Originally posted by Risto the Great
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Racism from Greece and Greeks
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
Originally posted by Vangelovski View PostMacedonians are too busy working their arse's off to bother with political movements. Its such an industrious country...I mean, you really get a sense of the energy they have, particularly in the summer when the powers out (literally), the water has stopped (literally - you can't even flush the toilet), public transport is nowhere to be seen (literally) and everyone is just roaming the streets complaining about how everythings F'd. Such passion for their work and making sure its done properly!Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Well besides Vangelovski's cynic overview of the situation in Macedonia,at least the good news is that Nea Demokratia failed it's negotiations to form a government and it's leader returned the mandate to the president.So the mandate (according the law) is gonna be passed on to the party that came 2nd in the elections,some Siriza or something.Voltron should know these people better than us,what kind of a party is this?And if that fails,the mandate will be given to the 3rd place party (PASOK).And if even that fails,there will be new elections,meaning more bailout money spend.Like borrowing money to cover your losses at a casino only to lose that money as well.But in theory,the 26 seats of the commies should annul the nazis' 21 seats (hopefully).
Last edited by DraganOfStip; 05-08-2012, 04:48 AM.”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
― George Orwell
Originally posted by DraganOfStip View PostWell besides Vangelovski's cynic overview of the situation in Macedonia,at least the good news is that Nea Demokratia failed it's negotiations to form a government and it's leader returned the mandate to the president.So the mandate (according the law) is gonna be passed on to the party that came 2nd in the elections,some Siriza or something.Voltron should know these people better than us,what kind of a party is this?And if that fails,the mandate will be given to the 3rd place party (PASOK).And if even that fails,there will be new elections,meaning more bailout money spend.Like borrowing money to cover your losses at a casino only to lose that money as well.But in theory,the 26 seats of the commies should annul the nazis' 21 seats (hopefully).
You guys can critisise the far right for many things but at least they dont hide behind false promises. They came to bust some heads, well I support that. Starting with the heads of our politicians.
Originally posted by DraganOfStip View PostWell besides Vangelovski's cynic overview of the situation in Macedonia,at least the good news is that Nea Demokratia failed it's negotiations to form a government and it's leader returned the mandate to the president.So the mandate (according the law) is gonna be passed on to the party that came 2nd in the elections,some Siriza or something.Voltron should know these people better than us,what kind of a party is this?And if that fails,the mandate will be given to the 3rd place party (PASOK).And if even that fails,there will be new elections,meaning more bailout money spend.Like borrowing money to cover your losses at a casino only to lose that money as well.But in theory,the 26 seats of the commies should annul the nazis' 21 seats (hopefully).
On a more positive note, I hope some form of dysfunctional coalition government can be formed, I reckon the 'greeks' could provide some real comic relief with their parliamentary debates making the brawling South Koreans look civilised by comparison.
It would be great to see the Golden Shower members doing their neo-nazi salutes...what a fuckin' circus.
Originally posted by Voltron View PostDragan, SYRIZA for me is the worst party of them all. These people are left wing socialists that have been a cancer in this country since our modern democracy. They never had the power but they always were in the sidelines supported by strong unions. These are the people that make you stranded by strikes in the Airport, Islands, Taxi's etc. They say they are for the people and working rights but they dont have an understanding that you have to bring in an income in order to give those benefits and subsidies to people. They are the false promisers, the ones that sit in Cafe's and cry on how life is tough.
You guys can critisise the far right for many things but at least they dont hide behind false promises. They came to bust some heads, well I support that. Starting with the heads of our politicians.”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
― George Orwell
Their results skyrocketed because they promised people what they wanted to hear. Syriza says no to bailout, no taxes, restore rigid worker rights, etc. They are completely insane. These pricks would get people to block main highway arteries for some short term union gains. They make business almost impossible to function. Greek people are used to this relaxes Socialist lifestyle that Syriza is promising. This may have been the case in the early years but now with so much global competition we can not go back to this lifestyle. Some people clearly are stuck to this idea. Although, I like Socialism in the past from what I saw happening in America I came to see it rear its ugly head just like Capitalism did a few years ago. Albeit in a different way. It promoted a lethurgic, complacent society with no motive to improve themselves or to create, produce. It was just to digest everything and to keep taking and taking. Well that got us bankrupt and now Syriza says its all BS we can go back to this lifestyle Now they are second place I am going to have a fun time seeing what this prick Tsipras will do. Its easy to talk smack when your in the sidelines but now its a different ball game. He probably didnt even expect it.
SYRIZA is pro immigrant liberal politically correct party so my guess is they are very soft on the Macedonian issue.
so that means that ND and Syriza will form government. Voltron do you thing other parties will join in this coalition.Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.
„Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов
Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Postso that means that ND and Syriza will form government. Voltron do you thing other parties will join in this coalition.
This is the situation in a nutshell. You have Pro-Bailout parties (Pasok, ND) then you have everyone Anti-Bailout parties ( Syriza, and company)
The Anti-Bailout parties say they were voted in to stop the austerity measures thus they cannot go into a coalitoin that has already compromised on that. Its a deadlock. The mission now is Syriza which is an Antibailout party to find support from the other leftest parties to form a govt. We are probably going to new elections.
Voltron if they don't vote for the austerity measures they are asking to be booted out of the eu.The germans have allready said they won't stand for anything else.
If that happens it will go all into dissaray & anarchy.The normal man in the street hates the thought of austerity measures that is why they have gone to the neo nazis.I agree that the border of greece & macedonia should close up because it will bring untolerable
consequences."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Stojacanec View PostThe only thing this gentleman did not do is lift his hand up like a Nazi. It boggles the mind to think if Golden Dawn were the ruling party in Greece.
They would be kicked out of the Euro Zone and almost every other body Greece is a member of today. They would be more isolated than Tristan da Cunha.
Actually there are many videos on youtube of the party leader doing nazi salutes in Greek parliament and out in public.
I was speaking to a random from Greece on an online computer game yesterday and I brought up the election. He said that he voted for KKE (communist party) which I found somewhat interesting.
When I mentioned Golden Dawn he went on a rant on how crazy they were and how they will be the destruction of Greece.
I'm interested to know whether this is the general consensus of a majority of Greeks, or whether he opposed them due to voting for essentially the extreme opposite of a far right party.
Vast majority of people are against Golden Dawn. The KKE supporter is the typical mentality where a secure job, complacent lifestyle fits the bill. The majority of Greeks are leftists with a similar mentality. The Golden Dawn represents to them a remeniscent of the Junta we had in the 70's which to be honest wasnt as bad as some make it out to be. Hell, it worked for the Turks for so many years..