Australian position on Macedonia

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  • osiris
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1969

    the answer to our problems in australia is obvious, too many of our alp members are not as interested in the name as they are about their role in the alp. how any macedonian can vote for either the libs or the alp given their totaly disregard of our rights as citizen of australia bewilders me.


    • Prolet
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2009
      • 5241

      Osiris, Maybe we could use our voting rights where we can make a difference?
      МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


      • Napoleon
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 98

        Before there was RANN, there was JEFF KENNETT

        An old article from the Age newspaper in Australia...interesting reading

        The AGE, 20/04/94, Melbourne Australia

        [Opinion Analysis]

        "If Mr Kennett's policy is not entirely opportunistic,
        he must have fallen into the trap of not distinguishing
        historical myths from objective history."

        Levelling the levendis

        - The Premier may be a hero to modern-day Greeks,
        but his status may not translate into votes,
        writes "Peter Hill".

        During his visit to Greece Jeff Kennett was declared an
        honorary 'levendis', a "Greek hero". He joined a select
        group of minor but not insignificant politicians to have
        been feted in Greece recently in return for their
        unqualified support for that country in its struggle against
        the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, against Albania
        and now against the European Union. Last year Mikhail
        Gorbachev visited Greece. So did a number of United States
        senators. All of them gave press conferences at which they
        expressed unqualified support for Greece in its struggle
        against the infidels from the republic.

        What has changed in the meantime is that 60 countries,
        including most of Greece's fellow EU members and the US and
        Australia, have recognised the republic of Macedonia. Greece
        responded by blockading its northern neighbour from 16
        February 1994. This blockade is illegal by any standards,
        and has been roundly condemned by the EU and the US. On 6
        April the EU resolved to take Greece to the European Court
        of Justice. By visiting Greece at this moment Jeff Kennett
        has lined up with Greece against the EU and the US.

        Greece has failed to make any sustained economic progress
        since joining the EU.

        The contradiction between Greece's apparently glorious
        historical traditions and her present lack of economic
        progress are in fact one of the roots of the Greek
        Government's chauvinist policies. If you can't deliver
        bread, give them a good circus. Alexander Zahariopoulos has
        written about the nationalist indoctrination of Greek
        children in Greek schools. The 'Guardian Weekly' of 10 April has
        written that "Greece may be more vulnerable to chauvinism
        than any other nation". Jeff Kennett has now joined the

        If Mr Kennett's policy on the Macedonian issue is not
        entirely opportunistic, he must have fallen into the
        nationalist trap of not distinguishing historical myths from
        objective history.

        Greece objects to the Star of Vergina on the Macedonian
        flag, but the Star of Vergina is not a Greek symbol, expect
        in the sense that it happens to have been found on the
        territory of the present-day Greek state. While in Greece,
        Mr Kennett repeatedly indicated his acceptance of the
        nationalist myth that the present-day Greeks are the sole
        heirs of the ancient Greek heritage.

        The modern-day "Greeks" are not descended from the ancient Greeks.
        They appropriated ancient Greek cultural symbols in the 19th Century
        simply because they happened to live in more or less the same part of
        the world as the ancient Greeks did. Their justification for this was
        thus the same as that used by the present-day Macedonians in
        appropriating the ancient Macedonian heritage. Most of the 19th-Century
        "Greeks" not only did not call themselves Hellenes (it was the
        intellectual nationalists that taught them to do that), they did not even
        speak Greek, but rather Albanian, Slavonic or Vlach dialects
        (as the Melbourne anthropologist Roger Just pointed out in
        his celebrated article "Triumph of the Ethnos" in 1989). The
        English poet Byron never got over the shock when he came to
        Greece expecting to find the tall, Blond, blue-eyed heroes
        of antiquity. Most modern-day Greeks look rather different.

