Originally posted by Niko777
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Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue
Originally posted by tchaiku View PostPontic Greeks were not more than 20% of Macedonia's population after the population exchange.
Over 600,000 people were settled in Aegean Macedonia in the 1920s.
Originally posted by Niko777 View PostHuh??? Even official Greek statistics confirm that settlers made up at least 50% of Aegean Macedonia's population after the 1920s.
Over 600,000 people were settled in Aegean Macedonia in the 1920s.
Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View PostUntil it passes through both governments I wouldn’t waste too much energy on these supposed agreements. Two retards agreeing doesn’t mean much. I’m sure the hardline modern grko politician will find a way to block this.
Lovely to see you hereRisto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Niko777 View PostI tend to call all settlers "Pontians"... it's shorter than calling them the "Pontian-Karamanlidian-Eastern Thracian-Cappadocian-Anatolian-Caucasian settlers"...
1. A Christianized Turk who claims to be a fabricated "greek."
2. Someone who is unable to accept that their grandparents were ethnic Turks
3. Someone in their 50's who walks around with a plastic Spartan helmet and an aluminum sword yelling "300!" (& Molon Labe - my note)
Their grandparents were part of a population exchange between grease and Turkey where 1.3 million Turks of the "greek" religion were sent to grease and 500 000 (actually over 600,000) "greeks" of the Muslim religion were sent to Turkey.
Originally posted by maco2envy View PostWhen is this meant to be ratified by the Macedonian government?
Дoговорот ќе биде презентиран пред сите политички фактори, по што ќе следи ратификација во Парламентот. Веднаш потоа, Грција треба да испрати писмо до генералниот секретар на НАТО, со кое ќе го извести дека меѓу двете земји веќе нема спор и дека нема пречки Македонија да добие покана за членство на самитот на 12 јули. Треба да испратат исто писмо и до Европскиот совет, за наше членство во ЕУ. Заев е убеден дека Европскиот совет на самитот на 28-ми јуни ќе донесе одлука за почеток на преговорите со ЕУ.
The agreement will be presented to all political factors, to be followed by ratification in the Parliament. Immediately afterwards, Greece should send a letter to the NATO Secretary General, informing him that there is no dispute between the two countries and that there are no obstacles for Macedonia to receive an invitation to join at the summit on July 12th. They should send the same letter to the European Council, for our EU membership. Zaev is convinced that the European Council at the summit on June 28th will decide on the start of negotiations with the EU.
Last edited by Carlin; 06-12-2018, 06:44 PM.
So pretty soon by the sounds of it. If Ivanov vetoes the agreement then the next reading of the agreement will be pushed after July 11 (I think). Next few weeks will be interesting.
Also is it possible to get more information on the agreed language? Is it true the footnote mentions something about ancient greek heritage? Also is there some sort of footnote with the nationality as well? Or is it just 'Macedonian/Citizen of North Macedonia'?
I would wipe my arse with Macedonia's Constitution. But surely this is a violation of Macedonia's Constitution.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com