Makedonski-Serb police patrols throughout the summer Ohrid

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  • George S.
    I can see your point RTG but at the end i would like to add is being a cooperative macedonian.
    On the srious side with such high unemployment why can't they train extra police for the season.I have a nephew trained as police officer but no work.ARe the Serbian patrols being paid out of macedonian budget or serbian.?If its serbian that's ok.But it would be better to have police that is macedonian.

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  • Risto the Great
    How sweet.
    I hope they hold hands and sing old Yugo tunes together.

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  • Makedonski-Serb police patrols throughout the summer Ohrid

    Makedonski-Serb police patrols throughout the summer Ohrid

    Police officers from the Department of the Interior - Ohrid from today until September 15, will conduct joint police controls and patrols through the city and along the coastal area with uniformed officers of the Police of the Republic of Serbia.

    - This is a realization of agreement on police co-operation between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of the two countries, activities aimed at increasing the level of safety of tourists from Serbia who vacationed here, and to all guests of the Ohrid Riviera, said a spokesman for SIA - Ohrid Stephen Dimoski. purpose of the joint patrols will contribute to increase the level of cooperation and exchange of experiences of police officers from both departments, and assist the citizens to meet their needs in terms of security. police officers from police authorities Belgrade and Nis will have contacts with the citizens of the city and tourists, especially visitors from the Republic of Serbia. - their actions will have exclusive preventive character, police officers from Serbia will not have weapons or equipment business activities in the area of the city, ie fully operate in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Macedonia, Dimovski said. Dragan Lukic junior officer first class in the Police Administration of Belgrade, expressed gratitude to the Macedonian police service for the opportunity to implement these activities, and the extent of the cooperation with members of the Department of Interior from Ohrid. - From the activities carried out in the field and the contacts with locals and guests from Serbia I can say that pozitrivni their reactions. People certainly recognize our uniform, are interested in the cooperation of Serbian and Macedonian police said Lukic. Fellow of the criminal police of Nis Slavisa Ilic expressed satisfaction with the work of the Macedonian police on the ground, their scrupulous respect for the citizens and visitors, and that There were no objections to their work or activities in the conduct of daily tasks and responsibilities. activities on site will be carried out in mixed patrols in two shifts on two police officers in support of the police aktivostite page in Ohrid in the prevention of criminal acts during the tourist season, which will be realized and exchange of information and data obtained by the two police departments.