Vinko Pribojevic would have to be added as well.
Risto Stefov - Articles, Translations & Collaborations
Evidence of Macedonian language before 1945
YouTube - Macedonian alfabet before 1945-evidence that the Macedonian language and alphabet existedНие македонците не сме ни срби, ни бугари, туку просто Македонци. Ние ги симпатизираме и едните и другите, кој ќе не ослободи, нему ќе му речеме благодарам, но србите и бугарите нека не забораваат дека Македонија е само за Македонците.
- Борис Сарафов, 2 септември 1902
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 20 – The Macedonian Party?
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 20 – The Macedonian Party?
Risto Stefov
May 17, 2009
Forty years ago we were told that Macedonians simply did not exist; "there was no such thing as a Macedonian". Thirty years ago we were told that a "Greek" cannot be made; he or she had to be born from Greeks to be Greek. Twenty years ago we were told that "Greek" is the most "solid" ethnic identity on this earth with 4,000 years of continuous and uninterrupted lineage. Now we are told that Macedonians do exist and there are 3,500,000 of them spread all over the world.
Well for people who believe they are pure Greeks, direct descendents from the ancient Greeks, even though they are not Greeks at all, anything is possible. For people who descended from Slavs, Albanians and Vlachs and still believe they are Greeks, descendants of the ancient Greeks, anything is possible. For people who believe that Alexander the Great, the same Alexander the Great who conquered and brutally suppressed their so-called "ancient Greek ancestors", is their national hero, then anything is possible.
When I first read the story that a new political party was formed in Greece, calling itself the "Macedonian Party", I thought "how wonderful", for a split second. Then reality hit. How is it possible for Greece to have a political party that represents the non-existent Macedonian minority? I knew there had to be a catch. A political party is being formed that wants to elect members to the European Parliament in the June elections. The catch however is that this is NOT a "Macedonian Party" at all but rather a "fake" Macedonian party created by Greeks for the purpose of usurping the name "Macedonia". This time the Greeks are using a different angle to approach the same old problem. They want to hold onto Macedonia and the Macedonian heritage the best way they know how; by lying and cheating.
As we know the Modern Greeks are not Greeks at all. We know they were created by the Philhellenes from the Slav, Albanian and Vlach immigrants who migrated to Greece during the 11th to the 14th century AD. We also know that the Greek people living in Greek occupied Macedonia today are not Greeks at all. Of the total people living in Greek occupied Macedonia the majority are not even Macedonians. Greece has been importing people into Macedonia since it invaded, occupied, partitioned and annexed Macedonian lands in 1912, 1913. Greece has imported Albanians and Vlachs from Albania, 1,100,000 Christian Turks from Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Russia, Armenia, etc. In fact Greece is importing people from all over the world today as we speak and is still calling them Greeks. So the Modern Greeks, being neither Macedonians nor Greeks, in essence have no "real" claim to Macedonia or to the Macedonian heritage so they have no choice but to resort to lying and cheating.
The new Greek Party founded by the so-called "World committee for the Protection of Macedonia" is another ploy to lay claim to the name "Macedonia", through the European Parliament. The Party´s aim is to block the Republic of Macedonia from entering the European Union with the name "Macedonia".
"It is of great importance for Macedonian Hellenism to join the European Parliament with the name ´Macedonia´, ´Macedonian´, ´Macedonians´, in order to guarantee that Macedonia belongs only to Greece, before Skopje has a chance to do this for itself. If the Greeks, who are the real Macedonians, enter the European Parliament with this name then the fake Macedonians will not be able to do so", said Konstantinos Kalfa committee member of the "World committee for the Protection of Macedonia", as quoted by Kanal 5.
(Note how the fake Greeks refer to the real Macedonians as fakes).
According to its founders, "the party will fight to protect the name, history and rights of the large Macedonian minority [of the Greek kind], estimated to number 3,500,000 and is spread all over the world".
So if I understand this correctly, the non-existent Macedonian minority that Greece has denied ever existed, now exists, suddenly overnight. It exists somewhat as "Macedonian" but not really because the Greek types of Macedonians are really "ethnic Greeks" who happened to live in Macedonia. We know however that there is no such thing as "ethnic Greeks" because the Modern Greek identity is not real but a Philhellene artificial creation! So if ethnic Greeks don´t really exist then these Macedonians who supposedly are "ethnic Greeks" in reality don´t exist either. But wait a minute aren´t the Greeks now telling us that they do exist, and that there are 3.5 million of them all over the world? Confused? Perhaps now you can appreciate the expression "it´s all Greek to me"! In other words "it´s too complicated for us non-Greeks to understand!"