        In an interview in Greece with Helen Vatsikopoulos of SBS
        Jeff Kennett refused to discuss the issue of minorities in
        Greece but alluded to such a problem in the Former Yugoslav
        Republic of Macedonia. In fact, the Badinter Commission set
        up by the European Community at the end of 1991 to vet
        former Yugoslav Republics seeking recognition ruled that
        Slovenia and Macedonia had no problems with their national
        minorities. Ironically, Greece would not have passed the
        Badinter Commission's criteria for recognition. Greece` has
        repeatedly been criticised by Amnesty International
        (November 1992), Helsinki Watch (July 1993) and the US State
        Department in its yearly reports for failing to grant
        minority rights to the Macedonians in northern Greece (see
        also 'The Economist' of 14 August 1993, page 44). Mr Kennett
        did well to dodge that issue.

        Greece accuses Macedonia of irredentism but Greece itself
        harbours designs on southern Albania (which the Greeks,
        significantly, refer to as "Northern Epirus"), which led to
        an incident last week in which armed Greeks attacked
        Albanian soldiers guarding the border, shooting two of them
        dead. The Greeks of southern Albania enjoy certain minority
        rights, unlike the Albanian minority in Greece which,
        according to an authoritative German reference of 1960,
        "Greichenland-Handbuch', numbers some 150,000, but which has
        no schools and no access to the mass media. In 'Time' of 12
        October 1992, US envoy Strobe Talbott accused Greece of
        using the issue of the name Macedonia as a cloak for its own
        expansionist ambitions.

        It is surprising that the Greek Prime Minister, Andreas
        Papandreou, hesitated to receive Mr Kennett. They have a
        great deal in common. Mr Papandreou won the last election in
        Greece by playing the national chauvinist card. The past
        three general elections in Greece have been closely fought
        and the election of October 1993 was complicated by the
        appearance of a new party set up by the conservative
        defector and firebrand, Andonis Samaras, who based his new
        party, Political Spring, entirely on the Macedonian issue.
        But Andreas Papandreou overtook both Samaras and the
        established conservative New Democracy party by promising
        that there would be no further negotiations with the Skopje
        Government if he were elected to office. Mr Papandreou knows
        how to respond to new challenges. As Prime Minister from
        1981 to 1989 he had made it known that he would not enforce
        the various pieces of repressive legislation enacted from
        the 1930s to the 1950s and aimed against the Macedonian
        minority in northern Greece. These included laws making the
        speaking of the Slavonic vernacular an offence even in the
        privacy of the bedroom.

        In the course of the 1980s, under pressure from Greek
        chauvinists, Mr Papandreou successively hardened his stance,
        and in 1984 Greece even passed a law making university
        degrees acquired in the neighbouring republic of Macedonia
        (and other documents from there, including affidavits)
        invalid in Greece. Shortly afterwards the province of
        Northern Greece was renamed Macedonia. It was not surprising
        that, in 1993, Mr Papandreou took up the challenge from Mr
        Samaras with gusto. According to a March 1994 opinion poll
        in Greece 83 per cent of the population backs the embargo
        against their northern neighbour. The chauvinist hysteria in
        Greece, today may have less to do with national symbols than
        with winning elections.

        But Jeff Kennett may be mistaken if he believes that the
        Greek vote will win him the next Victorian elections due in
        1996. In 1991 there were less than 300,000 Greeks in
        Australia, that is, Greek-born people or native Australians
        with one Greek-born parent, but a significant proportion of
        these people, especially in Melbourne's northern suburbs,
        are Macedonians. The total number of first- and second-
        generation Macedonians in Australia, including those from
        Northern Greece and those from the Former Yugoslav Republic
        of Macedonia, is in the vicinity of 100,000. Moreover the
        Greek community is actually dwindling. ANU demographer
        Charles Price notes that 81,000 Greeks (35 per cent) have
        left Australia in the post-war period, but only about 10 per
        cent of Macedonians; and 70 per cent of second-generation
        Macedonians but only about 43 per cent of second-generation
        Greeks marry out: this gives the Macedonian community a
        demographic advantage.

        And so Jeff the Levendis may not have clinched the election
        Last edited by Napoleon; 02-09-2010, 12:58 AM.


