The researchers put a brake on the claim that tomb found in northern greece is automatically phillip ii tomb.Look at the way it was proclaimed by the greeks,it's all greek it attests that the macedonians were nothing but greeks.Why do they not do a dna test on the remains & compare the results with macedonians of today & Greeks of today you will find a vlach or an albanian there somewhere(masquerading as a greek.What a joke you are depending on what the archaelogists find in the ground & magically you put your stamp of approval it's all greek.(you are totally wrong)Your history is made on the run,twisted & turned which ever way to suit your agenda no matter how false it is & ridiculous.
Busting the "Vergina Tomb" myth
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Hi All. I have been researching publications on the findings not only from Vergina, but all other ancient townships, villages and burials not only Ancient Macedonia, but also neighbouring regions, north-south, east & west.
There is a undeniable trend by Greek archaeologists to mis-represent archaeological findings, either (a) out of poor methdology or (b) blatant "nationalist archaelogy", as Borza put in in Before Alexander. And I want to highlight that some Greek archaeologists are great and very neutral, however these are the guys who focus on deep prehistory -Neolithic & Bronze Age Macedonia; these guys don't crap on about Hellas or "Greekness", but purely generate hypotheses about susistence, societal organization, trade, etc based on the archaeological finds. And that's great ! Unfortunately their colleagues focussing on Classical Period cannot divorce themselves from overriding (modern) political issues.
Greeks studying the cemetery at Vergina, eg, speak of the Greek epigraphy, Doric columns, paintings of hunting done by Greek painters, etc. And this is true. What they do not mention, however, is that Vergina existed since 900 BC ! ! The burial type, pottery, weapons, jewellery etc found in vergina during this period, until c. 600 BC, show barely any Greek character, whether Corinthian, Athenian, Euboian, or what have you {as per Snodgrass, Lemnos, Coldstream Whitley, Morris. Even that blatantly Hellenophilic dinosaur, Hammond, demonstrates this in his works}.
The findings at Vergina are similar throughout Macedonia, showing remarkable continuity since the Nelithic ! Sure, there has always been a small amount of Greek type finds, eg Mycenaen swords, Mycenean pottery, Geometric pottery, etc. However, these represent a very small overall proportion, and do not signify anything other than trade, exchange, cultural contact, etc.
It is only in the 6th century that a large influx of of "greek" imports which appear. However, these are not limited to "Argead Macedonia". If anything, this was a more backward part of the region, and the earliest Greek finds are in the Chalkidike, south-western Thrace. With this came Greek inscriptions for trade, beuracracy and hence, the learning/ adaptation of Greek, or a linguistic accomodation to a more "Greek" type of speech. What Greeks also do not know, or neglect, is that Greek writing is foudn earlier in Thracian and Paeonian areas than that Pella Curse tablet they keep going on about., But they never claim that the Paeonians were Greek, do they ?
Even during this period of Greek influence, traditional Macedonian culture continued - eg the warrior burials, use of "Illyrian" -type Helmets, etc. And the finds at Vergina at this period share most affinities with Sindos, Gevgelia, Pelestra, etc - all site near the Strymon, Vardar, etc; and not the traditional Greek mainland.
This clear archaeological evidence shows the process of "Hellenization" of a region which had never really been part of a Greek core. This mirrors the evidence found in ancient sources: contrary to what modern Greeks claim, the evidence is clear ! Greeks did not accept Macedonians as fellow Greeks, and likely, the Macedonians disliked the Greeks. Macedonians only began to be consistently viewed as Greeks during the Roma period, but, by then, Hellenism in Macedonia was on the way, and the way of "Rome" took over. That is why there are now Vlachs throughout Macedonia and Thessaly.
Arch.. you have a valid point years ago didn't some archaelogist get killed for speaking out saying that the finds are too fantastic to be greek & then chop they killed him.A macedonian helmet of alexanders time was found in ROM & guess what the greeks offered 1million marks to buy it & were going to say that it was found on greek territory.Lucky the people handed the helmet to the government & not to the greeks.Also a lot of people are questioning the finds in the phillip tomb & dating reveals a much later date.