Forget what the Greeks are telling you and focus on what they are trying to do. This is not about "ethnicities", "languages", "cultures" or histories it´s about the expropriation of Macedonian lands and robbing the Macedonian people of their heritage. Lying and cheating is a "Greek specialty", this is how they built their fake identity and artificial country. They have lied to the world from the day the Philhellenes brought them into their artificial existence. But no matter how hard they try to suppress the truth it will eventually resurface.
What I don´t understand however is why do they have to lie? Everyone knows they are lying; why not admit to the truth? Why not say that in this world "might is right" and as long we they have the "might" we will do whatever we want. They suppress the Macedonian people because they can and will hold onto their lands as long as they can.
I don´t know why they have to lie about their fake identity either? They are Greeks because they want to be Greeks, it´s as simple as that. Better still why not admit that they are the descendents of Slav, Albanian and Vlach immigrants? What is wrong with that? We are all immigrants here is Canada, with the exception of the indigenous people we found here when we colonized their lands, and we are not ashamed of it and no Canadian needs to lie about it.
We know Greece suffers from anxiety, we have known this for many years. The whole world knows that Greece and Greeks are artificially created entities and that they suffer from anxiety. The only cure for their anxiety is for them to accept the truth. No more lies and pretending will lead to no more anxiety! Anxiety makes Greeks panic and panic causes them to behave irrationally. Behaving irrationally towards their neighbours causes their neighbours to behave irrationally right back. The Republic of Macedonia is forced to behave this way because Greece behaves this way. Most of Europe, catering to Greece´s anxiety, also behaves this way. How else do you explain the "name game"? Is it rational for one country to "demand" of another to change its name? Is it rational for European Union countries to demand the Republic of Macedonia change its name? No! Why then are they behaving this way if not because of Greece´s anxiety?
The European Union it seems will accept fake countries like Greece but will not accept the Republic of Macedonia, that is until it changes its name and it too becomes a fake country. This makes one wonder if the European Union itself is a club for fakes. Again, I will ask the reader to look at the European Union for what it does and not for what it says. The EU has many rules and regulations that support minority and human rights in its member states but at the same time it allows its member states to practice racism and discrimination against their minorities. It seems that EU rules and regulations apply to "others" and not to its own members! All those human rights laws in its books and none of them can help the Macedonians in Greece or in Bulgaria.
If the European Union will allow racist organizations like the fake "Macedonian Party" in its Parliament whose only aim is to rob the Macedonian people of their lands and heritage, then what does that say about the European Union? Some people think that members of the European Parliament are ignorant of the Macedonian people´s real issues with Greece and Bulgaria. Others say they are indifferent. If that were true then those who are ignorant should by now have learned something after 17 years of playing the "name game". And those who are indifferent should have remained indifferent. Why have European Union countries sided with Greece demanding that Macedonia change its name?
"Greece´s movement to build a national identity, however, contained a unique element not shared by others: external support and even pressure, for a specific kind of new identity. The British, French and Russians demanded that the modern Greek identity be Hellenic and respond to the Europeans´ nostalgia for the restoration of a pre-Christian Hellenic civilization that has been in eclipse for some two thousand years. Europeans confidently expected to see the characteristic of Homer in post liberation Greeks, in spite of the ebb and flow of history over such a great span of time. The neoclassicism that rose in seventeenth – and eighteenth-century Europe as an aesthetic and philosophical idea was to be physically embodied in modern-day Greece. The idealistic and hopeful attitudes of neoclassicism that would later be imposed on the Greeks was succinctly expressed in 1822 when American President James Monroe declared: ´The mention of Greece fills the mind with the utmost exalted sentiments and arouses in our bosoms the best feelings of which our nature is susceptible´.
In reality, however, just before the Greek war of independence, most Greeks still referred to themselves as Romans. Vlachavas, the priest rebel leader who rose against the Ottomans, declared, ´A Romneos I was born, a Romneos I will die´.
