Anti serb music & pop culture billboards in Skopje

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    Anti serb music & pop culture billboards in Skopje

    Persecution of Serbs hate scandalous billboards all over Skopje , people in fear

    In recent days in Skopje appeared billboards with clear anti-Serb messages that read " Stop the Serbian assimilation of the Macedonian nation " . The campaign of spreading hatred towards the Serbs launched a far-right political party VMRO - NP ( Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization - People's Party ) .

    The whole chase was launched first on Facebook, under the slogan " We want to hear Macedonian music , not Serbian kitsch " , soon grew into more than worrying messages that promote intolerance towards Serbs and Serbia .

    Shortly after the appearance of billboards around Skopje , page on the social network is turned off , which further contributes to the opinion that the " Serbian music " was just a cheap excuse to spread hatred and animosity towards Serbs .

    The city municipality of the city of Skopje say that " it is not their jurisdiction , because the city of Skopje issued only location for the billboard , and has nothing to do with the messages " .

    From the municipality added that " jurisdiction over the messages they have sole purchaser and the company publishing billboards , and they decide what to advertise and what is not ."

    Advertising space on the controversial billboards owned by the company under the name

    " Aksent media " . However , none of the employees in this company was not available for comment .

    On the other hand , the Ministry unurašnjih Affairs stated that they " have no jurisdiction until such time until they receive complaints from citizens " .

    - The Ministry may act only if some of the citizens of Skopje invoke Section 319 of the Criminal Code , which refers to the spreading of religious , racial and national hatred and report these messages as disturbing - said Mary Jakolevska , spokesman for the Macedonian Ministry of Interior , and She added that so far there were no cases charges for insulting messages in public places .

    How to 3 % can " assimilate " the most ?
    The paradox is that the Serbs in Macedonia , at least according to the latest census, there are only 3 % . In Skopje lives are just over 10,000 .
    One of them is Milan S. , who has been living and working in the Macedonian capital . Revolted hate messages that have arisen on billboards , photographed them and sent to the Editorial Board of "Blic " .

    - I am a Serb who lives and works in Macedonia for 9 years , and so far I have not experienced anything like this . I have no words . I caught . This was commissioned by the VMRO - NP , a party that is now in the opposition , which was founded by Ljupco Georgievski , former Prime Minister of Macedonia . Personally I photographed this billboard in Iljindenskoj street , only 500 meters from the government building and the stadium Philip II - said Milan , not hiding the fact that he was very unpleasantly surprised .

    Milan's fellow citizen Dragica P. , also a Serb woman for 15 years lives in Skopje , says the VMRO - NP since its establishment in 2004 represented the far-right and nationalist views .

    - The party in 2004 seceded from the now ruling VMRO-DPMNE . Fortunately , they do not have a large number of like-minded , and to my knowledge , in the last elections were won by barely 2 % . However , not all the same when you see this message , I felt more than upset - says Dragica P. for " Blic " .

    VMRO - NP : This is a campaign against " srbofila from the authorities "
    After the public reaction to the messages that openly promote hatred towards everything that is Serbian , and spoke to the party that stands in this campaign .

    VMRO - NP issued a statement that abounds contradictory and " loose " explanations .

    The party states that " their campaign is not directed against Serbs and Serbia , but against the collapsing of the Macedonian national identity . "

    In the next paragraph, it says that the billboards are directed against " Macedonian srbofila who are in power."

    After these statements , common sense suggests that the whole chase with billboards still directed against Serbs and Serbian " influence " by the fact that the Macedonian government has characterized as " srbofilska " .

    As much as this party was on the margins of the political scene in Macedonia , and its impact on public opinion extremely minor , surprisingly negative attitude towards the Serbian population and its " impact " leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of every Serb who lives and works in Macedonia .

    Who is behind the VMRO - NP ?

    VMRO - NP ( Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation - Naodna Party) was formed on July 4, 2004 . He is the founder Ljubco Georgievski , who after a failed takeover of the party VMRO - DPMNE party of Nikola Gruevski decided to establish his party . With Acting President Georgievski has set relatively unknown Vesna Janeska , while he considered to be " unofficial party leader " .
    In the elections of 2006, winning 6.1 % of the vote , which is also their best result in history . After that , the party falls into crisis and from year to year has less and less support from voters , and now on the margins of the political scene in Macedonia , with only 2:51 % of the vote in the last election .

    Proteklih dana u Skoplju pojavili su se bilbordi sa jasnim antisrpskim porukama, na kojima piše "Stop srpskoj asimilaciji makedonske nacije". Ovu kampanju širenja mržnje prema Srbima pokrenula je ultradesničarska politička partija VMRO-NP (Unutrašnja makedonska revolucionarna organizacija - Narodna partija).

    Another english article appears here:
  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    I dont have anything against the Billboards and dont find them racist in anyway. The message is not anti serb, its just stating the fact that macedonian culture and music is now being heavily influenced by serbs and is more popular then macedonian.

    Its a shame that it was spear headed by Ljupco Georgievski. Basically the serbs will portray this as only as a pro-bulgarian thought, and macedonians who dont know too much about the issue will be turned off by the message as it is associated with the bugaroman Ljupco Georgievski


    • Toska
      • Sep 2008
      • 137

      there wont be a Macedonia if they keep worry about what music people listen too and instead of trying to get rid of the growing Albanian Minority not just in our country but our goverment.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        C'mon .... Serbs are northern Macedonians.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Volokin
          • Apr 2014
          • 278

          Yeah and replace it Bulgarianisation, shut up Ljupcho.

          Though I support the message in principle about the Serb music.


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Originally posted by Volokin View Post
            Yeah and replace it Bulgarianisation, shut up Ljupcho.

            Though I support the message in principle about the Serb music.
            My sentiments exactly.

