Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC)

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  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    Give her a break guys. Seriously you are jumping on her for nothing.

    Vodenka tried to explain that although the article referenced the Rainbow party it is the Greeks use of their name for all activists regardless even if they are Not associated with the party at all.

    There is nothing anal about the clarification.

    As Vodenka later points out it was other people who gave up their time from work or just their personal time to go around with the Begalci and help them fill out forms and understand the procedures required. These people should be commended and thanked for their acts of assistance.

    It is easy for all of us to understand that these people may have naturally felt disheartened and disappointed to hear the Rainbow party getting the credit for something the party had nothing to do with because not only did it cost them their personal time but also if time off work it may have cost them more financially. This is very understandable.

    Vodenka in a later post explained her disappointment with Kanal 5 and any other reputable media outlet for repeating the Greek report that some kind of incident was narrowly avoided implying that there was potentially some kind of danger where there was none.

    Her disappointment is understandable when you consider if the initial Greek report was merely Greek propaganda in a simplistic attempt to frighten more people coming by suggesting something could have happened then Kanal 5 and any other media outlet repeating that lie without fact checking is playing into the hands of the Greek propaganda machine by giving their own credibility to such lies. The media outlets are wrong for not fact checking as they should have done so as one golden rule should always apply and that is Greeks lie.

    There was nothing wrong with Vodenka explaining this yet she was then accused of using this explanation as a pretence to bring up so called anti Rainbow rubbish and reminded she has been warned in the past not to do this. Hardly a fair comment when the only reference to the Rainbow party was to explain how Greeks use the parry name even when referring to activists not associated with the party and how these activists who tried to do a good deed felt disappointed the party was getting the credit. There was no anti Rainbow party venom in her posts. Give her a break.

    Instead of giving her understanding and thanking the activists who gave up their time to help other posters further attacked her accusing her a belittling the Rainbow party. What started as a simple explanation by Vodenka has been beaten up by others to be more than what it was and then use it to attack her.

    To an outside observer who is not familiar with all the history the Rainbow party Vodenka and the posters might have it really looks like the Rainbow party is being treated as some kind of protected species and anything even slightly perceived as being negative towards the party is instantly jumped on as is the person saying it. Get real. If you have some special interest in the party declare it or stop acting so precious towards them. All Vodenka did was explain to us that even though the partys name was used in reality it had nothing to do with them.

    Continually jumping on Vodenka for the slightest thing does not do well towards bolstering her spirits and activists on the ground in Greece are surely needed. I am sure she is mature enough and dedicated enough to weather things and carry on but it makes a mockery of your accusations against her by doing virtually the same belittling against her and telling her to be more gracious and give credit where credit is due. hahahaha


    • AMHRC
      • Sep 2009
      • 919

      Here is something else from inside the AMHRC Review:

      DECLARATION on the Bulgarian Census

      Regarding the action carried out during the past week against the right to self-determination in Bulgaria in relation to the inclusion of columns for all minorities in Bulgaria on the census form:

      1. Having regard to the strong campaign waged by ultranationalist and extremist groups and organizations against the inclusion of columns for all minorities in the trial census which found support in much of the media;

      2. Having regard to the fact that the government has not reacted against this anti-democratic wave of uncivilised thinking and primitivism which brings shame on the country;

      3. Having regard to the fact that a cabinet minister openly agitated against the freedom of citizens to determine their own ethnicity and appealed for that right to be limited in various ways;

      4. Having regard to the fact that the cabinet did not distance itself from the statements made by the minister;

      5. Having regard to the fact that the Premier ordered a thorough investigation in order to find those considered guilty, not from the ranks of those who agitated against the right to self-determination, but rather amongst those persons working at the National Statistics Institute (NSI);

      6. Having regard to the fact that two deputy heads of the NSI were dismissed by the government for having conscientiously carried out their duties and observed European principles by including in the “others” column all objectively existing ethnic groups who identified as such at previous censuses;

      We are compelled to state the following:

      The upcoming census and its results have already been compromised!

