Село Неред, Леринско, Егејска Македонија е место во кое ниту Турците со векови не успеале да воспостават ред ниту пак Грците во последните 100 години не успеале да ги асимилираат Македонците.
Сместено во пазувите на планината Вич каде се одиграла една од најголемите битки во Граѓанската војна, Лазо Огненов се присетува на тие трагични моменти за македонскиот народ во Грција.
Во Неред во турско немало ред, а сега во 21 век нема ниту интернет. Причина е што таму живеат само Македонци.
-Ние сме како мува во млекото, велат селаните, додавајќи дека е тешко кога не ти дозволуваат да ги негуваш своите културни вредности создавани со векови.
-Секогаш кога има листи на Виножито, македонските гласови одат кај партијата на Македонците, но понекогаш кога ги нема, гласаме за Пасок или за Нова демократија, но тие само не лажат. Секои четири години ветуваат дека состојбата ќе се подобри, но тоа не се случило, вели Тане Влахов.
Го напуштаме Неред со чувство дека пред Македонците во леринско во Грција претстои голема битка не само за добивање на своите елементарни човекови права туку уште потрагично борба со сопствените ставови кои не запираат со децении.
Горан Момировски
Risto the Great MACEDONIA:ANHEDONIA "Holding my breath for the revolution."
How many turkish imports does the population of the village comprise?
None, this village is 100% Macedonian. That is why it faces mistreatment from the local government.
They may not have cable available, but there's nothing stopping them buying a satellite internet kit with dish.
Saw plenty of these set up in the region, side by side with the paytv dishes.
That's not the point. The point is this, why do the neighboring villages, with large Prosfygan communities, get free internet services from the municipality, yet this village (with no Prosfygans) is deprived of the same service?
That's not the point. The point is this, why do the neighboring villages, with large Prosfygan communities, get free internet services from the municipality, yet this village (with no Prosfygans) is deprived of the same service?
I live in Athens North Suburbs and we dont get free municipal internet service. Maybe that village is really small in comparison to the other ones.
If I am not mistaken, this song is "Pesna za kralot Aleksandar"? The song that talks about the Macedonians from VMRO who killed Prince Aleksandar of Yugoslavia in the 1930s. Now how does this "Greek" village know this song
It is ironical, that Greece suppresses Macedonians and denies their existence, and on the other hand give out open and free information to the numbers of the rainbow party.
Secondly, lets be serious and accept that this thread is flawed.
This is a national holiday and children march and dance on such a day. This happens in every single country of the world.
There is no propaganda or brainwashing here whatsoever.
It is ironical, that Greece suppresses Macedonians and denies their existence, and on the other hand give out open and free information to the numbers of the rainbow party.
Secondly, lets be serious and accept that this thread is flawed.
This is a national holiday and children march and dance on such a day. This happens in every single country of the world.
There is no propaganda or brainwashing here whatsoever.
Your denial of the brainwashing that went on in Greek occupied Macedonia is disgusting, think about what you are saying and read up on some facts about the creation of your country
It is ironical, that Greece suppresses Macedonians and denies their existence, and on the other hand give out open and free information to the numbers of the rainbow party.
Why? Is there any place in the world where the elections results are kept secret?
People like Mastika who are interested in demographic research (from village to village) have a useful material here
Secondly, lets be serious and accept that this thread is flawed.
This is a national holiday and children march and dance on such a day. This happens in every single country of the world.
There is no propaganda or brainwashing here whatsoever.
On the contrary, this specific song (Deka Palikaria/ Ten Lads) is an excellent choice. Here's a video of the song.
It is ironical, that Greece suppresses Macedonians and denies their existence, and on the other hand give out open and free information to the numbers of the rainbow party.
Secondly, lets be serious and accept that this thread is flawed.
This is a national holiday and children march and dance on such a day. This happens in every single country of the world.
There is no propaganda or brainwashing here whatsoever.
LMAO, I think I just suffered a bout of incontinence!!
"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev