Albanianization in Macedonia
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Have I here in any post supported DUI ??
DUI as far as I'm concerned is largely to blame for many of the problems that occur in RoM.. especially for staying part of the government at all costs over the years regardless of the party platform it was elected on ...
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Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostWhere is Albo to blame a Macedonian for this?
Now they can build a few more statues of funny looking homosexuals drapped in that ugly flag with the distorted Orthodox eagle..
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Originally posted by VMRO View PostApparently a second person has died in Hospital.
Whose great idea was it for terrorists to become politicians?
I think it's great, the pity is that they're not killing each other off quick enough...
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Apparently a second person has died in Hospital.
Whose great idea was it for terrorists to become politicians?
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Albanian politicians gun each other down in Macedonia. 1 killed, 2 injured.
This is the "democracy" that Albanian politicians bring to Macedonia.
Наим Реџепи од Куманово е лицето кое вечерва било убиено во Куманово во вооружен судир помеѓу две групи пред седиштето на ДУИ во Мала Речица.
На социјалните мрежи започнаа да се споделуваат фотографии од убиениот Наим каде што е сликан заедно со Али Ахмети.
Во соопштението кое го испратија од ДУИ пак, целосно се одградуваат од вмешаност во ова убиство.
Куманово целосно е под полициска опсада поради убиството и денешната пресуда за случајот „Алмир“.
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Protesters gathering outside of fyrom parliament protesting the law of languages which will make the Albanian language official in fyrom.
You can't make this stuff up in a sci fi film.
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Originally posted by Niko777 View PostMacedonia Cancels Participation in Western Balkans Conference because Kosovo was not invited.
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Great to see Gornadians working closely with the other fictional nation.
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Macedonia Cancels Participation in Western Balkans Conference because Kosovo was not invited.
Link: http://fokus.mk/makedonija-go-otkazh...ne-e-pokaneto/
My question is: Has Macedonia even once in the past 25 years refuse to participate in any conference or organization that listed it as FYROM?
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...And the transformation is complete. Check out these proud Makebanians and their ventilators. Singing and dancing away with such pride for the whole world to behold. And who could blame them? These truly are proud times to be a Makebanian. Ah, good times. ..Fucking Box-heads!
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