and the Word was the Word or duMA , and the word was Mama

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  • Goce Homer MakeDonski
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 78

    and the Word was the Word or duMA , and the word was Mama

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2 He was in the beginning with God.
    3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…1
    Where are who ?

    If we talk God
    No one human eye seen him ever.Imagination only .How He could possibly look like ?
    Latest imagination :Concept is as Creator , as long white hair and beard male .
    Тhe former should be a Mother giving life Concept .
    Mother as love giver
    Father as awe-inspiring .

    I am having this entrance :
    I is about Pre Christianity Concept what had find its place at NT.
    It is about Pre Christian Holly Trinity Concept
    Г + Г + Г
    |` + |` + |`

    Ma + Ma + Ma
    It is about Enigma equality searching between its left and right side
    At the left side
    Ma + Ma
    At the right hand side
    And equality is appearing only when
    Ma = Ma
    MaMa = Ma
    Mama = duMa

    In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was the Word or duMA , and the word was Mama

    1- New Testament ,John 1:1
    Last edited by Goce Homer MakeDonski; 03-28-2016, 06:03 PM.
  • Goce Homer MakeDonski
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2016
    • 78

    and here it is

    "And the word was - the Word "
    What do we have at present days Macedonian is
    God - Bog and The Word - Slovo

    This concept does provide neologism Bog+ Slovo= Bogoslovija .Bogoslovija is parallel of English Theology. And so fare nothing more.
    But other than Slovo ,dialectical we do have in use some more different words with the same the word meaning.Those words are : Rec, laf, zbor, duma

    First requirement - The Word
    And the Word was - duma .

    I am having this entrance :
    Duma instead of Slovo .

    Why Duma ?

    Because this word describing that is about one universe UM or mind or brain, intelligence, intellect, intellectual capabilities, brains, brainpower, wits,

    or d UM a

    And that UM is with Her or it is Ma ones ...
    or du MA
    The Beginning
    1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    1.In the beginning was Duma , and Duma was with God, and du MA was God.

    And because this is Pre Christianity times concept, we will say that it used to be Goddess of Ma expressed as feminine ,what was replaced with a tittle of God expressed as masculine.
    And so analyse leading up to Ma + duMa Concept

    if we agree that the very first tittle of God used to be written as |` or Г
    than we will have another view .


    • Goce Homer MakeDonski
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2016
      • 78

      Observing this Concept trough tittle of Ma we will point for one more time that Letter m at itself brings the “Doctrine of the Holy Trinity code"
      presented as ||| joined with few ``` as as |` |` |`

      Letter m orthography
      |` |` |`

      ` ->a

      or presented as summation
      |` + |` + |`
      Ma + Ma + Ma


      • Goce Homer MakeDonski
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2016
        • 78

        Letter m
        For searching out of its origin and its possible meaning ,first of all we have to see its graphic construction where from we have three vertical lines ||| joined with few `` sighs ,back at the ancients times,from right to left written as |` |` |`
        Lets compare this symbols with the "Pictographic Vocabulary of the Words" used in the texts from the Thracian Tablets and some related Ideograms" from Dr. Stephen Guide's, “The Thracian Script Decoded -1"book ,where we could see some of similarity

        (R8)* God

        (A40; R8)* God

        The Three-One God (the Trinity, the gods) - (2)
        * All hieroglyphs have been presented here with their alphabetical & numerical indices according to the GARDINER classification.
        (2)- In Hebrew Bible the word meaning “God” is also in the plural form
        (“Elohim”= “Gods”), but is always by definition translated as “God”
        (“ The One God”). In Arabic Koran, God also speaks always in plural “We, your God”, but it is always meant “The one God” (as “Allah” is accurately translated from Arabic). In Christian Tradition, the above visible “contradiction” (pl.vs sg.) is explained by the “Doctrine of the Holy Trinity” (i.e. God is One, but is three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)….2

        So we are reading explanation of :
        |` = God
        Lets have a look

        What we do have are two sighs | and ` ,and Stephen Guide explanations of "meaning “God” and pronounced “Nooty”,in the Boharic (North Egyptian Coptic) Dialect 1",but we well ask ourselfs is it so?

