Macedonian Presidential Elections 2014

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  • lavce pelagonski
    Ivanov is the official candidate for VMRO-DPMNE

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  • Vangelovski
    Some more pre-election as usual

    Партиите реагираат за бомбата во Kарпош
    СДСМ: Ова е црна дамка на предизборниот процес

    Македонската полиција побрзо, поефикасно и професионално да го расветли случајот со бомбата пред седиштето на СДСМ во Kарпош и да ги пронајде сторителите. Најостро го осудуваме овој бомбашки чин и чиста среќа е што се сите живи и здрави по експлозијата. Ова вчера го побара од МВР првиот човек на младите на СДСМ Стефан Богоев во име на неговата партија, но и на подмладокот на социјалдемократите.

    - Сериозниот настан можеше да предизвика уште поголеми последици. Во моментот на експлозијата внатре имаше состанок на локалниот клуб на СДСМ, на кој присуствуваа околу 30-ина млади, од кои едниот од нив влегол непосредно пред експлозијата на бомбата – изјави Богоев.

    Тоа што нас н` загрижува, нагласи претседателот на младината, е што МВР првично излезе со став дека можеби целта на нападот не било седиштето на СДСМ, иако истрагата с` уште не беше ни почната.

    - Сето ова фрла една црна дамка на предизборниот процес, кој мора и треба да помине мирно – додаде.

    Богоев ги отфрли информациите што излегоа во јавноста дека случајот е пријавен од друга страна, а не од младите кои биле присутни.

    - Пријавено е од наша страна. Пријавени се и возилата. Имаше увид што траеше околу два часа. Возилата беа тука – нагласи Богоев, и одби да коментира во што и како се сомневаат, оставајќи на МВР да го расветли случајот.

    Ресорното министерство вчера не излезе со официјална информација за бомбата кај локалниот социјалдемократски клуб. (Л.Ѓ.)

    ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и ДУИ со осуда за инцидентот

    Владејачката партија најостро го осудува активирањето на експлозивната направа. ВМРО-ДПМНЕ ги повикува институциите во најбрз можен рок да го расветлат случајот и виновниците да ги изведат пред лицето на правдата.

    - Апелираме до сите политички субјекти да се воздржат од политичка злоупотреба на овој настан – додадоа тие во соопштението.

    И портпаролот на ДУИ, Бујар Османи, со став како и коалицискиот партнер. Од партијата го осудија чинот и побараа побрзо расветлување на настанот.

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  • George S.
    TOm you make some valid points.I would say if angelov came & gave clear indication of where he stands then there won't be that much of a confused picture.By the way Miki Dodevski the diaspora candidate appeared on radio saying what people could do to vote.Miki hasn't really explained where he stands on many issues but we know of his leanings to the ruling party.Anything to get elected.He said forget about voting if you aren't registered to vote.Also to go & vote at one of the polling places eg Canberra.Also other requirements licna carta if no passport,also if you have passport you can vote March??
    People who are supposedly mean't to be representing us should explain their portfolio,not many are coming out,is it lack of interest?apathy?etcAlso why are people saying they represent us & jumping ship??Our vote becomes a wasted vote if they change allegiances.What kind of democracy do we have,its a dictatura to be lead by the nose.
    Thanks Tom for keeping us on the straight & narrow on the info on the politicians.

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  • Vangelovski
    Originally posted by Pavle Pijanica View Post
    Well he is playing the typical role of a politician..
    So why do you think he should be president? You haven't distinguished him from the others in the rest of your post. Angelov said what he thinks is wrong but provided no clue as to what he would do about it - just innuendo...

    While he may be one of very few public figures in Macedonia to denounce the actions of Albanian extremists, that does not mean he has a sensible solution. Ljubco Georgievski denounced Albanian extremists AND the Framework Agreement (which Angelov has never done) while he was actually Prime Minister (not just running for election) but that never resulted in anything positive.

