Zlatnata Porta (The Golden Gate), destroyed in 1911

View of some Roman Ruins in 1831, destroyed later, the sculptures were saved in the Louvre museum in Paris

Solun in 1688

Solun in 1831

Solun in 1897

late 19th century

White Tower, the outer walls were destroyed in 1911

Macedonians executed (thrown off) the White Tower

French Drawing of the VMRO attack on Ottoman trains, 1903

VMRO attack the Ottoman Imperial Bank of Solun

VMRO (Gemidzite) attack the French liner "Guadalkivir"

Soldiers from Crete sent to Solun as response to VMRO

Greek Army Captures Solun after the Turks left for good

Bulgarian army arrives 5 minutes after the Greek army. Had they arrived earlier today's Macedonia (most of it) would have been under Bulgarian occupation

Street scene in Solun, after 1913

The great fire of 1917 destroyed most of the city and its buildings, leaving a clean slate for the Greek occupiers...

Map of the destroyed city:

Map of the Greek government's urban plan for Solun, giving the city a new face.

Nazis occupy Solun, 1941

50,000 Macedonian Jews of Solun, who made up the majority of the city's population, deported to the concentration camps.
Zlatnata Porta (The Golden Gate), destroyed in 1911

View of some Roman Ruins in 1831, destroyed later, the sculptures were saved in the Louvre museum in Paris

Solun in 1688

Solun in 1831

Solun in 1897

late 19th century

White Tower, the outer walls were destroyed in 1911

Macedonians executed (thrown off) the White Tower

French Drawing of the VMRO attack on Ottoman trains, 1903

VMRO attack the Ottoman Imperial Bank of Solun

VMRO (Gemidzite) attack the French liner "Guadalkivir"

Soldiers from Crete sent to Solun as response to VMRO

Greek Army Captures Solun after the Turks left for good

Bulgarian army arrives 5 minutes after the Greek army. Had they arrived earlier today's Macedonia (most of it) would have been under Bulgarian occupation

Street scene in Solun, after 1913

The great fire of 1917 destroyed most of the city and its buildings, leaving a clean slate for the Greek occupiers...

Map of the destroyed city:

Map of the Greek government's urban plan for Solun, giving the city a new face.
Nazis occupy Solun, 1941

50,000 Macedonian Jews of Solun, who made up the majority of the city's population, deported to the concentration camps.
