The Macedonian Minority in Albania and Kosovo

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  • Thorvald
    • Jan 2009
    • 145

    The Macedonian Minority in Albania

    The following interview with Edmond Temelko, president of the Macedonian organization “Prespa” in Albania, outlines the precarious position of the Macedonian minority in Albania. It appeared in the Macedonian weekly, “Makedonsko Sonce”, on June 15, 2001. Unfortunately, the situation of the Macedonian minority in Albania has not improved since.

    "The plight of the Macedonians in Albania is already known. Macedonians in Albania are discriminated against and the government continues to unrealistically present their numbers. Albania recognizes that on its territory live only 5,000 Macedonians. But we alone, as Macedonian organizations in Albania number 120,000 Macedonians who are members of our organizations, or if we investigate there are perhaps more then 350,000 Macedonians in Albania."

    "According to the Albanian Constitution, the minorities are allowed 60% education in their mother language. But this is not happening. There are Macedonians who live in other parts of Albania who do not have the right to get an education in their own mother language, the Macedonian language. They do not have schools. But even where we have schools, there is very little. For example in the village of Pustets there is elementary education from first to fourth grade in Macedonian and one course in Albanian. What happens between fifth and eight grade? Only three courses are in Macedonian, and the history in taught only in seventh grade and only for one hour. But the worst of all is that although the kids study in Macedonian, the literature is not original. The Macedonian grammar is translated from Albanian grammar. This is one of our complaints. We demand that the children by educated with original Macedonian textbooks."

    "The Albanian press has branded us a potential hotspot. After a peaceful protest, they began to treat us as terrorists, although nobody raised a gun to fight in Albania. All we did is sent a call that we are fighting for our rights through the institutions of the system. For example, we publicly proclaim that we do not like the Constitution of Albania. Why? In article 20 it is written that in Albania exist minorities whose cultural identity should be guaranteed and preserved. But which minorities are these? Let it say: Greek, Macedonian, Vlach, or Roma minority. The Albanian government is afraid of this because if this is written, i.e. if a real analysis is conducted, Albania is a multiethnic state. If you enter inner Albania, there live 40-45% of the minorities. There are Greeks, Vlachs, Macedonians, Roma. This is what the Albanian government is afraid of and this is why it conducted such census. This census was regularly conducted in only one village. It is discrimination and because of it Macedonia will have to develop a clear strategy for the plight of the Macedonians in the neighbouring countries."

    Violence Against Ethnic Macedonians

    The following is a press release issued by the MHRMC on March 12, 2005:

    On December 1, 2004, two ethnic Macedonian citizens of Albania, Jani Nesto (40) and Sotir Nestor (40) from the village of Pustec, were heavily wounded while coming under gunfire by a band of Albanian Cacaks, who proceeded to shoot at them and their vehicles with Kalashnikov assault rifles while the two were making their way home from Korca.

    According to Edmond Temelko, the president of the “Prespa Society” – the organization which protects the rights of the ethnic Macedonian minority in Albania – this has been the third such incident in the last year.

    “We believe that these violent armed attacks are based purely upon political motives, aimed at scaring the Macedonians of Mala Prespa. We contacted the police in Korca and the Helsinki Committee in Albania because of this gross violation of human rights and freedoms of the Macedonians of Albania and we expect the relevant institutions to undertake the necessary steps to protect the freedoms of mobility and property and the lives of the Macedonians of Albania.”

    The Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada condemns these attacks and urges that a full investigation be undertaken in order to bring the perpetrators to justice and to prevent such attacks from occurring again.

    The MHRMC also asks the international community to carry out its own investigations in regards to the treatment of the ethnic Macedonian minority in Albania and to demand that the Albanian government grant its minorities the human rights that are guaranteed by all international human rights conventions.


    The four Macedonian organizations in Albania, Mir (Peace), Gora, MED (Macedonian Aegean Society) and Prespa, boycotted the 2001 census in Albania because there was no option for Macedonian in the census list. The Albanian government continues to minimize the actual number of Macedonians, and other minorities, in the country and in 2003, the Association of Macedonians in Albania (consisting of the four organizations) conducted their own census of the number of Macedonians in Albania. It is estimated that this number is between 120,000 and 350,000 while the Albanian state only officially recognizes 5,000. Because of irregularities and intense minority complaints, the Council of Europe has also recommended that Albania conduct a new census.