        • AMHRC
          • Sep 2009
          • 919

          AMHRC in Canberra

          Level 1, Suite 106, 55 Flemington Rd
          North Melbourne VIC 3051
          Tel/Fax: +61 3 9329 8960
          [email protected]

          10 February 2010


          Last week, on 1-2 February 2010, a delegation from the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee visited Canberra for a number of important meetings with Federal MPs and the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Australia. The visit was the first in a series of visits planned for 2010 and carries on from several meetings held in Canberra in 2009.

          The delegation, led by Jason Kambovski and David Vitkov, met individually with members of the Australia-Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group, the Honourable Member for Corangamite, Mr Darren Cheeseman, and the Honourable Member for Cowan, Mr Luke Simpkins. A number of important issues pertaining to Australian-Macedonian relations were discussed, including a future visit by the Friendship Group to the Republic of Macedonia. The idea of the visit, likely take place after the next federal election, was well received by both MPs who said that they looked forward to being part of the delegation.

          Mr Cheeseman and Mr Simpkins also welcomed the initiative of the AMHRC to host a National Political Conference on 20 March 2010 in Melbourne. The conference, to be attended by representatives from various states and territories in Australia, will discuss ways and means to unify and improve the Macedonian community’s advocacy work across the country in relation to state and federal MPs. The conference will not just be about gaining support for the recognition of the Republic of Macedonia, but also for the purpose of gaining for our community respect and equitable treatment in general. The MPs noted that the event would be an important step for the Macedonian community in Australia and offered their assistance in making the event a success.

          The AMHRC delegation also visited the Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia and met with the Ambassador, His Excellency, Mr Pero Stojanovski. A number of important community issues of mutual interest were discussed and the Ambassador was briefed on the AMHRC’s upcoming initiatives. Mr Stojanovski also confirmed his strong support for the National Political Conference.


          Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee is a non-governmental organisation that informs and advocates to governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment.


          • Prolet
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2009
            • 5241

            Spolaj Ti AMHRC

            Well Done guys
            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              the AMHRC have my full support, and thank you from my heart and soul for the wo nderful work you are doing, will the incriminating video of SA Premier Mike Rann be aired at the National Political Conference on 20 March 2010 in Melbourne?
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • AMHRC
                • Sep 2009
                • 919

                Hi Julie,

                Thanks for your question. The conference in March, will be only for the Macedonian community. Community leaders from all over Australia will be attending. The aim is to end the anarchic manner in which our community represents itself before Australia's politicians and to put in place reliable advocacy structures for our community, across Australia. Of course, the Rann issue, will have a place in the wider discussion.




                • makedonche
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 3242

                  Great work, keep it up, at your disposal for assistance!
                  On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                  • Grotius
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 136

                    well done

                    Well done to the AMHRC. You have my support. A truly sensible organisation that knows what it is doing. Others should take note and learn.


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15658

                      Mr Luke Simpkins MP speech to parliament on Rann

                      Source:, pages 73-74

                      Ethnic Communities

                      Mr SIMPKINS (Cowan) (8.30 pm)—I rise to speak of the problems of elected representatives rampaging through foreign affairs and ethnic community concerns like bulls in china shops. Although I have myself been outspoken on such matters in the past, and my views are on the record, I find it incredible that a Premier of a state in this nation would demonstrate such rank political opportunism as did Premier Rann of South Australia about a week ago.