      The NSI is also compromised!

      Democracy in Bulgaria is compromised!

      Premier Borissov’s extremely inappropriate actions send a clear message:

      -That those employed in the NSI should be careful regarding “non-existent
      ethnic groups” at the next census if they want to keep their jobs;

      -That future census-takers should note that certain ethnic groups should not exist and that their registration is against state policy and may lead to corresponding punishment;

      -That the right of self-determination of the Macedonians, as well as other ethnic groups who are denied in Bulgaria, does not exist, and that their self-determination as such is considered to be an anti-state act which will be punished.

      There is no doubt that the government, with the assistance of the security agencies is preparing to further manipulate the right of minorities to self-determination in Bulgaria. The creation of an atmosphere of fear and intolerance of the Macedonians in Bulgaria existed prior to and at the time of the carrying out of the two previous censuses. This scenario is obviously being repeated for a third time.

      While in the neighbouring Republic of Macedonia there will be a column for “Bulgarian” at the upcoming census, in Bulgaria a column for “Macedonian” is prohibited, despite the fact that at all censuses thousands of Bulgarian citizens have self-identified as Macedonians.

      However, that which has occurred is recognition in itself!

      The harsh reactions of the nationalists – the offspring of the totalitarian security agencies-are a clear indication of their fear of the truth, the truth that a Macedonian minority exists in Bulgaria and that the number of people with a Macedonian consciousness is exceedingly large, a truth that such circles cannot stomach.

      Given this abnormal situation, in the name of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and in the name of our organisations, we declare that if urgent measures are not taken for the inclusion of the column “Macedonian”, as well as a column for the remaining minorities, and if the government does not take measures to safeguard the internationally guaranteed right to self-identification equally for all Bulgarian citizens and does not rectify the current abnormal situation of intolerance and witch hunts,

      We will not be able to recognize the results of the upcoming census

      OMO “Ilinden”-PIRIN

      Association of Repressed Macedonians in Bulgaria

      TMO VMRO (Independent)

      KPD “Nikola Vaptsarov”


        • Oct 2009
        • 525

        Thanks, we'll send to contacts in D.C.
        Last edited by; 10-14-2010, 10:43 PM.
        For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

        United Macedonian Diaspora

        1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
        Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: [email protected]

        PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
        Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: [email protected]

        3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
        Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: [email protected]


        • Grotius
          • Dec 2009
          • 136

          Well done AMHRC, another informative quality piece of work.

          That whole Rann affair sounds dodgy. Sooner or later he'll get done.


          • TrueMacedonian
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 3820

            This guys article stands out the most for me

            Modern Hellenism and Traditions of Intolerance
            By Ivan Hristovski

            In the decades following its foundation in the 19th century, modern Greece developed extreme notions of ethno-nationalism that have attempted to ensure the multi-cultural masses adhere to the myth that the modern Greek citizen is indeed the descendent of the dead ancient of Hellenes. While many commentators are at present discussing Greece’s catastrophic economic situation; we are going to focus here on identity problems that stem from the early 19th century when fundamentalist national myths were invented for Greece by European philhellenes, especially the German enthusiasts.

            We shall begin by stating the obvious: extreme forms of nationalism are breeding grounds for racism. Hellenism, by definition of one of its German creators, Johan Gustav Droysen, represents an intolerant assimilatory culture that has not experienced any ruptures, from ancient to modern times (1). This Hellenism theory that Droysen concocted was taken by the chief historical revisionist of Greece in the mid-nineteenth century, Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos and was carved into separate eras which he dubbed as - Ancient Hellenism, Macedonian Hellenism, Byzantine/Medieval Hellenism, and Modern Hellenism(2). Droysen offered to the Greek national historians and politicians of the mid-late nineteenth century, to the Greek nation as a whole, not simply the imaginary vision of a ‘Hellenic’ Macedonia, but more importantly, an ideological justification for many other current politically motivated revisionist projects: the idealization of an imperial and expansionist political model; the invention of a ‘Hellenic’ Byzantium and Middle Ages in general; the adoption of Hegelian concepts of spiritual continuity, which was not necessarily linear but was based on the ability of the Hellenic spirit in its various forms to absorb ‘inferior’ elements(3). According to Panayote Dimitras, spokesman of the anti-racism campaign group the Greek Helsinki Monitor, racism in Greece is deep-rooted:"Greek national culture is one that believes there is a superiority of the Greek nation which is a continuous descendent of the ancient Greeks, and when you think like this about yourself it is very easy to think that the others are inferior," he says(4).

