how can greek be an old langauge when in fact it is composite of a few older languages.
Philiki Eteria founders most likely Vlachs & Slav
If you ask me Osiris, there are no ethnic Greeks -there never was.
Even the phil-hellene Gordon, said:
the greater part of Greece was repeatedly and cruelly wasted ... ruined ... great part of the population exterminated ... (p.7)
pelister i have no problems with the ancinet greeks and i admire much of their culture. i also note that unlike the modern greeks the ancients never considered the macedonians of their time as greek. understandably its only the moderns whos own links with hellenism are non existent who want everyone and anyone to be greek.
Originally posted by Pelister View PostSome of the code words, or "secret pass words" used by members of this "Greek" organization.
According to the contemporary historian Gordon, the secret code words of the Hetarists included Albanian words such as "sipsi" which in Albanian means "pipe" (p.44), and Turkish words such as "Hakyke" (p.45) ...
This is excellent stuff Pelister. Todays imposter hellene will deny this until they're blue in the face. But the facts remain, there is no such thing as an "ethnic greek". The mere fact that their country was re-created by Bavarians is testament to their plasticity. When Lord Byron and the London Committee forged plans to "regenerate greek culture" they did it over lunch.
Originally posted by Pelister View PostSome of the code words, or "secret pass words" used by members of this "Greek" organization.
According to the contemporary historian Gordon, the secret code words of the Hetarists included Albanian words such as "sipsi" which in Albanian means "pipe" (p.44), and Turkish words such as "Hakyke" (p.45) ...Macedonian Truth Organisation
Originally posted by Daskalot View PostI will post a scan from a book on the above topic first thing tomorrow..... stay tuned....
Daskalot you're turning the knife in their "hellenic" heartsI can't wait to see this. This is literally turning out to be a nightmare for the modern "greek" lol. First Pelister posts the non-greek secret words. Now you got something up your sleeve. Lelee man here's something for todays hellene lol.
YouTube - Iron Maiden: Run to the Hills
This song reminds me of when Preston and Sydney played and what happened that fateful day to the modern "greek" lol.
YouTube - Preston Makedonia v Sydney Olympic - RUN GREEKS RUN!
ok... my days go by very fast....
I could not wait to post this tomorrow because it is so damn good, so here it is...
Enjoy the TRUTH... I will post more from this book!
Greeks watch out... the TRUTH will melt your brain.....Macedonian Truth Organisation
Ha ha, Albanian words.
shhhh, the truth might hear you.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
Originally posted by TerraNova View evidence about Tsakalov.
That's ok.
Modern Greeks and modern Bulgarians like to quote Arthur Evans, but he was also of the opinion that the Bulgars, to some degree, represent a Slavonized Rouman population. On the other hand, he stated openly that the 'Greeks' of Macedonia and Janina regions were really Roumans in disguise.
Arthur Evans (in an open letter to The Times on October 1st, 1903.):
The truth is that a large number of those described as Greeks are really Roumans. Till within recent years Hellenism found a fertile field for propaganda among the representatives of the gifted Romance speaking race of the Pindus region. Today Janina has quite forgotten its Rouman origin, and has become a center of Hellenism. Athens, the nearest civilized centre, offered natural attraction to the quick-witted mercantile element in the towns. But, for good or evil, the tide has turned. A counter-propaganda, of which Bukarest is the center, has made itself felt, and the Rouman civic element east of Pindus is probably lost to Hellenism, notwithstanding the fact that much money is expended by Greek committees in the endeavor to gain recruits for Greek nationality. Parents are actually paid to send their children to Greek schools.
Let's throw this in as well.
The Orthodox Eastern Church, Adrian Fortescue [Catholic Truth Society, 1908 - 451 pages]:
I also like this one quote, although it is unrelated to this thread.
Robert Liddell - "The Morea" - Johnatan Cape, London, 1958, referred to by VB, p. 6.:
The first prime-minister of Greece, Ioannis Colletis was a "Vlach of Sirakou", who on meeting the Romanian Foreign Secretary in Paris admitted that his parents back in Sirakou "speak at home only Vlach".
All in all, I do not want to take away anything from the fact that it was mostly Vlachs that created the modern Greek literacy and identity.
Originally posted by Carlin View PostThere is plenty of evidence that Tsakalof was of Vlach (Rouman) extraction, considering that he was born in Janina (Ioannina).
Modern Greeks and modern Bulgarians like to quote Arthur Evans, but he was also of the opinion that the Bulgars, to some degree, represent a Slavonized Rouman population. On the other hand, he stated openly that the 'Greeks' of Macedonia and Janina regions were really Roumans in disguise.
Arthur Evans (in an open letter to The Times on October 1st, 1903.):
The truth is that a large number of those described as Greeks are really Roumans. Till within recent years Hellenism found a fertile field for propaganda among the representatives of the gifted Romance speaking race of the Pindus region. Today Janina has quite forgotten its Rouman origin, and has become a center of Hellenism. Athens, the nearest civilized centre, offered natural attraction to the quick-witted mercantile element in the towns. But, for good or evil, the tide has turned. A counter-propaganda, of which Bukarest is the center, has made itself felt, and the Rouman civic element east of Pindus is probably lost to Hellenism, notwithstanding the fact that much money is expended by Greek committees in the endeavor to gain recruits for Greek nationality. Parents are actually paid to send their children to Greek schools.
Let's throw this in as well.
The Orthodox Eastern Church, Adrian Fortescue [Catholic Truth Society, 1908 - 451 pages]:
I also like this one quote, although it is unrelated to this thread.
Robert Liddell - "The Morea" - Johnatan Cape, London, 1958, referred to by VB, p. 6.:
The first prime-minister of Greece, Ioannis Colletis was a "Vlach of Sirakou", who on meeting the Romanian Foreign Secretary in Paris admitted that his parents back in Sirakou "speak at home only Vlach".
All in all, I do not want to take away anything from the fact that it was mostly Vlachs that created the modern Greek literacy and identity.