Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • makedonche
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 3242

    Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
    Запалена црква во Лабуништа

    Гори црквата Свети Никола во село Лабуништа струшко. Според првичните информации вечерва околу 22 часот непознати вандали ја запалиле централната црква во село Лабуништа...

    Mi se chini oti gredi vremeto za chistenje ot gubreto vo Makedonija!
    On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


    • Niko777
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 1895

      Originally posted by dedoaleko View Post
      Запалена црква во Лабуништа

      Гори црквата Свети Никола во село Лабуништа струшко. Според првичните информации вечерва околу 22 часот непознати вандали ја запалиле централната црква во село Лабуништа...


      Unbelievable! The Albanians have burned down our church!!!

      This week 10,000 Macedonians gathered in Skopje's main square to welcome back the Euro-handball players. Let's see how many will gather to protest this barbaric act...
      Last edited by Niko777; 01-30-2012, 05:15 PM.


      • Niko777
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2010
        • 1895

        Macedonia Muslims urge restraint over carnival

        (Associated Press) – 4 hours ago

        SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) — Muslim leaders in Macedonia appealed for calm on Monday among community members outraged over a carnival in which Orthodox Christian men mocked Muslims by dressing as Burqa-clad women.

        The incident at the Jan. 13 Vevcani festival has prompted angry, sometimes violent demonstrations by Muslims, who make up 33 percent of the country's 2.1 million population and accuse the majority of stoking hatred against them.

        On Saturday, some protesters attacked buses and defaced a Macedonian flag and replaced it with a green flag to represent Islam. On the same day, a church was attacked by unknown perpetrators in the nearby village of Labunista.

        In a statement Monday, Macedonian Muslim leaders called for restraint but also accused the government of promoting Islamophobia.
        "The behavior of Muslims should be restrained, but, unfortunately, we are concerned that Islamophobia in Macedonia is often combined with government propaganda," they said. "Such is the case with this carnival that the government annually subsidizes with...the money of all citizens, including Muslims."

        The carnival, said to have been held for some 1,400 years, attracts thousands of visitors. Local resident traditionally wear elaborate, frequently sarcastic masks, with some of the most common costumes including devils and demons.

        Muslims in Macedonia are almost all ethnic Albanians. Albanians, in Macedonia and elsewhere, have traditionally been secular, but conservative Islamic schools, especially Wahhabism, have taken a foothold in the years following a brief ethnic Albanian uprising in Macedonia in 2001. This spread has been mainly financed from Saudi Arabia.

        Last edited by Niko777; 01-30-2012, 05:15 PM.


        • Niko777
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1895

          EXTREMIST "Red-Black Alliance" from Albania will be organizing a protest in Struga Tomorrow!


          What kind of stupid country allows extremist nationalist groups from neighboring countries to cross the border and organize nationalist-separatist protests in sensitive minority areas? What was the point of having a Macedonian state, to allow shit like this???
          Last edited by Niko777; 01-30-2012, 05:18 PM.


          • Pavle Pijanica
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2012
            • 71

            Something tells me that this is the end of the "beautiful" relationship between the Macedonians and the Albanians.

            To burn a flag for nationalistic pride is one burn down a church and start getting religious is another... Mameto nino Shiptarsko da mu ebam!!! Kucina Edni!!!!!!!


            • Niko777
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1895

              Something tells me that this is the end of the "beautiful" relationship between the Macedonians and the Albanians.
              Or the beginning.... The government will probably award these Albanians in the next few days by allowing them to rename elementary schools after the UCK, building them "sports halls" and infrastructure projects, allowing them to build more illegal mosques with Albanian flags, and other DUI-DPMNE deals.
              Last edited by Niko777; 01-30-2012, 05:16 PM.


              • arqe88
                • Jan 2012
                • 25

                Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                Macedonia Muslims urge restraint over carnival

                (Associated Press) – 4 hours ago

                SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) — Muslim leaders in Macedonia appealed for calm on Monday among community members outraged over a carnival in which Orthodox Christian men mocked Muslims by dressing as Burqa-clad women.

                The incident at the Jan. 13 Vevcani festival has prompted angry, sometimes violent demonstrations by Muslims, who make up 33 percent of the country's 2.1 million population and accuse the majority of stoking hatred against them.

                On Saturday, some protesters attacked buses and defaced a Macedonian flag and replaced it with a green flag to represent Islam. On the same day, a church was attacked by unknown perpetrators in the nearby village of Labunista.