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  • Pavle Pijanica
    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    Angelov has been discussed at lenght on this forum, but you haven't really added anything. Why do you think he should be president? All I saw in that interview were some open ended insinuations that did not say anything concrete about what he thinks or what he would do.
    Well he is playing the typical role of a politician. Like every other potential candidate that would run for a Hierarchial position. But unlike every other potential candidate who try to continue to brown nose the minorities in the Albanians, Angelov being a realist has tells the people how it is and isn't afraid to do so...

    Go back last month when discussions between the unification of Kosovo and Albania occurred, Angelov gave his opinion that the idea of Greater Albania will turn to reality if such an event happened. I understand that Macedonia is democratically run and preserves the human rights of other minorities but its a bit far fetched on how we lay down for these minorities to trod on us like the Macedonians are the second class citizens.

    Now out of all the potential presidential candidates which other would say that? Biljana Vankovska? Trifun Kostovski? They probably would make a good president for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia where the biggest minority can raise their national flag wherever they please and where bilingualism is a great idea....but this is the Republic Of Macedonia and we need a president that will not bend over backwards to every demand that's made by them...

    That's my opinion Tom...and for the record...and sorry I didn't get back to you on your last post to me...I was part of the Australian Macedonian Human Rights for a year in 2007-2008.

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  • Vangelovski
    Originally posted by Pavle Pijanica View Post

    This man should be president of the Republic of Macedonia....
    Angelov has been discussed at lenght on this forum, but you haven't really added anything. Why do you think he should be president? All I saw in that interview were some open ended insinuations that did not say anything concrete about what he thinks or what he would do.

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  • Pavle Pijanica

    This man should be president of the Republic of Macedonia....

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  • George S.
    stoja it will be root out by impression.You say you are from Switzerland?Aren't you in rom?We'll soon find out & don't try to bs to our admin they wil be onto you,So you lie to us your good as gone.We seen your kind come and go.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by stoja11 View Post
    I feel ashamed for my countrymen calling me "a lying Albanian" guys seriously have some problems. But if you keep getting support for your lie, I rather leave this forum. Sramota!
    We've had a lot of liars come and go. Don't take it personal, if you stick around long enough the truth will inevitably be revealed. If you are Macedonian, that's great. If you're Albanian or something else, that's fine too. If you're pretending to be a Macedonian, then you're just a moron. If you leave then it will confirm what some people think. If you stick around it will prove that you have resilience. Your choice at the end of the day.

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  • Risto the Great
    It's only a guess.
    We don't know you. In fact, the majority of new members are usually pretending to be something they aren't.

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  • stoja11
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Can you speak Macedonian?
    Why would you give a Serbian Wikipedia link?
    It is available on the Macedonian Wikipedia and much more easily understood by Macedonians on this forum.

    My guess is you're a lying Albanian. But we'll see soon enough.
    I can, but not much. I don't want to get too personal but my parents (Macedonian father & Serbian mother from Kumanovo) got divorced early, therefore my Serbian is better (but still below average) than my Macedonian.

    I feel ashamed for my countrymen calling me "a lying Albanian" guys seriously have some problems. But if you keep getting support for your lie, I rather leave this forum. Sramota!

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  • George S.
    Also during the elections the Albanians get up to no good .They try to rig the elections.A lot of Albanians come just to vote & nostly they come to show they are more Albanian citizens than Macedonian.Its about time the door was shut & Macedonia is governed for all citizens equally.If Albanians don't like it leave.That's called democracy.If albaniana don't follow our rules they should leave quietly for we are a majority.Also Its not about rights,what you don't need to speak Macedonian,You want your own passports,As a minority you want pre-eminence to the Macedonians who are indigenous to the land.
    Last edited by George S.; 02-18-2014, 03:26 PM.

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  • Gocka
    Oh so you guys noticed too huh lol It started to smell funny around here sooo.

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  • Phoenix
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    ...My guess is you're a lying Albanian...
    shiptar for sure

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by Gocka View Post
    Its not ok, the Albanians in Macedonia need to learn how to act like civilized people and stop using violence when they cant get what they through proper channels.
    Depends on what they want.

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