            However, racism in Greece as everywhere else is an ideology that lacks real coherence (5). Detailed analysis reveals a smoke screen of propaganda which enshrouds a past very different from the one presented by Greek ultra-nationalist pseudo-history. According to one scholar “Greeks were taught to reject everything familiar in their vernacular culture as ‘foreign’ to the Classical Hellenism invented by the eighteenth-century German scholars who had sired both the ‘autochthonous’ theory that Greek ethno genesis and, in the lineage of ‘Aryan’ linguistics, the so-called racial science of the Nazis”(6). Indeed the philhellenic laboratory experiment in Greece was certainly not about fostering, preserving and integrating the existing multi-cultural landscape. The formulae in this experiment were put into production before Greece existed. One Greek scholar points out “The force of this cultural pre-construction of Greece cannot be underestimated, considering especially that the sociopolitical conditions prevailing at the end of the War of Independence point to an irreducible social and cultural discontinuity, to a zero point in the operation of those significations that were conceivably to propel and uphold the images of a new national identity” (7). All of this is relevant today because of its affects on Macedonia and the Macedonians, especially the Macedonian minority in Greece, who are faced with prejudice on a grand scale. Moreover, it is pertinent to note that this xenophobic ideology continues without serious challenge from the European Union (8).

            Human rights groups say Greece has one of the worst records in the European Union for racism against ethnic minorities (9). Greece today does not recognize any ethnic minority within its boundaries. The reason is because this would upset the deeply entrenched philhellenic myths and Greece would have to admit that they are not a homogenous society with the oldest unruptured culture etc. Before the independence of Greece a number of languages were juxtaposed, including Greek, Albanian, Slavic, Vlach, Turkish and Italian, suggesting that the Greek nation was composed ‘by a sum of minorities’ and by no account a purely Greek phenomenon(10). A nineteenth century foreign visitor like Edmond About, writing in 1855, stated that “Athens, twenty five years ago, was only an Albanian village” and that “The Albanians formed, and still form, almost the whole of the population of Attica ; and within three leagues of the capital, villages are to be found where Greek is hardly understood. Athens has been rapidly peopled with men of all kinds and nations” (11). About also describes a Turkish village that surrounded the base of the acropolis which formed a quarter of the town as well the Albanian majority of that quarter (12). The fact that the Parthenon was used as a mosque during the Ottoman conquests(13) and before that was a church that went between Orthodox and Latin rites(14) is testament to the simple absurdity of Droysenian Hellenism.

            George Finlay, a 19th century philhellene who was in Greece during the war for independence, described an early President, George Koundoriotis and Botases the Vice President of the Greek government in 1824 as “Albanian ship owners from Hydra and Spetzas”(15). Finlay added that: “It is necessary to record the sad truth that two more ignorant and incapable persons were never entrusted with the direction of a nation's affairs. The Greeks are the most prejudiced of all Europeans when there is a question of the purity of the Hellenic race, and no people regards education with more favour; yet with all this nationality and pedantry they entrusted their public affairs, in a period of great difficulty, to two men who could not address them in the Greek language, and whose intellectual deficiencies prevented them from expressing their thoughts with clearness even in the corrupt Tosk dialect which they habitually used.”(16)

