Originally posted by Onur
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Yet ironically Tito didnt touch a hair of the shiptars, who believe it or not where still fighting the yugoslavs after WW2 ended. I hear stories that Tito allowed more shiptars to come to macedonia when the plan of albania joining yugoslavia was in its middle stages........
Strange that Tito expelled almost all of the italians and germans (both nazi's) in croatia and slovenia but did fuck all to the albanian nazi's in macedonia.... however the true irony is that many macedonians think of tito as a "great man" even though he was the key to starting the albanianization of macedonia...
Its a real shame as to what is happening to the loyal turks of macedonia, they along with other good muslim people like the roma and bosniaks are being albanicized with the book of islam and the money of Suadi's and Egyptions. Its funny because i see a lot of similiaraties as to what is happening to the turks in terms of their religion and what happend to the macedonians because of their religion.....
The turks are being albanicized by the book of islam thanks to albanian mufti's who only speak in albanian and are nationalistic, just how macedonians a 100 years ago where srbonized/hellenized/bulgarorized thanks to grk/serb/bulgar priests and the good book of christ

Hence why im not so much a fan of religion these days

I think its pathetic that the macedonian government does nothing to help the poor turks, but if it makes you feel any better the macedonian government has never done anything to help poor macedonians who face shiptar terrorism so dont take it personally mate...