Some Europeans and the few Americans who came to help Greece start a new nation-state, were disappointed even indignant, to discover among Greece´s peasants there were no warrior-heroes like Achilles or Ajax, no statesmen like Pericles, no philosophers like Socrates or Plato and no poets of the caliber of Aeschylus or Sophocles. There was, in fact, little likeness between nineteenth century Greeks and the idealized Greeks from ancient history that had such hold on the imagination of European liberators." ("Blood Lines form Ethnic Pride to Ethnic Terrorism", by Vamik Volkan pages 121 and 122).
"In Eastern Europe since 1990, the treatment of minorities seems quite contrary to the recent development in Western Europe, which reversed the earlier positions in both parts of Europe. If there have been any results from the High Commissioner´s mission in the three serious cases of the Russians (and other minorities) in the Baltic, the Roma and the Sinti throughout Europe, and the Macedonians in Greece, nothing substantial has so far emerged about them. The High Commissioner has been in existence since the beginning of 1993, and Max ven der Stoel has been exclusively active in Eastern Europe throughout the period until retirement mid-2001 when the new Commissioner Ralf Ekeus took over. After the first period of four years there was an analysis of Ven der Stoel´s efforts; due to the OSCE´s discrete policy, assuring effected states of ´absolute´ confidentiality, the relevant information is still lacking. The age of secret diplomacy in minority matters is not over in Europe." ("Ethnicity Nationalism and Violence", by Christian P. Scherrer, page 253)
"Because of Greece´s almost hysterical reaction, the state [Republic of Macedonia] was not admitted to the UN until the end of 1992 under the absurd appellation ´former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia´. The successive Greek governments allegedly took offense at the symbolism of the name (the Macedonia of Philip II, the native land of Alexander the Great) and at the flag (a sun with sixteen rays on a red background) although Macedonia had born this name as a Yugoslavian Republic since 1948." ("Ethnicity Nationalism and Violence", by Christian P. Scherrer, page 283)
"The key premise in Humboldt´s idea is that Hellenic civilization assumed a transcendental significance because it testified to a cultural and linguistic purity. This claim was historically absurd and even antithetical to the paradigm of comparative linguistics, which was the core of philological inquiry.
In practical terms, however, the historical absurdity of declaring Hellenic civilization the expression of a culture uncontaminated by foreign elements can be explained by a simple fact that usually tends to be disregarded – namely, that Hellenic civilizations as we know it was in effect the invention of the ´Science of Antiquity´ of Classics. As such, it could have been (and was) endowed with whatever signification the discipline found useful.
The invention of Hellenic civilization shows the profound power of philology as a method to cultural knowledge – indeed, as knowledge." ("Dream Nation" by Stathis Gourgouris, pages 133 and 134)
"…for more than a century, Greek schoolbooks have stressed the unbroken continuity and diachronic and homogeneity of Greek civilization and culture, with the results that Greeks tend to believe without question in this construction of Romantic nationalist historiography. According to this ideology, what is labeled with the timeless and semantically vague abstract term ´Hellenism´ – together with its language – is a healthy organism that for 4,000 years has either resisted or assimilated foreign influences; alteration is viewed as adulteration, while outside influences are viewed as threats." ("Hellenisms Culture, Identity and Ethnicity from Antiquity to Modernity", edited by Katerina Zacharia, page 303)
"According to the narrative of Philhellenism, after nearly two millennium of imperial rule – first under the Byzantines and then under the Ottomans – a newly defined Greek nation could reunite with its glorified ancient heritage and, lead by monarchs of German and Danish ancestry, revive the traditions that had inspired western Europe to greatness. Yet Hellenism had to be invented in Europe as the cornerstone of Western Civilization before it could be imported to Greece as a nationalist movement. A combination of the real and imagined culture of the ancient Greeks became, in various guises, a heritage to which all could lay claim.
Hellenism became a pan-European endeavour that spanned the course of many centuries and found varied forms of expression in different countries.
Germans came to conflate modern Germany with the ancient Greek world. By the end of the nineteenth century for example, the archeologist Ernst Curtious could justify large scale archeological expeditions to Greece by simply explaining that ´Germany herself has inwardly appropriated Greek culture´.
Similarly, in England ancient Greece became a model for nineteenth century citizens.
