Samuel King, King Mark.
    The figures of Philip, Alexander will be housed in the ancient century, remaining in the Middle Ages. As one of the most attractive items will be a replica of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon and the original marble sculpture of Venus Pudika (Shy Venus) 2 N century. 's. "said Director of the Archaeological Museum Vesela Chestoeva.

    This huge sarcophagus and in many ways important historical exhibit in which hundreds of engraved figures that symbolize the biggest win and undefeated military commander of all time Alexander of Makedon, more than a hundred years, from the time it was found in the 19th century near the city of Sidon, until today, has attracted the attention of experts and the general public.

    Marble sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon dating from the 4th century BC, was discovered in 1887 by archaeologist and antiquarian Turkish Osman Hamdi Bey that conducted excavations in the necropolis near the Lebanese city of Sidon. At that time, the territory of present-day Lebanon was part of the Ottoman Empire. During the research, Hamdi Bey came across four massive well-preserved sarcophagi belonging to important figures of Sidon from the time of Alexander.

    Sarcophagus boat were taken to Istanbul and then presented at a public exhibition in the Ottoman Imperial Museum, which on this occasion was officially opened on August 13, 1891. Since then until today, sarcophagus is kept at the Museum in Istanbul.

    This luxury stone coffin is known worldwide as the sarcophagus of Alexander and the biggest attraction for visitors coming in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.

    Sarcophagus of Alexander enchants with its appearance. This fifteen-ton marble coffin was made of two blocks panteliski high quality marble. As time gets zlatnikava glittering marble color and shows the splendor of relief introduced recognizing the importance and wealth of the deceased.

    On one long side of the sarcophagus is shown fighting the Persians with Alexander.

    The scene represents the battle of Issus, the Macedonian king is depicted as a horseman, with the lion's head helmet, as spear thrusting Persian horseman. On the other long side, Alexander is represented in hunting lions. Among the riders that follow are considered to present the beautiful landscape and the characters are the generals Perdiccas and his pobratim Hefajstion, and the king of Sidon, Abdalonimus. The two short sides contain scenes that depict Abdalonimus in battle and hunting panther, and the Battle of Gaza and killing Perdiccas.

    An ancient sarcophagus copy of the second sarcophagus of Alexander. In fact, he was made ​​according to a copy of the golden sarcophagus of Alexander made ​​to hide the trace of the body of Alexander the aspirants to the Macedonian throne. That is, each of the aspirants to the throne who would possess the sarcophagus with the body of Alexander, also would have the symbols of the Macedonian imperial power.

    The making of a copy of the marble sarcophagus of Alexander, agreed with Turkish archaeologists in April 2009, and its placement in the new Archeological Museum of Macedonia, will be of paramount importance for the country. As the marble sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon represents the greatest attraction for visitors in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul, and a replica of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Macedonia set in his native country, will be a real magnet for foreign visitors in Macedonia.

    The copy of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon, is the result of good cooperation between Turkish and Macedonian archaeologists, and once again confirm the good and friendly relations between the two countries.



    • julie
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 3869

      Golden Dawn is being prosecuted in Greece

      In a decision that could mark the end of Europe’s most violent neo-Nazi force, a Greek public prosecutor on Thursday demanded that Golden Dawn’s entire parliamentary group stand trial for criminal offences.

      The order, outlined in a 700-page argument by state prosecutor Isidoros Doyiakos, said that more than 50 leading party cadres should also be tried for using the far-right group as a political front to pursue a litany of illegal activities.

      “This is an extremely important development and no time should now be wasted in holding this trial and putting these criminals away for life,” said Petros Constantinou, a prominent member of the anti-fascist Antarsya whose supporters have been widely targeted by the extremists. “Their murderous tactics have been tolerated for far too long.”

      In his dossier, Doyiakos accused the suspects of murder, weapons offences and multiple attacks on immigrants, leftists and gay people over a period of more than 30 years. The severity of the charges was such that all of the party’s MPs, including its imprisoned leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, should face justice, he said.

      Once a fringe player on the Greek political scene, Golden Dawn saw its popularity soar on the back of anti-immigrant rhetoric when the debt-stricken country descended into crisis five years ago. After entrenching their position as Greece’s third political force with a surprisingly strong performance in local and European elections in May, the extremists have recently seen their support drop amid revelations of the party’s criminal reach.

      The crackdown against the organisation, whose leaders openly applaud Adolf Hitler, was launched after a senior cadre stabbed a leftwing rapper to death in Athens last year.

      All 16 of Golden Dawn’s MPs are currently in custody pending trial. Two lawmakers, who defected earlier this year should also be tried, the prosecutor said.

