There was an international competition for the best book about Monkey's.
France submitted a lavishly illustrated volume titled "Love triangles in the Monkey' families."
England presented a treatise "Monkey's and the World Trade."
Germany submitted 24 volume set under the title "Introduction into Monkeyology."
The USA furnished one million copies of a leaflet announcing a sweepstakes, "Win a Monkey. No purchase necessary."
The Greek wrote a book Titled "4000 years of Greek Monkey's".
France submitted a lavishly illustrated volume titled "Love triangles in the Monkey' families."
England presented a treatise "Monkey's and the World Trade."
Germany submitted 24 volume set under the title "Introduction into Monkeyology."
The USA furnished one million copies of a leaflet announcing a sweepstakes, "Win a Monkey. No purchase necessary."
The Greek wrote a book Titled "4000 years of Greek Monkey's".