Albanianization in Macedonia

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  • VMRO
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1464

    Well dual language changes, language rights and albanian flags that the stupid Albanian political parties argued about in the last 30 years doesn't create opportunities.

    When you vote for people with no vision or policies... you get shit.
    Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

    Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      The guy who got barred from entering Macedonia for 5 years said in an interview: Ohrid will be ours.


      • vicsinad
        Senior Member
        • May 2011
        • 2337

        Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
        The guy who got barred from entering Macedonia for 5 years said in an interview: Ohrid will be ours.
        Here's a link:


        • Niko777
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1895

          I would like to know what specific law did this individual break? Because as far as I know, the Albanian flag is LEGAL in the country... So what stops other Albanians from doing this in the future? Would he have been punished if he did this is in a municipality where Albanians are 20%+ of the population? Or if he was an Albanian from Ohrid? My point is that when the law allows Albanian flags to be flown, and those same laws are not clear on when and where they can be flown, then you can expect this to happen again... From the moment they allowed Albanians to fly their flags on government building or ministry offices, they have opened Pandora's box.
          Last edited by Niko777; 04-30-2019, 11:36 AM.


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
            I would like to know what specific law did this individual break? Because as far as I know, the Albanian flag is LEGAL in the country... So what stops other Albanians from doing this in the future? Would he have been punished if he did this is in a municipality where Albanians are 20%+ of the population? Or if he was an Albanian from Ohrid? My point is that when the law allows Albanians flags to flown, and those same laws are not that clear on when and where it can be flown, then you can expect this to happen again... From the moment they allowed Albanians to fly their flags on government building or ministry offices, they have opened Pandora's box.
            Very good point.

            And let's not forget, especially with our newfound understanding of common history with Bulgaria, that the Bulgarians have a stake in this matter too!

            По поставувањето на големо албанско знаме на Велигден на Самоиловата тврдина во Охрид реакции стигнаа и од соседна Бугарија.

            -Непријатно е дека Самуиловата тврдина во Охрид, која е споменик на бугарската историја, култура и меморија за цар Самуил- еден од најголемите Бугари на сите времиња, станува предмет на такво вмешување.Ако овој инцидент заслужува коментар, тој мора да биде поврзан не само со нападите врз Република Северна Македонија, туку и со бугарското историско наследство. Од бугарска страна треба да има реакција “, е ставот на бугарскиот историчар Пламен Павлов

            Тој ги повика организаторите на слични фестивали и учесниците, без разлика дали се од Македонија, од Косово или од која и да е друга земја, да не ја погазуваат историјата, бидејќи според Павлов, „тоа е едно морално злосторство и ја влошува климата на добрососедство во современа Европа и на Балканот“.

            -Без разлика дали овие луѓе кои го ставија знамето се свесни за тоа што го прават, тоа е дамка врз традиционално пријателските односи меѓу бугарскиот и албанскиот народ. Нема сомневање дека денешниот албански национализам сонува за Голема Албанија, прекројувајќи ја границата на Балканот”, истакна Пламен Павлов.
            After setting up a large Albanian flag at Easter in Samoil's Fortress in Ohrid, reactions came from neighboring Bulgaria.

            - It is unfortunate that the Samuil Fortress in Ohrid, which is a monument to the Bulgarian history, culture and memory of Tsar Samuil - one of the greatest Bulgarians of all time, becomes the object of such an interference. If this incident deserves comment, it must be connected not only with the attacks on the Republic of Northern Macedonia, but also with the Bulgarian historical heritage. There should be a reaction from the Bulgarian side, "said the Bulgarian historian Plamen Pavlov

            He urged the organizers of similar festivals and participants, whether they are from Macedonia, Kosovo or any other country, not to retake history, because according to Pavlov, "it is a moral crime and worsens the climate of good neighborliness in modern Europe and the Balkans. "

            -Whether these people who put the flag are aware of what they are doing, it is a stain on the traditionally friendly relations between the Bulgarian and Albanian people. There is no doubt that today's Albanian nationalism dreams of Greater Albania, reshaping the border in the Balkans, "said Plamen Pavlov.


            • Big Bad Sven
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 1528

              Originally posted by Gocka View Post
              Its gotten to the point where I don't even want to know what is happening anymore. Its so pathetic the things that keep on happening, that you lose the will to even get upset anymore. Its like a bad relationship that you eventually realize you have to get out of before it kills you.

              That is not a country, its a social experiment. Yet everyone I meet and speak to who comes from there, seems to think everything is hunky dory.

              One day they will come up with a syndrome to describe what ever the hell that mess is supposed to be. I didn't even know it was possible to be this ashamed and disgusted by other human beings, let alone those who should be considered your own.
              Macedonians have given up back in 2004 (some would say even in the mid 90s). After what happened with accepting the humiliating name change and agreeing that alexander and the ancients where Greek, a ‘common’ Bulgarian history, allowing the shiptars to do anything they want (building humiliating monuments for the terrorists from 2001) – its no surprise that insulting things like this happen.

              And it will keep on happening and its going to get worse. I think this is amazing, I hope it really burns and makes those idiot northern Macedonians really feel shame. And the world will keep laughing at this shit race and country. But it will mean nothing as we both know the majority of the people don’t care.

              They are cultureless beasts, savages, with no morals or souls, who only care about short term pleasures in life like going to Greece for annual holidays (while getting their cars smashed) or going to plastic soulless turbo folk ‘zurkas’ every night.

