Makedonski Narodni i Patriotski Pesni - Macedonian Folk & Patriotic Songs
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congrats he didn't betray Macedonians.That's my kind of hero.He was for the Macedonian cause.
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Macedonian Folk Song - Kalesh Doncho - YouTube
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In 1896 on the way to Bitola, the Ottoman police catched casually the Macedonian tradesman Done Stojanov ("Doncho Shtipjancheto") from Shtip who was the courier of Gotse Delchev, the most important ethnic Macedonian revolutionary.
In his carriage the Turkish police found besides rice he transported also bombs and munition/weapons.
During his imprisonment in Bitola he did not broke a secret in spite of the toture, but rather he remaind faithful to the oath he gaved for the liberation of the Macedonian people from tyranny.
Even though he was sentenced to life imprisonment he did not betrayed the Macedonian revolutionaries.
In commemoration of Done Stojanov Shtipjancheto" and in gratidue for his sacrifice, the Macedonian people dedicated him this folk song
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Originally posted by Momce Makedonce View Post
Sfire Te Taka - Egejki Majki - Κρυστάλλινος Ήχος - YouTube
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