      Court sources said the decision opened the way for the neo-fascists to be brought to trial in the coming months.
      Far-right party’s MPs are accused of murder, weapons offences and attacks on immigrants, leftwing activists and gay people
      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        judging by their standard of behaviour its like the third reich is coming back .
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • DedoAleko
          • Jun 2009
          • 969

          Russia to Shift Ukraine Gas Transit to Turkey as EU Cries Foul

          Russia plans to shift all its natural gas flows crossing Ukraine to a route via Turkey, a surprise move that the European Union’s energy chief said would hurt its reputation as a supplier.

          The decision makes no economic sense, Maros Sefcovic, the European Commission’s vice president for energy union, told reporters today after talks with Russian government officials and the head of gas exporter, OAO Gazprom (GAZP), in Moscow.

          Gazprom, the world’s biggest natural gas supplier, plans to send 63 billion cubic meters through a proposed link under the Black Sea to Turkey, fully replacing shipments via Ukraine, Chief Executive Officer Alexey Miller said during the discussions. About 40 percent of Russia’s gas exports to Europe and Turkey travel through Ukraine’s Soviet-era network.

          Russia, which supplies about 30 percent of Europe’s gas, dropped a planned link through Bulgaria bypassing Ukraine amid EU opposition last year. Russia’s relations with the EU have reached a post-Cold War low over President Vladimir Putin’s support for separatists in Ukraine.

          Sefcovic said he was “very surprised” by Miller’s comment, adding that relying on a Turkish route, without Ukraine, won’t fit with the EU’s gas system.

          Gazprom plans to deliver the fuel to Turkey’s border with Greece and “it’s up to the EU to decide what to do” with it further, according to Sefcovic.
          Different Habits

          “We don’t work like this,” he said. “The trading system and trading habits -- how we do it today -- are different.”

          Sefcovic said he arrived in the Russian capital to discuss supplies to south-eastern EU countries after Putin scrapped the proposed $45 billion South Stream pipeline. The region, even if Turkey is included, doesn’t need the volumes Gazprom is planning for a new link, he said.

          Ukraine makes sense as a transit country given its location in Europe and the “very clear specified places of deliveries” in Gazprom’s current long-term contracts with EU customers, Sefcovic said.

          “I believe we can find a better solution,” Sefcovic said.

          The 28-nation EU is planning build an energy union to reduce dependence on Russia and facilitate transition to a low-carbon economy. Russia was planning South Stream for about a decade, first claiming it would meet expanding demand in the EU, then saying would ensure supplies from high transit risks via Ukraine.
          ‘No Options’

          Gazprom has reduced deliveries via Ukraine after price and debt disputes with the neighboring country that twice in the past decade disrupted supplies to the EU during freezing weather.

          After building and acquiring export pipelines, the company cut transit via Ukraine to about 62 billion cubic meters last year from 137 billion in 2004.

          “Transit risks for European consumers on the territory of Ukraine remain,” Miller said in an e-mailed statement. “There are no other options” except for the planned Turkish Stream link, he said.

          “We have informed our European partners, and now it is up to them to put in place the necessary infrastructure starting from the Turkish-Greek border,” Miller said.

          Russia won’t hurt its image with a shift to Turkey because it has always been a reliable gas supplier and never violated its obligations, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told reporters today in Moscow after meeting Sefcovic.

          “The decision has been made,” Novak said. “We are diversifying and eliminating the risks of unreliable countries that caused problems in past years, including for European consumers.”


          Video: Šefčovič 'European Union Very surprised' at Russia's Decision to Send Gas via Turkey


          • DedoAleko
            • Jun 2009
            • 969

            Ali Ahmeti had car accident!

            edit: Rapports say no major injuries,unfortunately.
            Last edited by DedoAleko; 01-21-2015, 06:19 AM.


            • Volokin
              • Apr 2014
              • 278

              Macedonia and Albania to Deepen Defense Cooperation

              January 22, 2015, Thursday @ 14:43 in Politics » DIPLOMACY | Views: 23
              Macedonia and Albania to Deepen Defense Cooperation Macedonian Defense Minister Zoran Jolevski. Photo: Radovan Vujovic
              The ways in which the excellent bilateral relations between Macedonia and Albania could develop and how to deepen the cooperation between both countries' defense ministries were the main topic of discussion between Macedonian Defense Minister, Zoran Jolevski and his Albanian counterpart, Mimi Kodheli.

              Ministers Jolevski and Kodheli stressed that Macedonia and Albania remain on the road of struggle against terrorism and any kind of threat that will be directed to the citizens and the countries, as well as in terms of the defense of the democratic values that both governments represent.

              Pointing that full-fledged NATO membership is Macedonia's top priority, Minister Jolevski expressed content that Albania, together with Croatia, as member states of the Adriatic Charter, are strong supporters of the Macedonian aspirations to join the Alliance.