                In a statement Monday, Macedonian Muslim leaders called for restraint but also accused the government of promoting Islamophobia.
                "The behavior of Muslims should be restrained, but, unfortunately, we are concerned that Islamophobia in Macedonia is often combined with government propaganda," they said. "Such is the case with this carnival that the government annually subsidizes with...the money of all citizens, including Muslims."

                The carnival, said to have been held for some 1,400 years, attracts thousands of visitors. Local resident traditionally wear elaborate, frequently sarcastic masks, with some of the most common costumes including devils and demons.

                Muslims in Macedonia are almost all ethnic Albanians. Albanians, in Macedonia and elsewhere, have traditionally been secular, but conservative Islamic schools, especially Wahhabism, have taken a foothold in the years following a brief ethnic Albanian uprising in Macedonia in 2001. This spread has been mainly financed from Saudi Arabia.

                filthy wahabists are up to no good. The saudis are exploiting the the poor and uneducated secular muslims. Every stypid muslim can become a wahabi. Seriously religion should be banned from Europe.


                • arqe88
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 25

                  Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                  Unbelievable! The Albanians have burned down our church!!!

                  This week 10,000 Macedonians gathered in Skopje's main square to welcome back the Euro-handball players. Let's see how many will gather to protest this barbaric act...
                  pics, vidoes plaese


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by DedoAleko View Post
                    Запалена црква во Лабуништа

                    Гори црквата Свети Никола во село Лабуништа струшко. Според првичните информации вечерва околу 22 часот непознати вандали ја запалиле централната црква во село Лабуништа...

                    That is disgraceful. Aren't most Muslims in Labunishta Macedonian instead of Albanian? Not that I am accusing one or the other, but I didn't think Christian-Muslim relations were so bad there.
                    Originally posted by Niko777
                    Red-Black Alliance" from Albania will be organizing a protest in Struga Tomorrow!


                    What kind of stupid country allows extremist nationalist groups from neighboring countries to cross the border and organize nationalist-separatist protests in sensitive minority areas? What was the point of having a Macedonian state, to allow shit like this???
                    Quite stupid if they are allowed to come in.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8534

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      That is disgraceful. Aren't most Muslims in Labunishta Macedonian instead of Albanian? Not that I am accusing one or the other, but I didn't think Christian-Muslim relations were so bad there.

                      Quite stupid if they are allowed to come in.
                      Christian-Muslim relations are terrible. Macedonia's are quite suspicious of Muslim Macedonians in Labunista because many of them record themselves as Albanians in the census and vote for Albanian parties.
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • Niko777
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 1895

                        That is disgraceful. Aren't most Muslims in Labunishta Macedonian instead of Albanian? Not that I am accusing one or the other, but I didn't think Christian-Muslim relations were so bad there.
                        I wouldn't be surprised if Albanians have outnumbered Macedonian-Muslims in this village.


                        • Pavle Pijanica
                          Junior Member
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 71

                          Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                          That is disgraceful. Aren't most Muslims in Labunishta Macedonian instead of Albanian? Not that I am accusing one or the other, but I didn't think Christian-Muslim relations were so bad there.

                          Quite stupid if they are allowed to come in.
                          Of course they'll let them in...All the border patrol along Western Macedonian are Shiptari anyway....

                          My question is for so many years Macedonian Christians and Muslims lived side by side with peace and harmony for so many question is why would they start now?


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            My question is for so many years Macedonian Christians and Muslims lived side by side with peace and harmony for so many question is why would they start now?
                            Again, pointing out to the stupidity of this country, we should be asking why did the government allow the Saudi-funded radicalization of Macedonia's Muslim population since the 2001 war? Why did it allow the construction of illegally-built mosques and Islamic schools all across Western Macedonia?


                            • DedoAleko
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 969

                              Sitel trying to calm things down:

                              Пожар во близина на црквата во Лабуништa

                              Од непознати причини вечерва избувнал пожар во помошните просториии од црквата Св.Никола во струшкото село Лабуништa...



                              • arqe88
                                • Jan 2012
                                • 25

                                Originally posted by Pavle Pijanica View Post
                                Of course they'll let them in...All the border patrol along Western Macedonian are Shiptari anyway....

                                My question is for so many years Macedonian Christians and Muslims lived side by side with peace and harmony for so many question is why would they start now?
                                because the saudi wahabists have infiltrated thees ordinary muslims. divide and conquer