It stood as proof of the superiority of the West over the barbaric East; as such it presented one more reason for the civilization of the East through European colonization." ("Possessors and Possessed" by Wendy M. K. Shaw, pages 62 to 64)
After reading the above perhaps the reader will come to appreciate why Europe is so fond of Greece.
For those who are still not convinced that the Modern Greek identity is an artificial creation, please continue to read this series of articles.
Author´s note:
Dear Macedonians, one way to defend ourselves from the Greek onslaught and gain back our identity and dignity is to fight back to the level to which the Greeks have reduced us; that is to attack their identity as they have attacked ours. We need prove nothing to them except to expose them as the artificial identity they truly are and to uncover their design to wipe us out in order to usurp our Macedonian heritage.
To be Continued.
Many thanks to TrueMacedonian from for his contribution to this article.
You can contact the author at [email protected]Macedonian Truth Organisation
Originally posted by Daskalot View PostSarafe, that is not true, it is all made in photoshop by the "skopiani", you know they are masters of photoshop and time travelling with druzhe Tita....., Oh yes i forgot that, sory,probebly it was this guy
helping tito.
Bravo for them
Ние македонците не сме ни срби, ни бугари, туку просто Македонци. Ние ги симпатизираме и едните и другите, кој ќе не ослободи, нему ќе му речеме благодарам, но србите и бугарите нека не забораваат дека Македонија е само за Македонците.
- Борис Сарафов, 2 септември 1902
Dear Macedonians, one way to defend ourselves from the Greek onslaught and gain back our identity and dignity is to fight back to the level to which the Greeks have reduced us; that is to attack their identity as they have attacked ours. We need prove nothing to them except to expose them as the artificial identity they truly are and to uncover their design to wipe us out in order to usurp our Macedonian heritage.
This means researching all available newspapers, and press reports, at the time of Greece's CREATION, namely statistics on ethnic make up of the territory at that time, also a GOOD place to research would be TURKISH archives.
This fake trash has to be exposed to the masses.
Attacking the Greek identity has its place.
But attacking the Macedonian mind and spirit is the first priority.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
recently settled christians from asia minor can be macedonains while the indigineous macedonians cannot. this party is an attempt to further confuse the issue a favourtite wannabee tactic. sadly the misinformed europeans will hold this up as an example of human rights and ethnic freedom in wannabbeland exactly the opposite of the stae of human rights in greece.
modern greeks are stooping lower than any nation eureopean nation ever has in their attempt to hide the truth about macedonia and theirt role in ist carve up.
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage–Part 23–The Need for Intelligence Gathering
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 23 – The Need for Intelligence Gathering
Risto Stefov
June 07, 2009
We all talk about the tremendous effort and money our enemies spend in pursuit of their interests, which directly affects our ability to pursue ours, but we have no idea specifically who our enemies are. Why? Because we have absolutely no information on who is the enemy. We may not even have information on our own people who make decisions, run our organizations, raise funds, contribute funds, etc. We have little to no information particularly on those who are "influential in the Macedonian community and in Macedonian organizations" inside or outside of Macedonia. So our enemies "might" even be closer than we think. The operative word here is "might" and the question is "how do we know for sure who the enemy is and is not?"
Hearing what we want to hear and assuming that all people who speak positively about our cause have our best interests at heart, nowadays, is not enough to assume that all such people are honest and our friends. Words alone are cheap and cost nothing.
We may or may not have enemies in our midst; all I am saying is that we should have some way of screening our people especially in positions of responsibility, just like every corporation screens its employees, to ensure that they don´t have "bad apples". How many Macedonian Organizations today screen their members, particularly those who serve on executive boards?
Why am I asking these "uneasy" questions and possibly creating suspicion and mistrust among our people?
Too many times, at critical moments, we have witnessed our enemies waltz in and take over our organizations. It has happened to dozens of Village Associations in the Diaspora in the last fifty years or so. It has happened half a dozen times during the Greek Civil War when "friendly" Greeks infiltrated Macedonian organizations and not only rendered them useless but vilified our leaders and true patriots and made them look like traitors in front of their own people. It has even happened at the most critical time in Macedonia´s history; the Ilinden Uprising. Did you know that Gotse Delchev and his supporters did not want an "early Uprising" because they knew the Macedonian people were not ready? Yet we had an early Uprising which turned into a disaster for the Macedonian people and for the Macedonian cause. And who benefited the most from the early Uprising? Our enemies of course, the very same ones who occupy Macedonia today! How many times must this happen before we realize that we need to do more to prevent these things from happening again?