The other thing do people think that the greeks will reveal if they found macedonian writings on their archaelogy.I can tell you that more than likely they are going to make it greek."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by rosetta View PostWhy do you buy those stories? And where from? The MINA news?
Does that killed archaeologist have a name?
Hey Thessa you tool, where do you buy your stories from, fairy tales from GRko brainwashing you anti-Macedonian rascist"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
rosetta this is a couple of years ago it was even in the greek press how this archaelogist talke about the vergina tombs & how he said the glory is not greek its not"ellada" then pow he suddenly died.i cant think of his name but all i know pow he was gone.All i remember was his words "its not ellada"
i'M NOT LYING TO YOU HE WAS A NOTED GREEK ARCHAELOGIST!FOR SPEAKING OUT HE GOT THE chop."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by rosetta View PostWhy do you buy those stories? And where from? The MINA news?
Does that killed archaeologist have a name?
We buy those stories because we have discovered that after researching the greek scholastic versions of events and found them to be gross misrepresentations, falsehoods, lies and above all theft of other cultures, for the sake of upholding a manufactured Greek history. This is now proven beyond doubt around the world by many distinguished scholars, and therefore the greek version of anything is unreliable, dishonest, distorted and unbelievable. Given the Greeks compulsion for lying and stealing it is without doubt or precedence that Greek credibility in archaeology, history and even economics is painfully obvious for the entire world to now see. With all this kudos the greeks have accumulated, how can anybody believe a word they say, write or speak! Greeks have degenerated into a bunch of mongrel gypsie prosfiges with no integrity, principles or ethics, and the world's standard motto for Greeks will continue - with one minor alteration, whereas it was always "Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts" it will now become
" Beware the Liars and Thieves"Last edited by makedonche; 06-06-2011, 07:22 PM.On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"
Originally posted by George S. View PostArch.. you have a valid point years ago didn't some archaelogist get killed for speaking out saying that the finds are too fantastic to be greek & then chop they killed him.A macedonian helmet of alexanders time was found in ROM & guess what the greeks offered 1million marks to buy it & were going to say that it was found on greek territory.Lucky the people handed the helmet to the government & not to the greeks.Also a lot of people are questioning the finds in the phillip tomb & dating reveals a much later date.
The other thing do people think that the greeks will reveal if they found macedonian writings on their archaelogy.I can tell you that more than likely they are going to make it greek.
well arch how about the library in alexandria what would that have on file if it wasn't burnt or destroyed.??Also if you look at some of these so called ancient greek bwriters they wrote a lot of the stuff 100's of years after the event.Do we eexpect the greeks would tell the truth about the macedonians ,they wrote the history from a greek point of view.Undeniable fact the greeks hated & resented macedonian rule .No only that but waged anti macedonian wars for many years to come."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Originally posted by Archaeologicum View PostHi All. I have been researching publications on the findings not only from Vergina, but all other ancient townships, villages and burials not only Ancient Macedonia, but also neighbouring regions, north-south, east & west.
Are you a Macedonian or a Macedonian with a "MANA", one of the many mani floating around Macedonian forums?
There is a undeniable trend by Greek archaeologists to mis-represent archaeological findings, either (a) out of poor methdology or (b) blatant "nationalist archaelogy", as Borza put in in Before Alexander. And I want to highlight that some Greek archaeologists are great and very neutral, however these are the guys who focus on deep prehistory -Neolithic & Bronze Age Macedonia; these guys don't crap on about Hellas or "Greekness", but purely generate hypotheses about susistence, societal organization, trade, etc based on the archaeological finds. And that's great ! Unfortunately their colleagues focussing on Classical Period cannot divorce themselves from overriding (modern) political issues.