                      To wade into the Macedonian issue with one sole purpose in mind, votes for the coming state election, whipping up enmity between communities, is highly irresponsible. Those with knowledge and experience in these matters know that feelings run deep. The depth of that feeling should not be underestimated and to invoke racial division is terrible. It is therefore not surprising that legal action against Mr Rann is likely. I said before that whipping up animosity between communities in Australia is highly irresponsible, but to do so for rank political purposes is nothing less than immoral. There is a history between peoples in Europe that is very recent given the history of that continent. There are not only border disputes, but disputes across a range of issues, that are not black and white. We know that they are issues of national pride, where the blood boils, and therefore they are not matters that should be used for other purposes. As elected representatives we have our views, and that is fine and it is right, but the part we play must be constructive. It must be engaging and it should be to promote the harmonious interactions of life in this nation. It should not be the Premier Rann option of ‘How do I play off communities against each other to get votes?’ It should not be ‘What deepfelt and longstanding ethnic community issues can I harness to try to win an election, whilst leaving bitter divisions behind for the future?’ It should not be ‘Who can I abuse and denigrate as a means to win more votes than I lose?’ What Premier Rann has done is not what should be done. This is not the sort of Australia we want. No group of our Australians should be marginalised in the pursuit of political advantage for another group. This immoral playing off of one group against another completely surrenders the responsibility entrusted to Premier Rann to look after the interests of all South Australians.

                      What I would say to the Hellenic community is that your concerns and issues have been taken advantage of. The Premier of South Australia sees you as a political opportunity, and from what we have seen, and from the manner in which he has acted, his support is shallow and opportunistic. I would ask all ethnic communities in South Australia to question the motives of a desperate Premier, struggling to save his government, who is willing to take advantage of ethnic community issues. Who will it be next? Which ethnic community will be marginalised next in the pursuit of Premier Rann’s political opportunism? I will say again that all ethnic communities should suspect the motives of such a leader whose main concern is clearly political advantage rather than the interests of all the ethnic communities within his jurisdiction.

                      I said at the outset that I have myself been outspoken on matters of foreign policy. With regard to various countries I have spoken on what they may regard as internal matters. I have been critical of the lack of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and other freedoms that democracy holds dearly, yet on every one of these occasions I have spoken to add value, to highlight the rights of people around the world and their relatives in Australia, their rights to the great democratic principles. It has always been to speak up for communities within Cowan and not to blame one community for the concerns of another community.

                      I will say it again: these matters are complicated. More than 2,000 years of dispute and concerns across the centuries and across many areas are not going to be solved by one speech, especially not via a politically motivated and opportunistic speech. The key point that remains, in this matter so poorly and inappropriately addressed by Premier Rann, is that the governments in Athens and in Skopje have to resolve the issues. This is the fundamental point. As I understand it, there have been certain concessions made, and now those talks and discussions need to be finalised in demonstration of the good faith that has been shown up until now.

                      As one who has had many discussions regarding both sides of the issue, I would caution anyone against entering this debate lightly. As a responsible elected representative of the nation, I would discourage anyone from opening wounds between any ethnic communities in this country. As I previously said, to do so for rank political purposes is immoral and the damage that can be done to a harmonious Australia is a dangerous byproduct that we do not want to see.
                      Thank you Mr Simpkins for offering some perspective to a matter of great concern to all Macedonians. And also for making it clear how the Australian Greeks are being treated like pawns by being thrown into this debate.

                      Thank you Zoran for the information.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Stojacanec
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 809

                        Thank you Mr Simpkins for your level headed remarks about a desperate man in Mike Rann.

                        If there is any justice in the world Mike Rann will not be premier after March 20 and he pays dearly for his rash narrow minded statements.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13674

                          Well said, although the lack of reference to Macedonians or their community, the people that Rann was being racist towards, leaves a little to be desired. Was a citation of the Macedonian people not necessary, or is Simpkins trying to appear objective to not 'upset' the Greek community?

                          I don't view the matter as that simple, where, should one choose to support a side he is automatically against the other side. This is not about gaining favour with this or that community. The Macedonians are the one's who are being racially discriminated against by a segment of the Greek community and opportunistic politicians like Rann. To support the Macedonian side in this dispute is not to be anti-Greek, it is to be anti-Racist.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Rogi
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2343

                            Just as an FYI, Luke Simpkins MP, is the co-Chair of the Australia-Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group.


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13674

                              Good to know, thanks Rogi.

                              What is the reason why the Macedonian people were not mentioned, in your opinion?
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • osiris
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1969

                                What is the reason why the Macedonian people were not mentioned, in your opinion?
                                fear of the repercusions

