I dont' know your purpose or agenda,but have issues with your posts.
I'm the only opposition here
FACT - I have family living in Bulgaria, both occupied and the capital.
I'm happy that they live there and that they are occupied, and what ?
FACT - supression of basic human rights exists for Macedonians in Bulgaria , and NO these people, and am not going to name them or disclose there whereabouts have NONE
Can you give an example of suppression
FACT - I have been to your country, landed in your capital and witnessed the "respect" for Macedonians first hand, and the thievery that exists
example please ...
FACT - Pirin was never yours, and is part of Macedonia whether you want to believe the rubbish you are indoctrinated with or not
Wrong - Pirin is part of BG and was part of Bulgaria throughout the history. In contrary it was never part of Macedonia ( talking about a country , kingdom etc ...) show me a map if you claim pls.
FACT - Macedonians Pirin are fearful of idenditfying as Macedonian - and experienced that firsthand with a taxi driver in Sofia, born in Pirin
Wrong, we call people of macedonia region "Macedonian" and we have a full respect to them.
FACT - Bulgarians committed ATROCITIES against Macedonians during WW2 thanks to Bulgaria, Macedonian jews were rounded up like cattle and led to the slaughter
Partially truth, but it was Bulgarian army who pushed out the German troops of of your land, do you know that?
Fascist Bulgaria's occupation of Macedonia during World War II
So let me clarify, you claim that Pirin Macedonia belongs to:
a. Region of Macedonia
b. Republic of Macedonia
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gorgi you are just telling Bulgarian propaganda.When did Pirin belong to Bulgaria .They occupied it militarily.The three countries decided to carve up Macedonia & take the land for themselves.Bulgarians took macedona on the pretext that they were Bulgarians.
They never recognized the Macedonians that's why omo ilinden was formed.So there has been a lot of falsification of statistics to make it that Macedonians are a minority.Pirin Macedonians do not enjoy any rights of minorities.They can'rt even associate.etc
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Originally posted by GeorgiDimitrov View PostI beg you to stop this human rights BS and go visit Blagoevgrad and ask people. The videos posted here are manipulation and serve somebody’s political interests.
Treaty of Bucharest is a fact, Macedonia and Macedonians existed a long time before 1913 – true, but there was no country Macedonia so in sense of country borders, you can’t say that Pirin was part of Macedonia, unless there is a country Macedonia … makes sense? Macedonia is wrongly regarded as region of Macedonia by you.
Goce Delchev and Dame Gruev were Macedonians who fought for independence of Macedonia – true, but at the time Bulgaria and Macedonia had the same interests and visions.
You know, Russia did liberate Bulgaria from the Ottoman’s and we are still grateful to them, there are memorials all over Bulgaria. Despite of being under communist dictatorship under mother Russia for a several decades and bringing the entire economy to a disaster, we are still grateful and we keep the memory of the Russian soldiers who have given their lives for Bulgaria.
One more time, Bulgaria have helped liberating Macedonia, and we don’t deserve this attitude.
Bulgaria against Macedonia in WW2 is a big time BS. Србо-пропаганда.
I dont' know your purpose or agenda,but have issues with your posts.
FACT - I have family living in Bulgaria, both occupied and the capital.
FACT - supression of basic human rights exists for Macedonians in Bulgaria , and NO these people, and am not going to name them or disclose there whereabouts have NONE
FACT - I have been to your country, landed in your capital and witnessed the "respect" for Macedonians first hand, and the thievery that exists
FACT - Pirin was never yours, and is part of Macedonia whether you want to believe the rubbish you are indoctrinated with or not
FACT - Macedonians Pirin are fearful of idenditfying as Macedonian - and experienced that firsthand with a taxi driver in Sofia, born in Pirin
FACT - Bulgarians committed ATROCITIES against Macedonians during WW2 thanks to Bulgaria, Macedonian jews were rounded up like cattle and led to the slaughter
Dont get me started. FACT - my uncle, may he rest in peace was Bulgarian, my mums sister married him. And he could have taught you a thing or 2 about some facts of the Bulgarian persecution of Macedonians, and the terrorism Macedonians in Pirin faced
Some Bulgarians were sympathetic to the abuses.
