With my hand on my heart I will publicly declare my belief that the MTO Inc. has done more for empowering Macedonians than any other online destination in the world. Whilst many seek to diminish the significance of our contribution, I am absolutely convinced more people have focused their mindsets in a much more useful fashion that is more aligned with the Macedonian Cause as result of our influence here than anywhere else.
MTO Inc. has influenced organisations to forcefully demand what is ours in recent times more so than any other time in our history. It may be confronting at times but it has challenged the mindsets of people who accept many of the entrenched diplomatic blunders in the modern Macedonian nation's recent history.
Many organisations have done far more for far longer but none have done it as effectively online and none have been as far reaching in relation to presenting the issues that challenge Macedonians.
What is now accepted as basic and universally accepted human rights by many of here at the MTO is still seen as "provocative" or "unreasonable" by far too many Macedonians in the world. Our job is far from over.
We deserve our place under the Sonce.
This is my personal belief.
MTO Inc. has influenced organisations to forcefully demand what is ours in recent times more so than any other time in our history. It may be confronting at times but it has challenged the mindsets of people who accept many of the entrenched diplomatic blunders in the modern Macedonian nation's recent history.
Many organisations have done far more for far longer but none have done it as effectively online and none have been as far reaching in relation to presenting the issues that challenge Macedonians.
What is now accepted as basic and universally accepted human rights by many of here at the MTO is still seen as "provocative" or "unreasonable" by far too many Macedonians in the world. Our job is far from over.
We deserve our place under the Sonce.
This is my personal belief.