Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Prolet
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2009
    • 5241

    Macedonians from Albania and Kosovo call for an end in Name Negotiations

    Macedonians from neighboring countries are calling for an end of the negotiations.

    МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


    • indigen
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 1558

      Originally posted by Bratot View Post
      With your infantile posts today it is impossibly difficult to convince us of your maturity 17 years ago.
      This is the case of the POT calling someone else black! Any mature, sane and politically informed person can judge who is INFANTILE AND IMBECILIC for themselves.

      Are you Todor Petrov or you are trying to impersonate a views that are not originally yours?

      It's not difficult to post something said by others, it's more difficult to use your brain.

      It seems to me the biggest patriotic achievement of yours is to copy-paste what others say and the moment when you will quote my articles to keep on that "hard-line" patriotic trend I will maniacally laugh at your dumb face.
      The above MORONIC DRIVEL of yours is a good example of INFANTILE and IMBECILIC thought process in action! :-)

      СВЕТСКИОТ МАКЕДОНСКИ КОНГРЕС, изразувајќи ги интересите на огромниот број Македонци и асоцијации на Македонците од целиот свет, на Првото Генерално Собрание одржано на 7 август 1993 година во Скопје, Република Македонија, ја утврди следната


      WMC brought down a "MACEDONIAN NATIONAL PROGRAM" at it first GENERAL ASSEMBLY in 1993. IMO, this PROGRAM, despite some shortcomings and needing updating, best defines the Macedonian Cause and is a good ideological foundation for Macedonian patriots to adhere to.

      Your general dismissal of this document as something that "Todor Petrov" somehow (individually) pulled out of his arse as a media release betrays your pubescent political level of immaturity and unworthy of further comment.


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Originally posted by Prolet View Post
        Macedonians from neighboring countries are calling for an end of the negotiations.
        Yet the tikvi who are 'running' things in the Macedonian republic are still 'negotiating'.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • fyrOM
          • Feb 2010
          • 2180

          See post0216. One step closer. Now one more step. This is the direction the government is taking. Just because the eu may have erroneously set themselves an arbitrary rule of a unanimous vote what if Greece finds herself standing alone in the corner. How long are the eu going to insist on keeping their rule or do you think they may want to change it.

          Macedonia’s history is West’s shame. All their lofty principles of truth justice liberty self determination and anti discrimination ect are on the line. On the one hand the victim is free and the truth is getting out. Do you nuke the victim to silence them. Someone might notice. What if the victim is not only in RoM but is spread out all over the world and is smart enough to use the information highway. Do you keep trying to silence the truth or do you also start investigating option which might save face. Don’t underestimate any of the Macedonians researching history regardless if they are in any more official capacity or totally grass roots like the MTO. You do so at your own peril. How many times have you said to yourself here is another Greek myth busted. What are the USA or anyone to do when this becomes a trend and keeps snowballing.

          Members of Congress urged support of Obama's membership of Macedonia in NATO

          Деветнаесет американски конгресмени вчера со писмо побараа од претседателот Барак Обама да ги поттикне сојузниците на САД во НАТО да и понудат на Македонија формална покана за членство во Алијансата на претстојниот

          Washington, October 2, 2010 ( AFP) - Nineteen U.S. congressmen yesterday with a letter urging Obama to encourage U.S. allies in NATO to offer a formal invitation to Macedonia to join NATO at the upcoming Summit in Lisbon, infomrira UMD ( UMD ).

          - The future of Macedonia's Euro -Atlantic institutions, as well as security and stability in southeastern Europe , no longer have to be under the negative influence of bilaterlanoto issue with Greece. Macedonia has met all criteria for membership in NATO and the name issue is not within the criteria for membership, indicated in a letter from Congress to Obama .

          Macedonia , stresses , should be invited to join NATO now, as stated in the Membership Action Plan in 1999 . Although not a member of NATO, Macedonia is actively contributing to peace , democracy and stability and security in Southeastern Europe .

          - We understand that direct bilateral talks between Macedonia and Greece on the name issue will continue, but we believe that NATO membership should not be associated with the final outcome of these discussions, Congress wrote to President Obama and added that Macedonia is a close ally of U.S. has long been addressed as a member of NATO.

          The letter is sent to Vice President Joe Biden , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates recalled the commitment of Macedonia in international missions in Iraq and Afghanistan led the U.S. and NATO for logistical support for NATO intervention in Kosovo in 1999 and received 360 thousand refugees. It also noted the contribution of the country in peacekeeping missions in Lebanon and Bosnia and Herzegovina , and the fact that in Afghanistan , [B]Macedonia is among the top four major participants in the number of people and that 255 's Macedonian soldiers guarding the headquarters of ISAF in Kabul.[/B]

          At the end of the letter signed by 19 congressmen from the Republican and Democratic Party , including Earl Pomer of North Dakota and Candice Miller of Michigan, found that in the interest of the United States to encourage allies in NATO to be sent a formal invitation for admission Macedonia to NATO.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            They urged Obama to alow Macdonia into NATO as the 'former.............' - This is the same garbage that the UMD was promoting. Is this your view also?

