I would never trust Ljubomir Frckovski. He is the biggest traitor that was caught in a restaurant having conversations with Trifun Kostovski and the Greek ambassador to Macedonia.
Remember this article:
Vecer Catches Frckovski, Trifun meeting secretly with Greek Ambassador, Opa!
Certainly, the trio above met earlier today at a Skopje Restaurant to get the latest Sirtaki lessons from the head of the Greek Consular Office in Skopje. Why else would they meet?
Ok, maybe there was no Sirtaki involved, rather another exchange of suitcases with cash. No worries we'd probably read about the cash in new memoirs just like the one by Kiro Gligorov were he pointed high ranking SDSM member Ljubomir Frckovski for accepting cash and gifts by the Greek Government - states Skopje daily Vecer.
Ljubomir Frckovski and Trifun Kostovski (is he running out of money?) were spotted meeting the Greek Ambassador at a local restaurant 'Gurmet' for much needed updates.
Trifun's involvment is speculative to say the least, he is not in parliament, but figures highly at the SDSM. His name is marred by dozen scandals, some of which could see him visiting Idrizovo. Vecer daily speculates, he is helping create turbulence in the country by sabotaging Macedonian positions in the 'name negotiations' so the Government is toppled or at least busy with Athens rather than his wrongdoings.
SDSM's life time leader, Mr. Crvenkovski has been confused more than usual lately, announcing two weeks ago he'd accept any name for Macedonia, of course, never forgetting to add that Macedonia should change the name.
I found this interesting article on Kanal 5 where a university professor in Macedonia says that Greece is provoking us on purpose in the UN because they want us to stop the negotiations within the UN because as the professor says, "Greece can't force Macedonia to reach a decision in favor of Greece."
Десковски:Грција сака да ја испровоцира Македонија да ги прекине преговорите во ООН
Грција е во фрустрирачка позиција зашто не може да ја натера Македонија да донесе решение во полза на Грција.Проблемите што настанаа со бришењето на терминот „македонски“ од опфицијалниот регистар на ОН се очајнички обиди на Грција да ја натера земјава да ги прекине преговорите водени од ООН.
За Канал 5 зборува универзитетскиот професор по меѓународно право Тони Десковски.Овде погледнете го интервјуто во целост.
On the link below, Kanal 5 does an interview with the professor Toni Deskovski.
Here is an English translation using google translate from the text of the above article:
Deskovski: Greece wants to provoke Macedonia to cease negotiations at the UN
Greece is in the frustrating position because it can not force Macedonia to reach a decision in favor of Grcija.Problemite which occurred with deletion of the term "Macedonian" opficijalniot UN Register of desperate attempts by Greece to push the country to suspend negotiations led by UN.
For Channel 5 speaks University international law professor Tony Deskovski.Here you can see the interview in its entirety.
This is an opportune time for many to show their true colours and where they stand in defence of the Macedonian name and identity, we're being systematically attacked both the UN and at the EU, the architects of our wishful demise. There exists no better time for the Macedonian Government to defend with honour and respect our name and identity and to finally walk away from this self destructive path.
It may also be an appropriate opportunity for a certain coffee group in Washington to show where they stand in the defence of our identity...
This is an opportune time for many to show their true colours and where they stand in defence of the Macedonian name and identity, we're being systematically attacked both the UN and at the EU, the architects of our wishful demise. There exists no better time for the Macedonian Government to defend with honour and respect our name and identity and to finally walk away from this self destructive path.
It may also be an appropriate opportunity for a certain coffee group in Washington to show where they stand in the defence of our identity...
I hope a decision to end the negotiations is made soon. A criticism of the E.U and Greece as the 'architects of our demise' (nice phrase)coming from the Macedonian government, would be too good to be true; but at the end of the day thats exactly what is needed I think - more Truth.
Let's not forget also that, during the recent presidential elections in Macedonia, Ljube Boskovski was hand in hand with his fellow traitor, Frckovski.
In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Let's not forget also that, during the recent presidential elections in Macedonia, Ljube Boskovski was hand in hand with his fellow traitor, Frckovski.
This might be another political stunt aimed at winning some votes. He probably realises by now that the negotiations are not popular, and is trying to profit from it. Its probably a good time to introduce a 'No Negotiations' party into the mix over there, but I can't see anyone doing that.