This is why it is very important to have reliable information on our leaders, particularly on the Macedonian leadership outside of Macedonia where our enemies can easily infiltrate organizations and lead our people astray.
This is not to accuse anyone here of anything but to suggest that we proceed with caution.
The idea for gathering intelligence is not new; it has been used by every country in the world to keep an eye on its enemies. Unfortunately it has not been effectively implemented in the Macedonian communities especially outside of Macedonia; which has potentially left gaping holes for our enemies to walk through.
Our enemies do not work in mysterious ways when it comes to infiltrating our organizations. They simply find ways to create contention between Macedonians and manage to stifle our progress and divide our people. Instead of sticking to issues, our enemies attack the integrity of good people and make their motives look questionable. I have seen this happen many times to good people who were falsely accused of "wrongdoing" and forced to explain themselves for something they had not done. Found in this situation, most honest Macedonians give up and quit fighting for the cause. There is nothing worse and demoralizing than being falsely accused of "wrongdoing" especially if you have voluntarily devoted your life´s energy to work hard for the benefit of every Macedonian!
One of the more effective methods Macedonia´s enemies employed during the Ilinden Uprising was to infiltrate Macedonian organizations by pretend to be great patriots and by saying all the right things that every Macedonian wanted to hear. Then while having the attention of the Macedonian people, particularly in private, they would find faults, criticize, demean and generally work against the Macedonian leadership.
The worst however that our enemies can do is use our own energies and resources against us. Imagine our enemies raising funds from our Macedonian communities and using those funds against the very same generous and patriotic people who donated them. What measures have we implemented to prevent this from happening?
How many times have you witnessed Macedonian leaders being accused of "stealing money" without a shred of evidence and with absolutely no consequence to the accusers? In what society do people tarnish innocent people´s reputations and get away with it? What have we done to ensure that this does not happen?
It is easy to see why intelligence gathering is so important.
Here is a 120 year old story about a Macedonian patriot who gave up fame and fortune for the sake of helping his people.
"Realizing the Graecizing intentions of the Greek authorities, the young Macedonian poet became a bitter enemy of their policy, and particularly of the Greek clergy, led by the notorious Patriarch of Constantinople. Grigor Prlichev (1830-1893) was sufficiently far-sighted to realize that the cultural domination under Greek rule would have much worse consequences for the national and cultural development of the Macedonian people than the politico-social domination under Turkish rule, which, though it had lasted a long time, was bound to end sooner or later. Accordingly, following the example of his master Dimitar Miladinov, Prlichev decided to wage unremitting war on the assimilating ambitions of the Greek clergy. All this is very significant because Prlichev, this talented Greek scholar, this passionate lover of classical Greek literature, who for long believed there was no greater poet than Homer and no better doctors than those of Athens (as he himself wrote in his" Autobiography"), suddenly changed. Putting love of his own [Macedonian] nation first, he never wrote another line in Greek, although he knew very well that he could have exploited his extraordinary poetic gifts in that language with undoubted success." (Nurigiani, Giorgio. "The Macedonian Genius Through the Centuries". London: David Harvey Publishers, 1972. page 147)
As it was done in the 1800´s it is so done today, Hellenism will stop at nothing from swallowing up ethnic groups and turning them into Modern Hellenes, a deadly disease that has not ceased since the formation of the artificial Greek state in 1829. Besides wanting to turn every Macedonian into a Greek, modern Hellenism also sees Macedonism as its mortal enemy with which it cannot co-exist and will do everything in its power to destroy it.
