It is amazing.
I am amazed at just how strong Macedonian identity was - they all knew who they were.
There are also the famous uprising in Kicevo area in 1878, 1879, 1880 and 1881.
Over a period of about 50 years (from 1800 to 1900) the number of Macedonians who took up a gun and ran to the hills to fight for their homes numbered hundreds of thousands, and there was not a single village that wasn't involved.
What about the 11,000 Macedonians who went south in the war to create a New Greece? They joined the Albanians and Vlachs down there.
Kresna Uprising, San Stefano Treaty and Berlin Congress (1878)
Originally posted by Jankovska View PostThe book is by Vidoe Podgorec and I know it was quite difficult to find it, I've been searching for it for ages and I was lucky enough to get it from one of Vidoe's students. It's with malenka at the moment but when I get it I will try and see if I can scan few bits.
One thing they don't tell you about this is that it took the Turks 3 YEARS to bring the rebellion down.
So much we don't know about the Macedonians.
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The book is by Vidoe Podgorec and I know it was quite difficult to find it, I've been searching for it for ages and I was lucky enough to get it from one of Vidoe's students. It's with malenka at the moment but when I get it I will try and see if I can scan few bits.
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I wish I was there.
They had the "sila" to do it.
Dedo Ilija got called back by the Russian command and so the uprising lost half of its able and bodied men.
Shortly after that, the Bulgarians assasinated the popular and fearsome Pirin vojvoda, karastoilov.
It could easily have gone the Macedonians way.
One thing they don't tell you about this is that it took the Turks 3 YEARS to bring the rebellion down.
So much we don't know about the Macedonians.
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Ако го имаш ај скенираи некои од по важните делои и клаи ги тука, можи така?
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Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View PostHow can we get access to this book Jankovska, I have heard about it before. Can you tell us a little about it, who wrote it, the theme, etc?
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How can we get access to this book Jankovska, I have heard about it before. Can you tell us a little about it, who wrote it, the theme, etc?
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Jane Sandanski has always been my top hero in our history. He was just so pure and had the same dreams and visions that we have today. his father was the flag bearer for the Kresna Vostanie and I recommend 'Makedonska Golgota' to every Macedonians. The book is just amazing, it;s a dream that we all still dream, free and united Macedonia
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130 years from the Kresna Uprising
Democratic movement for human and minority rights in Bulgaria. Party for integration, development and economic advancement.
На 12 октомври 2008 г. в гр. Кресна се проведе тържествено събрание в чест и спомен на Македонското (кресненско) въстание, от което се навършват 130 години. Присъстваха представители на ОМО Илинден - ПИРИН и гражданството от всички краища на Пиринска Македония, от София и от Шумен. Събранието бе отворено от съпредседателя на ОМО Илинден - ПИРИН Стойко Стойков, който благодари на всички отзовали се на поканата. Доклад за въстанието изнесе професор Георги Радулов. Рецитал произнесе Димитър Иванов от Шумен, а свои стихотворения и представяне на книгата си за Кресненското въстание направи Борис Сандански (роднина на Иван Сандански, който е участвал като знаменосец във въстанието - баща на войводата Яне Сандански). Същият рецитира свои стихотворения посветени на кресненските въстаници. Бе поднесен венец пред паметника на Димитър Беровски в центъра на града. С минута мълчание присъстващите почетоха паметта на загиналите.
Събранието бе проведено в общинската зала в гр. Kресна, което се тълкува като още един знак, за омекване на държавната политика поне що се отнася до провеждане на мирни събрания. За това партията води дългогодишна борба в Страсбург, която от края на миналата година започна да дава плодове.
3 декември 2008 г.
The gathering was held in the city of Kresna.
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Originally posted by Svoliani View Post186. The Macedonian Rebel Committee will also inform the government of the Principality of Bulgaria that the Macedonians will have no dealings with the Principality other than those of fraternal aid from our Slav brothers.
The Bulgarians are only Slavic brothers, grouped together as the Serbs. I see no Bulgarians in the constitution
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Does your post have a point Russian linguist? Or are you spamming on decent thread here?
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186. The Macedonian Rebel Committee will also inform the government of the Principality of Bulgaria that the Macedonians will have no dealings with the Principality other than those of fraternal aid from our Slav brothers.
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