What is your agenda here? Bulgaria played Greece and Serbia for a greater grab at the piece of the pie, you will not convince anyone here on this forum of Bulgaria wanting to be a friend to Macedonia or Macedonians
If Bulgaria wants to be a friend, give PIRIN back. And bugger off with your indoctrinated Bulgarian propoganda
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Originally posted by GeorgiDimitrov View PostThis is the history written by the Serbain post WW2 propaganda. Now go and ask your father or grandfather how he felt about Bulgaria back in time.
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I have read that link .What does one conclude from this the bulgarians in ww2 still had aspirations to get vardar macedonia.Not only were they prepared to fight but they lost a lot of men & the govt has refused the fact to admit that they lost a good many men.So anyone coming on now pretending friendly relations but still harboring the old irrendist pretences to vardar macedonia.I hear the bulgarians still think the aegean side was theirs are they prepared to fight the greeks.??
i don't think the bulgarians are our friends make no mistake about it.Last edited by George S.; 10-11-2013, 03:46 PM.
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Interesting reading here:
It is a fragment of forum discussion with unknown source. Different views about Bulgaria - Macedonia WW2 relations and not only.
The second post would be interesting for you, unfortunately it is in Bulgarian with latin letters, it would be hard to understand and impossible to google-translate it.
The whole discussion is interesting by the way.
Nice weekend to all,
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its that kind of thing that created the thing in the first place.BG we got rid of a Bulgarian grub supporter like you months asgo.It is about human rights.Pirin Macedonia is a classic situation of lack of human rights.You are living in cuckoo land if you say otherwise.Just look up the lazer thread & you will see some discussion & documentation.Your mate lazer finally realized what's going on and bit the proverbial bullet..
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Originally posted by GeorgiDimitrov View PostI beg you to stop this human rights BS and go visit Blagoevgrad and ask people. The videos posted here are manipulation and serve somebody’s political interests.
Treaty of Bucharest is a fact, Macedonia and Macedonians existed a long time before 1913 – true, but there was no country Macedonia so in sense of country borders, you can’t say that Pirin was part of Macedonia, unless there is a country Macedonia … makes sense? Macedonia is wrongly regarded as region of Macedonia by you.
Goce Delchev and Dame Gruev were Macedonians who fought for independence of Macedonia – true, but at the time Bulgaria and Macedonia had the same interests and visions.
You know, Russia did liberate Bulgaria from the Ottoman’s and we are still grateful to them, there are memorials all over Bulgaria. Despite of being under communist dictatorship under mother Russia for a several decades and bringing the entire economy to a disaster, we are still grateful and we keep the memory of the Russian soldiers who have given their lives for Bulgaria.
One more time, Bulgaria have helped liberating Macedonia, and we don’t deserve this attitude.
Bulgaria against Macedonia in WW2 is a big time BS. Србо-пропаганда.
Macedonia was never liberated by anyone. Turkish occupation was simply replaced by Greek , Bulgarian and Serbian occupation. They never wanted a free and independent Macedonia, all they wanted was to scab as much land as possible. So in saying that Macedonia and Bulgaria did not have the same interests and visions. We wanted an independent and free Macedonia, while all you wanted was the spoils of more land that never belonged to you.
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Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View PostDo they really ?? Bulgaria must have a different definition of "full rights".
So according to you the Treaty of Bucharest never occurred? Macedonia and Macedonians existed a long time before 1913 and anyone with a brain could see this.
So you believe that Goce Delcev, Dame Gruev e.t.c were Macedonians who fought for an independent Macedonia and not Bulgaria as your country claims?
Treaty of Bucharest is a fact, Macedonia and Macedonians existed a long time before 1913 – true, but there was no country Macedonia so in sense of country borders, you can’t say that Pirin was part of Macedonia, unless there is a country Macedonia … makes sense? Macedonia is wrongly regarded as region of Macedonia by you.
Goce Delchev and Dame Gruev were Macedonians who fought for independence of Macedonia – true, but at the time Bulgaria and Macedonia had the same interests and visions.