            Unadulterated facts, like these, about the multi-cultural origins of modern Greeks are often necessarily ignored in modern Greek nationalist narratives. In this regard, striking is the general lack of reflection upon the fact that the national dress of Greece is of Albanian origin (17), or the fact that Kolokotronis, the infamous klepht (bandit) leader, was a Major in an English General’s Albanian regiment (18) and performed an Albanian dance with other ‘Greek’ Revolutionaries for the Bavarian queen of Greece (19). Yet these ‘problems’ for the Greek nationalist narrative have still likely been lodged in the collective unconscious and this creates an insecurity that seems to make itself abhorrently evident via the often vicious manner in which Greek bigotry attempts to deny another nation’s right to an identity.
            Some have estimated that during the 15th century when the Ottomans conquered the whole of what became modern Greece in 1830, some 45% of it was populated by Albanians (20). Their descendants played a leading role in the war for independence which helped win freedom from the Turks in 1821(21). The Vlachs were recorded in medieval times as having settled in what became modern Greece in very significant numbers (22). The Vlach intelligentsia paved the way for revolution in Greece during Ottoman times and, according to one Greek historian, “... contributed enormously to the development of a cultural network across national cultures and its members had acted as carriers of Greek language and culture due to their continuous migrations”(23). The Vlachs not only contributed to building up the new Hellenism which they imported from Western Europe, they also contributed to fighting the Turks as well being prominent Armatoles (police under Ottoman authority who betrayed the Sultan) and Klephts (bandit rebels). Yet their obvious Latin cultural origins are often ignored (24). However, during the early 19th century, the average person in what became Greece, according to the Historian William St. Claire, possessed feelings that were out of step with prominent philhellenes like Lord Byron:

            “Most Greeks did not share Byron’s views and would not have understood his allusions. They did not think of themselves as Greeks at all - and certainly not as Hellenes (a word incidentally which always makes me uncomfortable) but as Christians or Orthodox. They had little sense of nationality in the Western European sense of a nation state like England or France with distinct geographical boundaries, a single language, and uniform culture. They thought of themselves rather as Orthodox Christian inhabitants of a large multi-racial empire. They were not, for the most part, in the least interested in their ancient ancestors, and they knew very little about them. When travelers found the locals at Marathon or Salamis with stories about ancient times, they were delighted, for they thought they had found a genuine tradition from ancient times. But the locals were usually repeating stories they had heard from earlier travellers.”(25)

            When philhellenic infiltration took place after the formation of the modern Greek state, the multi-cultural inhabitants of Greece were to become ‘Hellenized’ (26). Moreover, this state began to spread the new doctrine outward into neighbouring lands. In particular, racist Hellenistic notions were directed towards all the Macedonians, Vlachs, Albanians and Turks in Macedonia and the Megali Idea, which reverberates even today, would attempt to forcefully impose itself on them and wreak terror on the people. Serious practical cultural (especially linguistic) gaps between the Macedonians and modern Greeks, in part explain the use of terror and as one scholar has noted, “...the Greeks, who could not compete on this terrain, compensated by stressing an imaginary ethnicity”. (27)
            The Greek myths in regard to Macedonia are significantly connected to the intolerant seeds contained in the origins of modern Hellenism and the Megali Idea (a 19th and 20th century expansionist plan for a Greater Greece). During the 19th century, Greek as a language was a mercantile, ecclesiastical lingua franca among the bi-lingual (sometimes tri-lingual) inhabitants of the Balkans, including Macedonia. One scholar estimated “The Greek - speaking population in the three provinces that made up Ottoman Macedonia was approximately 10% of the total population”. (28)
            Undaunted by this practical cultural divide Greeks attempted to Hellenize all and any in their path. Ironically a segment of the Vlachs formed the “backbone of Hellenism” in Macedonia during the early years of the 20th century. (29) Numerous foreign observers like the Englishman Brailsford, noted that “The average Greek or Hellenised Vlach in Macedonia, who professes to believe that the whole population is Greek, is doubtless to a great extent the victim of his daily impressions. He lives in a town which is for the most part Hellenised. He never goes into the country. He does not know the villages or the village folk. But even the more educated and moderate Greek ... will add a claim on behalf of Greece to more territory than her sons inhabit, "in recognition of the civilising mission of Hellenism.” I confess to some difficulty in deciding what Hellenism means in this connection. What is the specific attitude of mind which it denotes?”(30)