    The Use of Macedonian Names

    The Albanian state pressures Macedonians to use Albanian names while forbidding the use of traditional Macedonian names. They frequently impose Albanian names on Macedonian children in their continued attempts to assimilate the Macedonian minority.

    Macedonian Media in Albania

    Access to public media in Albania for ethnic Macedonians is almost non-existent. There has never been a Macedonian language television program in Albania and there is only one five-minute weekly Macedonian language radio program on Albanian radio. In the economically ravaged village of Pustets, Macedonians opened a private radio station in 2002. It operates from 7:00am to 8:00pm daily provided there is electricity in the area. Financial constraints have threatened the existence of the radio station since it opened.

    Macedonian human rights organizations have published various Macedonian language newspapers over the past decade only to see them fold due to financial difficulties. The only one still in existence is a quarterly newspaper published by the Prespa organization.

    Arrest of Macedonian Activists and Students

    Albanian authorities have intimidated, threatened and pressured ethnic Macedonians to stop their activism and promotion of Macedonian human rights. Ethnic Macedonian students from Albania who study in the Republic of Macedonia are sometimes detained and interrogated by the Albanian secret police when returning to Albania. The secret police demand to know the reasons why they studied in the Republic of Macedonia, who “convinced” them to go there and study in the Macedonian language, what connections they have with Macedonian leaders in Albania and in particular the president of MIR, Kimet Fetahu, and whether they have contact with Macedonian secret police. They tried to pressure them to become Albanian informants. Macedonian activists, in particular Kimet Fetahu, Spase Masenkovski and Eftim Mitrevski have been arrested, interrogated, threatened and pressured to stop their activism.

    Expulsion from Work

    In April 1995, all Macedonians were expelled from the police force and armed forces. Not a single ethnic Macedonian is employed by the police or army to this day. Macedonians have been fired from other jobs simply based on their activism and promotion of human rights for the Macedonian minority in Albania.

    Macedonian Party for European Integration

    On October 30th 2004, the Macedonian community in Albania, comprised of and represented by its four founding cultural, social and ethnic, societies and organizations, declared that they would be forming the Macedonian Party for European Integration in Albania. The main principle of this party is the protection of the rights and social, political and ethno-cultural interests of all Albanian citizens with Macedonian ethnicity, who identify their mother language as Macedonian, and who have saved and inherited their culture and tradition over centuries.

    The party also has as its objectives, a willingness for collaboration among the other minorities living in the territory of the Republic of Albania. It will also fight for the respect of their ethnic rights, language and culture – all things that have been so far denied by the Albanian state – and will also advocate for the use of all democratic means for the integration of Albania in the Euro-Atlantic structures.

    The party will fight for the passing of a law that will guarantee the rights and freedoms of the national minorities. Freedoms such as: the right of education in the mother tongue of the minority; guarantees for cultural and religious freedoms and assembly; equality of employment and official recognition of the minority languages.

    Bill Nicholov, President
    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
    Address: 157 Adelaide St. West, Suite 434, Toronto, Canada M5H 4E7
    Tel: 416-850-7125 Fax: 416-850-7127
    e-mail: [email protected] website:

    Contact Information for Macedonian Activists in Albania

    For more information, please contact Macedonian Human Rights Movement International or the following organizations of Macedonians in Albania:

    President - Kimet Fetahu
    Rr. “Prokor Muzeqari”
    P. 31/1/1, Tirana, Albania
    tel. ++3554-341265
    fax ++3554-249945
    email: [email protected]

    Edmond Temelko
    Pustec (Korca), Albania

    Association of Macedonians in Albania (consisting of MIR, Prespa, Bratstvo, MED)
    Email: [email protected]
    Македонско друштво ”Илинден”-Тирана е формиранао 06.02.2009 година во Тирана, Република Албанија од група граѓани со Mакедонско потекло кои живеат во Тирана, друштвото е воспоставено со цел да се заштити Македонското национално малцинство во Република Албанија.
    European preservation


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      I haven't heard much from the Macedonians in Albania lately, perhaps we should post a chronology of news articles about them here so we can stay on top of things. I will see what can be dug up.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Venom
        • Sep 2008
        • 445

        SoM, on Macedonian State TV I saw a documentary not long ago about the Macedonians in Albania. Recently, Albania agreed to change all the places names back to Macedonian names. The people were talking about how they live there and how impoverished they are. What I got out of it though was not that it was that they were not blaming Albanians however, it is just the current state Albania is in and it's very poor economy.
        S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


        • Pelister
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2742

          If Albania was going to change the names back to the original Macedonian names, and this was going to be an official commitment then there would have to be something in writing.