              "Macedonia has fully met the terms for NATO membership, but from reasons well known we did not receive the invitation. We will continue our activities and presentation of the arguments why Macedonia should be invited in the Alliance. We believe that NATO's expansion in Southeast Europe, including the Balkans, represents strengthening the security and the stability of the region," Minister Jolevski said after the meeting.

              Minister Kodheli confirmed Albania's support for Macedonia's quickest possible full-fledged membership in NATO.

              "We wish that the name dispute your country has with Greece will be solved as soon as possible, but also the respect of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, as it was noted at the NATO Summit in Wales," Kodheli said.

              Jolevski and Kodheli announced a joint military exercise on the border between Macedonia and Albania, which was deemed as a new level of quality in the cooperation between the two defense ministries.

              Ministers Jolevski and Kodheli also signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Exchange of Experts, which among other, will enable staff training of the Albanian Defense Ministry in NATO's Regional Public Relations Center in Skopje.

              I seriously wonder how these conversations progress with our Albanian counterparts.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Ministers Jolevski and Kodheli stressed that Macedonia and Albania remain on the road of struggle against terrorism and any kind of threat that will be directed to the citizens and the countries....."We wish...the respect of the Ohrid Framework Agreement...." Kodheli said.
                Kind of an oxymoron given that it was precisely terrorism that precipitated the so-called FA.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • George S.
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2009
                  • 10116

                  Nothing surprises me more than than to hear dumb comments of how we need to appease the terrorists more.Why don't we just hand over Macedonia whil'st were about it.
                  "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                  GOTSE DELCEV


                  • Nikolaj
                    • Aug 2014
                    • 389

                    Former US Ambassador: I Know Macedonia Won't Change its Name

                    Former US Ambassador to Macedonia Christopher Hill stated that he is aware of the fact that Macedonia will never give up its constitutional name and that in the negotiations with Greece another solution must be found that will open the way towards the European Union without changing the name.

                    "I think that the solution should be a package that would be acceptable to all, but would keep the constitutional name. Macedonia will not change its constitutional name, but there needs to be some compromise, understanding that the constitutional name stays and the package includes European Union membership. Can someone solve this issue now? I don't think so.

                    I know that Macedonians will not change their name. For them, and for the United States of America, the name is Republic of Macedonia. I also know that there needs to be a process that will also deliver something for the Greeks, but I can't tell what that would be", Hill told the Macedonian Television, during an event in the John's Hopkins University in Wahington.", stated Hill.

                    Ambassador Hill added that the name dispute is a complicated issue, which can be seen in the fact that its solving lasts more than 20 years. Hill was the first US Ambassador to Macedonia and was actively involved in achieving the Interim Accord between Greece and Macedonia in 1995, when the 'temporary' description for Macedonia was accepted which lifting the Greek embargo with Athens promising and signing an agreement not to interrupt Macedonia’s accession in the international institutions, a task that this country broke in 2008 when it blocked Macedonia’s accession to NATO.

                    Why is it always former's who state the obvious...


                    • Bill77
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 4545

                      Doomed.....We are all Doomed

                      NATO sings ‘We Are The World’ for peace during Antalya meeting
                      NATO foreign ministers sang a rendition of “We Are The World” at the dinner of their meeting late on May 13 in Turkey’s southern province of Antalya


                      • Nikola
                        Junior Member
                        • Sep 2013
                        • 7

                        Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
                        Sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon in Makedonia

                        google translate:

                        Archaeological Museum will be opened on Saturday, and the public will be able to visit on Sunday.

                        The archaeological museum in Skopje, set 15 wax figures of celebrities who have left a mark in Macedonian history and past, such as Philip II, Alexander III, Perseus, Justinian, Samuel King, King Mark.
                        The figures of Philip, Alexander will be housed in the ancient century, remaining in the Middle Ages. As one of the most attractive items will be a replica of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon and the original marble sculpture of Venus Pudika (Shy Venus) 2 N century. 's. "said Director of the Archaeological Museum Vesela Chestoeva.

                        This huge sarcophagus and in many ways important historical exhibit in which hundreds of engraved figures that symbolize the biggest win and undefeated military commander of all time Alexander of Makedon, more than a hundred years, from the time it was found in the 19th century near the city of Sidon, until today, has attracted the attention of experts and the general public.

                        Marble sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon dating from the 4th century BC, was discovered in 1887 by archaeologist and antiquarian Turkish Osman Hamdi Bey that conducted excavations in the necropolis near the Lebanese city of Sidon. At that time, the territory of present-day Lebanon was part of the Ottoman Empire. During the research, Hamdi Bey came across four massive well-preserved sarcophagi belonging to important figures of Sidon from the time of Alexander.