            The observations of foreigners not only demonstrate the claim that Hellenism has a dominant cultural continuity in Macedonia extending back “4000 years”, to be an absurd myth; they also make it clear that it is ridiculous to try to claim this for the lands upon which the modern Greek state was first formed. The contradictions between the available evidence and the myth are simply insurmountable. They do however; assist in illustrating something else about the modern Greeks and their attempts to deny the existence of Macedonians: “all that these contradictions really prove is that after nearly two centuries of independence, Greek nationalists remain insecure and self-doubting behind their boastful and touchy facades” (31). Extreme nationalists, on the surface always seem to find a way to ignore the realities of the more recent past in order to maintain the rather childish “logic according to which all the country’s modern claims must be evaluated by the yardstick of ancient history” (32). When Anastasia Karakasidou wrote her book Fields of wheat, hills of blood, about the forced Hellenization of Macedonia that was annexed by Greece, it set off a fire storm that reveals the difficulties below the surface of ultra-nationalist rhetoric and “exhibits both the nervousness of the Greek establishment and the persistence of stereotypes of Greeks as irrational, hysterical Balkan lunatics among supposedly sober commentators in the West. It also demonstrates the neuralgia that anthropology can induce in those who are committed to unitary myths of national origin, as it also does the sometimes unavoidable entailment of anthropology in its object study”.(33)

            This myth of Hellenism, which has significant racist traditions, is a denier of human rights to the Macedonian minority in Greece. Loring Danforth, an Anthropologist, describes an ultranationalist weekly newspaper that is distributed throughout Greece and its Diaspora, that “is testament to the evils of militarism, irredentism, xenophobia, and racism which are often fostered by extreme nationalism” and that “Calls for the reclamation of Asia Minor, Northern Macedonia (the Republic of Macedonia), and Northern Ipiros (Southern Albania) are standard themes of most issues, as are attacks on ethnic minorities in Greece such as the Jews, the ‘Mongols of Thrace’(the Turks), and the ‘Gypsy-Skopians’ (the Macedonians)” and this newspaper “even offered large sums of money and free trips to Greece as rewards for the ‘elimination’ of Macedonian activists who are regarded as particularly dangerous enemies of Hellenism”(34). This is but a more virulent example of what Macedonians in Greece are generally up against. How else is one to explain the fact that Greece refuses to recognise their existence!? Moreover, the Republic of Macedonia’s name, identity and culture are being challenged by this neighbourhood bully that is neurotically bent on maintaining an untenable national narrative. Goce Delchev, an early 20th century Macedonian liberation leader, once wrote “The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task”. He said this for the Macedonians under Ottoman rule, however Delchev’s assertion is also applicable to those Greeks who have been enslaved by the intolerant traditions within modern Hellenism and we need to remind them of their past, their diverse cultural origins and aid them to construct a history that does not require the denial of the existence of others. 