          You have brought up the issue of the poverty of Macedonians in Albania. They are extremely poor, and I think need financial support more than any other Macedonians in the diaspora. Its a miracle that they even have a website, but I think this is due in part to the generosity of MHRMI in Canada.


          • Dimko-piperkata
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 1876

            Originally posted by Venom View Post
            SoM, on Macedonian State TV I saw a documentary not long ago about the Macedonians in Albania. Recently, Albania agreed to change all the places names back to Macedonian names. The people were talking about how they live there and how impoverished they are. What I got out of it though was not that it was that they were not blaming Albanians however, it is just the current state Albania is in and it's very poor economy.
            i own @the minimum 1 doku about the makedonci in mala prespa.
            1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
            2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Silly Bulgars are trying to force assimilate the Macedonian populations of Kosovo and Albania, but the Macedonians are standing firm against this pathetic attempt of propaganda.

              Bulgarian Government looking for Bulgarians outside, instead of inside

              Before the incoming census in both Kosovo and Albania, the Bulgarian Government has mobilized and is on a quest to find Bulgarians among the Gorans (Macedonian muslims) in Kosovo. For this purpose offices have been opened in both Kosovo and Albania where Bulgarian citizenship is offered to anyone who walks in.

              Sofia has been scolded numerous times by the European Commission for their practices of issuing citizenships to Macedonians, Serbians, Albanians, Turks, Moldovans simply because they stated they were “Bulgarians” in order to obtain a document that will let them travel visa free in the EU.

              “The Bulgarian Government is heavily involved in Kosovo and Albania, and go as far as to send Sofia officials in remote areas where offices are being opened. They are giving passports like halva. The last office was opened in Recane,” says Ismal Bojda, representative of the Macedonian Gorans in Kosovo.

              The Bulgarian Government has been very active in creating various questionable material, make documentaries titled “Golo Brdo – the unknown Bulgarians” from Veselka Tonceva. Later this month, in Vienna, on March 30th the signing of a new book titled “Our people in Kosovo and Albania” by Tanja Mangalakova is also scheduled.

              In Mangalakova’s book, she states that the Bulgarian Government has concluded that the ‘Bulgarians’ in Kosovo and Albania have major identity crisis because they claimed they are Macedonians or Bosniaks, and not Bulgarians.

              “I personally believe after going into dozen villages in Kosovo and Albania that this region is Bulgarian and the people who live there can not be anything else but Bulgarian because of their mentality, customs, dialect” says Mangalakova.

              Kosovo’s representative of the Gorans doesn’t quite share Mangalakova’s opinions: “In Bulgaria they have everything, except for Bulgarians, so all of a sudden their Government is on a quest to look for Bulgarians, outside their border, instead of inside. You know, their Government may as well be looking for Bulgarians in Sicily and Corsica. We are all Macedonians here in Gora, in Western Macedonia, Eastern Albania” says Ismail Bojda.

              For Macedonians in Albania, who have been harassed by the Bulgarian Government with ‘aid packages’ which they continue to refuse, the goal of the Bulgarian Government is to note there are no Macedonians in Albania and Kosovo, therefore there is no Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, even though Western Bulgaria is mainly populated by Macedonians.

              Macedonian diplomats on the other hand acknowledge they are aware of the Bulgarian offensive in the region, however are not planning to prevent Sofia. As one anonymous Macedonian diplomat pointed out: “Sofia is free to visit whomever they like”

              The interest for Bulgarian passports by Macedonians has significantly died down. According to the Bulgarian Embassy in Skopje, for the past six months, they received only 20 applications for citizenship.

              Meanwhile, the Macedonian Gorans in Kosovo last year had registered a Macedonian – Goran organization and have asked the Kosovo Government to be included in the constitution as a minority. The Gorans have also asked the Macedonian Government to help them furnish their offices in Kosovo with a small donation, such as computers and fax.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15659

                The Gorans have also asked the Macedonian Government to help them furnish their offices in Kosovo with a small donation, such as computers and fax.
                If they read about this here, the MTO will buy them computers and a fax immediately upon satisfactory review of their constitution.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Excellent initiative. Can we establish contact with somebody like Bojda?
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    I hope the Kosovo Constitution includes the Macedonian-Gorani, or that the Macedonian Gorani organization gets some kind of formal recognition by the Kosovo parliament.

