The serbs warned us we would have the same problems with the albanians as they did with kosovo.i'ts a slap in the face.
Albanianization in Macedonia
This is a sticky topic.
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Well frank i don't know whether you know the macedonian forces were told to back off the kla forces.I would like to think a sovereign country like macedonia should be able to defend itself & to preserve the rule of law.But there seems to be outside elements wanting to destabilize the country regardless of the cost."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Well frank i don't know whether you know the macedonian forces were told to back off the kla forces
KLA Terrorists were occupying Macedonian villages by the hour and NATO badged Helicopters were circling the Presidents house at night.
I Haven't forgotten anything.
good that you remember that because it's a black day for macedonia when you are ordered to stand down & let the terrorists win.Do you rember they handed in old guns that were shit & hid the good stuff ready to come back another day."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
This clip summarize the most important battle we had in our history and in which we didnt loose but we capitulated..
YouTube - Makedonija 2001 - Bitkata za aracinovo Eve ja vistinataСлава му на Бога за се
good that you remember that because it's a black day for macedonia when you are ordered to stand down & let the terrorists win.Do you remember they handed in old guns that were shit & hid the good stuff ready to come back another day.Last edited by Frank; 01-02-2011, 12:02 PM.
Whatever happened to the peoplethat the kla kidnapped & scriblled on with knives did the government pursue them to the hague & how about compensation."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Komita View PostFirst of all in what kind of dream do you all live in? Do you honestly think that the inbred lower race would be able to do all these things without the constant support and financing from USA and EU?
This whole process is something they carefully planed in the last 20 years, and nothing that happened in the last 20 years in the Balkans with the all wars and the greater albanian expansion is a project supported and finanec by EU, USA and the Vatican.
But most macedonians live in denial and 90% support the eu and nato integration which means they approve all of this.
“Greater Albania” does not include Macedonia in the plans of the west. The US and the EU have something MUCH worse in store for Macedonia then being a part of “greater Albania”. The grand plan is to turn Macedonia in to some sort of quasi mutant nation that will be the “swiss nation of the Balkans”, which will be “multi-ethnic” and multi-lingual. What that really means is that there will be no Macedonian nationality/culture/language anymore. Macedonia will lose all of its beautiful and unique identity, its people its culture, and the country will become nothing more then some sort of “hub” for transportation in the Balkans.
Right now they are trying to brainwash Macedonians into thinking its bad to be “nationalist” and make them think that they are nothing more then “slavs”, or “Christian slavs”. It was the EU and the US who forced the “multi-lingual” signs to go up all around Macedonia. If they EU and US wanted western Macedonia to go to “greater Albania” then it would have already happened.
You give too much credit to the shiptars, they are pawns to the “great powers” just like all of the Balkan and former Yugoslav countries. They were used as merely a tool to weaken Serbia, a country who was anti-west and pro Russian. The EU has already rejected Albania’s entry into the EU last November, and is forcing Albania and Kosovo to sign that both countries can never join, like what Austria and Germany signed in the past. This is the wests way of controlling their puppets like the shiptars.
And to make matters worse for all dreamers of greater Albania, the US and ESPICIALLY the EU will NEVER allow grk land to go to Albania, grease is the darling of the EU and seem like they can never go wrong. Plus, it was Europe that created modern day grease from a bunch of Balkan peoples.
And finally, if western Macedonia does go to “greater Albania”, as ironic as this may sound it would probably be good for the Macedonians in western Macedonia as the Albanian government would probably treat these poor Macedonians much better then the toothless and sell out Macedonian government does now. Ironic that from all of this recent information posted by niko that it looks like the gutless Macedonian government is actually AIDING the shiptars in taking control of western Macedonia.
In the end of the day it is up to Macedonians to stand up and decide the fate of their country and culture, united, all Macedonians can make a difference, no matter how much the US or the EU backs the shiptars.
A little more contemporary to a century ago, but thought it should go here anyway.
Unlike the Ottoman Turks, Albanians were known for their assimiliatory propensity. The movement of Albanians into Macedonian Muslim villages saw a gradual Albanianisation occur. The villages of Ostreni, Trnovo, Klene, Leten, Dzheptisa, Brbele, Obuki, Makelari and others were largely Albanianised by the end of the nineteenth century. Where Albanians moved into Christian villages, it was common for Macedonians to leave. In the middle of the nineteenth century the Debar villages of Vichica, Goleica and Pisanki were exclusively Macedonian Christian; by the end of the century they had become exclusively Albanian. In Grazhdani Albanians arrived in the 1850's. By 1900 there remained only eight Christian homes. Migrating Albanians overran entire districts in the frontier Debar region (Grika, Luzunija, Dolno Debar) with the only remnants of the original Macedonian inhabitants being the obviously typical Macedonian toponyms. p.75-76
There is an Albanian-Muslim village just south of Skopje called "Sveta Petka". The Albanian villagers themselves call their village "Sveta Petka". Obviously there are many Albanian villages like these, villages with a pure Macedonian name and an old historic church. The Albanians have no history in Macedonia, they are settlers. Just visit any Albanian village and you will find a new mosque. Go to a Macedonian village and you will find a church centuries old. Go to the Macedonian village and you will find a centuries old cemetery. Go to an Albanian village and you will find their cemeteries are relatively new - hence my point, their ancestors were not from Macedonia.Last edited by Niko777; 01-03-2011, 07:15 PM.
They just seem to be taking over"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
The Albanians themselves know that their ancestors were not from Macedonia, this is why they are attaching themselves to Ottoman monuments - there are no Albanian monuments in Macedonia so the Turkish monuments act like a substitute, as if their ancestors had built them. They are trying to link their foreign culture to the land.
Albanians arrived in the 1850's.