Originally posted by Volk
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Albanianization in Macedonia
This is a sticky topic.
Originally posted by Niko777 View PostMacedonian Media Defends Albanians...
The headlines reads "Together against Brutality" and that the people of Gostivar protested "peacefully". No mention of the dozens of Macedonian shops destroyed.
The irony is that while Albanians are protesting "violence" against Albanians, the victim and his daughter who were attacked in the first place were probably targeted because they were Macedonian. Yet, we don't see any protests from the Macedonian side for Albanians attacking innocent Macedonians, or against Albanians destroying Macedonian businesses. It's always the Albanians who take charge of the protests and they are politicizing, distorting, and twisting every event that comes out in the daily press.
The family of the man that defended himself fled the city, while the family of the thugs that attacked him and her received 300000 Denari from the local government
Gostivar will now be ethnically cleansed of Macedonians...Makedonija vo Srce
Originally posted by Volk View PostThe family of the man that defended himself fled the city, while the family of the thugs that attacked him and her received 300000 Denari from the local government
Gostivar will now be ethnically cleansed of Macedonians...
What a great incentive to boost the local economy. Well done Republikadonia
Originally posted by Volk View PostSpot on, Macedonians can only make excuses for albanians, whilst they do not care for each others welfare.
The family of the man that defended himself fled the city, while the family of the thugs that attacked him and her received 300000 Denari from the local government
Gostivar will now be ethnically cleansed of Macedonians...
Until the Macedonians in RoM realise THEY ARE THE HELP - there is NO external help coming - and they have to take matters into their own hands and follow age old sayings, THINK AND DO misli i praj, there will be no Macedonia.
Where's the fuckwit 'brothers' Ivanov and Gruevski and that Gordana what's-her-name - too busy counting out 300000 denari to reimburse the Gostivar government because we could have the Albanians have a loss in there budget, could we?
Gostivar will now be ethnically cleansed of Macedonians...
Whera re know all the macedonians?
Where are the brothers from Strumica, Valandovo, Berovo?
Where are the Prilepcani and so on to help their brothers
and sisters.
That would be the chance for the macedonians to put a sign
and show them that´s the limit and no more.
They have all to charter busses and go to Gostivar
ad give them the right answer.
Look at the siptari how they stick together.
When the macedonian govermant gives up it will be a total
loss for the future because from now on they know they can do
what they want without consequences.
I am angry about the siptari, but more about nasite!!
i don't think it's police bruality the albanians are cleansing gostivar they allways wanted gostivar for themselves.We shouldn't underestimate them."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
"Don't worry, the Albanians are under control. They are no threat. They are too dumb to organise anything."
I have heard the above kind of message from too many RoMacedonians to think they might have a different opinion.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Gostivari - Protesta paqesore kunder dhunes policore (01.03.2012) - YouTube
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Канал 5 телевизија како една од водечките телевизиски куќи во Македонија, од 1998 година на малите екрани до гледање онлајн денес, известува за најновите вести од Македонија, регионот и светот.
Originally posted by MKPrilep View PostGostivari - Protesta paqesore kunder dhunes policore (01.03.2012) - YouTube
Семејството на уапсениот полицаец го напушти Гостивар
http://kanal5.com.mk/default.aspx?mI...&eventId=87867Слава му на Бога за се
Saso C got attacked in Butel yesterday by a group of 8-10 albanians without any reason.
Слава му на Бога за се
Originally posted by Komita View PostThe only time we can get these numbers are political meetings when they handy out free coffee and sandwiches.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.