                    The U.N mission there is as much to blame for this as anyone - they refused to recognize any Macedonians living in Kosovo. They called the Gorani - 'Bosniaks' and 'Muslim Slavs', but not Macedonians.


                    • Sarafot
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 616

                      Here is another one:

                      YouTube - Gorani
                      Ние македонците не сме ни срби, ни бугари, туку просто Македонци. Ние ги симпатизираме и едните и другите, кој ќе не ослободи, нему ќе му речеме благодарам, но србите и бугарите нека не забораваат дека Македонија е само за Македонците.
                      - Борис Сарафов, 2 септември 1902


                      • Pelister
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2742

                        The Gorani are a special kind of Macedonian tribe - very interesting Macedonian customs. They breed like rabbits too, and I am certain that from the brink of extinction, they will rise again, and have their day in the sun, again.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Ne me cekaj majko, ne me baraj....

                          YouTube - Ne me cekaj majko Labunista Oktisi Boroec zupa reka gora podgorci

                          I like the song, very sad, but powerful as well, and in excellent Macedonian speech. It was made in memory of 2 Macedonians of the Islamic faith from Labunishta, who died in a plane crash near Ohrid about 16 years ago, as stated in the below comments section.

                          The comments are interesting.
                          mnogu ubava pesna . zalno so kompozitorot nasol inspiracija da ja napisi pesnata od takov tragicen nastan
                          nihad14 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +2 Marked as spam Reply tropico eam tocno pesnava e napisana za dvajca labunista so zaginaa vo avioska nesreka blisku ohrid pred 16 godini ,edniot e tatkomu od durim a edniot e brat na dvajca od ovaa grupa,inace pesna e super bash torbeska pozz od struga ,a na labunistanite o avionskata nesreka allah so ravmed i dzenet da gi nagraditAMIN ALLAH
                          krvvaviot17 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply Imas pravo brt.......selam od DOLNO KOLICANI
                          podgorcanec2008 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply Браво Торбеши само напред

                          VMRO1893Struga (3 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply Pozdrav do makedoncite so muslimanska verosipoved!
                          dalfato (1 month ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply konecno decki nesto sto vredet,pa ovaa muzika e makedonska ni pripaga nas a ne na onie sto ja prevrtuvaat deka bila necija.............
                          allah amanet
                          QQQmakedonijaQQQ (2 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply ^pesnata je odlicna nemam zboroj i peacof neje los!!!
                          TropicoTeam (2 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply Orginalot e od grupa GALEBI od Labunista koj e napisana za nasi dvajca labunistani koj zaginaa so Avion! Allah so dzenet da gi nagradit!!!
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675


                            The webpage and comments are Islamocentric. Check the clip and listen to the song, it is in Macedonian but with an Arabic influence, interesting. The first part of the clip states that the Muslims in Macedonia are more Macedonians than Albanians, and funnily enough, the first comment on the clip is from an Albanian "MashAllah", lol. The last screen shot on the clip, I don't know if it should be concerning or if I am misinterpreting, I hope it is the second one.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Mr. MASO
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 82

                              Muslims in Macedonia are more Macedonians than Albanians. This is true. Jue to language and religion. My grandmother (Bog Da Go Prosti) comes from Mavrovo Korab speaked fluent Albanian as well as Macedonian. Cause they forced her to speak the language. The Macedonian muslims in that time would be more closer with the Albanians cause they had a more of the connection than with there own people.

                              Theres a belief that the Macedonian Muslims who still hold there culture and language speak the cleanest of all Macedonians...
                              Last edited by Mr. MASO; 07-06-2009, 11:01 AM.


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                This looks like an interesting book:

                                The subject of this paper is the analysis of the way in which the identity of the Torbeši, living in the Centar Župa commune, western Macedonia, is constructed depending both on the socio-political context and local determinants such as the multiethnic surroundings. The Torbeši themselves are not unanimous in their self-identification. In part they declare their affiliation to the Macedonian nation, in part they consider themselves as autonomous ethnic group, while some derive their origin from the Turks. The majority, however, declare their “Macedonianness” by their use of the Macedonian language, their practice of many traditional elements of culture regarded as indigenously Macedonian, and their visits to Orthodox holy places. Religion associates Torbeši with Turks and Albanians; therefore, depending on the political context, they are regarded by others either as Turks or Albanians. The example of this in-between group suggests a certain fluidity in the categorization of identity: the manner in which identity change has been redefined and is constantly being renegotiated within particular contexts.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