              But to be fair, there is a lot of garbage in the diaspora. A lot of them still go to Greece for holidays, think Macedonia is some amazing place, where they go to some random obscure selo or hotel in Ohrid and don’t see what really is happening. It must be a Macedonian trope – sticking your head in the sand and hope things will get better. A lot of old boomers are like this as well.

              I have pretty much come to the conclusion that its only a small percentage of Macedonians (they are the ones active online) who really care. The others don’t care or are too ignorant to know whats going on


              • VMRO
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1464

                Cannot find the exact law but i think Albanians can only fly the Albanian flag in municipalities and government buildings where they make more than 20%.

                The accord gave more rights to Albanians and allowed for the display of the Albanian flag, along with the Macedonian flag, in front of local institutions in municipalities where Albanians make up a substantial part of the population.
                Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                • VMRO
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1464

                  There are reports that they came down to support also the Ohrid SDS candidate for re-election who has promised to allow the building of the minaret in exchange for Albanian votes.

                  There will be a second round between the DPNE candidate and the SDS i believe same time as the presidential voting.

                  Second round of election of mayor in Ohrid there will also be held. According to initial unofficial results, Dr. Konstantin Georgieski from SDSM won 12,409 votes, Dr. Mitre Miloseski from VMRO-DPMNE 9,606 votes, Stevce Stevoski from the Democrats party 971, Mihail Trendafilov-Nance of GDU 1,551, and Xhemal Mena from BESA 484.

                  A new mayor is elected in Ohrid after the sudden death of professor Dr. Jovan Stojaniski, whose deputy was the current candidate Dr. Konstantin Georgieski.
                  Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                  Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                  • Gocka
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2306

                    Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
                    But it will mean nothing as we both know the majority of the people don’t care.

                    They are cultureless beasts, savages, with no morals or souls, who only care about short term pleasures in life like going to Greece for annual holidays (while getting their cars smashed) or going to plastic soulless turbo folk ‘zurkas’ every night.
                    I just don't get these people anymore. The cemetery turned garbage dump feels personal to me. If my father was buried in that cemetery, I don't think I would be able to control myself. I'd probably be stationed out front with a rifle. The people buried there must have family? How can you allow your former loved ones to be desecrated in such a manner, and have nothing to say about it?

                    Can you imagine if Macedonians started dumping garbage in an Albanian graveyard? Can you imagine the violence that would surely ensue.

                    It only further reinforces the fact that those fucking Shiptari do not even consider us as fellow human beings. The languages the flags and similar bullshit is understandable, its petty and stupid but understandable. The vulgarity and utter disregard they show Macedonians is more than clear. There is no coexistence there, we are not human in their eyes, we can't even count on basic human decency in that dynamic.

                    You have to be a special kind of weakling to see something like that and still be able to shrug your shoulders and go on with your day. Like you said, only a cultureless and soulless people could sit by idly and watch such grotesque indecency and disrespect.

                    Lots of bad things happen in the USA, and there are lots of bad people here too. But for every bad person and horrible instance there are always a 100x the amount of people who instantly stand up against it. With out being told, without needing an invitation, they feel its there duty as decent people to stand up against what is wrong. The part I can't understand is not the bad things that happen in Macedonia, its that there seems to be no one who even cares that it happens.

                    I'm Macedonian, and my parents always taught us to stand up for yourself and for what is right. Who raised these fucking people?


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      Османи: Поставете го албанското знаме било каде, дозволено е со закон


                      Османи вечера во ТВ21 рече дека албанското знаме може да се постави било каде и дека тоа е дозволено со закон.
                      Изминатите денови голем број на рекации се јавија за поставувањето на албанското знаме во Охрид при што беа изречени и мерки.

                      Ученици во албанско училиште прават мапа на „голема Албанија“ (ВИДЕО)


                      На социјалните мрежи се појави снимка на која се гледа како ученици на албанско училиште изведуваат перформанс на создавање на голема Албанија.

                      На почетокот на снимката се гледа момче кое ги држи на картон исечени границите на Албанија, а потоа му се придружуваат деца кои ги додаваат, исто така од картон исечени, делови од Грција, западниот дел од Македонија, Косово, истокот на Црна Гора, југот на Србија и Косово.

                      На тој начин прават мапа на таканаречена голема Албанија, за која Албанците мечтаат повеќе од еден век.
                      Last edited by Carlin; 05-01-2019, 07:06 PM.


                      • Niko777
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2010
                        • 1895

                        Zaev and Osmani exchanged words on exactly what I mentioned earlier:

                        Osmani: Everyone has a right to display the Albanian flag without consequences

                        Zaev: The Albanian flag can be displayed all over the country, but under specific parameters and sizes



                        • Niko777
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 1895

                          Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                          Ученици во албанско училиште прават мапа на „голема Албанија“ (ВИДЕО)
                          I've also seen maps of a greater Albania in Macedonian government offices. This kind of propaganda is already supported in state structures of North Macedonia, so it's no surprise it exists in Albania...


                          • Niko777
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 1895

                            Restaurants in Struga issuing Albanian only receipts


                            • VMRO
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1464

                              Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                              Restaurants in Struga issuing Albanian only receipts

                              And no tax withheld too...
                              Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                              Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                              • Liberator of Makedonija
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 1597

                                My question is are the restaurants Macedonian-owned or Albanian-owned?
                                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.

