Was the Ohrid Archbishopric called "Bulgarian" before 1767 during the Ottoman Empire only? Is there evidence that it was called as such from people within Macedonia?
There’s obviously a connection between present day Macedonians and Bulgarians as they share a common culture, history, music, and traditions. They celebrate the same heroes of history and their languages seem to be dialects of the same language.
From what I know, when our forefathers immigrated to Canada they did so due to the pressure of Serbs and Greeks. I’ve been to most Macedonian churches in Toronto, including those that are designated as Macedono-Bulgarian.. but I’ve never seen a Macedono-Serbian or Macedono-Greek church. On the other hand, the churches that are designated as Macedonian only seem to have been built much more recently than the Macedono-Bulgarian ones.
I think that the differences between Macedonians and Bulgarians are mostly political.
In the first half of the 20th century, most of the Macedonians were largely classified as Bulgarians or Macedono-Bulgarians.[13][14][15] At that time the political organization by the Slavic immigrants from the region of Macedonia - the Macedonian Patriotic Organization has also promoted the idea of Macedonian Slavs being Bulgarians.[16]
In 1910 they established Sts. Cyril and Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Toronto. [10]
The church Saint's Cyril and Methodius was consecrated in Toronto in 1910. This was followed by the St. George Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Holy Trinity Macedono-Bulgarian Church.
However the opinion of the President of the Central Committee George Lebamoff is that the MPO was pro-Bulgarian, but now the independent Republic of Macedonia needs help and it is time to forget the past. According to him, only Macedonians who were educated under the old Yugoslav government are anti-Bulgarian oriented.[8] Unexpectedly later in an interview for the Macedonian magazine "Kapital" he sharply criticized the policy of Republic of Macedonia stating, by this way, hiding the truth about the Bulgarian roots and history of the Macedonian people, it has no future.[9]