            Indigen, Todor Petrov has written many positive things, but he hasn't implemented anything (or most of what) he has written. What is the point of having a World Macedonian Congress when there is a lack of effort to enforce the message and get people together for the purpose of initiating some sort of action?
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • indigen
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 1558

              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
              Indigen, Todor Petrov has written many positive things, but he hasn't implemented anything (or most of what) he has written. What is the point of having a World Macedonian Congress when there is a lack of effort to enforce the message and get people together for the purpose of initiating some sort of action?
              If you are referring to my previous altercation with B. regarding the "Macedonian National Program", it is a bit irrelevant to your question, IMO. The point I was trying to make is that it is a document of the COLLECTIVE efforts of Macedonian patriots from throughout the world and passed at the WMC First General Assembly held in August of 1993 by the DELEGATES. How much of a role T.P. had in drafting it is not clear to me but I know that there were seasoned delegates from Australia present and they had a chance to look over it and propose and vote on amendments. Vele Aleksovski may also have had a major input in the draft version.

              As they say, SOM, the pen is mightier than the sword and ideology can travel far and wide. If WMC has not been able to achieve many goals it has/had set for itself, it should not be seen to be only the fault of Todor Petrov but rather to look at the general malaise afflicting the Macedonians and the internal and external forces working to undermine them. There are also many positive things TP and WMC have achieved and his ideological work still reaches far and wide. Just watch and listen to Ismail Bojda in the interview at the recent media conference organised by Slavko Mangovski and you will/should notice that there are many words and ideas that have been emanating from T.P.'s pen/keyboard included in it.


              • fyrOM
                • Feb 2010
                • 2180

                Strange mutterings from a strange lot. The government seriously needs to check this guy.

                DUI to contribute to finding name solution to unblock Macedonia's EU-NATO integration, says Ahmeti

                President of the Democratic Union of Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, who is in a three-day visit to Brussels, met Thursday with EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule.The message from the joint meetings with EU

                Brussels, 7 October 2010 (MIA) - President of the Democratic Union of Integration (DUI), Ali Ahmeti, who is in a three-day visit to Brussels, met Thursday with EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule.

                The message from the joint meetings with EU officials, according to him, is that Macedonia doesn't have and shouldn't seek "plan B"

                What absolute rubbish. RoM should have a Plan B at all times. Yes if it needs to run from the eu if conditions are unfavourable but also just as important as a bargaining chip. It would be the height of stupidity to go into a negotiation with ONLY one option ad thus have the terms dictated to you. Someone in the government needs to hit this guy in the head. If he does NOT understand this basic principle he has NO place I government.

                - on the contrary it must focus on implementing reforms and obligations and most importantly it must use the moment to settle the name dispute with Greece thus paving the way for Macedonia's perspective.

                "I told all of my interlocutors that we will try and be useful and constructive in finding a solution, which will be acceptable for both sides and a solution which will unblock Macedonia's integration process", Ahmeti stated.

                When asked whether discussions took place about a request for NATO membership and EU entry talks without having a name compromise, Ahmeti said that the said option - talks without name settlement or accepting a request for negotiations under the country's reference - had never been discussed by a party organ.

                He added that DUI and all political parties of ethnic Albanians in Macedonia championed a name compromise, which would not contain references of ethnic origin.


                "DUI is fully committed to collaborating with international and local partners in order to move the name process ahead. We are not interested to see Macedonia making moves backwards. We aim at opening perspectives for the citizens", said Ahmeti.

                He rejected any possibility of early elections in Macedonia, emphasising that local institutions were stable and functioning well.
                "I believe we're in a period where efforts should be made to find a name solution with Greece in order to enable country's integration to NATO and EU, the DUI leader said.

                Furthermore, Ahmeti stressed that the economic situation in Macedonia was improving. "There is a positive climate for foreign investments, new jobs are being opened and social issues are being closed", he said.


                • julie
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 3869

                  WTF???? not have reference to identity???
                  This wanker needs a bullet.
                  just who does he think he is???Talk about identity issues, he doesn't know what he is, he has no right to dictate to Macedonia, for the Albanians!!
                  If they are not interested in seeing Macedonia move backwards, butt out anad shbove your nose in your own effed up countries affairs, leave Macedonia alone, my suggestion is, for the love of God, let us keep our name! Going backwards is entering the EU and NATO
                  The government has to do something, walk away and STOP NEGOTIATIONS, and VETO all negotiation meetings.

                  I am not up for sale, nor is my Macedonian name. get stuffed .
                  "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                  • Prolet
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 5241

                    Greeks disappointed with Syria over name recognition

                    Drutsas will boycott Syria when he tours the middle east next month, Greece is hoping that Damascus will reverse its decision.

                    МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                    • fyrOM
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 2180

                      Lets hope the Greeks get disappointed with a lot more countries.


                      • DirtyCodingHabitz
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 835

                        Greece is hoping that Damascus will reverse its decision.
                        Yea like that will ever happen.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          We'll see, but I don't think Syria could care less about what Greece says. To date, how many states have actually 'reversed' their decision to recognise Macedonia by its official name?
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • George S.
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 10116

                            The greeks have to throw in the proverbial towel eventually because it can't keep up their silly charade against macedonia.When most of the world has recognized Macedonia under its constitutional name.Syria once they decide wil keep that reference as it's not a tin pot country.
                            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                            GOTSE DELCEV


                            • Venom
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 445

                              Why does greece think it is a player of any kind on the world stage? Shouldn't greece be working on not allowing it's citizens to starve?

                              Syria did what is right, and Macedonia is very thankful for it.
                              S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


                              • DirtyCodingHabitz
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 835

                                how many states have actually 'reversed' their decision to recognise Macedonia by its official name?
                                I have no idea. But once a country is recognized I don't think they are going to reverse it just because greece has a problem.

