Washington is tired of nationalist and requires moderate interlocutors of Macedonia - Greece's rating
Athens - The visit of U.S. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti sparked interest in the Greek media. The newspaper "Kathimerini" commented that Ahmeti's visit to the United States and the Vice Besimi Athens show movement and initiatives of the Albanian block Macedonia to speed up the process for resolving the dispute.
The evaluation of this paper is that the Albanian political movement is supported by the U.S. and EU, which Ahmeti look serious and moderate interlocutor of Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Support from the international community for such meetings by Albanian politicians assessment is indirect message to the Minister to make a change in its policy on EU reportedly seen as a deterrent for Macedonia's integration in the EU. It is noted that the Prime Minister tried to present the movement of the Albanian block as Greek plan to use the Macedonian Albanians against him and to destabilize the country.
"However Dimitris Avramopoulos not send Ahmeti in the U.S., nor Ahmeti went alone," the newspaper said. Display a statement Ahmeti "Kathimerini" in which he reported that his U.S. visit and talks about political developments in Macedonia and its future in the EU and NATO was agreed at the last meeting of the Deputy Secretary of State Philip Reeker Macedonia. The evaluation of paper that Gruevski used the tactics of conspiracy to show how negative these initiatives Albanian bloc's integration into the EU and NATO in the Macedonian people. It also notes that the Macedonian Prime Minister felt marginalized by the international community.
Brussels and Washington, according to the analysis of the paper, already tired from nationalist elements in the policy of Gruevski, who believe that only creates problems with neighboring Greece, Bulgaria and Albania, but also causes internal strife between Macedonian and Albanian bloc. Unlike the Minister, in "Kathimerini" EU and U.S. Ahmeti look serious and moderate leader, although that might make things worse inside the country, is far more restrained and calm. "With the support of his initiatives, determine how privileged interlocutor and simultaneously send a message to the Minister whose policy senior European diplomatic source evaluated as a deterrent for Euro-Atlantic perspective of FYROM" writes "Kathimerini". (MP)
Washington is tired of nationalist and requires moderate interlocutors of Macedonia - Greece's rating
Athens - The visit of U.S. DUI leader Ali Ahmeti sparked interest in the Greek media. The newspaper "Kathimerini" commented that Ahmeti's visit to the United States and the Vice Besimi Athens show movement and initiatives of the Albanian block Macedonia to speed up the process for resolving the dispute.
The evaluation of this paper is that the Albanian political movement is supported by the U.S. and EU, which Ahmeti look serious and moderate interlocutor of Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski. Support from the international community for such meetings by Albanian politicians assessment is indirect message to the Minister to make a change in its policy on EU reportedly seen as a deterrent for Macedonia's integration in the EU. It is noted that the Prime Minister tried to present the movement of the Albanian block as Greek plan to use the Macedonian Albanians against him and to destabilize the country.
"However Dimitris Avramopoulos not send Ahmeti in the U.S., nor Ahmeti went alone," the newspaper said. Display a statement Ahmeti "Kathimerini" in which he reported that his U.S. visit and talks about political developments in Macedonia and its future in the EU and NATO was agreed at the last meeting of the Deputy Secretary of State Philip Reeker Macedonia. The evaluation of paper that Gruevski used the tactics of conspiracy to show how negative these initiatives Albanian bloc's integration into the EU and NATO in the Macedonian people. It also notes that the Macedonian Prime Minister felt marginalized by the international community.
Brussels and Washington, according to the analysis of the paper, already tired from nationalist elements in the policy of Gruevski, who believe that only creates problems with neighboring Greece, Bulgaria and Albania, but also causes internal strife between Macedonian and Albanian bloc. Unlike the Minister, in "Kathimerini" EU and U.S. Ahmeti look serious and moderate leader, although that might make things worse inside the country, is far more restrained and calm. "With the support of his initiatives, determine how privileged interlocutor and simultaneously send a message to the Minister whose policy senior European diplomatic source evaluated as a deterrent for Euro-Atlantic perspective of FYROM" writes "Kathimerini". (MP)