            1 European historiographical influences upon the young Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos, Ioannis Koubourlis -The Making of Modern Greece; Edited by Roderick Beaton and David Ricks (2009; 60).
            2 The Nation and its ruins: Antiquity, Archaeology, and National Imagination in Greece, Yannis Hamilakis (2007; 117-118)
            3 Ibid (2007; 117)
            4 Greek Albanians' woes fester, BBC News/Europe (Thursday, 16 December 2004)
            5 Blood and oranges: European markets and immigrant labor in rural Greece, Christopher M. Lawrence (2007; 79)
            6 Anthropology; Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society, Michael Herzfeld (2001; 67)
            7 Dream Nation: Enlightenment, Colonization and the Institution of Modern Greece, Stathis Gourgouris (1996; 86). Gourgouris further states; “the recourse to the new image of Hellas (both as cultural construct and as social system) began immediately upon the brief rule of Governor Kapodistrias and became efficiently implemented with the takeover of the Bavarian monarchy and its explicit desire for centralization and Hellenization. In fact, the cultural image of a modern Greece was put into production with much greater urgency than was a political-economic infrastructure, despite the obvious importance of the latter in a newly constituted State.” (1996; 87)
            8 Greece is an Unworthy EU Member, Gunnar Nissen Danish newspaper Morgaenavisen Jyllands-Posten 2/26/1999. Nissen condemns Greece and the EU by stating "National oppression is taking place in many countries outside the EU. But Greece is an EU member and is thus a "part of the family". But do we intervene, we, the closest people? No, we shut up. Of ignorance or misunderstood solidarity with the Greek leaders, who as the Serbs, consider themselves "superbalkanian". Other people know more about the oppression than I, but I know a great many and every year more ignored and oppressed Slavic Macedonians in the Greek part of Macedonia. Can we justify our silence? I'm sure that Greece's unwillingness to accept the Republic of Macedonia is due to their black conscience over the oppression of Macedonians in Greece. Greece is (yet another) unworthy member of the EU." We need to here point out that while we admire the essence of Nissen‟s statement, that Nissen was probably unaware that Macedonians do reject the term “Slavic Macedonians” as offensive.
            9 Greek Albanians' woes fester, BBC News/Europe (Thursday, 16 December 2004)
            10 Mediating the Nation: News, audiences and the politics of identity, Mirca Madianou (2005; 30). Madianou quotes Konstantinos Tsoukalas’ ‘by a sum of minorities’ from Dependency and reproduction: The social role of educational mechanisms in Greece (1830-1922), (1977; 50)
            11 Greece and the Greeks of the present day, Edmond About (1855; 32)
            12 Ibid (1855; 160)
            13 National Identity in Modern Greece, Peter Mackridge (2008; 305) Hellenisms: culture, identity, and ethnicity from antiquity to modernity edited by Katerina Zacharia.
            14 Athens: a cultural and literary history, Michael Llewellyn Smith (2004; 55). Smith describes the archaeological destruction of the Acropolis where the Bavarian overlords of Greece removed any Byzantine or Ottoman remnants in order to re-create a false perverted image of antiquity (2004; 56).
            15 History of the Greek Revolution Volume II, George Finlay (1861; 30)
            16 Ibid (1861; 30)
            17 That Greece Might Still Be Free; The Philhellenes in the War of Independence, William St. Clair (1972; 232). St. Claire further describes the functioning government as “being largely Albanians themselves” (1972; 232).
            18 History of the War of Independence in Greece Volume I, Thomas Keightley ( 1830; 260)
            19 Sketches of Modern Greece: Athens in 1837, Anon. (1838; 476) Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine Vol. XLIII (January-June 1838)
            20 A Social Linguistic Study of Albanian Dialects Spoken in the Attica and Biotia Areas of Greece, P.Trudgill/G.Tzavaras (1975; 6)
            21 Migrations and Invasions in Greece and Adjacent Areas, NGL Hammond (1976; 63)
            22 Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250, Florin Curta (2006; 281). Curta uses text from the Byzantine Keukamenos to describe the Vlachs and their migrations and settlements.
            23 Greece and the Balkans: Identities, Perceptions and Cultural Encounters since the Enlightenment, Dimitrios Tziovas (2003; 6). See also Victor Roudometof’s Nationalism, Globalization, and Orthodoxy; The social origins of ethnic conflict in the Balkans (2001; 57) where he illustrates the “Greek Orthodox Balkan intelligentsia was a stratum crossing ethnic frontiers”.
            24 Greeks and Romans, Tom Winifrith (1983; 92) Greece Old and New edited by Tom Winnifrith and Penelope Murray
            25 Byron and Greece, William St. Clair (1983;161-162 ) Greece Old and New edited by Tom Winnifrith and Penelope Murray
            26 Hellenism and the making of Modern Greece, Antonis Liakos (2008; 229) Hellenisms: culture, identity, and ethnicity from antiquity to modernity edited by Katerina Zacharia.
            27 Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality, Eric Hobsbawm ( 1992; 107). Hobsbawm describes the Macedonians after the Balkan Wars as one of a few “nationalities without states” (1992; 139).
            28 Collective Memory, National Identity, and Ethnic Conflict: Greece, Bulgaria, and the Macedonian Question, Victor Roudometof (2002; 111)
            29 Culture, Civilization, And Demarcation at the Northwest Borders of Greece, Laurie Kain Hart (1999; 202) American Ethnologist 26, No. 1
            30 Macedonia; its races and their future, Henry Noel Brailsford (1906; 201)
            31 The Balkans: Of what is past, or Passing, or to Come, Brian Sullivan (1999; 18) The Emerging Strategic Environment; Challenges of the twenty first century Edited by Williamson Murray. Sullivan disputes the claims that the ancient Macedonians were ever Greek and the theory of their language being Greek, as many Greeks claim, as “the undisputed fact that Philip and Alexander admired Greek culture and that Greek was spoken at their court hardly made their subjects Greek, any more than the fact that the court of Catherine the Great and Alexander I spoke French made the Russian serfs of the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century part of French culture” (1999; 17).
            32 Anthropology; Theoretical Practice in Culture and Society, Michael Herzfeld (2001; 68)
            33 Ibid (2001; 68)
            34 The Macedonian Conflict; Ethnic Nationalism in a Transnational World, Loring Danforth (1995; 130-131)
            Last edited by TrueMacedonian; 10-15-2010, 10:15 AM.
            Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!


