Part II of Vancho Mihajlov in the WWII Nuremberg Interrogation Records for Nazi prisoner Hormann Neubacher.
Mihajlov the fool would later spread lies that it was he who turned down the offer of an Independent Macedonia.
"RIBBENTROP's avid belief in a Macedonian state led to an order in Autumn 1944, on the eve of the German retreat, for the creation of an independent Macedonia. In compliance, NEUBACHER took steps to organize in SKOPLJE a self-governing Macedonian committee, whose actual mission was to be limited to security measures against communist partisans. MIHAILOFF's unpopularity was apparent, and it was impossible to find anyone willing to represent him on the new committee".
Source: Nuremberg War Crimes trials Interrogations - Neubacher, Hermann Aug. 15, 1945; PIR No. 51
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