Originally posted by makedonche
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If someone's crossing the line and you say "hey, that's not nice" and you repeat this 2 times, the 3rds going to be step back buddy! Not cool! If they keep coming with 'do you know who you're talking to' don't be surprised to hear an F you.
In my position I liaise with labourers through to upper management and am respectful to both equally and would choose my words more carefully/professionally, but this isn't work so a different standard exists. Don't think this means my words are a projections of a frustrated 'hen pecked' middle-man, there are ways to deal with all sorts as I'm sure you know or will learn. This is by choice. We've each come here through choice as equals out of a concern for what's happening with RoM and not to brishi gazot to anyone. If I step out of line to you I would expect you to say "Not cool, buddy" and if I behave like an asshole to you I would expect you to say, "look, pull your head in your behaving like an asshole", but not an attitude of 'do you know who you're talking to'.