"…as it is well known that from a fifth to perhaps nearly a fourth of the inhabitants of Greece are said to be Albanians, whose fathers played so noble a part, both by sea and land, in the war of Greek independence. We believe the following facts have to do with that antipathy. No people have a more ardent national spirit, or cling more tenaciously to their language and ancient customs, than the Albanians. Now the Greeks, to their honour be it said, among the first things they did as a nation, set up a system of National schools, with primary, secondary, and higher education, all over the country; but in these schools nothing was taught but Greek, and hence the Albanians, who did not understand that language, were put to a serious disadvantage. Greek statesmen said Albanian was no language – it had no literature, not even an alphabet – it was a patois, and would die out in a generation, and the children of the Albanian soldiers and sailors would all be good Greeks; and so neither the Government nor private individuals did anything for the Albanian population. But now, at the distance of over half a century, things remain very much as they were when Greece, first was declared independent. Most of the Albanians are rude and ignorant, and far behind the rest of the population; while in the island of Aegina and many other places – nay, only a few miles from Athens itself; there are many families who can´t speak a word of Greek. The experiment has failed. It is the same problem that meets us in the highlands in Scotland, in Wales and in Ireland. We do not greatly blame Greece, for she probably believed that she could Hellenize these sturdy Arnauts; but it is high time now to retrace her steps, and complete her admirable schooling-system, by teaching both Albanian and Greek where the population is Albanian. Thanks to the London Tract Society, there are now school-books in both dialects of languages, while the Bible Society has provided them with the Testament and Psalms. Greek would thus remove the fear of national annihilation, with which so many regard union with her as synonymous, while she will pay a graceful tribute of gratitude to her Albanian people, and raise them from that barbarism in which so many still remain, and, still more, from their deep religious ignorance." ("The Catholic Presbyterian", edited by Professor W. G. Blaikie, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Vol. II., July – December 1879, page 318)
"This preoccupation with Greekness only really began after the War of Independence, when defining what it meant to be a Greek became a vital element in creating a new state. And it never ceased being a national sport. When the Greeks won their freedom from the Ottomans in 1834, their first capital was the smart little Peloponnesian port of Nafplio. It was thought to be far more suitable than the goat-infested ruins and the insignificant, predominantly Turkish-Albanian settlement which existed in nineteenth-century Athens." ("Euridyce Street a Place in Athens", by Sofka Zinivieff, page 38)
For those who are still not convinced that the Modern Greek identity is an artificial creation, please continue to read this series of articles.
Author´s note:
Dear Macedonians, one way to defend ourselves from the Greek onslaught and gain back our identity and dignity is to fight back to the level to which the Greeks have reduced us; that is to attack their identity as they have attacked ours. We need prove nothing to them except to expose them as the artificial identity they truly are and to uncover their design to wipe us out in order to usurp our Macedonian heritage.
To be continued.
Many thanks to TrueMacedonian from for his contribution to this article.
You can contact the author at [email protected]Macedonian Truth Organisation
Great article with some very valid points.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:
I couldn't agree more.
I am certain that there are some organized elements in the Macedonian diaspora, who talk alot about supporting us, but who in fact believe a name change cannot come soon enough, if it will get Greece off our backs.
These are the ones to watch out for.
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 24 - The Walls are closing in
Modern Greece and the Macedonian Heritage – Part 24 - The Walls are closing in
Risto Stefov
June 14, 2009
Nowadays we hear things like "Bulgarian customs officials confiscate Vinzhito material", "Greek Fascists Disrupt Presentation of the Greek - Macedonian Dictionary in Athens", "the European Commission Vice President Jacques Barrot referred to the Republic of Macedonia as ´Northern Macedonia´", etc., and wonder what has gone wrong in this world? Can´t a tiny country like Macedonia be itself and feel safe in this so-called "civilized" world?
If you have been oppressed like the Macedonians and have been under one or another´s thumb for a couple of millenniums you too will wonder "what have you done that was so wrong to deserve all this?" If my grandfather was still alive he would say, "Be patient my boy we have endured a lot and our time will come some day". And I suppose it is "hope" like his that kept us "alive" for this long! But unfortunately I do not have my grandfather´s patience or humility so rather than leave my destiny completely to fate, I want some answers!
Well, what have we done to deserve all this?
We have done nothing! But a more appropriate question would be "why are all these people doing this to us?"
Well, if you look at each individual incident separately you will find that each of these people or entities appears to have some issue with us. They don´t want us to succeed as Macedonians! For some reason or another they don´t like us and our presence is causing them discomfort. But why? We are not a threat to them. All these "countries" which have "a problem with us" are militarily more powerful so what possible threat could we be to them?
Well, we are not a military threat but rather a threat of the "embarrassing kind".
