Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by Gocka View Post
    What a fitting end it would be to this farce if NMK was denied EU entry because of Albanian irredentism. The irony would be the stuff of legend. Macedonians commit ethnic suicide to squash Greece's ridiculous claims of irredentism only to have a shiptari minority fuck it all up for Macedonia with foreign irredentism which also claims Macedonian land.

    You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.
    I think it will be the shiptar factor, that will torpedo the grand plan for Macedonia to get into the could very well be shiptar irredentism that is Macedonia's undoing or the general unwillingness of many EU states to extend membership to countries such as Albania and Macedonia due to the high numbers of muslims in each state.

    The shiptari are being used by the US and to a lesser extent by the EU to isolate Macedonia and Serbia and make them fully compliant states to the demands of the Western Macedonia, it's now job done...once Serbia also falls (in process) the shiptari will be discarded and not wanted by anybody in the US or Europe...we're saddled with them and they will continue to be the millstone around our neck, on way or another

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  • Niko777
    What a fitting end it would be to this farce if NMK was denied EU entry because of Albanian irredentism.
    It's possible it will happen. All the maps above include the areas of Lerin, Kostur, Ioannina, and Korfu, which today are in Greek territory.

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  • Gocka
    What a fitting end it would be to this farce if NMK was denied EU entry because of Albanian irredentism. The irony would be the stuff of legend. Macedonians commit ethnic suicide to squash Greece's ridiculous claims of irredentism only to have a shiptari minority fuck it all up for Macedonia with foreign irredentism which also claims Macedonian land.

    You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.

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  • Gocka
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    Albanian opposition party demands bilingual banknotes


    The Alliance of Albanians accused the ruling DUI party of failing to push for Albanian national issues after it was revealed that the new denar notes which will be put in circulation early next year will carry the name “Republic of North Macedonia” but will not be bilingual.

    As part of the controversial law on the use of Albanian language, Albanian parties insist that the currency is made bilingual. The Central Bank said that it will begin using the “new name” but will not also include the Albanian language.

    The statement from the Government revealed all the empty sloganeering from DUI, who insisted that the new currency notes and the police uniforms will be in Albanian, said the opposition AA party.
    But I thought the language law was nothing serious, and that almost nothing would change, and it would only apply to Albanian majority areas.

    My god are North Macedonians weak people. There is literally no red line, nothing can go too far, nothing can be too embarrassing. We had livestock that would take less shit than those people, I'm dead serious.

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  • Carlin
    Albanian opposition party demands bilingual banknotes


    The Alliance of Albanians accused the ruling DUI party of failing to push for Albanian national issues after it was revealed that the new denar notes which will be put in circulation early next year will carry the name “Republic of North Macedonia” but will not be bilingual.

    As part of the controversial law on the use of Albanian language, Albanian parties insist that the currency is made bilingual. The Central Bank said that it will begin using the “new name” but will not also include the Albanian language.

    The statement from the Government revealed all the empty sloganeering from DUI, who insisted that the new currency notes and the police uniforms will be in Albanian, said the opposition AA party.

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  • Niko777
    Head of the Islamic Community in North Macedonia Sulejman Rexhepi displays Greater Albania map during televised Ramadan Greeting

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  • Niko777
    Albanians protested with maps of Greater Albania in Skopje today in defense of the Albanian terrorists from Kumanovo


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  • Niko777
    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    I've also seen maps of a greater Albania in Macedonian government offices.
    If anyone thought I was exaggerating or had doubts of what I said, here are a couple of photos:

    Municipal Office of Debar:

    Municipal Office of Kichevo:

    If Greece ever decides to veto North Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic integration in the future,
    I hope it's for this reason: North Macedonia is supporting propaganda of a Greater Albania.

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  • VMRO
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    My question is are the restaurants Macedonian-owned or Albanian-owned?
    Most likely Albanian

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    My question is are the restaurants Macedonian-owned or Albanian-owned?

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  • VMRO
    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    Restaurants in Struga issuing Albanian only receipts

    And no tax withheld too...

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  • Niko777
    Restaurants in Struga issuing Albanian only receipts

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  • Niko777
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    Ученици во албанско училиште прават мапа на „голема Албанија“ (ВИДЕО)
    I've also seen maps of a greater Albania in Macedonian government offices. This kind of propaganda is already supported in state structures of North Macedonia, so it's no surprise it exists in Albania...

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  • Niko777
    Zaev and Osmani exchanged words on exactly what I mentioned earlier:

    Osmani: Everyone has a right to display the Albanian flag without consequences

    Zaev: The Albanian flag can be displayed all over the country, but under specific parameters and sizes


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  • Carlin
    Османи: Поставете го албанското знаме било каде, дозволено е со закон


    Османи вечера во ТВ21 рече дека албанското знаме може да се постави било каде и дека тоа е дозволено со закон.
    Изминатите денови голем број на рекации се јавија за поставувањето на албанското знаме во Охрид при што беа изречени и мерки.

    Ученици во албанско училиште прават мапа на „голема Албанија“ (ВИДЕО)


    На социјалните мрежи се појави снимка на која се гледа како ученици на албанско училиште изведуваат перформанс на создавање на голема Албанија.

    На почетокот на снимката се гледа момче кое ги држи на картон исечени границите на Албанија, а потоа му се придружуваат деца кои ги додаваат, исто така од картон исечени, делови од Грција, западниот дел од Македонија, Косово, истокот на Црна Гора, југот на Србија и Косово.

    На тој начин прават мапа на таканаречена голема Албанија, за која Албанците мечтаат повеќе од еден век.
    Last edited by Carlin; 05-01-2019, 07:06 PM.

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