Originally posted by Risto the Great
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Now, you don't have to have to take one step forward, but I do, as the 'Slavic' word form can no longer be adequately used to explain events in European prehistory. If our ancestors weren't hanging out in the Swamps of Central Asia during the formation of European civilization, then using a term that originated during the 6th Century AD only leads to confusion when stepping back further in time. Anthropology is a science that seeks out a greater understanding of the past, not just the present moment. Because the 'Slav' term exists as a modern period generalization with derogatory connotations, it can't be used for truly meaningful communication in objective scholarship conducted in a language that originated in Western Europe. It, unfortunately, has to be de-Slavicized in order to account for the prehistoric co-existence of our ancestors among other populations in Europe and the formation of those other populations for the purposes of progressive research.
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