You see Europe has historically wronged the Macedonian people many times for various reasons. Most recently Europe wronged us in 1878 when we were liberated and then given back to the Ottomans without any assurances or safeguards that we would not be further abused. Then they wronged us in 1912, 1913 and 1919 when they signed various Treaties allowing our neighbours to occupy us, partition our country and annex it for themselves; again without any safeguards that we would not be harmed. What happened to us in 1878 and is happening to us to this day is not an accident but rather well planned by the Western Europeans. But worse than that, and bordering on the insane, is for "whom" did the Western Europeans do all this?
If you have been reading these articles by now you would know that, ethnically speaking, "there is no such thing as a Greek". And yes you guessed it; the Europeans "sacrificed" Macedonia for the sake of Greece, an artificially created nation of their own making. They took Macedonia from the Macedonian people and gave it to the "fake" Greeks whom they created from the ashes of the Slav, Albanian and Vlach cultures which just happened to exist on the same soil as the ancient cultures the Western Europeans wanted to imitate!
How is that for a "slap on the face"?
So that there is no misunderstanding I will say it again. France, Britain and Germany, and there may have been others, possibly Russia, took Macedonia away from the Macedonian people and gave it to a bunch of undeserving Greek wannabe Slavs, Albanians and Vlachs who were not only NOT Greeks and had nothing to do with the ancient people who lived on those lands, but were themselves the descendents of "recent immigrants". They gave our Macedonia away to non-Macedonians who themselves are descendents of immigrants who came to live in the Peloponnesus from the 11th to the 15th century. Then in the 1920´s Western Europeans allowed Greece to settle another 1.1 million Christian Turkish settlers, of whom more than half were settled in Macedonia, and today Greece portrays these Turks as the "real" Macedonians, descendants of the ancient Macedonians no less, and we the indigenous Macedonians roam the world as permanent political refugees being cast out by Greece! Would you not feel "ashamed" if you were responsible for all this? And yes, Western Europeans were party to all this!
So, rather than "correcting" past wrongs and apologizing to the Macedonian people for what they did, Western Europeans today look for ways to "permanently silence" the Macedonians because they are a constant reminder of a "reckless" past not only for committing atrocities but for the "insane" reasons for which they were committed.
Greece was "artificially created" to lay the foundation for a Western European Civilization. This was done, in large part, at the expense of Macedonia and the Macedonian people. The name "Macedonia" is therefore a constant reminder to the Western Europeans that the very foundation that supports their modern Western European culture is a rotten, "false" foundation resting on the corpse of Macedonia.
If I had my grandfather´s faith I would say "that corpse upon which the European foundation is laid is still alive and one day will rise and expose the Western Europeans for what they truly are."
But if history has anything to say, the Macedonians are not about to disappear and will continue to cause Western Europe "discomfort" until Western Europe learns to be "truly democratic", faces its fears and gets rid of its old skeletons.
Every country in the world has cleansed itself of its past "wrongs" and as you are reading this, Cambodia is going through that process right now. Every country has come clean except, of course, Greece and Bulgaria. Bulgaria and Greece have "escaped" their punishments for what they have done to their minorities and have yet to exorcise themselves of their past demons. Both Greece and Bulgaria, to this day, desperately "hang on with all their might" to old beliefs that somehow they are "special", "homogeneous" and "superior" to the rest of us. Beliefs that should be dead and gone; beliefs that belong in the past together with "Nazism and Fascism".
Macedonians are here to stay and Greece and Bulgaria along with their "patrons and protectors" must learn to deal with it.
As for Macedonia´s neighbour to the South, we are not done with you yet! As long as you deny our existence and continue to oppress our Macedonian compatriots living on Greek occupied Macedonian soil, we will continue to expose your artificiality and the atrocities you have committed against the Macedonians and other minorities.
It is interesting to note that most Greeks know that their identity is artificial but go along with the majority pretending to be Greeks anyway. What puzzles me is that they, knowing that they are an artificial nation themselves, have the audacity to deny the Macedonians their identity.
