Originally posted by George S.
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Racism from Greece and Greeks
you thinkso ,they created greece & were propping it up as well as other eurpopean powers.
Greece is the spoiled brat of the eu it cannot do no wrong."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
And they use the excuse "They'll want the rest of Macedonia if we let them call themselves if they do"... Double standards? More like the desperate rantings of a pathetic, powerless country.Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is
the nazis are resurrecting & yes they are crazy as ever."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Greece needs a reality check.This is 2012 i thought borders were inviolable that is you cann't change them.But if greece wants good arse whipping then so be it."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
British document shows Greek plan to invade İstanbul
22 August 2011
A newly released book titled “İngiliz Yıllık Raporlarında Trkiye: 1922” (Turkey in AnnualBritish Reports: 1922), part of a series of the same name by Marmara University historyprofessor Ali Satan, includes a document drafted by the then-British high commissioner inİstanbul indicating that the Greek army had planned to invade the city in July 1922. According to the document, written by British High Commissioner Nevile Henderson , Greeceasked the allied powers for permission to invade İstanbul and was denied this approval on July31, 1922 . The British government along with France and Italy showed no tolerance for the planand stopped Greece from realizing its ambition.Great Britain recalled its fleet located in the Mediterranean to İstanbul to show its determinationin line with the other great powers to stop Greek troops from entering the capital city of theOttoman Empire , which was occupied by the allied powers at the time.Henderson stated in his report that the assignment of Georgios Hatzanestis as commander-in-chief of the Greek Army in Asia Minor instead of Anastasios Papoulas in May 1922 was the firststep in the occupation plan. Hatzanestis was known as a radical and a hawk in comparison to hiscolleague. Henderson indicated the attack on Samsun was a pre-strike prepared by the Greeks tofacilitate the implementation of the occupation plan.According to Henderson , the march of four Greek divisions to İstanbul was a very stupid movethat was designed to restore the morale of Greek soldiers and thus weaken and demoralize theenemy by directly capturing the capital city. The occupation plan failed roughly a month beforethe last big battle, which took place between the Turkish and Greek armies on Aug. 26. Ali Satanaddresses the significance of the document by implying that if the Greek army had succeeded ininvading and occupying İstanbul, the Turkish army would have had to fight to take İstanbul back before fighting for İzmir.The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!
A Violent Golden Dawn member turned out to be a recent Albanian immigrant (!!!)
After the black metal band vocalist Golden Dawn MP, we got another peculiar GD character now. This one really made me rofl.
The LION will ROAR posted an article about the Golden Dawn raid on immigrant market vendors last week;
As you know, so many Greeks are struggling to buy food products after the economical crisis begun. Golden Dawn party found their own solution for that and opened a grocery market in Greece to sale in discount prices but the difference is they only sell their products to the ethnic Greeks (!!!) Golden Dawn deputy H. Pappas
AIXMHTV - Η Χρυσή Αυγή στη λαϊκή αγορά Μεσολογγίου - YouTube
As usual, they are looking like gypsy gang members;
According to the Greek sources, the gypsy with the giant golden cross necklace got arrested and most surprisingly it turned out that he is a member of a catholic Albanian family, named as Roberto Chaidi who illegally immigrated to Greece in 1980s and applied for asylum to escape from communist Albania. He got re-baptized as an orthodox in Greece laters and we saw him last week with a Golden Dawn MP, destroying immigrant shops together with the other GD thugs !!!
According to the Greek web sites, he runs a small motel business in Albania and he manufactures women's socks in Greece and sells to Russia which proudly bear the title "HELLENIC BYZINESS";
You can see the news in this Greek web site;
There is a link to his own facebook account, full with his topless pictures as well as other naked male photos. His facebook profile has high testosterone and probably his long haired mustached buddy is his sex partner;
45 year old gay Albanian gypsy with 1.50mt height acting like a "hellenic nationalist" with his mustached partner (!!!). Is it possible to be more lowlifer than this?
LOLOLOLOL Onur thank you for this. I needed a good laugh. I notice he was wearing a fanny pack in that video where they attacked a bunch of suspicious cardboard lololol.Last edited by TrueMacedonian; 09-19-2012, 05:01 PM.