        As far as we know for those ancient times two things must to be pointed :
        - matriarchy as kind of religious form and
        - cult of maternity
        According to those facts we must to have a bit of different description
        |` Goddess instead of |` God
        and Her very first recorded and shortest as well form of Ma
        So we may have
        | -consonant or "M"
        `-vowel or "a" joined together as the very first word
        |`= Ma

        If we would focused at the third pictures of "The Three-One God" or at the pictures above

        than we could see following situation
        |` |` |`

        ` ->a

        |` + |` + |` ->
        Ma + Ma + Ma

        what is about of the letter m pictograph's form at those days written from right to left
        |` + |` + |`


        2-Dr. Stephen Guide, “The Thracian Script Decoded -1”, Institute o Transcendent Science, Sofia, 2006. page.120
        Internet resource:
        Last edited by Goce Homer MakeDonski; 03-28-2016, 06:05 PM.


        • Goce Homer MakeDonski
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2016
          • 78

          Let's say we have "The Three-One God" formula.
          I prefer this formula as part of my theses
          where first two Ma+Ma are =Make or dualistic form of Mother + Mother and the third Ma "coming" ,duMa .
          DuMa with it's two meanings of -
          thinking and
          -the word

          This :
          |` + |` + |`
          Ma + Ma + Ma
          MaMa+ Ma

          could be a base for The Word concept at this way :
          Ma+Ma + du Ma

          All of that together as kind of *MaMaDuma concept provided in feminine gender,feather than Theology,its equal adopted as masculine form


          • Goce Homer MakeDonski
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2016
            • 78

            Second requirement
            multiplication for the word God .

            , and Duma was with God,

            Here we have got that either Duma is God , duMa need to be with God ...

            let`s put at on this way .
            This part of sentence request one more Word , one more Gods tittle what will be the same as tittle Ma is for her self .
            So, we add duMa to MaMa ,and we will write on the way should it be .

            MaMa + duMa

            and Duma was with God

            and duMa was with MaMa


            • Goce Homer MakeDonski
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2016
              • 78

              In Macedonian language
              Mama is as elsewhere singular expressed word .
              but from sing, we will match its dual form at this splitting way.
              Mama- sing.
              Ma+Ma = pl.
              1+1 = 2
              Dual as more then one and less than three at Macedonian language is always presented with letter E at the word ends.
              Examples for parallel today are the words
              раце -race - hands
              нозе -noze -legs
              Always letter e as words ending


              • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2016
                • 78

                From MaMa to MakE

                Indeed I am so fare missing a bridging in between these two words , but some how I am "breathing behind theirs neck"
                Skipping what I am missing ,I am moving forward.My country name is Makedonija or Macedonia .Splitting this name we have two words as ground for neologism .
                Make + Don or Mace Don

                Word Make
                It does means Mother , and because we have letter E ending we have enter that is about word Mama
                Ма+Ма = >МакЕ
                and it is about word mother Мајка Мајка meaning Goddesses , expressed as feminine
                Word standing for God in Macedonian is Bog or Бог and it is expressed as masculine .


                • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 78

                  From Make to Bog

                  examples of word changes in Macedonian languages are in the word standing for gibberish

                  For letter m->b shift

                  Mrmori mutters
                  Brbori blabbing

                  Bekenje as domestic onomatopoeia

                  Make means Mother


                  another m->b changes

                  SeMele / CyBelle

                  The Bacchæ's Chorus tells us that the timbrel, the flat drum, of Dionysos comes from the Mother --- that is, Kybele. Dionysos' connection with the Mother and with His Mother Semele and with females in general point to the OLD religion of Mother and Child.

                  Changes of M, esp. in dialects:

                  2. into B,
                  as Mεμβράς ,Bεμβράς; Bροτός, Aeol. Mορτός ( v.άμβροτος fin.) and άBροτάξομεν for (from άMαρτάνω) ; μολєίν aor. of. βλώσκω ; κυBєρνήτης , Aeol. κυMєρνήτης ...3
                  Next shift is with K -> G letters
                  Examples ar at the words standing for Istar ... Istar is Veligden , because is Great day Velik day
                  change of k-g