                        Sarcophagus boat were taken to Istanbul and then presented at a public exhibition in the Ottoman Imperial Museum, which on this occasion was officially opened on August 13, 1891. Since then until today, sarcophagus is kept at the Museum in Istanbul.

                        This luxury stone coffin is known worldwide as the sarcophagus of Alexander and the biggest attraction for visitors coming in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.

                        Sarcophagus of Alexander enchants with its appearance. This fifteen-ton marble coffin was made of two blocks panteliski high quality marble. As time gets zlatnikava glittering marble color and shows the splendor of relief introduced recognizing the importance and wealth of the deceased.

                        On one long side of the sarcophagus is shown fighting the Persians with Alexander.

                        The scene represents the battle of Issus, the Macedonian king is depicted as a horseman, with the lion's head helmet, as spear thrusting Persian horseman. On the other long side, Alexander is represented in hunting lions. Among the riders that follow are considered to present the beautiful landscape and the characters are the generals Perdiccas and his pobratim Hefajstion, and the king of Sidon, Abdalonimus. The two short sides contain scenes that depict Abdalonimus in battle and hunting panther, and the Battle of Gaza and killing Perdiccas.

                        An ancient sarcophagus copy of the second sarcophagus of Alexander. In fact, he was made ​​according to a copy of the golden sarcophagus of Alexander made ​​to hide the trace of the body of Alexander the aspirants to the Macedonian throne. That is, each of the aspirants to the throne who would possess the sarcophagus with the body of Alexander, also would have the symbols of the Macedonian imperial power.

                        The making of a copy of the marble sarcophagus of Alexander, agreed with Turkish archaeologists in April 2009, and its placement in the new Archeological Museum of Macedonia, will be of paramount importance for the country. As the marble sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon represents the greatest attraction for visitors in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul, and a replica of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Macedonia set in his native country, will be a real magnet for foreign visitors in Macedonia.

                        The copy of the sarcophagus of Alexander of Makedon, is the result of good cooperation between Turkish and Macedonian archaeologists, and once again confirm the good and friendly relations between the two countries.

                        "Friendship between the two countries"
                        Lovely idea, but they've just come out effectively supporting the Albanians after what happened in Kumanovo, asking for the "implementation of the Ohrid agreement" and whatnot.
                        Слобода или смрт


                        • Ryden
                          Junior Member
                          • Apr 2015
                          • 21

                          Originally posted by Nikola View Post
                          "Friendship between the two countries"
                          Lovely idea, but they've just come out effectively supporting the Albanians after what happened in Kumanovo, asking for the "implementation of the Ohrid agreement" and whatnot.
                          the turks are not our " friends " . the only thing we have in common is that we both have common enemy (greeks ). u take out the greeks out of the equation , to them we would be " kaffirs ". Many Macedonians think that turkey is our friend and would be help us , but they have shown their true colours in many instances , and they would support the albanians over us anyday


                          • sydney
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 390

                            Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                            Doomed.....We are all Doomed

                            NATO sings ‘We Are The World’ for peace during Antalya meeting
                            10/10 on the cringe-factor scale.


                            • Gocka
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 2306

                              Very true. I don't know how a group that enslaved Macedonians for 500 years could be our friend? Or even why we should want them as our friends. If Macedonia had broken away from Turkey earlier I am 100% sure Macedonia would be whole today and we would be much better off. People forget the reason Macedonian nationalism fell behind our neighbors is because we were by far the last to get our freedom from Turks.

                              Fast forward to today and turkey is ruled by a heavy Islamist party who supports the Islamists that Macedonia struggles with today.

                              Originally posted by Ryden View Post
                              the turks are not our " friends " . the only thing we have in common is that we both have common enemy (greeks ). u take out the greeks out of the equation , to them we would be " kaffirs ". Many Macedonians think that turkey is our friend and would be help us , but they have shown their true colours in many instances , and they would support the albanians over us anyday


                              • Ryden
                                Junior Member
                                • Apr 2015
                                • 21

                                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                                Very true. I don't know how a group that enslaved Macedonians for 500 years could be our friend? Or even why we should want them as our friends. If Macedonia had broken away from Turkey earlier I am 100% sure Macedonia would be whole today and we would be much better off. People forget the reason Macedonian nationalism fell behind our neighbors is because we were by far the last to get our freedom from Turks.

                                Fast forward to today and turkey is ruled by a heavy Islamist party who supports the Islamists that Macedonia struggles with today.
                                its not coincidence that we were the last one to reach for freedom from the Turks. Even then we needed it other countries to choose our destiny. We replaced the turks with other ocupators ( greeks , albanians, bulgarians and serbs ) i pray for the day when all Macedonians unite regrdless of their diffrences ..