There is however a hidden purpose to "pretending to be Greek", which has little to do with "ethnicity" but a lot to do with "being positioned" high up on the "ladder" of Greek society. Greece, to this day, values and employs "loyal Greeks" at its highest paid positions irrespective of competence, so it is understandable that there are so many scandals in the country. "Real Greeks" (the ones deeply committed to Hellenism) as one Greek professor put it to me, "work in Greece in businesses or in highly paid positions of power" in the Greek government. When I asked him, "who then are the Greeks behind the so-called ´Australian Macedonian Advisory Council´?" To my surprise the professor said "they are your kind" and would not elaborate on what "your kind" means. So I assume he meant "Hellenized Macedonians". But what surprised even the good professor is "if they were such loyal Greeks, why have they left Greece for Australia?" Like the professor said, "loyal Greeks work in Greece". To have left their beloved Greece for Australia means that they were not "good enough Greeks" to be in "good positions" in Greece which puts them at the top of the list for not only being traitors to their own true identity but also "losers" to the Greek identity they value so much and work so hard for.
Let´s face it, every "intelligent Greek" pretends to be a patriotic Greek because it is popular and has its benefits. If you play along with the big boy Great Western European Powers, and be their loyal dog of the female gender, you not only get a country with an illustrious name and history but you also get someone else´s country with an even more illustrious history to boot. I guess "selling your identity" has a price but look at the benefits you get in return? Unfortunately we Macedonians are not "clever enough" to be someone´s loyal dog of the female kind and that is why we not only lost our country but were forced to accept three new and "false" identities.
What were we thinking?
Oh Europe you have messed up so bad it will take years of "psychological treatment" to get you un-messed. If only the world knew what you have done!
Have you noticed how foreigners, particularly Western Europeans, think of the so-called "Balkan mentality" and how "irrational" the people in the Balkans are? Well whose fault is that? We lived without borders as Christians for thousands of years and had no problems among ourselves until the Western Europeans came with their "imperialist" and nationalist ideals and created Greece, the "Frankenstein child of Europe" and gave it a fake identity and instilled in it "dreams of grandeur". After all that they have the audacity to blame us for "acting weird"? How would you act if Frankenstein´s monster lived next door to you?
"The Greeks had not taken very much interest in their past until Europeans became enthusiastic discoverers and diggers of their ruins. And why should they have cared? The Greeks were not Greek, but rather the illiterate descendents of Slavs and Albanian fisherman, who spoke a debased Greek dialect and had little interest in broken columns and temples except as places to graze their sheep. The true Philhellenes were the English – of whom Byron was the epitome – and the French, who were passionate to link themselves with the Greek ideal. This rampant and irrational Phili-Hellenism, which amounted almost to a religion, was also a reaction to the confident dominance of the Ottoman Turks, who were widely regarded as savages and heathens.
The contradiction persists, even today: Greek food is actually Turkish food, and many words we think of as distinctive Greek, are in reality Turkish. – kebab, doner, kofta, meze, taramsalada, dolma, yogurt, mussaka, and so forth; all Turkish." ("The Pillars of Hercules" by Paul Thereoux", page 316)
And now I will leave you with this;
"The sign of the entrance at Delphi said ´Show proper respect´ and ´It is forbidden to sing or make loud noises´ and ´Do not pose in front of ancient stones´.
I saw a pair of rambunctious Greek youths being reprimanded by an officious little man, for flinging their arms out and posing for pictures. The man twitched a stick at them and sent them away.
Why was this? It was just what you would expect to happen if you put a pack of ignoramuses in charge of a jumble of marble artifacts they had no way of comprehending. They would in their impressionable stupidity begin to venerate the mute stones and make up a lot of silly rules. This ´Show Proper Respect´ business and ´No Posing´ was an absurd and desperate transfer of the orthodoxies of the Greek´s tenacious Christianity, as they applied the severe prohibitions of their church to the ruins. Understanding little of the meaning of the stones, they could only see them in terms of their present religious beliefs; and so they imposed a sort of sanctity to the ruins. This ridiculous solemnity was universal in Greece." ("The Pillars of Hercules" by Paul Thereoux")
For those who are still not convinced that the Modern Greek identity is an artificial creation, please continue to read this series of articles.
Author´s note:
Dear Macedonians, one way to defend ourselves from the Greek onslaught and gain back our identity and dignity is to fight back to the level to which the Greeks have reduced us; that is to attack their identity as they have attacked ours. We need prove nothing to them except to expose them as the artificial identity they truly are and to uncover their design to wipe us out in order to usurp our Macedonian heritage.
To be continued.
Many thanks to TrueMacedonian from for his contribution to this article.
You can contact the author at [email protected]Macedonian Truth Organisation