You know, Russia did liberate Bulgaria from the Ottoman’s and we are still grateful to them, there are memorials all over Bulgaria. Despite of being under communist dictatorship under mother Russia for a several decades and bringing the entire economy to a disaster, we are still grateful and we keep the memory of the Russian soldiers who have given their lives for Bulgaria.
One more time, Bulgaria have helped liberating Macedonia, and we don’t deserve this attitude.
Bulgaria against Macedonia in WW2 is a big time BS. Србо-пропаганда.
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Originally posted by GeorgiDimitrov View Post- The Macedonians in Bulgaria enjoy full rights. Feel free to ask them.
- Jews in WW2 - the fact is there, but it is not Bulgaria that exterminated them, neither we were in position to negotiate.
- The Pirin was not given to Bulgaria, the land was conquered as a result of ages of Bulgarian wars. Belong to Macedonia beforehand is a false statement, as Macedonia did not exist as a country back in 1913. Maybe you are referring as “Belong to region Macedonia” – this is correct.
- Goce Delchev, Dami Greuv ..etc – This is correct!
- Please take my sincere apology if my country did make you suffer.
So according to you the Treaty of Bucharest never occurred? Macedonia and Macedonians existed a long time before 1913 and anyone with a brain could see this.
So you believe that Goce Delcev, Dame Gruev e.t.c were Macedonians who fought for an independent Macedonia and not Bulgaria as your country claims?
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Let me clarify something. What I’m trying to say here is that Bulgaria does not deserve this attitude.
Macedonians during the Otoman Empire, associated themselves with Bulgara, as it was the strongest entity within the Otoman Emire in the Balkans at that time. After the liberation Macedonians were trying to get their independence from Otoman Empire but fell under the Serbian one short after the Balkan wars, WW1 and WW2. What is exposed in this thread is actually result of Serbian (and not only) communist ideas after the WW2, and the main goal was splitting Macedonia further from Bulgaria as a relation. And it is obvious they have succeeded, as this entire thread proofs it.
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Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostI am going to afford you an opportunity to elaborate on what exactly in that article is Serbian WW2 propaganda - and to back it up. You have one chance. Make the most of it.
Bulgaria (and by extension most Bulgars) doesn't recognise the existence of the Macedonian ethnic group. If you can't understand that, you're either completely stupid or have been living in a cave all of your life.
Bulgaria has been an enemy of Macedonia for a long time. It has occasionally behaved like a friend, when convenient.
Our country isn't new, only its independence is. And we have disagreements with Serbia also, such as the church issue. So you've no need to worry, when they need to they act just as idiotic as your kind do.
Why don't you put your efforts into building a multiethnic Bulgaria and let Macedonians worry about Macedonia.nice
Not the complete answer but it would enlighten you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_Federation
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Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View PostHere is the proof that Macedonians exist in Pirin. Listen to the songs they dance to and what they say they are...
Makedoncite vo Pirinska Makedonija 5 1 - YouTube
Makedoncite vo Pirinska Makedonija -1-0.flv - YouTube
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Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View PostWhen will the Macedonians in Bulgaria ( Pirin Macedonia ) get their rights? When will you admit what you did to the Macedonian Jews in WW2? When will you admit that Pirin was given to you in 1913 and was always Macedonian beforehand? When will you realise that Goce Delcev, Dame Gruev, Sandanski e.t.c were Macedonians who fought for Macedonia? When will you apologize for manipulating history and causing grief upon our people?
When all this happens we might start talking about friendly relations...
- Jews in WW2 - the fact is there, but it is not Bulgaria that exterminated them, neither we were in position to negotiate.
- The Pirin was not given to Bulgaria, the land was conquered as a result of ages of Bulgarian wars. Belong to Macedonia beforehand is a false statement, as Macedonia did not exist as a country back in 1913. Maybe you are referring as “Belong to region Macedonia” – this is correct.
- Goce Delchev, Dami Greuv ..etc – This is correct!
- Please take my sincere apology if my country did make you suffer.
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