                  I. κ is near akin to γ,χ.,differing only in its harder pronunciation; hence, the older Att. changed χνόος γναπτω ρευχω,into κνοος κναπτω : so in Ion. χιτων became κιθων ,βεχομαι βεκομαι,βατραχος βατρακος,χυτρα κυθρη,etc.; soγονυ (cf. προχνυ) is akin to our knee; cf.Lob.P.HRYN.173, 307. ….4
                  From here we can see that at word γναπτω κναπτω there is ancient k-g change records ,as well noted at previouses pages at the same lexicon ,given under the letter Γ
                  as ….
                  IV.also with κ, γναπτω κναπτω ....5

                  K-G-changes into Macedonian
                  VeliK den
                  VeliGden -Istar



                  or from feminine tittle of Her up to masculine tittle of Him

                  Make - Mother
                  Bog - Father

                  English analogy could be seen at the words
                  Mother from Ma Terra up to
                  Father from Pa Terra


                  3-Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.953

                  4- George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.750
                  5- George Liddell and Robert Scott “Greek-English Lexicon” ,London,1896… page.306
                  Last edited by Goce Homer MakeDonski; 03-28-2016, 06:08 PM.


                  • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2016
                    • 78

                    2 He was in the beginning with God.

                    Second requirement
                    multiplication for the word God gave making equality explaining that duMa was in the beginning with Make

                    , and The Word was with God,
                    analyzing via previously changes will say that been done at this way

                    Duma was with MaMa
                    MaMa is with duMa
                    Make is with DuMa

                    at the same way as
                    Ma is with Terra - Mother
                    Pa is with Terra -Padre- Father

                    Difference is that Terra does not stand more than for Earth


                    • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2016
                      • 78

                      3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.…

                      And God said, and it happened .God all has done with his Word .
                      And Make pro -Duma and it happened . What is that all things ?

                      The answer is four elements

                      At English that could sound at this way
                      Using the word Terra
                      Terra - The Earth
                      Terra -Water
                      Terra - air
                      Terra - Fire


                      • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2016
                        • 78

                        Duma standing for four elements at Macedonian

                        Duma for the Earth


                        While reconstruction make from PIE via the word *dhghom where compared with :
                        Latin hum-us, old Macedonian zemlja
                        Litvanian žem-ė
                        Avestinian zam
                        Greek kham-aí leading to *ghom-/*ghem , expanding trough Greek khthōn, gen. khthonós
                        Sans kšam-
                        Hetitian tekan, gen. tagnas,compat..` tagan ‘

                        Trough all of it ,already reconstructed word should be *ghðom-, with *ghð initial what lead to Greek khth and Sans. kš.
                        Further assume that the sound reduction from *ghð to *gh does make very first sounding group for a lott of I.E. linguists
                        Theirs another group of IE linguists what *ghð will take out of *ghz as second sounding group.
                        And we will follow this second sounds *gh. -> *ghð ->*ghz, observing trough D-Dz sound

                        Adding this letter transformation
                        at the word Duma we could have :

                        Dz um æ
                        Dzem æ* ->Zem æ ->Zemia ->zemja the Earth

                        Could you see similarity with the Goddesses of Semele or Cybele ?
                        Thus because MakeDon under letter means Earth Mother

                        Over letter Dz ( Ѕ ) in Macedonian have to explain that prove we have is at the latest Macedonian reformer and his Grammar of Macedonian Language where he is paving over that instead of dialectical Dzemia ( Ѕемја) in use will be word Zemja (Земја ) as well as for the word edzero will be ezero, Lake , solza instead od soldzi tears ...and so on...6
                        6-Blaze Koneski," Macedonian literature language Grammar part I and II ", Skopje 1976 111
                        Last edited by Goce Homer MakeDonski; 03-28-2016, 06:08 PM.


                        • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2016
                          • 78

                          Duma standing for root of tittle for God world wide

                          Juma la -Finnish~*D+juma~*Djumala~*Duma
                          Dduw, nuw, Celi, Dofydd, celi, cheli, geli, ngheli-Welsh


                          • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2016
                            • 78

                            Duma for Don
                            m shift to n



                            Don standing for God

                            A Don ai-Hebrew
                            Deus, -Portugal


                            Dio, idolo-Italian
                            Diyos-(lat inf),

                            Theos or Θεόs-Greek


                            • Goce Homer MakeDonski
                              Junior Member
                              • Feb 2016
                              • 78

                              Don for rest of elements
                              Don - W+Don -Wodon -Voda -Water
                              Gon*-O+Gon-Ogon -Fire