            • Mikail
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1338

              Actually, I was replying to Prolet. Vodenka he was asking a question to the initial post you provided. We can assume anything. Next time, rather than mixing Vino in your posts, elaborate on the "Bullshit Propaganda" of the text. Then we have nothing to assume. Me razbra?
              From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


              • Bratot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2855

                What can I say, great job guys and keep up with the work!
                The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                • Mikail
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1338

                  This is a Greek report about the article Vodenka posted

                  From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                  • TrueMacedonian
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 3820

                    I agree Bratot. I want to see more primetime articles like the ones in the Winter Review for the next review
                    Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!


                    • Pelister
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2742

                      Great article.

                      Hellenism, by definition of one of its German creators, Johan Gustav Droysen, represents an intolerant assimilatory culture that has not experienced any ruptures, from ancient to modern times (1).
                      As this article points out, Hellenism is a European construct imbued with all the 'qualities' of 18th and 19th century racist European discourse.

                      Hellenism has been and continues to be a blight on the natural cultural landscape - 'a conceptual taint'.


                      • AMHRC
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 919

                        For those who are interested, here is a link that leads to download options for all of the back issues of the AMHRC Review:


                        • TrueMacedonian
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 3820

                          Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                          Great article.

                          As this article points out, Hellenism is a European construct imbued with all the 'qualities' of 18th and 19th century racist European discourse.

                          Hellenism has been and continues to be a blight on the natural cultural landscape - 'a conceptual taint'.
                          That's an accurate description of Hellenism Pelister. This Marcus Templar character would have a very hard time squirming his wormy worthless self around what the AMHRC reviews have been pumping out.

                          The observations of foreigners not only demonstrate the claim that Hellenism has a dominant cultural continuity in Macedonia extending back “4000 years”, to be an absurd myth; they also make it clear that it is ridiculous to try to claim this for the lands upon which the modern Greek state was first formed. The contradictions between the available evidence and the myth are simply insurmountable
                          Slayer Of The Modern "greek" Myth!!!


                          • AMHRC
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 919

                            A reminder for everyone that the return Melbourne performance of Mr. Balkan will be staged this Friday night.


                            • Mikail
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1338

                              A message from Osiris:

                              The play mr balkan is on tonight and tickets are still available so can you post on mto that its a fantasti play . Its at the darebin arts center in preston.
                              From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                              • AMHRC
                                • Sep 2009
                                • 919

                                AMHRC/MHRMI Contribution to Hospital

                                AMHRC/MHRMI Contribution to Children's Hospital in Skopje

                                Tв Сонце,Tv Sonce

