Originally posted by Sarafot
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The Macedonian regiment in Russia!
The author present the data about members of Serbian regiments in New Serbia, that is, Slavonic Serbia, who declared themselves as Macedonians. In Sevic’s regiment 74 persons declared that they came from the “Macedonian nation”. According to the Russian author Kabuzanov, in 1754 in New Serbia there were 2,225 persons, out of which 124 Macedonians.
In 1759 the Macedonian hussar regiment was formed. The commander of the regiment was Aleksij Kostjurin, and the supreme commander of all regiments was Jovan Horvat. According to the data from 1765–1769 out of the total of 271 merchants who were registered in the “Nezin Greek Fraternity”, 54 declared that they were from the “Macedonian province”, mostly from Kostur, Thessalonica, Vodena, Skoplje and Strumica.
The Macedonian regiment was terminated in 1773. The dislocated population adapted to the new environment and by the time passing they became ethnically assimilated.
In 1759 the Macedonian hussar regiment was formed. The commander of the regiment was Aleksij Kostjurin, and the supreme commander of all regiments was Jovan Horvat. According to the data from 1765–1769 out of the total of 271 merchants who were registered in the “Nezin Greek Fraternity”, 54 declared that they were from the “Macedonian province”, mostly from Kostur, Thessalonica, Vodena, Skoplje and Strumica.
The Macedonian regiment was terminated in 1773. The dislocated population adapted to the new environment and by the time passing they became ethnically assimilated.
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