Originally posted by ProMKD
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For some unexplained reason Bill77 dropped this off at "Brian's Corner"
What do you think of this clip?
They might be onto something
The Anthem - ANTI RACIST IS A CODEWORD FOR ANTI WHITE - Johnnywhiterabbit - YouTube
to which I replied and out of common courtesy ask what his opinion was.
Not that I am objecting that he did drop it in, just that it was so out of the blue that I really didn't know why, and there was no follow up on it.
Given the current discussion on this thread I thought it might be more at home here. It has a nice catchy tune, anyway.Last edited by Brian; 02-15-2012, 09:20 PM.
Originally posted by ProMKD View PostPrecisely!! This century is all about anti-christian, anti-white. It's part of the new world orderIn the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
Originally posted by Komita View PostIt's good until a white man says he's proud of his race and want's to save his race then your racist.
Democracy and multi-culturism means anti-white and anti-christian.If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams
The same could be said in terms of an anti-Islam world. You're looking at the two extremes, as opposed to the values of the majority of people across the world. Put simply, theoretically the west seems somewhat anti-muslim, and the opposite is perceived through various Islam states.
It's got nothing to do with the short-falls of a democracy, it just varies depending on the culture, religion and values of the nation. I don't see how the USA or Australia are anti-christian, despite both being prime examples of a democracy, and promoting the notion of multi-culturalism.
Why does there always have to be some underlying conspiracy or NWO attached to every problem prevalent in our world?
Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View PostWhy does there always have to be some underlying conspiracy or NWO attached to every problem prevalent in our world?Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIt depends on whether you are a glass half full or a glass has been stolen by aliens and replaced with an impostor glass half filled with an evil substance that tastes like water but penetrates the mental synapses and causes a mutation that will end the world due to the zombification of the masses effected.
Originally posted by Phoenix View PostGood choice in floor coverings Bij, it's hard to go past highly polished porcelain in the wet areas...
Are we now up to the point of the discussion where Tamara is the devil reincarnated and any girl who looks sideways at a man is cock sucking whore?
Originally posted by Bij View PostI have nothing to add further on this topic =P
...nothingness is good
Originally posted by Bij View PostAre we now up to the point of the discussion where Tamara is the devil reincarnated and any girl who looks sideways at a man is cock sucking whore?
Originally posted by Bij View PostI have nothing to add further on this topic =P
Are we now up to the point of the discussion where Tamara is the devil reincarnated and any girl who looks sideways at a man is cock sucking whore?
Originally posted by EgejskaMakedonia View PostI don't see how the USA or Australia are anti-christian, despite both being prime examples of a democracy, and promoting the notion of multi-culturalism.
Why does there always have to be some underlying conspiracy or NWO attached to every problem prevalent in our world?
Just one example to illustrate the above point, during prohibition in the 1920's there was more alcohol sold and more drunkenness than pre the law, only now the price was much higher and it has been said by many that the government supported illegal operation to get a cut of the illicit trade. It was ONLY after prohibition ended that certain drugs were made illegal and the 'war on drugs' began - one lucrative trade following another.
By making drug illegal the price goes up and competition can be controlled. It is known that the USA (and others) have been involved in the drug trade - The 'opium wars' in China, flying in drugs from Vietnam during the war, allowing and protecting the poppy fields in Afghanistan, supporting certain drug lords (USA operatives) over their rival drug lords (re 'Fast and Furious' gun running operation/investigation and the wrongful death suit by the family of a border patrol guard killed by Mexican drug runners using USA government supplied guns (the serial number on the gun used matched those involved in 'Fast and Furious')) and Wells Fargo (a major USA bank and one of the 6 elite ie NWO banks) copping a slap-on-the-wrist token fine when caught laundering 500 Billion (yes with a B) dollars in drug money in one year and also being investigated/suspected the drug cartel whose money it was is the same one involve in 'Fast and Furious'. So you can see there are links to events like a string of sausages - more than 2 parties involved is the definition of a conspiracy. This was to show that conspiracies exist and that the government is involved.
The UN was set up by the major Western powers. From the onset one of the main ideas behind the UN was to have a forum for nations to discuss things and collectively pressure those governments no abiding by acceptable standards thereby avoiding future major conflicts. The other prevailing idea of preventing future major conflicts was multiculturalism by mixing people around the globe so there wont/can't be the pressures of a 'us' Vs 'them' mentality if the 'us' is the same mixed lot as the 'them'. That is the roots of multiculturalism.