If anything, this was a more backward part of the region, and the earliest Greek finds are in the Chalkidike, south-western Thrace. With this came Greek inscriptions for trade, beuracracy and hence, the learning/ adaptation of Greek, or a linguistic accomodation to a more "Greek" type of speech.
This clear archaeological evidence shows the process of "Hellenization" of a region which had never really been part of a Greek core.
and likely, the Macedonians disliked the Greeks.
Macedonians only began to be consistently viewed as Greeks during the Roma period
but, by then, Hellenism in Macedonia was on the way, and the way of "Rome" took over.
That is why there are now Vlachs throughout Macedonia and Thessaly.!
Originally posted by indigen View Post"Vergina" is a settler colonial name and the original place name for the location of the (Royal) Macedonian burial tombs is Kutlesh!
Are you a Macedonian or a Macedonian with a "MANA", one of the many mani floating around Macedonian forums?
I doubt very much that they would be completely neutral, unbiased and not affected by their political environment they exist in! It may be that you can not see it, do not want to see it or that you may be peddling some other agendas.
I don't like your angle at all and it reeks of some anti-Macedonian trol!
Antimakedonsko podmetnuvanje!
Likely? Haha...and you claim that you have read extensively on the subject! If you were a Macedonian, you would not write such nonsense.
What do you mean "on the way" (do you mean "on the way out"?)?
Come on, now settle down. Jas sum prav makedonats od Bitola. What is a "Mana"?
We have to be fair, we can't accuse all Greeks of being biased and chauvanists. I work with quite a few who admit that Alexander was a Macedonian, not a Greek. And, like I said, some Greek archaeologists are quite neutral, they leave aside issues of ethnicity. Yes, this is a rather small minority. Ofcourse, no none is completely neutral. This is an impossibility, for no human is devoid of sentiment.
Allowing for certain accomodation and compromise is not being anti-Macedonian, for then, we risk being as blind sighted as Greeks themselves ! One cannot divorce on country from another, all peoples in the Balkans have influenced each other.
What I was saying is: Macedonia had, and always had its own character. However, from the 6th century, Greek influences became apparent in Macedonia. This does not mean that Macedonians became Greeks. This was a simply due to the economic power of the Greek city -states. And I agree, like I said above, the literary sources show that Greeks thought Macedonians as non-Greek barbarians. Not even a Greek can deny this (but they try to justify it by some BS about it meaning that they were "culturally inferior to Athenians".) "Barbarian" , as they were called, meant one who did not speak Greek. It's that simple. But what I added on was that Macedonian langauge did become influenced by Greek, simply because Greek was used for writing.
The last sentence was a typo. What I mean to say that in the Roman era, Macedonia showed more similarity with Greece, hwoever, by then Greek was one the way out, and Latin became the new lingua franca. That is why there are certain groups of Vlachs scattered throughout Macedonia and Thessaly, probably related to settlement of Roman auxilieries, etc
1. prav makedonats od Bitola. What is a "Mana"?
you just showed you are not, in first sentence, blatantly obvious to pravi Makedontsi
second sentence, from Bitola especially , would know what is meant by "mana"
2. Macedonian langauge did become influenced by Greek, simply because Greek was used for writing.
Cyrillic alphabet is and was used by by Makedontsi.
I dont know one word of Greek and in my 45 years of speaking Macedonian, not one Greek has understood me
I cant stand liars. Come clean about what you are, because it sure is not Macedonian"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
You are not Macedonian, yet you have entered this forum like some pretender. I will give you one opportunity to admit your true ethnic background and if you lie again you will be banned.In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.
arch if you don't know what mana means you aren't macedonian.At least do the honorable thing & of who you are.You can't bs to us we will know from the way you answer us."Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
Well, I have no need to 'impersonate' identities. I know what a mana is in the literal meaning, but I;d just not heard of the expression (I grew up in Australia). But I was born in Bitola to an all -Macedonian family, and identify as such. But do what you wish, I thought this was an actual discussion forum about political and historic issues, not a personal inquisition.