Frchkovski, Gligorov and Co were the MASTERMINDS of the GRAGJANOIDIZACIJA of Macedonia and Macedonian society and this legacy is continued with by the post-ramkovist political establishment and now enters even greater absurdity.
You can see how pre 1990s Macedonian institutions carry Macedonian identities such MRTV (Makedonska Radio Televizija) and MZ (Makedonski Zheleznici) but all (?) newly created agencies and institutions carry the non-Macedonian (neutral non-national) markers, e.g. ARM (Armija na Republika Makedonija), Vlada na Republika Makedonija, and etc.
I saved the following ridiculous examples some time ago:
„За ова, никакви се, катастрофа“, вели граѓанка.
„Можеби тајмингот не е во ред, но да се гради нешто да се остави за нешто за
следните поколенија не може да биде лошо“, изјави граѓанин.
I may be wrong but I think some of the people we criticise here on MTO appear to be reading the criticisms and sometimes trying to "improve"!?
See excerpts of the following A1 article of today, boring and poor journalistic skills as they may be:
„Доаѓаат, пукаат во сопствената држава, во сопствениот народ. Политичарите се за
политика, а не да не завојуваат меѓу себе“, вели Кадри Фејзулахи, жител на
„Не знам, воопшто не знам, прв пат слушам“, вели жител на Бродец.
„Тоа е веќе глупост за нас, тоа е лична работа, тие што го направиле тоа, тие
знаат. Ние не знаеме ништо од тоа“, објаснува Кадри Фејзулахи, жител на Бродец.
„Тоа не е работа на селаните, тоа е работа на политичарите. Ние во врска со тоа
не знаеме што се се случува, така што немам коментар за тоа“, објаснува Фејзула
Фејзулаху, жител на Бродец.
They used "resident" ("zhitel") instead of their usual "citizen" ("gragjanin") but it is, IMO, boringly repetitive and could have used some variation such as villager (selanec), as the residents themselves used (selaniite/the villagers) on one occasion in this article.
Lastly, I also notice that there is some recent "UMD" improvement in the terminology usage of Macedonia instead of parrot-like repetition of "Republic of Macedonia" in the media releases and letters they have published and I encourage them to keep it that way. It is a positive move and I salute it. Maybe "UMD" is not completely deaf after all? :-)
What is it with you pajko? can you make comment in at least one post without referencing maknews ? You are predictable
srce those were all done on the same day....glad to see you're catching up on your reading
by the way have you read the preamble of the Krushevska Republika? Its been a while since i've read it, but if memory serves me right its sounded a bit "soros-ish" in that its was inclusive of various people. what do you think srce? was nikola karev a "ramkovist"?
srce those were all done on the same day....glad to see you're catching up on your reading
by the way have you read the preamble of the Krushevska Republika? Its been a while since i've read it, but if memory serves me right its sounded a bit "soros-ish" in that its was inclusive of various people. what do you think srce? was nikola karev a "ramkovist"?
Are you comparing the actions of Soros with that of Karev kykypajko?
Explain how so that we can understand your intent here.
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
srce those were all done on the same day....glad to see you're catching up on your reading
by the way have you read the preamble of the Krushevska Republika? Its been a while since i've read it, but if memory serves me right its sounded a bit "soros-ish" in that its was inclusive of various people. what do you think srce? was nikola karev a "ramkovist"?
Dusho moje pajche WTF? How do you compare Soros with Nikola Karev??
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
A Vlach from Krushevo, sounds great for the Greek Nationalists and Greek Church.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
"Why is the double name formula not suited for Greece?" asks Janis Butaris, the new mayor of Solun in today's edition for Etnos.
"We need to speak to the fanatics and convince them that the Skopjans are not here to fill up our hotels, stores and beaches. Why is the double formula not good?" asked Butaris.
According to the new mayor, Solun has two hearts, one that belongs to the 'left' and the other to the 'right'. His hope is one day of merging these two into one.
"My main challenge is to make people think freely. There is fanaticism that Macedonia is greek. Who says it is not, especially myself as a Vlach? The house of one of my gand father is in Neveska (Lerin), and the other one is in Krushevo, which for Skopje is a cultural center", says Butaris.
Butaris says he can not understand how certain people thought "it's us, and no one else", "we are the center of the world".
The mayor's tattoos, the earing and his deviating views from the usual state sponsored views has made him not too popular with the church and the ultra nationalists circles in Athens and Solun.
МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.