Although the idea of multiculturalism sort of sounds fine in theory the funny thing is how it is applied in practice - it is Western (and hence Christian) societies that are being flooded by 'all sorts' to the point that recent studies predict Western societies will become minorities in their own countries from 2015 - 2020 depending on the country and some by 2025, which if you think it's not that far off. Multiculturalism is one of the key tools used to ultimately bring about the decline and possible destruction of Western/European societies. Further, those pressures to implement multiculturalism are not applied to non-Western countries ie wouldn't some poor Indians or Chinese want to immigrate to richer Arab nations? In fact many non-Western nations have very discriminatory laws and the UN is not forcing them to change anything so it becomes clear that the premise that multiculturalism is sold by is a lie against Western societies.
The NWO is not a myth - presidents, past and present, from many nations and including the Pope have been talking about and calling for one world government and financial system ie a NWO.
Sorry about the length but in order to answer the question, and in the process hopefully bring everyone to the 'same page', it was necessary to establish that
1. conspiracies do exist and that the government is involved in conspiracies.
2. the same government involved in conspiracies were involved in setting up the UN and the policy of multiculturalism.
3. multiculturalism was forced on Western societies - does anyone remember an election or referendum on implementing multiculturalism in their Western/European society in ANY country - NO!!! So if the people are the sovereign in a democracy and own the government who was it that gave the government the right to implement a law into our society that irrevocably alters the very fabric of our societies forever? - NOONE! This is a huge event and not one vote was had in ANY country. It was a law made by our own governments whereby both ruling and opposition parties held the same policy making it IMPOSSIBLE to vote for anyone if you did NOT want multiculturalism. This then means it was an IMPOSED law by the UN, but the UN is a creation of our Western governments - do you see the loop? In order to be implemented by every Western government means a coordinated event by more than 2 parties ie the very definition of a conspiracy!!!
4. multiculturalism is ONLY applied to Western societies ie it itself is discriminatory even though it is sold as an anti-discrimination policy.
5. multiculturalism ie now a proven conspiracy and other (low birth rate - I'll answer elsewhere) factors are used in a 'slow kill operation' to destroy Western societies because it is ONLY the Western societies with the ability, means and will to stop their totalitarian plans. They remove the ability by dumbing down everyone chemically, they remove the means by impoverishing people (re current economic problem which will not stop - Greece is F'ed and Italy, Spain, Portugal, are headed for the rocks closely followed by the USA) and diluting Western society's numbers via multiculturalism, and they remove the will by a combination of the above factors and others that 'it's all too hopeless and there's nothing you can do to change it'.
The simple answer to "Why does everything have to be a NWO conspiracy?" is because in order for their plan to work all the factors affecting society need to be controlled (the "everything" bit) and because it's done by more than 2 parties (the definition of a conspiracy ie the "conspiracy" bit of the question) it is a conspiracy and because it's done by an elite of government/business/banking groups, the same ones calling for a NWO, it is the "NWO" bit of the question - so "everything" is a "conspiracy" by the "NWO" is your answer.
Since their actions are against Western societies and most people in Western societies are Christian there actions are also anti-Christian.Last edited by Brian; 02-16-2012, 10:42 AM.
Originally posted by Risto the Great View PostIt depends on whether you are a glass half full or a glass has been stolen by aliens and replaced with an impostor glass half filled with an evil substance that tastes like water but penetrates the mental synapses and causes a mutation that will end the world due to the zombification of the masses effected.
You concious mind wants to say all the politically right things but your sub-concious mind knows the lie being done against you and the rest of our society.
We used to have a "half glass full (of water)" and now we have that water (poisoned) "filled with an evil substance (fluoride, BPA, and a host of other chemicals) that tastes like water but penetrates the mental synapses (fluoride effects all the body's cells including the brain but accumulates in the pituitary and pineal glands inside the brain. These glands, amongst other things, produce hormones which act as 'master' hormones which regulate the other hormones in your body (yes, it's not just women who have hormones and go 'hormonal' and a tiny amount of mercury kills multiple nerve and brain cells, ect.) and causes mutation (well, actually destruction of cells) that will end the world due to the zombification the (the Nazis knew the ill effects of fluoride and that's why they added it to the water at prison camps to keep the prisoner ill and docile (zombified). After the war the West found this out and have been putting fluoride in their societies' water to also keep them docile and under control - Prozac, a know mind altering drug used to pacify 'over active' ie ADD kids is 98 or 99% fluoride) of the masses effected.
I don't like your "stolen by aliens" bit. It's evil people doing it and not aliens. Has your mind been so effected by the fluoride and other chemicals that it has manifested in your obsession with referring to aliens? You're sounding kooky when you do that.Last edited by Brian; 02-16-2012, 10:19 AM.
Originally posted by ProMKD View PostPrecisely!! This century is all about anti-christian, anti-white. It's part of the new world orderСлава му на Бога за се
Brian, I'm overjoyed to find that we see eye to (3rd) eye.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com